All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Allow use of stable version of
- Rule
to improve legibility of code.
- Increase minimum version of
package to guaranteeRequireExplicitBooleanOperatorPrecedence
sniff exists.
- ESLint conflict between
- Args to show phpcs warnings/errors in color and show the correct class that renders the warning/error. This way it's easier to ignore if necessary.
- Rule
, since this did not help for the readability of the code.
- Constraint for
to be compatible with magento 2.4.4 and higher coding standards.
- Package is now also installable in PHP 8.
- Copyrights.
- Declare strict types.
- Updated squizlabs/php_codesniffer to resolve phpunit error.
- Vendor to Youwe.
- Changed MediaCT rule names to Global.
- PHP 5.x support.
- Phpunit is required by mediact testing suite and is not a requirement for this module.
- PhpStorm 2020 has changed there config folder to a different path.
- Refactored code to fix testing suite issues.
- Dev Docker
- Compatibility with latest testing suite module.