This repo is not included in the Hacktoberfest event, as it is for practice only
We have other repositories in the organisation you can contribute to. If you would like to join our GitHub organisation, raise an issue on this repo CodeVisors-Support
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Repo for you to raise a Pull Request for practice.
Just add your name to the alphabetical list and optionally, a link to your GitHub account
- Fork the project
- Make any changes in your forked repo
- On this repo, click
Pull Requests
and raise aPull Request
selecting your fork on the right drop down
Questions can be asked by raising an Issue
click on the clone button (green in colour). This gives you a copy of the project. Its now yours to play around with
- Using git on your local machine. Do this to download the forked copy of this repo to your computer
git clone
- switch to the cloned folder. This can be done with Gitbash or the integrated terminal in the VSCode editor
cd hacktoberfest-practice
- Make a new branch. Your name would make a good branch because it's unique
git checkout -b <name of new branch>
Open the file
For example ,
- [Full Name](
Stage your changes
git add
- Commit the changes
git commit -m "Add <your-github-username>"
- Check the status of your repository
git status
- Pushing your repository to github
git push origin <name of your branch>
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main
Navigate to your fork, on the top of the files section you'll notice a new section containing, a contribute button!
Click on the contribute button, it will open a drop down, click the pull request button on the drop down Note: A pull request allows your changes to be merged with the original project.
Wait for your changes to be merged
Hurray! You successfully made a contribution!
A GitHub conflict is when people make changes to the same area or line in a file. This must be fixed before it is merged in order to prevent collision in the main branch.
To read more about this, go to Github Docs - About Merge Conflicts
To find out about how to fix a Git Conflict, go to Github Docs - Resolve Merge Conflict