diff --git a/index.bs b/index.bs index 4e2bf33..b4f6fff 100644 --- a/index.bs +++ b/index.bs @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ To open a bucket for a |shelf| given a bucket |name| and optional |op 1. If |options|["{{StorageBucketOptions/expires}}"] exists, then: - 1. Let |expires| be |options|["{{StorageBucketOptions/expires}}"]. + 1. Set |expires| to |options|["{{StorageBucketOptions/expires}}"]. 1. If |expires| milliseconds after the [=Unix epoch=] is before the [=relevant settings object=]'s [=environment settings object/current wall time=], then return failure. @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ To open a bucket for a |shelf| given a bucket |name| and optional |op 1. If |options|["{{StorageBucketOptions/quota}}"] exists, then: - 1. Let |quota| be |options|["{{StorageBucketOptions/quota}}"]. + 1. Set |quota| to |options|["{{StorageBucketOptions/quota}}"]. 1. If |quota| is less than or equal to zero, then return failure. @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ To open a bucket for a |shelf| given a bucket |name| and optional |op 1. If |bucket| is null, then: - 1. Let |bucket| be a new [=/storage bucket=] with name |name|. + 1. Set |bucket| to a new [=/storage bucket=] with name |name|. 1. Set |bucket|'s [=StorageBucket/durability value=] to |options|["{{StorageBucketOptions/durability}}"] if it exists.