- Thanks to Minecraft Forge and MCP.
- Thanks to Electroblob, for making his awesome ElectroBlob's Wizardry mod without which this addon would not have been possible. Sounds
- "Water, Pouring, A.wav" by InspectorJ (www.jshaw.co.uk) of Freesound.org for the extinguish spell Texture
- Will o' Wisp spell book icon by Aether Contributors
- Yranic, Bombadil, HatBot for writing/reworking many of the lore texts Idea contributors - spells, artefacts and more
- Idea contributors: Elso, Kelly, OBLIQUE, VasiliySiniy (class weapon ideas), CycloneBuster, I Mayk Kwuests, Moreira, Mekhane, Eleklool