Information at different administrative levels is collected for the consequences of the event, which include building damage, economic losses, and human impact due to the earthquake and its induced effects.
The file Impact_All_ID_0.csv
provides the national summary of consequences reported by multiple sources.
When information is available at finer resolutions, dedicated files for each administrative level available are generated for the building and human impact.
: Damaged building data at administrative level n.Impact_Human_ID_n.csv
: Data of human impact information at administrative level n.
Note: When available, building-level information is included.
Check the definitions of the parameters used in the impact files in the impact metadata section.
There were no available detailed online databases for this earthquake.
- Boroschek_et_al_2012: Boroschek, R. L., Contreras, V., Kwak, D. Y., & Stewart, J. P. (2012). Strong Ground Motion Attributes of the 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule, Chile, Earthquake. Earthquake Spectra, 28(1_suppl1), 19–38. Last accessed August 2022.
- Contreras_and_Winckler_2013: Contreras, Manuel, & Winckler, Patricio. (2013). Loss of lives, homes, infrastructure and boats due to the tsunami of February 27, 2010 on the central coast of Chile. Works and projects, (14), 6-19. Last accessed October 2022.
- Diaz_Segura_2021: Diaz-Segura, E.G. Evolution of Seismic Site Classification According to the Criteria in Chilean Design Codes. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11,10754. Last accessed August 2022.
- Gonzalez_et_al_2013: L. GONZALEZ; C. Pinilla; V. Peredo; R. Boroschek. Correlations between the shear wave velocity profile and the response spectrum based on SASW tests. 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (Paris). Last accessed October 2022. correlations-between-the-shear-wave-velocity-profile-and-the-response-spectrum-based-on-sasw-tests. Last accessed August 2022.
- Informe_Terremoto_Cauquenes_2010: Informe tecnico actualizado 27 Mayo 2010. Last accessed August 2022.
- Informe_UCH_2010: Efemérides Sísmicas: Terremoto del Maule 2010. Last accessed August 2022.
- Kayen_et_al_2014: Kayen, Robert & Carkin, Brad & Corbet, Skye & Pinilla, Camilo & Ng, Allan & Gorbis, Edward & Truong, Christine. (2014). Seismic Velocity Site Characterization of Thirty-One Chilean Seismometer Stations by Spectral Analysis of Surface Wave Dispersion. PEER 2014/05. Last accessed October 2022.
- LópezTagle_and_SantanaNazarit_2010: López Tagle E, Santana Nazarit P. El terremoto de 2010 en Chile: respuesta del sistema de salud y dela cooperación internacional. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2011;30(2)160–6. Last accessed October 2022.
- MAE_Center_Report: The Maule (Chile) Earthquake of February 27, 2010. Last accessed August 2022.
- Maruyama_et_al_2012: Maruyama Y, Yamazaki F, Matsuzaki S, Miura H, Estrada M. Evaluation of Building Damage and Tsunami Inundation Based on Satellite Images and GIS Data following the 2010 Chile Earthquake. Earthquake Spectra. 2012;28(1_suppl1):165-178. doi:10.1193/1.4000023. Last accessed October 2022.
- Monlar_et_al_2015: Molnar, Sheri & Ventura, Carlos & Boroschek, Rubén & Archila, Manuel. (2015). Site characterization at Chilean strong-motion stations: Comparison of downhole and microtremor shear-wave velocity methods. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 79. 22-35. Last accessed August 2022.
- Montalva_et_al_2016: Montalva, G. A., Chávez-Garcia, F. J., Tassara, A., & Jara Weisser, D. M. (2016). Site Effects and Building Damage Characterization in Concepción after the Mw 8.8 Maule Earthquake. Earthquake Spectra, 32(3), 1469–1488. Last accessed August 2022.
- OPS_Report_2010: “El terremoto y tsunami del 27 de febrero en Chile. Crónica y lecciones aprendidas en el sector salud. Last accessed October 2022.
- Pina_et_al_2012: Pina, F., Ventura, C., & Nunez, T. (2012). Seismic Risk Assessment in Northern Chile–Lessons from a reconnaissance visit before the next mega-earthquake in Peru-Chile. In Proceedings of the 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal. Last accessed October 2022.
- Pulido_et_al_2014: Pulido, N., Sekiguchi, T., Shoji, G., Alba, J.A., Fernando, Lazares, & Saito, T. (2010). Earthquake Source Process and Strong Ground Motions of the 2010 Chile Mega-Earthquake. Last accessed August 2022.
- Verdugoa_et_al_2018: Verdugo, Ramon & Ochoa-Cornejo, Felipe & Gonzalez, Javiera & Valladares, Guillermo. (2018). Site effect and site classification in areas with large earthquakes. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 126. Last accessed August 2022.
- Wikipedia English and Spanish
- NOAA Earthquake and Tsunami
- IISEE Earthquake and Tsunami
- Verisk
- Reliefweb
- The_Weather_Network
- Story_Map
- European_Commission
- Administrative level: Last accessed August 2022.
- Disasters in memory: Last accessed August 2022.
- Insured Losses: Last accessed August 2022.
- Monitoring for Earthquake of Greater Intensity: