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Reaction Suppress Liquid

Daniel Mills edited this page Mar 31, 2016 · 1 revision

What does it do?

This action freezes liquid flow (not ice). This prevents the server from lagging due to too many block updates from liquids flowing a lot.

When is it used?

This is only called if the server is lagging BECAUSE of liquid flow. Sometimes liquid will update itself, so React may put up a fight with liquid flow.


Located at plugins/React/reactions/action-suppress-liquid.yml

  # You can disable this here. However, be aware that it won't be used.
  # React will still warn you, but will not fix the problem
  enable: true
  # Most reactions do not use an interval, but some do
  # You shouldn't usually need to change this.
  interval: 20
  # You can disable react from automatically freezing liquid on lag.
  freeze-all-liquid-on-lag: true