The reviews for WikiPotterPedia were amazing! The fanclub and all their users loved your work. Let's read some reviews:
"I liked it"
- kid
"I did too"
- other kid
"I'm hungry"
- another kid
Absolutely stunning reviews by all accounts. Word of your legendary coding skills has spread fast and now their sister fanclub wants to hire us as well. This is a pokemon fan club who needs WikiPokePediaMon made STAT. These nerds want more this time - for their app they want a database. That's cool though, I hear you are wicked good at databases. No time to waste, we gotta catch em all!!1!11!!!
Run psql -f db/seeds.sql
to set up your pokemon database.
A user should be able to go to the homepage route /
and see a html page that says: Catch 'Em All!
and links the user to /pokemon
A user should be able to go /pokemon
to see a list of all pokemon in the database with their names and images.
There should also be a link back to the homepage.
A user should be able to go /pokemon/:id
to an individual pokemon with their name, image, types, hitpoints, attack, defense, speed and if they are legendary!
There should also be links back to the homepage and the index page.
The index page should have a list of only the first 50 pokemon. Going to /pokemon/page/2
will have pokemon 51 - 100 and /pokemon/page/3
will have pokemon 101 - 150.
- Remember to build out your scaffolding!
- Look back at the cheese app we made today to see how to set up pg-promise and construct your model.
- Use res.locals to store all of your pokemon.
- Send your pokemon to a view for mustache to render.
Homework is due tonight at midnight!