Exchangis installation is mainly divided into the following four steps :
- Exchangis dependent on environmental preparation
- Exchangis installation and deployment
- DSS ExchangisAppConn installation and deployment
- Linkis Sqoop engine installation and deployment
Dependent components | Must be installed | Install through train |
JDK (1.8.0_141) | yes | How to install JDK |
MySQL (5.5+) | yes | How to install mysql |
Hadoop(3.3.4,Other versions of Hadoop need to compile Linkis by themselves.) | yes | Hadoop deployment |
Hive(2.3.3,Other versions of Hive need to compile Linkis by themselves.) | yes | Hive quick installation |
SQOOP (1.4.6) | yes | How to install Sqoop |
DSS1.1.2 | yes | How to install DSS |
Linkis1.4.0 | yes | How to install Linkis |
Nginx | yes | How to install Nginx |
Underlying component checking
datasource enabled
By default, two services related to datasources (ps-data-source-manager, ps-metadatamanager) will not be started in the startup script of linkis. If you want to use datasource services, you can start them by modifying the export enable _ metadata _ manager = true value in $ linkis_conf_dir/linkis-env.sh. When the service is started and stopped through linkis-start-all.sh/linkis-stop-all.sh, the datasource service will be started and stopped. For more details about data sources, please refer to Data Source Function Usage
Please keep the deployment user of Exchangis consistent with that of Linkis, for example, the deployment user is hadoop account.
INSERT INTO `linkis_mg_gateway_auth_token`(`token_name`,`legal_users`,`legal_hosts`,`business_owner`,`create_time`,`update_time`,`elapse_day`,`update_by`) VALUES ('EXCHANGIS-AUTH','*','*','BDP',curdate(),curdate(),-1,'LINKIS');
Insert hive data source environment configuration by executing the following sql statement in linkis database. Note that ${HIVE_METADATA_IP} and ${HIVE_METADATA_PORT} in the statement need to be modified before execution, for example:${HIVE_METADATA_IP}=,${HIVE_METADATA_PORT}=3306:
INSERT INTO `linkis_ps_dm_datasource_env` (`env_name`, `env_desc`, `datasource_type_id`, `parameter`, `create_time`, `create_user`, `modify_time`, `modify_user`) VALUES ('开发环境SIT', '开发环境SIT', 4, '{"uris":"thrift://${HIVE_METADATA_IP}:${HIVE_METADATA_PORT}", "hadoopConf":{"hive.metastore.execute.setugi":"true"}}', now(), NULL, now(), NULL);
INSERT INTO `linkis_ps_dm_datasource_env` (`env_name`, `env_desc`, `datasource_type_id`, `parameter`, `create_time`, `create_user`, `modify_time`, `modify_user`) VALUES ('开发环境UAT', '开发环境UAT', 4, '{"uris":"thrift://${HIVE_METADATA_IP}:${HIVE_METADATA_PORT}", "hadoopConf":{"hive.metastore.execute.setugi":"true"}}', now(), NULL, now(), NULL);
If the hive data source needs kerberos authentication when deployed, you need to specify a parameter keyTab in the parameter field of the Linkis_ps_dm_datasource_env table, and the way to obtain its value can be seen: Setting and authenticating hive data source in linkis.
Please ensure that DSS1.1.2 and Linkis1.4.0 are basically available. HiveQL scripts can be executed in the front-end interface of DSS, and DSS workflows can be created and executed normally.
Download the latest installation package from the Released release of Exchangis click to jump to the release interface.
Execute the following command in the root directory of the project:
mvn clean install
After successful compilation, the installation package will be generated in the assembly-package/target
directory of the project.
Execute the following command to decompress:
tar -zxvf wedatasphere-exchangis-{VERSION}.tar.gz
The directory structure after decompression is as follows:
|-- config:One-click installation deployment parameter configuration directory
|-- db:Database initialization SQL directory
|-- exchangis-extds
|-- packages:Exchangis installation package directory
|-- exchangis-extds:exchangis datasource library
|-- lib:library
|-- sbin:Script storage directory
vim config/config.sh
#IP of LINKIS_GATEWAY service address, which is used to find linkis-mg-gateway service.
#The LINKIS_GATEWAY service address port is used to find linkis-mg-gateway service.
#The URL of LINKIS_GATEWAY service address is composed of the above two parts.
#Token used to request verification of linkis service, which can be obtained in ${LINKIST_INSTALLED_HOME}/conf/token.propertis of linkis installation directory.
#Eureka service port
#Eureka service URL
vim config/db.sh
# Set the connection information of the database.
# Include IP address, port, user name, password and database name.
Execute the install.sh script to complete the one-click installation and deployment:
sh sbin/install.sh
This script is an interactive installation. After executing the install.sh script, the installation steps are divided into the following steps:
- Initialize database tables.
When the reminder appears: Do you want to confiugre and install project?
Enter y
to start installing Exchange IS service, or n
to not install it.
In the 'env.properties' file in the sbin directory, set the configuration file path and log file path
EXCHANGIS_CONF_PATH indicates the configuration file path, and EXCHANGIS_LOG_PATH indicates the log file path. If the preceding configurations are used, perform the following operations:
cp -r config /appcom/config/exchangis-config/background
mkdir -p /appcom/logs/exchangis/background
When the service is started, the configuration file in the corresponding path is used and logs are written to the corresponding path
Execute the following command to start Exchangis Server:
sh sbin/daemon.sh start server
You can also use the following command to restart Exchangis Server:
./sbin/daemon.sh restart server
After executing the startup script, the following prompt will appear, eureka address will also be typed in the console when starting the service:
You can check the success of service startup in Eureka interface. Check the method:
Use http://${EUREKA_INSTALL_IP}:${EUREKA_PORT}. It is recommended to open it in Chrome browser to see if the service is registered successfully.
As shown in the figure below:
Exchangis has provided compiled front-end installation package by default, which can be downloaded and used directly :Click to jump to the Release interface
You can also compile the exchange front-end by yourself and execute the following command in the exchanise root directory:
cd web
npm i
npm run build
Get the compiled dist.zip front-end package from the web/
The acquired front-end package can be placed anywhere on the server. Here, it is recommended that you keep the same directory as the back-end installation address, place it in the same directory and unzip it.
- Decompress front-end installation package
If you plan to deploy Exchange is front-end package to the directory /appcom/install/Exchange is/web
, please copy ` dist.zip to the directory and extract it:
# Please copy the exchange front-end package to `/appcom/install/exchange/web` directory first.
cd /appcom/Install/exchangis/web
unzip dist.zip
Execute the following command:
vim /etc/nginx/conf.d/exchangis.conf
server {
listen 8098; # Access port If this port is occupied, it needs to be modified.
server_name localhost;
#charset koi8-r;
#access_log /var/log/nginx/host.access.log main;
location /dist {
root /appcom/Install/exchangis/web; # Exchangisfront-end deployment directory
autoindex on;
location /api {
proxy_pass; # The address of the back-end Linkis needs to be modified.
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header x_real_ipP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header remote_addr $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_connect_timeout 4s;
proxy_read_timeout 600s;
proxy_send_timeout 12s;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection upgrade;
#error_page 404 /404.html;
# redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html
error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
location = /50x.html {
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
After the configuration is complete, use the following command to refresh the nginx configuration again:
nginx -s reload
Please visit the Exchange front-end page at http://${EXCHANGIS_INSTALL_IP}:8098/#/projectManage. The following interface appears, indicating that Exchangis successfully installed on the front end. If you really want to try Exchangis, you need to install dss and linkis, and log in secret-free through dss. As shown in the following figure :
If you want to use Exchangis front-end, you also need to install the DSS ExchangisAppConn plugin. Please refer to: ExchangisAppConn installation documentation for plugins
If you want to execute the Sqoop operation of Exchangis normally, you also need to install the Linkis Sqoop engine. Please refer to: : Linkis Sqoop engine installation documentation
Exchangis for more instructions, please refer to the user manual.Exchangis user manual