GURU-Ai- Simple Multi Device whatsapp bot.
This project uses's services exclusively for generating session IDs. The creator confirms that the functionality is used only for its intended purpose and not for any unauthorized or malicious activities. It is ultimately up to the user to decide whether to utilize the project or not.
Get Session ID (Server 1)
For Indian users Connect to a usa Vpn while login
Get Session ID (Server 2) (use this if server 1 Doesn't work)
- If You don't have an account in Toystack. Create an account.
- set the Env Vars.
Note: You'll need to set these environment variables
Variable | Description |
DATABASE_URL | URL for connecting to your mongodb database |
SESSION_ID | your session id |
REMOVEBG_KEY | API key for |
PREFIX | put any one symbol here except @ and + , leave it Blank if you want to use multiple prefix |
MODE | mode public or private |
autoRead | make it true if you want bot to read messages |
statusview | make it true if you want bot to view status |
OWNERS | owner number(917605902011;GURU;6281255369012;Ash) |
BOTNAME | Your Bot Name |
antidelete | bot will forward deleted messages if you make it true |
- Now Deploy
- If You don't have an account in Heroku. Create a account.
- Watch the following video tutorial, for assistance.
- Now Deploy
- Star ⭐ the repo if you like GURU-BOT.
Baileys - By WhiskeySockets & adiwajshing

Base - By FG98F

GURU-BOT - By Guru322
- This bot is not made by
WhatsApp Inc.
So misusing the bot mightban
yourWhatsApp account!
(Though your WhatsApp account can be unbanned only once.) - I am not responsible for banning your account.
- Use at your own risk by keeping this warning in mind.
- Not For Sale
- If A plugin's code is obfuscated , You don't have permission to edit it in any form
- Don't Forget to Give Credits If you are using or Reuploading My Plugins/files
- Have A Good Day Ahead