Version | Notes |
v0.3.0 | 02 May 2015 |
+ Added native Linux binaries (32/64-bit versions) | |
+ Added open database file via Drag&Drop onto LogEye executable in Explorer [Windows] | |
- Removed deprecated MSAC GUIDs support | |
~ GUI controls glitches (reported by Bistoufly) [Windows] | |
% Modified database structure (based on Prodigyx' suggestions) | |
% Modified database format validation (checking for SQLite3 header now) | |
% Modified [Alt + 1..5] and [Alt + X] shortcuts to [Ctrl + 1..5] and [Ctrl + X] |
% Modified icons set | |
v0.2.0 | 22 Feb 2013 |
+ Added 64-bit version | |
+ Added BakaAdmin logs support | |
+ Added Drag&Drop support for database open function | |
+ Added infotips for a toolbar buttons | |
+ Added keyboard shortcuts for a toolbar buttons | |
+ Added shortcut [Alt + X] for reseting all search fields |
+ Added proper GUI resizing | |
+ Added restore window position feature | |
% Modified search results sorting (made it bi-directional) | |
% Modified log files detection algorithm | |
~ Fixed search results sorting bug with an empty results list | |
~ Fixed bug when manually disabled servers were processed incorrectly | |
~ Fixed bug with behaviour of Uncheck all option in servers list context menu | |
v0.1.60 | 26 Oct 2011 |
+ Added HWID field (based on Hardware Identifiers from SoldatServer 2.7.0 and above) | |
+ Added hwid <hwid> command line switch and %hwid export format placeholder |
+ Added shortcuts for search fields focusing ([Alt + 1] for IP, [Alt + 2] for HWID, etc.) |
% Modified parser to work with Soldat 1.6.0+ (ARSSE/SoldatServer) logs | |
v0.1.55 | 15 Jun 2011 |
+ Added help , ip <ip> , guid <guid> , serv <server> , date <date> command line switches |
~ Fixed search results sorting bug | |
% Modified WhoisURL setting (new export format placeholders could be used in addition to the %ip ) |
% Modified MSAC GUIDs parser (to support both new and old formats) | |
v0.1.53 | 10 May 2011 |
+ Added search results export feature (customizable Txt & HTML formats) | |
+ Added search results sorting feature | |
~ Fixed search by GUID case sensitivity bug (made insensitive) | |
~ Fixed few GUI bugs | |
% Modified minor GUI settings | |
v0.1.51 | 13 Mar 2011 |
+ Added silent command line switch |
~ Fixed QuickUpdate settings save bug | |
% Modified MSAC GUIDs parser (to support both new and old formats) | |
v0.1.50 | 02 Mar 2011 |
+ Added an application auto update feature | |
~ Fixed a few bugs | |
% Modified minor GUI settings | |
v0.1.48 | 27 Feb 2011 |
+ Added database QuickUpdate feature | |
+ Added command line switches | |
~ Fixed a few bugs | |
v0.1.46 | 16 Feb 2011 |
+ Added GUID field (based on MSAC's Globally Unique IDs for SoldatServer 2.6.5) | |
+ Added context menu for the results list | |
~ Fixed Unicode support bug | |
~ Fixed search by Name with "Case sensitive" option enabled bug | |
~ Fixed search by Date with "Use wildcards" option disabled bug | |
% Modified INI settings | |
% Modified GUI settings | |
v0.1.45 | 08 Feb 2011 |
% Modified database format (switched to SQLite) | |
* Code has been rewritten. Next changelogs will use this version as their base | |
v0.0.36 | 28 Jun 2009 |
% Modified minor GUI settings | |
v0.0.35 | 27 Jun 2009 |
+ Added ARSSE logs support | |
+ Added "Use wildcards" as an option | |
~ Fixed minor GUI bug | |
% Modified minor GUI settings | |
v0.0.34 | 03 Apr 2009 |
~ Fixed default open/save paths bug | |
% Modified minor GUI settings | |
v0.0.33 | 02 Apr 2009 |
* First public beta |
Added feature,-
Removed feature,~
Fixed feature,%
Modified feature,*