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Reset a Password

Daniel Neto edited this page Sep 5, 2023 · 5 revisions

Password Recovery Process

Should you need to reset your password, AVideo can assist by sending you a dedicated reset link.

Email Reset

To utilize the email reset option, ensure that you've configured an email server. Instructions for setting up an email server can be found here: Setting up AVideo to send emails.

If you encounter issues receiving the reset link via email, there's an alternative method available, provided you have SSH access.

SSH Password Reset

Follow the steps below to reset your password using SSH:

  1. Navigate to the installation directory:

    cd /var/www/html/AVideo/install
  2. Execute the recovery script:

    php recoverPassword.php
  3. Input the username for which you want to reset the password, and you'll be prompted to enter the new password.

root@xyz:/var/www/html/AVideo/install# php recoverPassword.php 
Enter the username or press enter to skip:
Enter a new password for the user admin or press enter to skip:
Confirm the new password for the user admin:
Also verify email for user admin (yes/no):
Your new password was saved
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