- rCSI
- Demographics
- Food Expenditures
- Non-food Expenditures
- Average daily completion by enumerator
- Flag invalid survey with interview less than 5 minutes
- Flag short survey (<45 minutes)
- Flag long survey (>150 minutes)
- Total survey completed
- Total survey completed by admin region (see sample size)
- Enumerator completion (overall number by day and scatter hours of the day if real-time submission is possible)
- Create issue log with format
uuid | issue | action | old.value | new.value
- Get data from DataBridges
- Run code on a schedule from HPC
- Output report in Tableau
- Configuration in settings
- Revamp output report in Tableau
- [ ]
- Make config.py something usable with no knowledge of Python (CSV input)
- Make the output less ugly
- Optimize code (e.g. not running everything on all the dataset, but just on the data that have been collected the day before)