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+# Low-Level C# SDK
-This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get your application up and running.
+Welcome to the Weart Low-Level C# SDK documentation.
-### What is this repository for? ###
+The SDK allows to connect to the Weart middleware and perform various actions with the TouchDIVER devices:
+* Start and Stop the middleware operations
+* Calibrate the device
+* Receive tracking data from the devices
+* Send haptic effects to the devices
-* Quick summary
-* Version
-* [Learn Markdown](https://bitbucket.org/tutorials/markdowndemo)
+# Architecture
-### How do I get set up? ###
+# Setup
+The minimum setup to use the weart SDK consists of:
+* A PC with the Middleware installed
+* A TouchDIVER device
+* A C# project using the Low-Level SDK
-* Summary of set up
-* Configuration
-* Dependencies
-* Database configuration
-* How to run tests
-* Deployment instructions
+The SDK can be downloaded as a zip file containing all the necessary files.
+To use it in your C# project, unzip it and move the files in a folder inside your project.
+Then, add the sdk files in your project.
+In Visual Studio, this can be done by including the sdk directory into the project (Right Click on Solution -> Add -> Existing Directory).
-### Contribution guidelines ###
+To start using the SDK in your project, start the Middleware application and connect a TouchDIVER device to it.
-* Writing tests
-* Code review
-* Other guidelines
+Import the main namespaces:
-### Who do I talk to? ###
+using WeArt.Core;
+using WeArt.Components;
-* Repo owner or admin
-* Other community or team contact
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+Create the WeArtClient and start the communication with the middleware:
+ // Create weart client
+ WeArtClient weArtClient = new WeArtClient { IpAddress = WeArtNetwork.LocalIPAddress, Port = 13031 };
+ // Start connection and send start message to middleware
+ weArtClient.Start();
+@note The call to WeArtClient.Start() will also start the middleware, so be sure to have connected the devices before
+# Features
+## Start/Stop Client
+As seen in the previous section, to start the middleware operations, call the Start() method.
+ weArtClient->Start();
+To stop the middleware, call the Stop() method.
+ weArtClient->Stop();
+## Devices calibration
+After starting the communication with the middleware, it's now possible to calibrate the TouchDIVER devices.
+The calibration allows to set the initial offsets of each thimble relative to the control unit position, in order to improve the finger tracking output.
+The SDK client allows to add callbacks to monitor the calibration procedure status and result.
+For example, to start the calibration and print "Success" or "Failed":
+ weArtClient.OnCalibrationResultSuccess += (HandSide hand) => Console.WriteLine("Success!");
+ weArtClient.OnCalibrationResultFail += (HandSide hand) => Console.WriteLine("Failed");
+ weArtClient.StartCalibration();
+## Haptic feedback
+The TouchDIVER allows to perform haptic feedback on the user's finger through its *thimbles*.
+Every thimble can apply a certain amount of pressure, temperature and vibration based on the processed object and texture.
+### Haptic Object
+A WeArtHapticObject is the basic object used to apply haptic feedback.
+To create one, use the following code:
+ // create haptic object to manage actuation on Right hand and Index Thimble
+ WeArtHapticObject hapticObject = new WeArtHapticObject(_weartClient);
+ hapticObject.HandSides = HandSideFlags.Right;
+ hapticObject.ActuationPoints = ActuationPointFlags.Index;
+The attirbutes handSideFlag and actuationPointFlag accept multiple values.
+The next example presents a single haptic object that, when applied a WeArtEffect, will affect both hands and all fingers.
+ hapticObject.HandSides = HandSideFlags.Right | HandSideFlags.Left;
+ hapticObject.ActuationPoints = ActuationPointFlags.Index | ActuationPointFlags.Middle | ActuationPointFlags.Thumb;
+### Create Effect
+In order to send haptic feedback to the device, an effect must be created by implementing the IWeArtEffect interface.
+The class shown here contains the effects without any processing, but it might be extended for other use cases
+(e.g. values not directly set, but computed from other parameters).
+public class TouchEffect : IWeArtEffect {
+ public event Action OnUpdate;
+ public Temperature Temperature { get; private set; } = Temperature.Default;
+ public Force Force { get; private set; } = Force.Default;
+ public Texture Texture { get; private set; } = Texture.Default;
+ public void Set(Temperature temperature, Force force, Texture texture)
+ {
+ force = (Force)force.Clone();
+ texture = (Texture)texture.Clone();
+ bool changed = !Temperature.Equals(temperature) || !Force.Equals(force) || !Texture.Equals(texture);
+ Temperature = temperature;
+ Force = force;
+ texture.VelocityZ = 0.5f;
+ Texture = texture;
+ if (changed)
+ OnUpdate?.Invoke();
+ }
+After defining the effect class, create the object on which the temperature, force and texture values will be applied:
+TouchEffect touchEffect = new TouchEffect();
+### Add or Update Effect
+It's possible to add a new effect to an haptic object, or to update an existing one.
+In the example below, the effect created in the previous section is updated with a new temperature, force and texture.
+It is then added to the haptic object if not already present (if the effect is already applied to the thimble, it will update it automatically through the OnUpdate event).
+ // create temperature component
+ Temperature temperature = Temperature.Default;
+ temperature.Active = true; // must be active to work
+ temperature.Value = 0.2f;
+ // create force component
+ Force force = Force.Default;
+ force.Active = true;
+ force.Value = 0.7f;
+ // create texture component
+ Texture texture = Texture.Default;
+ texture.Active = true;
+ texture.TextureType = TextureType.ProfiledAluminiumMeshFast;
+ // effect set proporties
+ touchEffect.Set(temperature, force, texture);
+ // add effect if needed, to thimble
+ if (hapticObject.ActiveEffect == null)
+ hapticObject.AddEffect(touchEffect);
+### Remove Effect
+If an effect is not needed anymore, it can be removed from the haptic object with the RemoveEffect method.
+ hapticObject.RemoveEffect(touchEffect);
+## Tracking
+After starting the middleware and performing the device calibration, it's possible to receive tracking data
+related to the TouchDIVER thimbles.
+To read these values, create and set a thimble tracker object for monitoring the closure/abduction value of a given finger:
+ WeArtThimbleTrackingObject indexThimbleTracking = new WeArtThimbleTrackingObject(weArtClient, HandSide.Right, ActuationPoint.Index);
+Once this object is created, it will start receiving the tracking values.
+To access the closure and abduction values, simply use the getters provided by the thimble tracking object.
+The closure value ranges from 0 (opened) to 1 (closed).
+The abduction value ranges from 0 (finger near the hand's central axis) to 1 (finger far from the hand central axis).
+ float closure = indexThimbleTracking.Closure.Value;
+ float abduction = indexThimbleTracking.Abduction.Value;
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+# Example Project
+An example application is available for download together with the C# and C++ SDK [here](https://weart.it/repository/downloads/sdk-low-level/WEART_Low_Level_API_v1.0.zip).
+The application is implemented as a Universal Windows app in C#. The Visual Studio Solution is present inside an archive, at ```C#/WEART_API_Integration_v1.1.zip```.
+To execute the application, just open the solution with Visual Studio and Run it (by clicking the play button or pressing F5).
+![Example application](./example_app/ExampleApp_Screen.png)
+## SDK Integration
+The SDK is integrated in the example application by copying the sdk source and header files into the ```WEART_API_Integration/WEART_SDK``` directory, and adding them to the visual studio project.
+Most of the application code can be found in the ```WEART_API_Integration/MainPage.xaml.cs``` file.
+### Connection to Middleware
+The connection is managed using the WeArtClient class together with events to monitor the connection status. To manage the client class, the application uses a WeArtController.
+In particular, upon loading the main window, the application initialises the sdk client and adds a delegate for when the connection
+status changes (connected or disconnected).
+using WeArt.Core;
+using WeArt.Components;
+private async void PageLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
+ WeArtController weArtController = new WeArtController();
+ _weartClient = weArtController.Client;
+ _weartClient.OnConnectionStatusChanged += OnConnectionChanged;
+ ...
+private void OnConnectionChanged(bool connected)
+ if (connected) {
+ // Initialise empty effect
+ CreateEffect();
+ }
+### Start/Stop middleware
+By clicking on the "Start" and "Stop" buttons, it's possible to start and stop the middleware operations.
+When clicking on the buttons, the application simply calls the corresponding SDK methods.
+private void StartClient_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
+ _weartClient.Start();
+private void StopClient_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
+ _weartClient.Stop();
+### Calibration
+When the "Calibrate" button is clicked, if the middleware is started, the application will start the calibration procedure.
+In addition, the application register to the calibration status and result events, to inform the user about the calibration progress.
+private async void PageLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
+ ...
+ // handle calibration
+ _weartClient.OnCalibrationStart += OnCalibrationStart;
+ _weartClient.OnCalibrationFinish += OnCalibrationFinish;
+ _weartClient.OnCalibrationResultSuccess += (HandSide hand) => OnCalibrationResult(hand, true);
+ _weartClient.OnCalibrationResultFail += (HandSide hand) => OnCalibrationResult(hand, false);
+ ...
+// Start calibration
+private void StartCalibration_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
+ _weartClient.StartCalibration();
+private void OnCalibrationStart(HandSide handSide)
+ Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
+ {
+ CalibrationStatusText.Text = $"Calibrating {handSide.ToString().ToLower()} hand...";
+ StartCalibration.IsEnabled = false;
+ });
+private void OnCalibrationFinish(HandSide handSide)
+ Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
+ {
+ StartCalibration.IsEnabled = true;
+ });
+private void OnCalibrationResult(HandSide handSide, bool success)
+ Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
+ {
+ CalibrationStatusText.Text = $"Calibration for {handSide.ToString().ToLower()} hand {(success ? "completed" : "failed")}";
+ });
+### Tracking data
+The tracking data is read periodically from multiple WeArtThimbleTrackingObject objects,
+declared when the application is opened.
+private async void PageLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
+ ...
+ // Instantiate thimbles for tracking
+ _leftIndexThimble = new WeArtThimbleTrackingObject(_weartClient, HandSide.Left, ActuationPoint.Index);
+ _leftThumbThimble = new WeArtThimbleTrackingObject(_weartClient, HandSide.Left, ActuationPoint.Thumb);
+ ...
+ // schedule timer to check tracking closure value
+ Timer timer = new Timer();
+ timer.Interval = 200; //Milliseconds
+ timer.AutoReset = true;
+ timer.Elapsed += OnTimerElapsed;
+ timer.Start();
+ ...
+private void OnTimerElapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
+ Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
+ {
+ ValueIndexRightClosure.Text = _rightIndexThimble.Closure.Value.ToString();
+ ValueThumbRightClosure.Text = _rightThumbThimble.Closure.Value.ToString();
+ ValueThumbRightAbduction.Text = _rightThumbThimble.Abduction.Value.ToString();
+ ValueMiddleRightClosure.Text = _rightMiddleThimble.Closure.Value.ToString();
+ ValueIndexLeftClosure.Text = _leftIndexThimble.Closure.Value.ToString();
+ ValueThumbLeftClosure.Text = _leftThumbThimble.Closure.Value.ToString();
+ ValueThumbLeftAbduction.Text = _leftThumbThimble.Abduction.Value.ToString();
+ ValueMiddleLeftClosure.Text = _leftMiddleThimble.Closure.Value.ToString();
+ });
+### Applying effects
+To apply effects to the user hands, the application contains an internal ```TouchEffect``` class, which implements IWeArtEffect.
+The application apply a different effect to the index finger when one of the "Add effect sample" buttons is clicked.
+For example, when clicking the "Add effect sample 1" button, a slight pressure and cold temperature (without texture vibration)
+are applied to the right index finger, as shown below:
+private async void PageLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
+ ...
+ // instantiate Haptic Object Right hand for Index Thimble
+ _hapticObject = new WeArtHapticObject(_weartClient);
+ _hapticObject.HandSides = HandSideFlags.Right;
+ _hapticObject.ActuationPoints = ActuationPointFlags.Index;
+ ...
+private void AddEffectSample1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
+ // create temperature component
+ Temperature temperature = Temperature.Default;
+ temperature.Active = true; // must be active to work
+ temperature.Value = 0.2f;
+ // create force component
+ Force force = Force.Default;
+ force.Active = true;
+ force.Value = 0.7f;
+ // create texture component
+ Texture texture = Texture.Default;
+ texture.Active = true;
+ texture.TextureType = TextureType.ProfiledAluminiumMeshFast;
+ // effect set proporties
+ _effect.Set(temperature, force, texture);
+ // add effect if needed, to thimble
+ if (_hapticObject.ActiveEffect == null)
+ _hapticObject.AddEffect(_effect);
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+# Update from older SDK versions
+To update your application to the latest SDK, download and extract the C# sdk archive, then copy the source/header files in the same place as the older SDK version.
+The new version includes additional files, so it's necessary to add them to the project in order to avoid linking errors.
+This can be done on Visual Studio by right-clicking on the solution, then clicking on Add -> Existing Item and selecting all the SDK files.
+On other systems (e.g. cmake) the procedure might be different.
+The SDK is retro-compatible with older versions, so there's no need to update the application code. To see the new feature and fixes added to each version, refer to the Changelog section.
+## Changelog
+### Version 1.1 (latest)
+* Add calibration procedure start/stop and listener
+* Add new default tracking message and values for closure
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