Build nix derivation:
nix-build default.nix
Run from nix-shell:
nix-shell -p 'import (./default.nix) {}' --run aboutlife
Run from git:
nix-shell -p 'import (fetchFromGitHub { owner="woynert";repo="aboutlife";rev="master";sha256="sha256-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"; }) {}' --run aboutlife
Flake: coming soon
Run standalone script that requires the aboutlife module.
PYTHONPATH=/path/to/aboutlife:$PYTHONPATH python
- Nature images:
- Unsplash images:
Do not limit the user to the point they may want to disable the service "just for this one time", they will always find a way to disable it.
Moreover, this tool should only make it easier for the user to recognize their bad patterns and to organize their time on the computer.
No guilt-tripping.