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ARC - Fuzzy logic

Why fuzzy logic?

Fuzzy logic promises many similarities to a neural network (NN). As we were thinking about using a NN anyway, we took a closer look at fuzzy logic. One advantage of using fuzzy logic in comparison to a NN would be the comprehensibility of the process. This would allow us to understand and debug our solution. Even though the goal of the ARC would be to get rid of the human thought process, it would not be possible in our opinion. The tasks are built by humans, and therefore it would be a mistake to not include this kind of logic into the solving process. By defining the rules for fuzzy logic discretely and by ourselves, we hoped to be able to inject such human thought processes into it.

How could the preprocessing and our obtained correlations be used in fuzzy logic?

Thanks to the preprocessing, the correlations are possible to make, since the grids of the task are transformed into a grid-object. What the preprocessing and the correlations are, can be viewed more precisely in the md-files:

With help of the correlations, the rules for the fuzzy logic can be built. The values of a correlation can be used as the input actions in the ruleset. This means for example, the parameter colorDiff could be used to build different rules and create different outcomes based on its values.

Different Approaches for fuzzy model

In general, we had the fuzzy logic in mind, to evaluate which actions need to be performed, to reach the end state. For that, our model will take one input-grid and the corresponding output-grid, to get the correlations. From these correlations, different rule-sets can be built.

To define a rule-set, it is necessary to know what should be the input and output of the rule. A rule can look something like this:

If (variable_1 is about value) and (variable_2 is very high) [and... ]* then output is action.

Our variables are defined in the correlations, which are simply the different attributes of a correlation-object.

For our output of the fuzzy logic, we had different ideas:

Idea 1

One idea was, that the output of the fuzzy logic will be the truth-values of the predefined actions.

To gain the necessary actions to perform, the most true values will be used.


Different actions need to be performed in specific orders. Therefore it has to be figured out the order of the actions, which needs to be tested more or less by brute-force, until one specific order of those selected actions result in the correct output.

Idea 2

To improve Idea 1, we had the idea to chain those "generalized" action to more specific rules, to perform a precise action. For example a rule would tell, an action should be move, then this will be passed into another rule to perform an action move_left.

If (variable_1 is about value) and (variable_2 is very high) [and... ]* then temp_output1 is move.
If (temp_output1 is move) and (variable_3 is low) [and... ]* then temp_output2 is move_left.
If (temp_output2 is move_left) and (variable_4 is close to 10) [and... ]* then output is move_left_amount.

From the attribute move_left_amount we should have a guessed value, how far the object should be moved to the left.


Unfortunately, this solution requires a tremendous amount of rules, which we were not able to implement due to our restricted time capacity.

Probably we also think for some actions, it is not that easy to define rules from correlations alone. For example a bounce_from_wall is not possible to see with a rule just by comparing in- and output. Here, the human thought-process needs to be taken into consideration.

Idea 3

A totally different approach would be to not use the action as an output, but an amount of actions. This means it is an approximate number expected and with this number, the search-algorithm for finding the correct action-order can be optimized.

For example instead of searching for all possible moves with chains from only one action until about 10 actions, we get an output value like about 5 actions, so we know that we have to search maybe 4 to 6 different actions.


A problem with this approach is, that it is less discrete than the Ideas 1 and 2. So it needs more steps to get specific actions than in the other two ideas. It is not an action-finding fuzzy logic, but only one which helps to improve finding actions.


With the ideas listed above, it should be possible to evaluate one action to perform. Unfortunately, an ARC-Problem will never be solved simply by performing one specific action on an object. It needs a sequence of actions.

To get an evaluation about the order of actions to perform, we have also considered different options:

Idea 1

One idea to simply choose the order with the actions sorted of the truth-values of the fuzzy logic.

For example with this output:
output = {"move": 0.767, "flip": 0.231, "color": 0.653}
the order would be move, color and then flip.

The problem with that idea is, that it is most likely not accurate to get an order of actions based on their truth values, since all of them were only executed alone and not in a chain. This can result in a totally different outcome.

Idea 2

A different approach which is more plausible, is by adding some more output actions, which store a truth value of how plausible it is, that this action is executed first or second.

An output could look like that:
output = {"move": 0.767, "move_first": 0.62, "move_second": 0.12, "flip": 0.231, "flip_first": 0.23, "flip_second": 0.73, "color": 0.653}
the order would be move, flip and then color (since it is not relevant, when color is needed to be executed, it does not have an "order"-attribute.)