The HTML demo page is a large collection of HTML elements that you will come across during development. The full list of elements can be found on MDN.
To learn more about each element, click on the elements below.
- html - Root level element
- head - Provides general information (meta-data) about the page
- title - Defines document title shown via browser tab
- link - Links to external resource (usually stylesheets)
- style - Inline style tag
- section - Generic section of content
- header - Introductory content or navigational aid
- footer - Footer for nearest sectioning element
- main - Dominent content
- nav - Navigational aid
- article - Syndicated content
- aside - Related information
- h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 - Section headings
- div - A generic block level container
- p - A paragraph
- ol - Ordered list (1,2,3)
- ul - Unordered list
- li - List item
- pre - Preformatted text
- a - Anchor element for creating links to other pages, files, email
- span - Generic inline container
- b - Bring attention to content
- em - Stress emphasis
- i - Range of text set off from normal text
- sub - Subscript text
- sup - Superscript text
- code - Fragment of computer code (monospace)
- img - Embeds image into document
- table - Root table container
- thead - Table head container
- tr - Table row
- th - Table head cell
- tbody - Table body container
- td - Normal table cell