- 協作性(Data team and cross team)
- insights 重用性
- 教學性(觀察他人分析時使用的程式碼技巧)
- 重現性(dataset and development env)
jupytext - .ipynb
--> .py
file-server - 跨團隊 & 團隊內快速分享 insights
peer review - 確認分析結果正確性
search engine - search by code snippets / search by file name / search by tags(大量html, notebook中找以前有沒有人做過)
- gitpython for trigger
- gitpython for notebook versioning
- MySQL and tags for search
- 顯示上不容易 : rendering尚有問題
- 尚無法Getting start : docker image support
- airbnb/knowledge-repo#521 To be tested
- 目前 docker 還有點問題,應該是要從docker image調整,或是等待官方docker image 釋出
- GitPython - github trigger - pull sutff to servering server when anyone push something.
- jypytext - versioning and collobaration with team
- nbconvert - convert notebook to html,pdf, ...
- file-server (markdown and html)
package for display markdown- integreate static python http file server.
- search engine
- medium post
- work every notebook as document and label
- elasticsearch for search engine
- rendering
- similar thought