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How to join?

  1. Join the Gitter chat.
  2. Create a pull request. Add your short contact info in this file into the summary table and detailed info in the section below. Please pay attention to alphabetical order in both places. After sending your PR you'll be given contributor rights making you able to change or remove your entry at any time. Please accept your invitation here.
  3. Use your Github nickname (the same nickname as in the chat).
  4. Tell everyone about the club.

Summary table

Level Preference Time Lang
abailly 🚁✈️ anything UTC+2 (CEST) lunch time/evenings 🇺🇸 🇫🇷
aggie0 🚗 cat theory, dependent types US, flexible 🇺🇸
ancarda 🚲 networking, parsing, tdd UTC+1 (BST) weekends 🇺🇸
anniecherk 🚗 anything US, flexible 🇺🇸
attilah-reddit 🚗 - ? flexible 🇺🇸
echatav 🚁 reflex, ghc, squel Pacific time, flexible, better 4pm Mondays 🇺🇸
chisui 🚗 - UTC+2 (CEST) Mo, Thu, Fr 🇺🇸 🇩🇪
dfordivam 🚗 reflex, webghc UTC+9 (JST) flexible 🇺🇸 🇯🇵
kevroletin 🚗 - UTC+10 flexible 🇺🇸 🇷🇺
ekmett ✈️🚀 own projects UTC-4 (EDT) weekends, and some evenings 🇺🇸
isovector 🚁✈️ s'all good, man UTC+2 pretty much whenever is good for me! 🇺🇸
kcsongor                     🚁✈️ types, generics, or anything else UTC+1 (BST) randomly, pretty flexible 🇺🇸 🇭🇺
kwf 🚁✈️ - UTC-4 (EDT) weekends, maybe W or F afternoons 🇺🇸
Profpatsch 🚗 purescript, nix, haskell UTC+2 (CEST), flexible (ping me) 🇺🇸 🇩🇪
rizary 🚲🚗 nix,purescript,reflex UTC+7 from 8am to 11 pm, except weekends 🇮🇩 🇺🇸
rjmk 🚗 anything / own projects UTC+2 (CEST) weekends and evenings 🇺🇸 🇪🇸 (sorta)
sebastian 🚲 - UTC+2 (CEST) weekends or evenings 🇺🇸 🇩🇪 🇳🇴
srid 🚲🚗 reflex UTC+5 (EST) weekends or late evenings 🇺🇸 🇫🇷
taosx 🚶 🚲 Pair Learning UTC+3 🇺🇸 🇬🇷 🇷🇴
tech-learner-maker 🚗 hledger UTC+5:30, 5-8pm or 12-2pm 🇺🇸
therealjohnfreeman 🚶 🚲 book exercises UTC-5 Texas, evenings and weekends 🇺🇸
vaibhavsagar 🚲🚗 anything UTC+8, evenings and weekends 🇺🇸
wisn 🚲🚗 static analysis, web dev UTC+7 weekends 🇮🇩 🇺🇸
wizek 🚗🚁 reflex, hs-di UTC+2 flexible 🇺🇸 🇭🇺
YellowDogDingo 🚗🚁 anything UTC (GMT) flexible 🇺🇸
zfnmxt 🚲 anything UTC+2 (CEST) weekends/evenings 🇺🇸


  • Self-assessed experience level: 🚶 novice, 🚲 beginner, 🚗 intermediate, 🚁 advanced, ✈️ expert, 🚀 master
  • Spoken language: 🇺🇸 English, 🇭🇺 Hungarian, 🇷🇺 Russian, etc...
    • Order your language flags based on your preference. You can find your flag by searching here.

Profile questions

Note: It's okay if you make an entry without answering some of these questions, it can just help us a bit more if you do answer. It might also help you get the kinds of sessions that you'd like.

  1. What's your time availability?

    • E.g. "next Saturday 14:00-16:00 UTC"
    • Or "generally Wednesday mornings, around 7:00-10:00 am UTC-10"
    • Or "I don't yet know but I still want to write here and find a time later."
    • Or "Even now."
    • (also, let's remember to specify the time-zone)
  2. What's your Haskell level of experience, roughly?

    • "Only heard about it today"
    • "28 years of experience. Incidentally, my name is Simon Peyton Jones."
    • anything in-between
    • "I have lots of experience with TemplateHaskell, and would be interested to pair with someone who knows lenses well."
  3. What topics or codebases are you interested in?

    • "Anything goes. As long as it's Haskell I'm in."
    • "I mainly want to work on adding the -XDependentHaskell extension to GHC. Incidentally, my name is Richard A. Eisenberg."
    • "I'm interested in contributing to X, Y and Z, but I'm also open to pretty much anything when we switch sides."
    • "Let's solve exercises together just for learning!"


  1. Availability

    I'm available some evenings and at lunch time during weekdays.

  2. Experience

    I've been programming with Haskell in my spare time since 2001 and professionally since 2014. I have broad knowledge of quite a few parts of Haskell, from building to some type-level wizardry.   I code exclusively using TDD, where T can stand for Type or Test.

  3. Interests

    Helping others getting stuff done. Learning new ways of working with Haskell.


  1. Availability

    I'm in grad school in the US, so most times work for me (as long as it's not in the middle of the night in the US).

  2. Experience

    A year-ish, don't know much about most language extensions, but I've written a ~1k LOC library for doing some category theory calculations.

  3. Interests

    Anything can work, maybe we can alternate. I'm really interested in dependently typed stuff (Idris, Agda). I also have an open source library for some math stuff we can hack on.


  1. Availability

    As of September 2018, I should be available for evenings. I'm much more flexible on the weekends, and should be able to do almost any time. I'm based in the UK.

  2. Experience

    Maybe around a year? I've written several small toy projects. Currently I'm building my first large system in Haskell; a SIP server.

  3. Interests

    I'm trying to find The Haskell Way of doing things; what is the most idiomatic way to solve particular problems. I'm very interested in correct code, which is what made me look at Haskell.

    I really like networking, so I will want to work on anything related to sockets and parsing of packets.


  1. Availability

    All over the place; weekends are usually good though.

  2. Experience

    I started using Haskell about 3 years ago; I'm a grad student and Haskell is my goto language these days for research projects.

  3. Interests

    Happy to pair on whatever! I love compilers, would be happy to hack on GHC. I'm also interesting in learning Idris and interacting w/ SMT solvers, and I'd like to learn more language extensions.


  1. Availability

    I'm available at any time this week. We can even schedule a session right now.

  2. Experience

    I started learning Haskell since about 2012. But it's been more of a on/off kinda thing.

  3. Interests

    I'm open to pairing on any project/codebase.


I enjoy pair programming.

  1. Availability

    Flexible but say 4pm Mondays Pacific time to choose something specific.

  2. Experience

    4.5 years, intermediate to advanced

  3. Interests

    Definitely interested in learning Reflex. Interested to learn GHC's codebase. Or we can hack on Squeal.


I am currently writing a dependently typed actor framework in Haskell as my bachelors thesis.

  1. Availability

    I'm available Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays. Maybe on the weekends too if I don't have anything to do.

  2. Experience

    About 4 years on/off, intermediate.

  3. Interests

    Learning cool stuff, sharing what I know. And my bachelors thesis I guess.


I have used reflex recently for my japanese learning app

  1. Availability

    Any day of week, morning till evening.

  2. Experience

    About 4 years learning haskell, and 1 year full-time.

  3. Interests

    Do some interesting stuff in reflex, or perhaps webghc if anyone interested. I also need to do some improvements to my library


  1. Availability

    UTC+10 VLAT 9am - 12pm

    I have a very flexible schedule and generally, I am available at any time during my day. From time to time I have activities which can't be rescheduled but most of the time it's easy for me to be available. But due to my time zone, it can be hard to connect with people from Europe or America. Australia, Japan, China, and India are much easier.

  2. Haskell level of experience

    I am a (advanced?) beginner haskeller who is trying to pass "mythical middle level" which every Haskell programmer somehow passes without speaking much about it :) Before that, I've been programming with different popular languages including C++ and Java.

    I am quite comfortable with basic everyday constructs (i.e. Monoid .. Monad, typeclasses, ADT, basic lenses, basics of streaming libraries and I had several chances to apply profiling tools). I didn't touch type-level programming (including GADT).

  3. Interests

    Anything goes. As long as it's Haskell, I'm in :)

    But I don't have experience with pair programming. I mean at my previous job we did short "uni-directional" sessions when you come to help a newbie, or you are a newbie and someone helps you. But we were never meant to actually develop stuff together.

    Also, I have thoughts about tasks planning and knowledge organizing using plain text files (emacs ord-mode, etc...). So if someone wants to start a small silly project, or want to work with existing tools, that will be interesting for me.


I've had good success with using pair programming as a sort of "forcing function" to drive me to complete a bunch of tasks that would otherwise sit in my back burner for a long time. I'm opening to trying the experiment on the internet at broad. I've been debating about that or doing live streams or something to serve the same purpose, as it'd force me to set aside a fixed time window to work on these things.

  1. Availability

    I have pretty good availability on the weekends, and some evenings EDT (UTC-4) and I'm usually on as edwardk, so ping me and talk. If I have time I'll often dive right in. Too much structure takes time to manage, and I don't have time for that. =)

  2. Experience

    I know Haskell, uh.. reasonably well.

  3. Interests

    There's a pretty broad cross-section of projects I have in the air, so here's what I have that seems to make sense to pair on off the top of my head, ranked in terms of immediacy:

    In the short term I'm interested in releasing a bunch of packages for unpacked containers abusing backpack. That stuff I could probably pair with anybody who is interested in backpack and knows the general cut of containers, unordered-containers, etc. It is mostly syntactic work and packaging. This would be of fairly general applicability because most of the time when somebody imports Set or HashSet or Map in a module they go to use it at one type anyways. Getting an across-the-board improvement in memory locality and footprint seems like a no-brainer. -- [Edit: I just wrote this one.]

    I'm also interested in chewing down the backlog of issues in my current package set. If you have an issue you'd like to get fixed in something I maintain, feel free to reach out.

    I'm also interested in sitting down and playing with QuantifiedConstraints, but for that I'd probably want to pair with someone already well acquainted with some of my previous projects for encoding more category theory in haskell like hask, etc. This has a bit of a higher level of activation because it means I'd have to actually build the appropriate ghc branch, myself, so it'd have a fairly slow start.

    I also have a bunch of more formative work I'm doing on a toy compiler project. This may involve a lot more flailing. If you're familiar with bidirectional typechecking, dependent types and what not this may be a place where pairing makes sense.

    I'll admit my list is a bit me-centric.


The best way to contact me is via email: [email protected].

  1. Availability

    I recently quit the tech world to run away and work on my own projects full time, so I'm pretty free. Hit me up. Let's do something!

  2. Experience

    I'm about four years deep into Haskell, including having done it professionally for a year and a half.

  3. Interests

    Making compilers and video games; doing tricky things at the type level; denotational design. Lately I've been trying to hack on GHC, which would be fun to pair with someone on.


  1. What's your time availability?

    Most likely in the evenings (UTC + 1).

  2. What's your Haskell level of experience, roughly?

    I've been using Haskell almost exclusively for 3 years, and recently I wrote the generic-lens library.

  3. What topics or codebases are you interested in?

    GHC, fancy types, and generics mainly, but I'm happy to learn about anything weird!


I'm kwf most places on the internet, you may know me as Kenny Foner offline. The best way to contact me is via email: [email protected].

  1. Availability

    This is pretty variable, but right now Wednesdays during the day and weekends are the best bet. (I'm on USA Eastern time.)

  2. Experience

    I'm a third-year PhD student in programming languages at UPenn; I've been programming primarily in Haskell for about 6 years. I've also written a few Haskell Symposium papers. :) I still have a lot to learn though! And I'd be totally into pairing with someone less experienced, so don't be afraid to ask.

  3. Interests

    I like weird things with laziness, comonads, dependently-typed-ish programming. But in general, I'm down to stretch my comfort zone, so anything might be interesting. Right now my primary work project is developing a pedagogical framework for teaching the fundamentals of distributed systems algorithms in Haskell.


I like doing practical things with lambdas.

  1. Availability

    Just ping me (on freenode, oftc, the Gitter chat, …). I am generally very flexible, but it depends on the week.

  2. Experience

    I’ve been coding Haskell since 2015, since about 2016 as my main lang. I’ve written medium-sized projects, but mostly focus on small tools that fit well together (so no industry-size apps so far). I like abusing the nix expression language for practical purposes and am a core maintainers for parts of nixkpgs/lib. Recently I’ve started digging into Purescript.

  3. Interests

    • Learning new abstractions (comonads, recursion schemes, lens, …)
    • Abstracting ugly dev-ops stuff away with functional code
    • Browser-UIs and portable applications
    • Everything nix
  4. Projects


  1. Availability

    I'm available between (UTC+7) 7 AM to 11 PM except for weekends which I can't do pair programming. Please ping me first or 1 hour before so I can prepare myself.

  2. Experience

    I have made 3rd year project using reflex and reflex-dom using Jsaddle-wkWebView but I still dont have open source library. It's been 3 years for me since first time I discovered Haskell, but due to unfriendly school schedule, I studied it on and off.

  3. Interests

    Web programming in general which use fullstack haskell, as well as machine learning (I just learn it this year). I prefer backend than frontend stuff, but both works fine actually.


  1. Availability

    I work fairly standard hours, so evenings and weekends are good. I'm up for spur of the moment stuff if I'm around, but often I am not, so a little notice is good.

  2. Experience

    I've been poking at Haskell for close to 3 years, and I've been working as a Haskell developer for close to 18 months.

  3. Interests

    I have a couple of small projects I want to make just to improve my life or help me learn things. In that vein, I'd be interested in making a couple of games.

    I'm also very happy to just play around with encoding things nicely with types or learning some maths.


  1. What's your time availability?

    • During the week early evenings are best for me: 18:00 to 21:00. I am quite flexible on weekends, but have a preference for mornings my time.
  2. What's your Haskell level of experience, roughly?

    • I have had plenty of false starts, but have finally worked my way through Haskell Programming from first principles
    • My understanding of the basic concepts seems decent, but I am still fighting with the type checker more often than not. I am definitively a beginner.
  3. What topics or codebases are you interested in?

    • I am porting a light control system I originally wrote in Elixir to Haskell. It has the benefit of being something I need myself, so it's happy to stay motivated
    • In general I find I learn a lot from watching how other people work. I am more than open for working on any project you find interesting
    • I would be happy to work on something web related, or say a web based desktop app of some sort
    • Something that I have been wanting to do but that requires some more research on my part is hacking on hledger. I would like to add a YNAB-like interface to it.


  1. Availability

    Weekends (flexible) or in the late evening, in EST timezone.

  2. Experience

    I consider myself beginner to intermediate. I'm comfortable with stuff like ReaderT but not much beyond that, and I'm looking to learn more Haskell concepts through actually writing Haskell code.

  3. Interests

    I write Haskell professionally and we use Reflex (obviously). In my spare time I'm currently exploring the idea of a well-typed outliner in Reflex. I also use NixOS.


  1. Availability

    I could make time for this everyday from 5pm to 9pm [GMT+3] (or more..) .

  2. Experience

    I'm not at a level where I could complete a basic application from start to finish using Haskell (quite far) but I will still enjoy to learn with someone else as both a way to keep me motivated, learn faster and share our experience, maybe we even manage to work on something together.

  3. Interests (Current learning progress)

    I'm currently going through functors, applicative and monoids but I don't have any problem even starting from the start to stabilize my base.

    What we would do: Having an immediate communication so we keep each other from getting stuck, work on problems solo and then together and maybe we could share a google doc on which we work using the Feyman method for learning (make it public for others?).


  1. Availability

    Anytime between 5pm to 8 pm [GMT+ 5.30] or 12 pm to 2 pm [GMT + 5.30]

  2. Experience

    One year working out of self interest. need more experience.

  3. Interests

    Projects - Interested to work on hledger project as I use it a lot. Also GTK+ binding of haskell to make a fun pomodoro. Or can hack on anything fun.


  1. Availability

    Evenings and weekends in Central Time (Texas, USA).

  2. Experience

    I think I'm your typical Haskell beginner: several false starts across 7+ years. I wrote some Advent of Code solutions in Haskell, but I'm not sure I could write them again today. Writing Haskell feels like tying knots: if you don't use it, you lose it.

  3. Interests

    I'd really like to start with good tooling from the beginning: stack, hlint (is that still a thing?), syntax highlighting in Vim, errors marked in Vim without blocking the UI, an auto-formatter. I don't know what the gold standard tools are these days, and I abhor solutions that consist of dumping a bunch of Vim plugins in my configuration because they inevitably fail to play well with the others I already have. This is not a must have, but it's a nice to have.

    I was part of a study group in NYC that worked through the Learn Haskell book (now titled Haskell Programming: From First Principles), but I couldn't keep up with the schedule and fell behind and out. I'd like to restart that and get through the book. There are some exercises in there. I'd like to write solutions to put on Github as evidence that I finished the book.

    After I get a baseline understanding, I want to work through some problem sets, specifically Exercism and each year of Advent of Code.

    After that, I think I can branch off on my own. My first real project is resurrecting my dead blog in Hakyll.


  1. Availability

    I have a fairly standard 9am-6pm job, and I'd be happy to pair from 8pm my time onwards or early in the morning if that suits you better.

  2. Experience

    I've been using Haskell seriously for about two years but not professionally. I'm a maintainer of the IHaskell project and have contributed numerous typo fixes to Haskell projects such as Cabal and GHC.

  3. Interests

    I'm interested in applying functional programming to solve problems. I use Nix in my day job and am slowly working through the Idris book. I'm happy to pair with people of any experience level.


  1. Availability

    I'm usually typing Haskell code in the night time and almost full time in the weekends.

  2. Experience

    Started to learn Haskell in the end of 2016. Learn part-timely alongside my college life. I have been made several static analysis prototype program that works. There are tons of things I need to know about Haskell.

  3. Interest

    My dream is to be a computer scientist and doing programming language research especially functional programming in the future. So, my interest is anything that related to it. However, for now, I took more interest in static analysis (linter) and parser in general. Web development also good to me since I'm a web developer before.


  1. Availability

    Time is quite flexible for me. E.g. even now for the next few hours I could start and try a session with one of you. I live in UTC+2, CEST, but that doesn't mean much because my sleep cycle is often shifted. Even now the local time here is 4:43 AM. I suspect your schedule might be a narrower bottleneck here.

  2. Haskell level of experience

    I've started learning Haskell about 5 years ago IIRC, and about 3 years ago I've made it one of my primary languages. I've written a few webservers with yesod, a few GUIs with reflex-frp/reflex-dom, and written a few open source libraries as well like and

  3. Interests

    Two main interests jump to mind at first that I'd quite like to pair on:

    • I'd like to spend a bit of time trying to write a POC solution to this issue that I've had with reflex-dom: reflex-frp/reflex-dom#175 I have an idea how we could begin, but so far I've found it a bit daunting to start working on it without a pair.
    • I'd like to find a solution together with someone to this issue with hs-di: Maybe with someone who has a deeper understanding than I currently possess about GHC and similar type errors.


  1. Availability

    I'm in my final year of undergrad, so I'm busy often but awake most of the time and flexible.

  2. Experience

    I've dabbled with a lot of ideas / libraries but I'm not an expert in any area. I've done a few projects in Haskell for Uni; a small webserver from scratch and a genetic algorithm that evolves city layouts.

    My current project is a 3D rhythm game (like Guitar Hero) using Yampa and SDL / OpenGL.

  3. Interests

    Despite my choices of projects, the topics I'm most interested in tend to be more abstract / mathematical, including

    • type level programming/magic and dependent types
    • free monads / recursion-schemes
    • computer algebra (symbolic computation), AD, computable reals etc.

    I know a little category theory and I'm looking to learn more.

    I'm interested on collaborating on pretty much anything and I'm happy to pair with people of any experience.


  1. Availability

    I'm available most evenings/weekends (I'm a student).

  2. Experience

    I'm a beginner.

    I took an FP course the first semester of my MSc and am familiar with most of the content in Haskell from First Principles. I've also done Brent Yorgey's UPenn course. I'm also somewhat familiar with Coq and semantics/type theory. I have an okay (albeit fairly applied/non-rigorous) mathematical background.

  3. Interests

    My GitHub is empty: I'd really like to change that! Ideally, I'd like to work on a project together with someone (and maybe also learn git properly in the process :) ).

    In the end, my primary goal is simply to get better at Haskell; I'm open to working on anything that will help me in that regard.

    I noticed that in the /r/Haskell posts, the pair-programming sessions were referred to as "calls". I'm not sure I'd be comfortable doing that and would be more interested in text-based interaction. I don't even necessarily strictly want to do pair-programming--just working together with someone on something would be great!