Information at different administrative levels is collected for the consequences of the event, which include building damage, economic losses, and human impact due to the earthquake and its induced effects.
The file Impact_All_ID_0.csv
provides the national summary of consequences reported by multiple sources.
When information is available at finer resolutions, dedicated files for each administrative level available are generated for the building and human impact.
: Damaged building data at administrative level n.Impact_Human_ID_n.csv
: Data of human impact information at administrative level n.
Note: When available, building-level information is included.
Check the definitions of the parameters used in the impact files in the impact metadata section.
- Kolbe_et_al_2010: Kolbe AR, Hutson RA, Shannon H, Trzcinski E, Miles B, Levitz N, Puccio M, James L, Noel JR, Muggah R (2010). Mortality, crime and access to basic needs before and after the Haiti earthquake: a random survey of Port-au-Prince households. Medicine, conflict and survival, 26(4):281-297.
USAID_2010: United States Agency for International Development (USAID) (2010). Shelter Fast Facts Sheet.
World_Bank_2010: World Bank (2010). Post-disaster needs assessment. Available online at: