This document provides an extensive technical deep dive into how to create, manipulate and use YDLIDAR SDK's API.
The first part of demonstrating YDLIDAR S2-Pro SDK API is to understand the ydlidar_test/ydlidar_test example. Following are one optinal concepts: ydlidar::init(int argc, char *argv[])
(basic unit) of the example.
In the YDLIDAR S2-Pro SDK, the ydlidar::init(int argc, char *argv[])
is optinal unit, If you need to accept Ctrl + C
or other system abnormal signals. you can use it to create a system state, and check whether the system is normal by ydlidar::ok()
The system signal creation interface is as follows:
ydlidar::init(int argc, char *argv[]);
- when
ydlidar::init(int argc, char *argv[])
has called, the system is in an initialized state, able to acceptCtrl + C
#include "CYdLidar.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;
using namespace ydlidar;
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma comment(lib, "ydlidar_sdk.lib")
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// init system signal
ydlidar::init(argc, argv);
CYdLidar laser;
//////////////////////string property/////////////////
/// lidar port
std::string port = "/dev/ydlidar
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropSerialPort, port.c_str(), port.size());
/// ignore array
std::string ignore_array;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropIgnoreArray, ignore_array.c_str(),
//////////////////////int property/////////////////
/// lidar baudrate
int optval = 115200;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropSerialBaudrate, &optval, sizeof(int));
/// abnormal count
optval = 4;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropAbnormalCheckCount, &optval, sizeof(int));
//////////////////////bool property/////////////////
/// fixed angle resolution
bool b_optvalue = false;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropFixedResolution, &b_optvalue, sizeof(bool));
/// rotate 180
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropReversion, &b_optvalue, sizeof(bool));
/// Counterclockwise
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropInverted, &b_optvalue, sizeof(bool));
b_optvalue = true;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropAutoReconnect, &b_optvalue, sizeof(bool));
//////////////////////float property/////////////////
/// unit: °
float f_optvalue = 180.0f;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropMaxAngle, &f_optvalue, sizeof(float));
f_optvalue = -180.0f;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropMinAngle, &f_optvalue, sizeof(float));
/// unit: m
f_optvalue = 16.f;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropMaxRange, &f_optvalue, sizeof(float));
f_optvalue = 0.1f;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropMinRange, &f_optvalue, sizeof(float));
/// unit: Hz
f_optvalue = 10.f;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropScanFrequency, &f_optvalue, sizeof(float));
// initialize SDK and LiDAR
bool ret = laser.initialize();
if (ret) {//success
//Start the device scanning routine which runs on a separate thread and enable motor.
ret = laser.turnOn();
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", laser.DescribeError());
LaserScan scan;
// Turn On success and loop
while (ret && ydlidar::ok()) {
bool hardError;
if (laser.doProcessSimple(scan, hardError)) {
fprintf(stdout, "Scan received[%llu]: %u ranges is [%f]Hz\n",
(unsigned int)scan.points.size(), 1.0 / scan.config.scan_time);
} else {
printf("[YDLIDAR ERROR]: %s\n",ydlidar::protocol::DescribeError(laser.getDriverError()));
// Stop the device scanning thread and disable motor.
// Uninitialize the SDK and Disconnect the LiDAR.
return 0;
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11")
add_definitions(-std=c++11) # Use C++11
#Include directories
# Add the required libraries for linking:
- Build: cd build & cmake ../ & make
- Run ydlidar_test in terminals:
- ./ydlidar_test
- Examine the results: you should see message printing out in terminals.
For additional information and examples, refer to CYDLidar
* @brief set lidar properties
* @param optname option name
* @todo string properties
* - @ref LidarPropSerialPort
* - @ref LidarPropIgnoreArray
* @note set string property example
* @code
* CYdLidar laser;
* std::string lidar_port = "/dev/ydlidar";
* laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropSerialPort,lidar_port.c_str(), lidar_port.size());
* @endcode
* @todo int properties
* - @ref LidarPropSerialBaudrate
* - @ref LidarPropLidarType
* - @ref LidarPropDeviceType
* - @ref LidarPropSampleRate
* @note set int property example
* @code
* CYdLidar laser;
* int lidar_baudrate = 230400;
* laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropSerialPort,&lidar_baudrate, sizeof(int));
* @endcode
* @todo bool properties
* - @ref LidarPropFixedResolution
* - @ref LidarPropReversion
* - @ref LidarPropInverted
* - @ref LidarPropAutoReconnect
* - @ref LidarPropSingleChannel
* - @ref LidarPropIntenstiy
* @note set bool property example
* @code
* CYdLidar laser;
* bool lidar_fixedresolution = true;
* laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropSerialPort,&lidar_fixedresolution, sizeof(bool));
* @endcode
* @todo float properties
* - @ref LidarPropMaxRange
* - @ref LidarPropMinRange
* - @ref LidarPropMaxAngle
* - @ref LidarPropMinAngle
* - @ref LidarPropScanFrequency
* @note set float property example, Must be float type, not double type.
* @code
* CYdLidar laser;
* float lidar_maxrange = 16.0f;
* laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropSerialPort,&lidar_maxrange, sizeof(float));
* @endcode
* @param optval option value
* - std::string(or char*)
* - int
* - bool
* - float
* @param optlen option length
* - data type size
* @return true if the Property is set successfully, otherwise false.
* @see LidarProperty
bool setlidaropt(int optname, const void *optval, int optlen);
* @brief get lidar property
* @param optname option name
* @todo string properties
* - @ref LidarPropSerialPort
* - @ref LidarPropIgnoreArray
* @note get string property example
* @code
* CYdLidar laser;
* char lidar_port[30];
* laser.getlidaropt(LidarPropSerialPort,lidar_port, sizeof(lidar_port));
* @endcode
* @todo int properties
* - @ref LidarPropSerialBaudrate
* - @ref LidarPropLidarType
* - @ref LidarPropDeviceType
* - @ref LidarPropSampleRate
* @note get int property example
* @code
* CYdLidar laser;
* int lidar_baudrate;
* laser.getlidaropt(LidarPropSerialPort,&lidar_baudrate, sizeof(int));
* @endcode
* @todo bool properties
* - @ref LidarPropFixedResolution
* - @ref LidarPropReversion
* - @ref LidarPropInverted
* - @ref LidarPropAutoReconnect
* - @ref LidarPropSingleChannel
* - @ref LidarPropIntenstiy
* @note get bool property example
* @code
* CYdLidar laser;
* bool lidar_fixedresolution;
* laser.getlidaropt(LidarPropSerialPort,&lidar_fixedresolution, sizeof(bool));
* @endcode
* @todo float properties
* - @ref LidarPropMaxRange
* - @ref LidarPropMinRange
* - @ref LidarPropMaxAngle
* - @ref LidarPropMinAngle
* - @ref LidarPropScanFrequency
* @note set float property example
* @code
* CYdLidar laser;
* float lidar_maxrange;
* laser.getlidaropt(LidarPropSerialPort,&lidar_maxrange, sizeof(float));
* @endcode
* @param optval option value
* - std::string(or char*)
* - int
* - bool
* - float
* @param optlen option length
* - data type size
* @return true if the Property is get successfully, otherwise false.
* @see LidarProperty
bool getlidaropt(int optname, void *optval, int optlen);
* @brief Initialize the SDK and LiDAR.
* @return true if successfully initialized, otherwise false.
bool initialize();
* @brief Return LiDAR's version information in a numeric form.
* @param version Pointer to a version structure for returning the version information.
void GetLidarVersion(LidarVersion &version);
* @brief Start the device scanning routine which runs on a separate thread and enable motor.
* @return true if successfully started, otherwise false.
bool turnOn(); //!< See base class docs
* @brief Get the LiDAR Scan Data. turnOn is successful before doProcessSimple scan data.
* @param[out] outscan LiDAR Scan Data
* @param[out] hardwareError hardware error status
* @return true if successfully started, otherwise false.
bool doProcessSimple(LaserScan &scan_msg, bool &hardwareError);
* @brief Stop the device scanning thread and disable motor.
* @return true if successfully Stoped, otherwise false.
bool turnOff(); //!< See base class docs
* @brief Uninitialize the SDK and Disconnect the LiDAR.
void disconnecting(); //!< Closes the comms with the laser. Shouldn't have to be directly needed by the user
* @brief Get the last error information of a (lidar or serial)
* @return a human-readable description of the given error information
* or the last error information of a (lidar or serial)
lidar_error_t getDriverError() const;
For additional information and examples, refer to YDlidarDriver
* @brief Connecting Lidar \n
* After the connection if successful, you must use ::disconnect to close
* @param[in] port_path serial port
* @param[in] baudrate serial baudrate,S2-Pro:
* 115200
* @return connection status
* @retval 0 success
* @retval < 0 failed
* @note After the connection if successful, you must use ::disconnect to close
* @see function ::YDlidarDriver::disconnect ()
result_t connect(const char *port_path, uint32_t baudrate);
* @brief Disconnect the LiDAR.
void disconnect();
* @brief Get SDK Version \n
* static function
* @return Version
static std::string getSDKVersion();
* @brief getDriverError
* @return
lidar_error_t getDriverError();
* @brief get Health status \n
* @return result status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
result_t getHealth(device_health &health, uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
* @brief get Device information \n
* @param[in] info Device information
* @param[in] timeout timeout
* @return result status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
result_t getDeviceInfo(device_info &info, uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
* @brief Get lidar scan frequency \n
* @param[in] frequency scanning frequency
* @param[in] timeout timeout
* @return return status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
* @note Non-scan state, perform currect operation.
result_t getScanFrequency(scan_frequency_t &frequency,
uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
* @brief Increase the scanning frequency by 1.0 HZ \n
* @param[in] frequency scanning frequency
* @param[in] timeout timeout
* @return return status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
* @note Non-scan state, perform currect operation.
result_t setScanFrequencyAdd(scan_frequency_t &frequency,
uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
* @brief Reduce the scanning frequency by 1.0 HZ \n
* @param[in] frequency scanning frequency
* @param[in] timeout timeout
* @return return status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
* @note Non-scan state, perform currect operation.
result_t setScanFrequencyDis(scan_frequency_t &frequency,
uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
* @brief Increase the scanning frequency by 0.1 HZ \n
* @param[in] frequency scanning frequency
* @param[in] timeout timeout
* @return return status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
* @note Non-scan state, perform currect operation.
result_t setScanFrequencyAddMic(scan_frequency_t &frequency,
uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
* @brief Reduce the scanning frequency by 0.1 HZ \n
* @param[in] frequency scanning frequency
* @param[in] timeout timeout
* @return return status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
* @note Non-scan state, perform currect operation.
result_t setScanFrequencyDisMic(scan_frequency_t &frequency,
uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
* @brief fetches zero angle tolerance values from lidar’s internal memory while lidar assembly \n
* @param[in] angle zero offset angle
* @param[in] timeout timeout
* @return return status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_TIMEOUT Failed
* @retval RESULT_FAILE Angle is not calibrated
* @note Non-scan state, perform currect operation.
result_t getZeroOffsetAngle(offset_angle_t &angle,
uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
* @brief lidarPortList Get Lidar Port lists
* @return online lidars
static std::map<std::string, std::string> lidarPortList();
* @brief Is it connected to the lidar \n
* @return connection status
* @retval true connected
* @retval false Non-connected
bool isConnected() const;
* @brief Is the Lidar in the scan \n
* @return scanning status
* @retval true scanning
* @retval false non-scanning
bool isScanning() const;
* @brief getPointTime
* @return
uint32_t getPointIntervalTime() const;
* @brief getPackageTime
* @return
uint32_t getPackageTransferTime() const;
* @brief whether to support hot plug \n
* @param[in] enable hot plug :
* true support
* false no support
void setAutoReconnect(const bool &enable);
* @brief setSingleChannel
* @param enable
void setSingleChannel(bool enable);
* @brief Turn on scanning \n
* @param[in] force Scan mode
* @param[in] timeout timeout
* @return result status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
* @note Just turn it on once
result_t startScan(uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) ;
* @brief stop Scanning state
* @param timeout timeout
* @return status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
result_t stopScan(uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
* @brief turn off scanning \n
* @return result status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
result_t stop();
* @brief Get a circle of laser data \n
* @param[in] fan Laser data
* @param[in] count one circle of laser points
* @param[in] timeout timeout
* @return return status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
* @note Before starting, you must start the start the scan successfully with the ::startScan function
result_t grabScanData(LaserFan *fan, uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) ;
* @brief start motor \n
* @return return status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
result_t startMotor();
* @brief stop motor \n
* @return return status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
result_t stopMotor();
* @brief flush
void flush();
The Table that the user uses to perform parameter related operations:
- Set the parameter related API by table.
For additional information and examples, refer to Parameter
LIDAR | Model | Baudrate | SampleRate(K) | Range(m) | Frequency(HZ) | Intenstiy(bit) | SingleChannel | voltage(V) |
S2-Pro | 4 | 115200 | 3 | 0.12~8.0 | 5~8 | false | false | 4.8~5.2 |