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@@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
-Metadata-Version: 2.1
-Name: lively-tk
-Version: 0.10.0
-Summary: A real-time robot motion control framework with built-in liveliness
-Home-page: UNKNOWN
-Maintainer: AndrewJSchoen
-Maintainer-email: schoen.andrewj@gmail.com
-License: MIT License (MIT)
-Platform: UNKNOWN
-Description-Content-Type: text/markdown
-License-File: LICENSE
-[![PyPI version](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/lively_tk)](https://badge.fury.io/py/lively_tk)
-![Upload Python Package](https://github.com/Wisc-HCI/lively_tk/workflows/Upload%20Python%20Package/badge.svg)
-# LivelyTK v0.10.0 (beta)
-_NOTE: Since LivelyTK is still in beta, the design is subject to change and should not be considered final!_
-## About
-LivelyTK Package
-The LivelyTK framework provides a highly configurable toolkit for commanding robots in mixed modalities while incorporating liveliness motions. It is adapted from [RelaxedIK](https://github.com/uwgraphics/relaxed_ik_core) framework, and compatible with Python and Javascript/Node.
-To configure a robot, the easiest method is to use the LivelyStudio interface in the [lively_tk_ros](https://github.com/Wisc-HCI/lively_tk_ros) repository, which is a wizard for configuring the robot.
-## Configuring
-Configuring of LivelyTK is centered on the Solver class, which you can instantiate in the following ways:
-from lively_tk import Solver, PositionMatchObjective, OrientationMatchObjective, SmoothnessMacroObjective, CollisionAvoidanceObjective, State, Transform, ScalarRange, BoxShape
-solver = Solver(
- urdf='...', # Full urdf as a string
- objectives=[
- PositionMatchObjective(name="EE Position",link="panda_hand",weight=50),
- OrientationMatchObjective(name="EE Rotation",link="panda_hand",weight=25),
- SmoothnessMacroObjective(name="General Smoothness",weight=10),
- CollisionAvoidanceObjective(name="Collision Avoidance",weight=10)
- ...
- ],
- root_bounds=[
- ScalarRange(value=0.0,delta=0.0),ScalarRange(value=0.0,delta=0.0),ScalarRange(value=0.0,delta=0.0), # Translational
- ScalarRange(value=0.0,delta=0.0),ScalarRange(value=0.0,delta=0.0),ScalarRange(value=0.0,delta=0.0) # Rotational
- ],
- shapes=[
- BoxShape(name="Table",frame="world",physical=True,x=2,y=1,z=1.2,local_transform=Transform.isometry())
- ],
- initial_state=State(origin=Transform.identity(),joints={"panda_joint1":0.0,"panda_joint2":0.0,...}), # Optional
- only_core=False, # Only use this flag if you are not using liveliness objectives and want a slight speed-up.
- max_retries=1, # Number of times the solution is attempted (default 1)
- max_iterations=150 # Number of iterations per try (default 150)
-import {
- Solver, PositionMatchObjective, OrientationMatchObjective,
- SmoothnessMacroObjective, CollisionAvoidanceObjective,
- State, Transform, ScalarRange, BoxShape} from "@people_and_robots/lively_tk";
-let solver = new Solver(
- '...', // Full urdf as a string
- [
- {type:'PositionMatch',name:"EE Position",link:"panda_hand",weight:50},
- {type:'OrientationMatch',name:"EE Rotation",link:"panda_hand",weight:25},
- {type:'SmoothnessMacro',name:"General Smoothness",weight:10},
- {type:'CollisionAvoidance',name:"Collision Avoidance",weight:10}
- ...
- ],
- [
- {value:0.0,delta:0.0},{value:0.0,delta:0.0},{value:0.0,delta:0.0}, // Translational
- {value:0.0,delta:0.0},{value:0.0,delta:0.0},{value:0.0,delta:0.0} // Rotational
- ],
- [
- {type:'Box',name="Table",frame:"world",physical:True,x:2,y:1,z:1.2,localTransform:{translation:[0,0,0],rotation:[1,0,0,0]}}
- ],
- {origin:{translation:[0,0,0],rotation:[1,0,0,0]},joints:{panda_joint1:0.0,panda_joint2:0.0,...}}, // Optional
- false, // Only use this flag if you are not using liveliness objectives and want a slight speed-up.
- 1, // Number of times the solution is attempted (default 1)
- 150 // Number of iterations per try (default 150)
-## Resetting
-In both the Javascript and Python interfaces, the `Solver` class has a `reset` method that allows the user to reset the state of the solver given some new objective weights and a new robot state. In this case, the robot state only needs to supply the `joints` and `origin` field, as shown in the initialization example.
- {origin:{translation:[0,0,0],rotation:[1,0,0,0]},joints:{panda_joint1:0.0,panda_joint2:0.0,...}}, // New starting state
- [50.0,30.0,20.0,10.0] // New starting weights
-## Solving
-The `Solver` class has a `solve` method that represents the core functionality of the LivelyTK interface. At a high level, it accepts the following fields:
-1. `goals`: A list of goal-type objects.
-2. `weights`: A list of floats, order corresponding to the order of the objectives.
-3. `time`: (float) The current time. If no liveliness objectives are used, this has no effect.
-4. `shapes`: A list of shape objects.
-The `solve` method returns a fully-filled `State` object
-### Goals
-There are a variety of different "goal" types that can be provided. Think of these as settings that you would like to achieve (e.g. a PositionMatch objective accepts a `Translation` goal).
-The translation goal is used by the `PositionMatch`, `PositionMirroring`, and `OriginPositionMatch` objectives.
-goal = Translation(x:1.0,y:0.0,z:0.5)
-let goal = {Translation:[1.0,0.0,0.5]}
-The rotation goal is used by the `OrientationMatch`, `OrientationMirroring`, and `OriginOrientationMatch` objectives.
-goal = Rotation(w:0.707,x:0.0,y:0.0,z:0.707)
-let goal = {Rotation:[0.707,0.0,0.0,0.707]}
-The scalar goal is used by the `JointMatch`, `JointMirroring`, `DistanceMatch`, `JointLiveliness`, and `RelativeMotionLiveliness` objectives.
-goal = 0.5
-let goal = {Scalar:0.5}
-The size goal is used by the `PositionLiveliness`, `OrientationLiveliness`, `OriginPositionLiveliness`, and `OriginOrientationLiveliness` objectives.
-goal = Size(x:1.0,y:0.1,z:0.5)
-let goal = {Size:[1.0,0.1,0.5]}
-The ellipse goal is used by the `PositionBounding` objective.
-goal = Ellipse(
- translation=Translation(x:1.0,y:0.0,z:0.4),
- rotation=Rotation(w:0.707,x:0.0,y:0.0,z:0.707),
- size=Size(x:0.1,y:0.1,z:0.2)
-let goal = {Ellipse: {
- pose: {translation: [1.0,0.0,0.4], rotation: [0.707,0.0,0.0,0.707]},
- size: [0.1,0.1,0.2]
-The rotation range goal is used by the `RotationBounding` objective.
-goal = RotationRange(
- rotation=Rotation(w:0.707,x:0.0,y:0.0,z:0.707),
- delta=0.4
-let goal = {RotationRange: {
- rotation: [0.707,0.0,0.0,0.707],
- delta:0.4
-The scalar range goal is used by the `JointBounding` objective.
-goal = ScalarRange(value=0.0,delta=0.4)
-let goal = {ScalarRange: {value:0.0,delta:0.4}
-### Shapes
-There are 4 different Shape classes: Box, Sphere, Capsule, and Cylinder. The `name` field is entirely for your own usage, and the `frame` field indicates what robot link the shape is attached to (by default "world"). The `physical` field indicates whether the shape presents a collision, and should be factored into collision avoidance. Otherwise, the shape is simply tracked in the state if close enough.
-shape = BoxShape(
- name="camera attachment",
- frame='panda_hand',
- physical=True,
- x=0.5,y=0.5,z=0.2,
- local_transform=Transform.identity())
-let shape = {
- type:'Box',
- name:'camera attachment',
- frame: 'panda_hand',
- physical: true,
- x:0.5,y:0.5,z:0.2,
- local_transform: {translation:[0.0,0.0,0.0],rotation:[1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]}
- }
-shape = SphereShape(
- name="bouncy ball",
- frame='world',
- physical=True,
- radius=0.1,
- local_transform=Transform.identity())
-let shape = {
- type:'Sphere',
- name:'bouncy ball',
- frame: 'world',
- physical: true,
- radius:0.1,
- local_transform: {translation:[0.0,0.0,0.0],rotation:[1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]}
- }
-shape = CapsuleShape(
- name="pill",
- frame='world',
- physical=True,
- length=0.2,
- radius=0.1,
- local_transform=Transform.identity())
-let shape = {
- type:'Capsule',
- name:'pill',
- frame: 'world',
- physical: true,
- length:0.2,
- radius:0.1,
- local_transform: {translation:[0.0,0.0,0.0],rotation:[1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]}
- }
-shape = CylinderShape(
- name="zone",
- frame='world',
- physical=False,
- length=0.2,
- radius=0.1,
- local_transform=Transform.identity())
-let shape = {
- type:'Cylinder',
- name:'zone',
- frame: 'world',
- physical: false,
- length:0.2,
- radius:0.1,
- local_transform: {translation:[0.0,0.0,0.0],rotation:[1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]}
- }
-### State
-The `State` object is the response back after calling `solve`. It contains the state of the robot in terms of joint and frames, as well as some diagnostic information regarding proximity of various shapes and the center-of-mass of the robot.
-The transform of the root of the robot. This is useful if the root node is movable. Exported as a Transform class (python) or object containing `translation` and `rotation` fields (javascript).
-A lookup table of the joint values for each movable joint. Exported as a dictionary (python) or object (javascript).
-A lookup table of the positions/orientations for each link. Exported as a dictionary (python) or object (javascript) of transform objects keyed by the link name.
-A list of all shapes that are currently tracked and that reach close enough proximity to potentially factor into collision detection. Exported as a ProximityInfo class (python) or object (javascript) with the following attributes:
-1. `shape1` (`string`) The name of the first shape (note, if the robot is initialized with this shape, and it is attached to a robot link, the name is the link it is attached to.)
-2. `shape2` (`string`) The name of the second shape (note, if the robot is initialized with this shape, and it is attached to a robot link, the name is the link it is attached to.)
-3. `distance` (`float`/`number`/`None`/`null`) The distance recorded between the two shapes. May possibly be `None` or `null` if not tracked, and is zero if the shapes are intersecting.
-4. `points` (`None`/`set of two points`) The closest points on two different shapes that are used determined whether these two shapes are close though to cause a collision based on the distance between the points on these two shapes. `points` will be `None` and `distance` will be `0.0` if two shapes are `interesecting` and colliding. `points` will return a `set of two points` and `distance` will be greater than `0.0` but smaller than `1.0` if two shapes are close enough(smaller than 1.0) to potentially cause a collision but not yet colliding. Any distance between two points bigger than `1.0` are not considered for collision detection.
-5. `physical` (`bool`) True if both shapes are physical, otherwise False.
-1. If the distance between points on two different shapes is `0.0`, two shapes are `intersecting` with each other.
-2. If the distance between points on two different shapes is bigger than `0.0` but smaller than `1.0`, two shapes are `with in margin` with each other.
-**Center of Mass**
-A translation (vector) indicating the current center of mass of the robot.
-## Contributing
-**Python Instructions**
-To build, download and `cd` to this directory. Then run:
-# If you just want to install:
-python3 setup.py install
-# Or if you are developing:
-python3 setup.py develop
-# If you are developing and need to rebuild:
-python3 setup.py clean && python3 setup.py develop
-You will need this installed to use the ROS2 LivelyIK Package.
-**Javascript Instructions**
-To build, download and `cd` to this directory. Then run:
-# Build the javascript bundle
-wasm-pack build --scope people_and_robots --target web -- --features jsbindings
-# Pack
-wasm-pack pack
-# Publish
-wasm-pack publish --access=public
diff --git a/lively_tk.egg-info/SOURCES.txt b/lively_tk.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
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--- a/lively_tk.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
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deleted file mode 100644
index 8b137891..00000000
--- a/lively_tk.egg-info/not-zip-safe
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@@ -1 +0,0 @@
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/lively_tk.egg-info/requires.txt
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/lively_tk.egg-info/top_level.txt
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diff --git a/lively_tk/lively_tk.cpython-38-darwin.so b/lively_tk/lively_tk.cpython-38-darwin.so
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deleted file mode 100755
index b7c8cfcd..00000000
Binary files a/lively_tk/lively_tk.cpython-39-darwin.so and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/objectives/objective.rs b/src/objectives/objective.rs
index d9a7ab89..a644f76d 100644
--- a/src/objectives/objective.rs
+++ b/src/objectives/objective.rs
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ impl Objective {
pub fn set_weight(&mut self, weight: f64) {
- /// Set the weight for the inner objective
+ // Set the weight for the inner objective
match self {
Self::PositionMatch(obj) => obj.set_weight(weight),
Self::OrientationMatch(obj) => obj.set_weight(weight),