From 857342ef35036026655ad1d5e3cd23029d04bcdd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Roland Coeurjoly <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2024 12:59:45 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add test for SMT backend. Tests if SMT is valid and compares
 simulation with yosys sim

 tests/functional/single_cells/ | 91 +++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 91 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 tests/functional/single_cells/

diff --git a/tests/functional/single_cells/ b/tests/functional/single_cells/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..42e1a7c4b65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/functional/single_cells/
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# Initialize an array to store the names of failing RTLIL files and their failure types
+declare -A failing_files
+# Initialize an array to store the names of successful RTLIL files
+declare -A successful_files
+# Function to run the test on a given RTLIL file
+run_test() {
+    # Define the common variable for the relative path
+    BASE_PATH="../../../"
+    local rtlil_file=$1
+    # Extract the base name without extension
+    local base_name=$(basename "$rtlil_file" .il)
+    # Run yosys to process each RTLIL file
+    if ${BASE_PATH}yosys -p "read_rtlil $rtlil_file; write_functional_smt2 ${base_name}.smt2"; then
+        echo "Yosys processed $rtlil_file successfully."
+	# Check that the smt file generated is valid
+        # Execute the Python script to create a VCD file from the SMT2 file
+	if z3 "${base_name}.smt2"; then
+            echo "SMT file ${base_name}.smt2 is valid ."
+            if python3 "${base_name}.smt2"; then
+		echo "Python script generated VCD file for $rtlil_file successfully."
+		# Check if VCD file was generated successfully
+		if [ -f "${base_name}.smt2.vcd" ]; then
+                    echo "VCD file ${base_name}.vcd generated successfully by Python."
+                    # Run yosys simulation to generate a reference VCD file
+                    if ${BASE_PATH}yosys -p "read_rtlil $rtlil_file; sim -vcd ${base_name}_yosys.vcd -r ${base_name}.smt2.vcd -scope gold -timescale 1us"; then
+			echo "Yosys simulation for $rtlil_file completed successfully."
+			successful_files["$rtlil_file"]="Success"
+                    else
+			echo "Yosys simulation failed for $rtlil_file."
+			failing_files["$rtlil_file"]="Yosys simulation failure"
+                    fi
+		else
+                    echo "Failed to generate VCD file (${base_name}.vcd) for $rtlil_file. "
+                    failing_files["$rtlil_file"]="VCD generation failure"
+		fi
+            else
+		echo "Failed to run Python script for $rtlil_file."
+		failing_files["$rtlil_file"]="Python script failure"
+	    fi
+	else
+	    echo "SMT file for $rtlil_file is invalid"
+	    failing_files["$rtlil_file"]="Invalid SMT"
+	fi
+    else
+        echo "Yosys failed to process $rtlil_file."
+        failing_files["$rtlil_file"]="Yosys failure"
+    fi
+# Main function to run all tests
+run_all_tests() {
+    # Loop through all RTLIL files in the rtlil directory
+    for rtlil_file in rtlil/*.il; do
+        run_test "$rtlil_file"
+    done
+    # Check if the array of failing files is empty
+    if [ ${#failing_files[@]} -eq 0 ]; then
+        echo "All files passed."
+        echo "The following files passed:"
+        for file in "${!successful_files[@]}"; do
+            echo "$file"
+        done
+        return 0
+    else
+        echo "The following files failed:"
+        for file in "${!failing_files[@]}"]; do
+    echo "$file: ${failing_files[$file]}"
+echo "The following files passed:"
+for file in "${!successful_files[@]}"]; do
+					 echo "$file"
+				     done
+				      return 1
+				     fi
+				      }
+				       # If the script is being sourced, do not execute the tests
+				       if [[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "${0}" ]]; then
+					   run_all_tests
+				       fi