A reddit like website, where people can create subjects and send messages inside
Users can earn experience when they create a subject or send a message they earn experience
Users earn 1 point of experience for every message they send and 5 points of experience for every category they create
Users can sign up and sign in to the website
Users can edit their personal information
Users can recover their password via an email
Administrators have access to a back office
Usernames are suggested with an API when the user creates an account
Users can react with their own emojis 🦧
Personal profil picture
Users can comment the messages
Users can comment the comments
Create a mobile version of the website
Improve the CSS
Usage of forms
Interractions with the mailer to recover password
Relation between the database and authentication
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env.local file
To run the project locally, you have to install symfony and php on your system.
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/Ynov-b2-sf-2022/rendu-sf-5-chatterr
Go to the project directory
cd rendu-sf-5-chatterr
Install dependencies
npm install
composer install
Create the database
php bin/console doctrine:database:create
Migrate the database
php bin/console make:migration
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
Load fixtures
php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
Start the server
npm run watch
in another terminal run
symfony serve --no-tls
you can now access to the website via localhost:8000
If you want to access to the admin panel, you have to be logged in and add the ROLE_ADMIN
to your account in the database.
- Code refacto
- Respect of the best practices
- Use of the Twig templating engine
- Use of the Doctrine ORM
- Use of the Symfony Form component
- Use of the Symfony Security component
- Use of the Symfony Mailer component