Widget to keep you updated on the current prices of Top 10 cryptocurrencies on CoinMarketCap.
Currently it shows the current price of Bitcoin (BTH), Ripple (XRP), Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Cardano (ADA), Tron (TRX), NEM (XEM), Litecoin (LTC), Stellar Lumens (XLM) and IOTA (MIOTA).
Get the official Garmin app here! (4 ⭐ Rating - 7605 Downloads)
This was just a quick holiday project, so it is not fully finished yet.
Feel free to contact me about requested features, and let me know if you like the project! :)
Built for Garmin ConnectIQ SDK - 1.3.0 and higher.
- Eclipse - Oxygen.2 Release (4.7.2)
- Java SDK 8
- ConnectIQ SDK 2.4.1
- CoinMarketCap JSON API
- Find suitable JSON API
- Learn MonkeyC
- Implement Bitcoin ticker
- Implement Top 5 coins
- Make GUI scalable for multiple devices
- Perform testing on multiple Garmin devices
- Get the app accepted on the ConnectIQ Store
- Add support for more devices (D2 Bravo and VivoActive Support added in v1.1.0)
- Add additional logos to 'drawables' in case of a new Top 10
- Add USD/EUR conversion
- Add background activity to avoid startup time
- Improve scalability of text and bitmaps
- Add 24hr/7day graphs for each currency, and 24hr Low/High
- Portfolio tracking
- Ole Lim Christiansen
- Apache 2.0 License
I try to keep all my projects open source, and free to use, so donations are much appreciated! :)
BTC: 1ALX52tCCfn7bYFjC1A5StK1f3FJLUyhd1
ETH: 0x871428f5bb36BD02F5bC2de547f7273E471F3A0d
ADA: addr1v9h0ef0n95d0jjdp33zg3hx7kuys06h0pajr66tfqgg7akc4luvtr
LINK: 0x0ede2c872b25793ca06b513ebce0baabe357f6b1