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Releases: WebFiori/framework

Version 2.2.0 Bata 1

05 May 21:46
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Version 2.2.0 Bata 1 Pre-release


This release separates the application layer from the core of the framework.

WebFiori Framework v2.1.0 Stable

30 Apr 23:34
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Change Log

  • Refactoring

    • Renamed class WebFiori to WebFioriApp.
  • New Features

    • Allow the developer to set custom sessions storage engine using the constant WF_SESSION_STORAGE.
    • Added new class: WebPage. This class is used to build web pages instead of using the class Page.
    • Added the class AppConfig which holds all different global configurations.
    • Now the framework will render web pages which uses the class WebPage automatically.
    • Added support for new language class creation when a new display language is added.
    • Added a way to allow the developer to register database table classes using the method DB::register()
  • Added database session storage implementation.

  • Deprecations and Removals:

    • Removed the class Config, MailConfig and SiteConfig.
    • Deprecated the class Page. Will be removed next release.
  • Other Changes:

    • Added new method to the class File which can be used to append data (File::append()).
    • Updated all themes to depend on the class WebPage instead of using the class Page.


Using Composer

To install the latest release using composer, use the following command:
php composer.phar create-project --prefer-dist "webfiori/framework" <project-folder>

Replace <project-folder> with the name of the folder that will hold your project.

Using Attached File

Optionally, you can download the file which is part of this release if you don't want to use composer in installation. Once downloaded, extract the content of the file in your project folder.

Running Using PHP's Built-in Server

To run the project, open command line interface and navigate to <project-folder>/src. While inside the folder, run the following command:
path/to/php.exe -S localhost:8080 -t public
In your web browser, open http://localhost:8080 . Note that if the framework is installed using attached release, no need to add the src folder. Just navigate to <project-folder>

Wondering what is WebFiori Framework? Check following link for more information:

Learning Resources

If you are new to the framework and would like to learn how to use it, you can check at .

WebFiori Framework v2.0.0 Stable

14 Jan 18:12
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  • New Features:

    • Introduced the folder app. It can hold all source code which is related to the web application.
    • Added new public folder which should be set as server root in deployment. This folder can hold system resources such as images, css and js files.
    • New command line interface engine (more info at
    • Added support for middleware (more info at .
    • Added new database abstraction layer (currently only support MySQL).
    • Moved all request and response related things to a library called HTTP.
    • Added support for creating middleware class using CLI.
    • Added support for creating background process class using CLI.
    • Added support for creating web services using CLI.
    • Added support for creating database tables classes and entities using CLI.
    • Auto-Registration:
      • CRON jobs which are created in the folder app/jobs are auto registered.
      • Commands which are created in the folder app/commands are auto registered.
      • Middleware which are created in the folder app/middleware are auto registered.
  • Email Related Improvements:

    • Now it is possible to create more than one instance of the class EmailMessage.
    • Fixed encoding issues with sending emails Now supports emoji in names and subject.
  • Themes Related Improvements:

    • Themes resources (js, css, images or fonts) now should be placed inside the folder public/assets.
    • Theme resources (js and css) are automatically loaded if resources directories names are set.
    • Added support for loading themes using the syntax Class::class.
  • Routing Related Improvements:

    • Added support for creating routes to classes using the syntax Class::class.
    • Support for redirect to non-www URL is added. It is possible to force the website to use non-www URLs.
    • A 404 error page that uses default theme will appear if a route is not found by default.
  • New Classes:

    • New class added: AbstractJob. This class can be used to implement custom cron jobs.
    • New class added: CronEmail. This class is used to send cron output and cron notifications.
    • New class added: GlobalConstants. The main aim of this class is to allow the developer to define his own global constants in one place.
    • New class added: UploadFile. This class is used by the class Uploader to use it instead of returning associative arrays.
  • Other Changes and Improvements

    • Improved error handling.
    • Now the framework has its own set of exceptions which are found under the namespace webfiori\framework\exceptions.
    • Added a way to enable and disable cron web interface.
    • Improved existing CLI commands.
    • Root framework file changed from WebFiori.php to index.php.
    • Moved all framework related classes to the namespace webfiori\framework.
    • All standard libraries updated to latest versions
    • Ability to install the framework using composer.


Using Composer

To install the latest release using composer, use the following command:
php composer.phar create-project --prefer-dist "webfiori/framework" <project-folder>

Replace <project-folder> with the name of the folder that will hold your project.

Using Attached File

Optionally, you can download the file which is part of this release if you don't want to use composer in installation. Once downloaded, extract the content of the file in your project folder.

Running Using PHP's Built-in Server

To run the project, open command line interface and navigate to <project-folder>/src. While inside the folder, run the following command:
path/to/php.exe -S localhost:8080 -t public
In your web browser, open http://localhost:8080 . Note that if the framework is installed using attached release, no need to add the src folder. Just navigate to <project-folder>

Learning Resources

If you are new to the framework and would like to learn how to use it, you can check at .

WebFiori Framework v2.0.0 Beta 5

20 Dec 19:55
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  • Added support for loading themes using the syntax Class::class.
  • Fixed encoding issues with mailing classes.
  • Fixed detected bugs.


Using Composer

To install the new release using composer, use the following command:
php composer.phar create-project --prefer-dist "webfiori/framework:v2.0.0-beta.5" <project-folder>

Replace <project-folder> with the name of the folder that will hold your project.

Using Attached File

Optionally, you can download the file which is part of this release if you don't want to use composer in installation. Once downloaded, extract the content of the file in your project folder.

Running Using PHP's Built-in Server

To run the project, open command line interface and navigate to <project-folder>. While inside the folder, run the following command:
path/to/php.exe -S localhost:8080 -t public
In your web browser, open http://localhost:8080 .

WebFiori Framework v2.0.0 Beta 4

11 Dec 18:20
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  • Added support for creating middleware class using CLI.
  • Added support for creating background process class using CLI.
  • Fixed small detected bugs.


Using Composer

To install the new release using composer, use the following command:
php composer.phar create-project --prefer-dist "webfiori/framework:v2.0.0-beta.4" <project-folder>

Replace <project-folder> with the name of the folder that will hold your project.

Using Attached File

Optionally, you can download the file which is part of this release if you don't want to use composer in installation. Once downloaded, extract the content of the file in your project folder.

Running Using PHP's Built-in Server

To run the project, open command line interface and navigate to <project-folder>. While inside the folder, run the following command:
path/to/php.exe -S localhost:8080 -t public
In your web browser, open http://localhost:8080 .

WebFiori Framework v2.0.0 Beta 3

07 Dec 22:09
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  • Updated WebFiori HTTP.
  • Updated database abstraction layer.
  • Added full support for Arabic in Email (including sender name, receiver name).
  • Fixed detected bugs.
    • Bug in class CreateCommand
    • Bug in class Router
    • Bug in class ConfigController


To install the new release using composer, use the following command:
php composer.phar create-project --prefer-dist "webfiori/framework:v2.0.0-beta.3" <project-folder>

Replace <project-folder> with the name of the folder that will hold your project.

Optionally, you can download the file which is part of this release if you don't want to use composer in installation.

Running Using PHP's Built-in Server

To run the project, open command line interface and navigate to <project-folder>. While inside the folder, run the following command:
path/to/php.exe -S localhost:8080 -t public
In your web browser, open http://localhost:8080 .

WebFiori Framework v2.0.0 Beta 2

02 Dec 18:36
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  • Renamed the library RESTEasy to WebFiori HTTP.
  • Moved all things which is related to request and response to the library WebFiori HTTP.
  • Added support for middleware (more info at .
  • Moved initialization classes from the folder ini to the folder `app/ini'.
  • Removed all deprecated classes in the folder entity.
  • Fixed detected bugs.


To install the new release using composer, use the following command:
php composer.phar create-project --prefer-dist "webfiori/framework:v2.0.0-beta.2" <project-folder>

Replace <project-folder> with the name of the folder that will hold your project.

Optionally, you can download the file which is part of this release if you don't want to use composer in installation.

WebFiori Framework v2.0.0 Beta 1

14 Nov 22:10
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Version 2.0 of the framework will be a full refactor of version 1.0. It includes many changes. Some of them are:

  • All standard libraries where updated.
  • Moved all framework core files to new namespace.
  • All standard libraries are now part of the namespace \webfiori\.
  • Root framework file changed from WebFiori.php to index.php.
  • New sessions management sub-system.
  • Fully supports composer.
  • Added new public folder which should be server root.
  • Added new app folder. Developer must use this folder to add his code.
  • Changed how CRON jobs should be implemented.
  • CRON jobs which are created in the folder app/jobs are auto registered.
  • Commands which are created in the folder app/commands are auto registered.
  • Removed the class webfiori\logic\Controller as it is not needed.
  • Updated database library from phMysql to use a new database abstraction layer.
  • Now it is possible to create more than one instance of the class EmailMessage.
  • Themes resources (js, css, images or fonts) now should be placed inside the folder public/assets.
  • Changed how web services created.
  • Updated the add CLI command.
  • Added new command: update-table.

In addition to listed changes, All changes which are planned for v1.1.0 are included in this release.


Now the framework has a written documentation that covers most framework features. The documentation can be found at . The actual docs are hosted on . Note that the documentation is still under development.


To install the new release using composer, use the following command:
php composer.phar create-project --prefer-dist "webfiori/framework:v2.0.0-beta.1" <project-folder>

Replace <project-folder> with the name of the folder that will hold your project.

Optionally, you can download the file which is part of this release if you don't want to use composer in installation.

WebFiori Framework v1.1.0 Beta 3

04 Jul 23:32
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New Features:


  • Added support for multi-language sitemap creation.
  • New command: add. Used to add database connections, SMTP connections and website languages.
  • Modified how the framework will create the configuration files if they are not exist.


To install the new release using composer, use the following command:
php composer.phar require "webfiori/framework:1.1.0-beta-3"

WebFiori Framework v1.1.0 Beta 2

29 Jun 22:39
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New Features:


  • New class added: UploadFile. This class is used by the class Uploader to use it instead of returning associative arrays.
  • Refactored the class File and deprecated two methods and added two new.
  • Router now detects API routes for classes which are children of the class WebServicesSet.
  • Added a way to only use one connection for all controllers if the connection already exist.

Standard Libraries

  • Updated the library RESTEasy to the latest release.


  • Many fixes to the class SessionManager.
  • Fixed small bug in the class ServerErrView

Other changes:

  • The framework will now auto-load any files that are created in the top level folder app


To install the new release using composer, use the following command:
php composer.phar require "webfiori/framework:1.1.0-beta-2"