Deep generative models are rapidly becoming popular tools for generating new molecules and optimizing the chemical properties. In this work, we will introduce a VAE model based on molecular sequence - Sequence VAE.
This repository will give you the instruction of training a sequence VAE model and sampling new molecules from the pretrained model.
You can download the pre-trained model.
We use the data from ZINC Clean Leads collection [1].
You can download the data from [datalink] (
- create a folder './data'
- unzip the file into './data'
data |-- zinc_mose | |-- train.csv | |-- test.csv
The model config is the parameters used for building the model graph. They are saved in the file: model_config.json
"max_length":the maximun length of the inout sequence "q_cell": the RNN cell type of encoding network "q_bidir": if it's bidirectional RNN or not "q_d_h": the hidden size of encoding RNN "q_n_layers": the layer numbers of encoding RNN "q_dropout": the drop out rate of encoding RNN
# decoding
"d_cell": the RNN cell type of decoding network
"d_n_layers": the layer numbers of decoding RNN
"d_dropout": the drop out rate of decoding RNN
"d_z": the hidden size of latent space
"d_d_h":the hidden size of decoding RNN
"freeze_embeddings": if freeze the embedding layer
In order to train the model, we need to set the training parameters. The dafault paramaters are saved in file:
# Train
'--n_epoch': number of trianing epoch, default=1000
'--n_batch': number of bach size, default=1000
'--lr_start': 'Initial lr value, default=3 * 1e-4
# kl annealing
'--kl_start': Epoch to start change kl weight from, default=0
'--kl_w_start': Initial kl weight value, default=0
'--kl_w_end': Maximum kl weight value, default=0.05
To run the trianing scripts:
--device='gpu' \
--dataset_dir='./data/zinc_moses/train.csv' \
--model_config='model_config.json' \
--model_save='./results/train_models/' \
--config_save='./results/config/' \
Valid: 0.9765 Novelty: 0.731 Unique@1k: 0.993 Filters: 0.853 IntDiv: 0.846
[1] @article{polykovskiy2020molecular, title={Molecular sets (MOSES): a benchmarking platform for molecular generation models}, author={Polykovskiy, Daniil and Zhebrak, Alexander and Sanchez-Lengeling, Benjamin and Golovanov, Sergey and Tatanov, Oktai and Belyaev, Stanislav and Kurbanov, Rauf and Artamonov, Aleksey and Aladinskiy, Vladimir and Veselov, Mark and others}, journal={Frontiers in pharmacology}, volume={11}, year={2020}, publisher={Frontiers Media SA} }