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X16 Reference - Appendix H - Onboard Upgrade

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Appendix H: How to update your X16 to latest release

These instructions will guide you how to update your X16 firmware from any previous version to the latest version. This guide will be updated once there are new releases. This guide is applicable for Gen 1 hardware, PRxxxxx boards.

Table Of Contents

  1. Latest release
  2. Requirements
  3. Update instructions
  4. Appendix: Release history
  5. Appendix: Stock version numbers
  6. Appendix: How to downgrade from latest release to first release

Latest release

Firmware Version Date Link
ROM R48 2024-09-06
SMC 48.0.0 2024-12-23
VERA 48.0.1 2025-01-08
SMC bootloader 3 2024-09-13


Property Requirement
Hardware Gen 1 PRxxxxx board
ROM Minimum version R43
SMC Minimum version 43.0.0
VERA No minimum version

Update instructions

Step 1: Note down your current ROM/SMC/VERA versions (recommended)

1.1 ROM/SMC/VERA versions

Use the HELP command to see which versions you currently have. You may want to take a picture of the screen or write it down, for future reference.

1.2 SMC bootloader version

  • Poll bootloader version with this command: PRINT I2CPEEK($42,$8E)
    • This should be 2 if you have a stock PR board. Note that if you have bootloader 3 it may incorrectly display as 255.
  • If you have SMC version 47.2.3 or later, you can use the tool "SMCBLD7.PRG" inside [smc tools] (see step 3) to identify bootloader version based on its CRC-16 checksum, making this a more accurate bootloader test.
  • Take a picture of the screen, for future reference.

Step 2: Take a backup of what you have

2.1 SD card (highly recommended)

  • Plug SD card in your PC and make a backup of all files. In case SD card gets corrupted, damaged, or you loose your files otherwise.
  • If needed, you can download the latest version of the SD card bundle here:

2.2 ROM/SMC/VERA (optional)

  • If you know your current version numbers (step 1), and do not care about rolling back, you can safely skip this step.
  • If you like to preserve the history, and your version is not already archived, you may want to dump it before overwriting it.

If your version is not archived (e.g. ROM prerelease), you may want to make a backup of this one (and give a heads-up on Discord, #kernel).

Step 3: Download files and place on SD card

  • BIN files and their associated programming tool must stay in the same folder
  • Note that the x16-flash tool (UPDATE.PRG) will attempt to program both ROM, SMC and VERA if it finds associated .BIN files in its folder, so make sure that its folder only contains ROM.BIN

Suggested folder structure:

    • VERA
      • VERA.BIN (downloaded file must be renamed to VERA.BIN)
    • ROM
      • UPDATE.PRG
      • ROM.BIN
    • SMC
      • SMCUPDATE-x.x.x.PRG (do not rename)
      • SMCBLD7.PRG
      • SMCBLW19.PRG
      • BOOT3.BIN

To organize multiple ROM and VERA versions on the SD card, you may e.g. add folders with version numbers, and place firmware inside.


Copy to SD card

  • Prepare the folder structure on the SD card.
  • Copy downloaded files to SD card, inside the folder structure mentioned above.
  • Rename files as needed. Uppercase/lowercase is not important.

Navigating the file system on X16

  • To list files in current folder, or change folder, you use the commands DOS"$" or DOS"CD:folder".
  • A shortcut is to use the @ prefix, e.g. @$ and @CD:folder
  • To enter the VERA folder, you can e.g. use the command @CD:/UPDATE/VERA
  • You can also navigate like this:

Step 4: Update VERA to 48.0.1

VERA have best backward compatibility, and should be flashed first.

  • After programming, restart machine and type HELP to verify VERA version.

Step 5: Update ROM to R48

  • Follow the instructions on screen.
  • Note that the J1 jumper must be on, to allow ROM to be reprogrammed. Disconnect jumper after programming, to ensure ROM is write protected.
  • Important: Only program ROM in this step, not VERA or SMC.

Step 6: Update SMC to 48.0.0

  • To update SMC, a little program on the SMC called "bootloader" is used to replace its main program.
  • All PR boards up to ~900 seem to have been delivered with version 45.1.0, and with a bootloader which claims to be version 2, but, unfortunately, is a corrupt version of version 2 (also referred to as the "bad" bootloader). This have the consequence that, if you attempt to program, the x16 will hang at the end of programming. If you attempt to fix the hang problem by disconnecting power, and plug it back in, your SMC will be "bricked", and you cannot use your x16 until you disconnect the SMC and program it manually using an external programmer or Arduino [recovery-with-arduino].
  • To update your SMC with bad bootloader, you have 2 options:
  • If you have a different SMC version than 45.1.0, you most likely do not have the bad bootloader.

Recommended install method, SMCUPDATE-48.0.0.PRG

  • The recommended method to upgrade SMC to latest version 48.0.0, is to use an installer with version 48.0.0 bundled together with the installer.
  • If there is a risk of having the bad v2 bootloader, have a jumper wire ready
  • Load and run the installer
  • Use the jumper wire if needed, ref the "" instructions

Alternative tools


Step 7: Install bootloader v3

Follow instructions inside the text file in [smc tools] ("")

  • Run SMCBLD7.PRG to get bootloader checksum, version and failsafe status
  • Run SMCBLW19.PRG to install BOOT3.BIN
  • Run SMCBLD7.PRG to validate checksum again, confirm it BF63 (v3)
  • To install "Boot v3 failsafe", you need to update SMC a second time (repeat step 6)
  • Run SMCBLD7.PRG, to confirm that boot v3 failsafe is installed

With Boot V3 failsafe installed, you have a fallback mechanism in case SMC firmware gets corrupted.

Appendix: Release history

Date ROM SMC VERA SMC bootloader Notes
2025-01-08 48.0.1 XOR Sawtooth + bus stability
2024-12-23 48.0.0 Kbd initstate, read fuse++
2024-09-13 3 Boot v3, with failsafe
2024-09-06 R48 Release R48 ("Cadmium")
2024-07-05 47.2.3 Bootloader manipulation ++
2024-03-30 R47 47.0.0 47.0.2 Release R47 ("Roswell")
2023-12-24 R47 pre 33ACE3A4* Unreleased ROM version*
2023-11-20 0.3.2 Experimental FX
2023-11-06 R47 pre 8929A57+* Unreleased ROM version*
2023-11-06 R46 Release R46 ("Winnipeg")
2023-10-18 45.1.0* Unreleased*, bootloader support
2023-10-17 R45 Release R45 ("Nuuk")
2023-10-04 2 Boot v2, auto power off
2023-10-04 2 (bad)* Bad version*
2023-08-14 R44 Release R44 ("Milan")
2023-08-09 0.3.1 Experimental FX
2023-05-17 R43 43.0.0 Release R43 ("Stockholm")
2023-04-19 1 Boot v1
2023-03-23 0.1.1 VERA 0.1.1
2023-03-07 R42 R42 Release R42 ("Cambridge")
  • A few releases are not official, but, these have been delivered with some of the machines, see below.

Appendix: Stock version numbers


This is based on feedback from users on Discord, and is very approximate. If you have updated info, feel free to send a message on Discord.

PR00001 to PR00300

Firmware Version Date Link
ROM R47pre git 8929A57+* 2023-11-06 Build: / src: X16Community/x16-rom#213 (exact source is ambiguous due to the +)
SMC 45.1.0* 2023-10-18 Build: / src: X16Community/x16-smc#20
VERA 0.3.2 2023-11-20
SMC bootloader 2 (bad)* 2023-10-04 Build: / src:

PR00301 to PR00900

Firmware Version Date Link
ROM R47pre git 33ACE3A4* 2023-12-24 Build: / src: X16Community/x16-rom#241
SMC 45.1.0* 2023-10-18
VERA 0.3.2 2023-11-20
SMC bootloader 2 (bad)* 2023-10-04

PR00901 to PR01000

Firmware Version Date Link
ROM R47 2024-03-30
SMC 47.0.0 2024-03-30
VERA 47.0.2 2024-03-30
SMC bootloader 2 2023-10-04

PR01001 to PR?????

Firmware Version Date Link
ROM R48 2024-09-06
SMC 47.2.3 2024-07-05
VERA 47.0.2 2024-03-30
SMC bootloader 2 2023-10-04

Some stock versions

Machine ROM SMC VERA SMC bootloader
PR00015 R47pre git 8929A57+*
PR00102 R47pre git 8929A57+* 45.1.0* 0.3.2 2 (bad)*
PR00499 R47pre git 33ACE3A4*
PR00831 R47pre git 33ACE3A4* 45.1.0* 0.3.2 2 (bad)*
PR00923 47.0.0
PR01011 R48 47.2.3 47.0.2 2

Appendix: How to downgrade from latest release to first release


Step 1: Downgrade bootloader

This is optional, as all bootloaders are backward compatible. If you do not plan to downgrade bootloader, go to step 2.

Run SMCBLD7.PRG. Check if "Boot v3 failsafe" is installed. If it is, and you plan to downgrade to bootloader v2 or older, you must:

  • Ensure [any working SMC programming tool and SMC version] is present on SD card
    • SMCUPDATE-47.2.3 can be used
    • NB: x16-flash with bootloader 2 rejects programming SMC to the same version!
  • Downgrade bootloader, using SMCBLW19.PRG
  • Computer is now in a critical state. If you power it off, it is bricked.
  • In this state, you must perform a SMC programming, to any version, with any tool, to uninstall "boot v3 failsafe".
    • If you installed bad v2 bootloader, remember to reset it using jumper wire

Step 2: Downgrade SMC

Downgrade SMC using any tool

  • SMCUPDATE or x16-update
  • Note that SMC 45.1.0* or newer is needed if you want to use the bootloader afterwards
  • SMC older than R42 is intended for an incompatible hardware revision

Step 3: Downgrade ROM

Downgrade ROM

  • ROM older than R42 is intended for an incompatible hardware revision

Step 4: Downgrade VERA

Downgrade VERA

  • If using VERA.BIN from release page, use the associated FLASHVERA
  • If using VERA.BIN released together with x16-flash, use x16-flash to program it