diff --git a/packages/atlas/src/components/_crt/RevenueShareParticipationWidget.tsx b/packages/atlas/src/components/_crt/RevenueShareParticipationWidget.tsx
index f3af6e7c0e..dddcce6d45 100644
--- a/packages/atlas/src/components/_crt/RevenueShareParticipationWidget.tsx
+++ b/packages/atlas/src/components/_crt/RevenueShareParticipationWidget.tsx
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import { useSnackbar } from '@/providers/snackbars'
 import { useTransaction } from '@/providers/transactions/transactions.hooks'
 import { useUser } from '@/providers/user/user.hooks'
 import { cVar } from '@/styles'
+import { getRevenueShareStatusForMember } from '@/utils/crts'
 import { SentryLogger } from '@/utils/logs'
 import { formatNumber } from '@/utils/number'
@@ -38,6 +39,15 @@ export const RevenueShareParticipationWidget = ({
   const { displaySnackbar } = useSnackbar()
   const handleTransaction = useTransaction()
   const navigate = useNavigate()
+  const status = revenueShare
+    ? getRevenueShareStatusForMember({
+        currentBlock,
+        isFinalized: revenueShare.finalized,
+        hasMemberStaked: revenueShare.stakers.some((staker) => staker.account.member.id === memberId),
+        endingAt: revenueShare.endsAt,
+        startingAt: revenueShare.startingAt,
+      })
+    : 'inactive'
   const handleExitRevenueShare = async () => {
     if (!joystream || !token || !memberId) {
@@ -74,30 +84,27 @@ export const RevenueShareParticipationWidget = ({
   const actionNode = () => {
-    const hasStaked = revenueShare.stakers.some((staker) => staker.account.member.id === memberId)
-    if (!hasEnded) {
-      if (hasStaked) {
-        return <StyledPill icon={<SvgActionCheck />} size="large" label="Staked your tokens" />
-      } else {
+    switch (status) {
+      case 'active':
         return (
           <Button size="small" variant="secondary" onClick={onClaimShare}>
             Stake your tokens
-      }
-    }
-    if (!hasStaked) return null
-    const hasClaimed = false
-    if (hasClaimed) {
-      return <StyledPill icon={<SvgActionCheck />} size="large" label="Tokens claimed" />
+      case 'unlock':
+        return (
+          <Button size="small" onClick={handleExitRevenueShare}>
+            Claim tokens
+          </Button>
+        )
+      case 'locked':
+        return <StyledPill icon={<SvgActionCheck />} size="large" label="Staked your tokens" />
+      case 'past':
+        return <StyledPill icon={<SvgActionCheck />} size="large" label="Tokens claimed" />
+      case 'inactive':
+      case 'finalized':
+        return null
-    return (
-      <Button size="small" onClick={handleExitRevenueShare}>
-        Claim tokens
-      </Button>
-    )
   return (
diff --git a/packages/atlas/src/components/_crt/RevenueShareStateWidget/RevenueShareStateWidget.tsx b/packages/atlas/src/components/_crt/RevenueShareStateWidget/RevenueShareStateWidget.tsx
index abb2c86a37..cd08a00ccb 100644
--- a/packages/atlas/src/components/_crt/RevenueShareStateWidget/RevenueShareStateWidget.tsx
+++ b/packages/atlas/src/components/_crt/RevenueShareStateWidget/RevenueShareStateWidget.tsx
@@ -33,18 +33,23 @@ export const RevenueShareStateWidget = ({
 }: RevenueShareStateWidgetProps) => {
   const { startingAt, endsAt, stakers } = revenueShare ?? { startingAt: 0, endsAt: 0 }
   const [openClaimShareModal, setOpenClaimShareModal] = useState(false)
-  const { convertBlockToMsTimestamp } = useBlockTimeEstimation()
+  const { convertBlockToMsTimestamp, currentBlock } = useBlockTimeEstimation()
   const endingBlockTimestamp = convertBlockToMsTimestamp(endsAt ?? 0)
+  const startingBlockTimestamp = convertBlockToMsTimestamp(startingAt ?? 0)
   const endingDate = endingBlockTimestamp ? new Date(endingBlockTimestamp) : null
-  const { currentBlock } = useBlockTimeEstimation()
+  const startingDate = startingBlockTimestamp ? new Date(startingBlockTimestamp) : null
   const unlockStakeTx = useUnlockTokenStake()
   const memberStake = stakers?.find((stakers) => stakers.account.member.id === memberId)
-  const status: 'active' | 'past' | 'inactive' = !endingBlockTimestamp
-    ? 'inactive'
-    : endingBlockTimestamp < Date.now()
-    ? 'past'
-    : 'active'
+  const status = revenueShare
+    ? getRevenueShareStatusForMember({
+        currentBlock,
+        isFinalized: revenueShare.finalized,
+        hasMemberStaked: false,
+        endingAt: endsAt,
+        startingAt: startingAt,
+      })
+    : 'inactive'
   const memberStatus = getRevenueShareStatusForMember({
@@ -111,32 +116,42 @@ export const RevenueShareStateWidget = ({
             ? 'REVENUE SHARE STATE'
             : status === 'past'
             ? 'REVENUE SHARE ENDED ON'
+            : status === 'upcoming'
+            ? 'REVENUE SHARE STARTS IN'
             : 'REVENUE SHARE ENDS IN'
-          status !== 'inactive' && endsAt ? (
-            <FlexBox justifyContent="space-between" alignItems="center" width="100%">
-              {status === 'past' ? (
-                <Text variant="h500" as="h5" margin={{ bottom: 4 }}>
+          <FlexBox justifyContent="space-between" alignItems="center" width="100%">
+            {status === 'inactive' ? (
+              <Text variant="h500" as="h5" margin={{ bottom: 4 }}>
+                No active share
+              </Text>
+            ) : status === 'past' ? (
+              <Text variant="h500" as="h5" margin={{ bottom: 4 }}>
+                {endingDate ? formatDateTime(endingDate).replace(',', ' at') : 'N/A'}
+              </Text>
+            ) : status === 'upcoming' ? (
+              <FlexBox flow="column">
+                <Text variant="h500" as="h5">
+                  {startingDate ? formatDurationShort(Math.round((startingDate.getTime() - Date.now()) / 1000)) : 'N/A'}
+                </Text>
+                <Text variant="t100" as="p" color="colorText">
+                  {startingDate ? formatDateTime(startingDate).replace(',', ' at') : 'N/A'}
+                </Text>
+              </FlexBox>
+            ) : (
+              <FlexBox flow="column">
+                <Text variant="h500" as="h5">
+                  {endingDate ? formatDurationShort(Math.round((endingDate.getTime() - Date.now()) / 1000)) : 'N/A'}
+                </Text>
+                <Text variant="t100" as="p" color="colorText">
                   {endingDate ? formatDateTime(endingDate).replace(',', ' at') : 'N/A'}
-              ) : (
-                <FlexBox flow="column">
-                  <Text variant="h500" as="h5">
-                    {endingDate ? formatDurationShort(Math.round((endingDate.getTime() - Date.now()) / 1000)) : 'N/A'}
-                  </Text>
-                  <Text variant="t100" as="p" color="colorText">
-                    {endingDate ? formatDateTime(endingDate).replace(',', ' at') : 'N/A'}
-                  </Text>
-                </FlexBox>
-              )}
-              <div style={{ marginLeft: 'auto' }}>{memberActionNode}</div>
-            </FlexBox>
-          ) : (
-            <Text variant="h500" as="h5" margin={{ bottom: 4 }}>
-              No active share
-            </Text>
-          )
+              </FlexBox>
+            )}
+            <div style={{ marginLeft: 'auto' }}>{memberActionNode}</div>
+          </FlexBox>
         customTopRightNode={withLink ? <TextButton to={absoluteRoutes.viewer.portfolio()} /> : undefined}
diff --git a/packages/atlas/src/components/_crt/StartRevenueShareModal/StartRevenueShareModal.tsx b/packages/atlas/src/components/_crt/StartRevenueShareModal/StartRevenueShareModal.tsx
index 98b30f3420..9522d69fce 100644
--- a/packages/atlas/src/components/_crt/StartRevenueShareModal/StartRevenueShareModal.tsx
+++ b/packages/atlas/src/components/_crt/StartRevenueShareModal/StartRevenueShareModal.tsx
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ export const StartRevenueShare = ({ token, onClose, show }: StartRevenueSharePro
   const [startDate, endDate] = watch(['startDate', 'endDate'])
   const endDateTimestamp = useMemo(() => {
-    const rawStartDate = startDate?.type === 'date' ? startDate.date : new Date()
+    // we need to create new date object to aviod modifying it in addDaystoDate
+    const rawStartDate = startDate?.type === 'date' ? new Date(startDate.date.getTime()) : new Date()
     return endDate?.type === 'date'
       ? endDate.date
       : endDate?.durationDays
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ export const StartRevenueShare = ({ token, onClose, show }: StartRevenueSharePro
   const onSubmit = () =>
     handleSubmit((data) => {
-      const rawStartDate = data.startDate?.type === 'date' ? data.startDate.date : new Date()
+      const rawStartDate = startDate?.type === 'date' ? new Date(startDate.date.getTime()) : new Date()
       const startBlock = convertMsTimestampToBlock(rawStartDate.getTime())
       if (channelBalance?.lten(0)) {
@@ -332,7 +332,11 @@ export const StartRevenueShare = ({ token, onClose, show }: StartRevenueSharePro
                         onChange={(value) => {
-                          if (endDate?.type === 'date') {
+                          if (
+                            endDate?.type === 'date' &&
+                            value?.type === 'date' &&
+                            value.date.getTime() > endDate.date.getTime()
+                          ) {
                             resetField('endDate', { defaultValue: { type: 'duration', durationDays: 7 } })
diff --git a/packages/atlas/src/utils/time.ts b/packages/atlas/src/utils/time.ts
index 62dfba015b..c3ffc1459c 100644
--- a/packages/atlas/src/utils/time.ts
+++ b/packages/atlas/src/utils/time.ts
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ export const daysToMilliseconds = (days: number) => {
   return days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
+// Warning: this function will modify received date as a ref
 export const addDaysToDate = (daysToAdd: number, date = new Date()) => {
   date.setDate(date.getDate() + daysToAdd)
   return date