kube-apiserver作为整个Kubernetes集群操作etcd的唯一入口,负责Kubernetes各资源的认证&鉴权,校验以及CRUD等操作。Kubernetes提供RESTful APIs,供其它组件调用,本文将对kube-apiserver整体架构进行源码分析(后续分章节展开各部分细节)
- aggregatorServer:暴露的功能类似于一个七层负载均衡,将来自用户的请求拦截转发给其他服务器
- kubeAPIServer:负责对请求的一些通用处理,包括:认证、鉴权以及各个内建资源的 REST 服务等
- apiExtensionsServer:主要处理 CustomResourceDefinition(CRD)和 CustomResource(CR)的 REST 请求,也是 Delegation 的最后一环,如果对应 CR 不能被处理的话则会返回 404
AggregatorServer 和 APIExtensionsServer 对应两种主要扩展 APIServer 资源的方式,也即分别是 AA 和 CRD
其中,Aggregator 通过 APIServices 对象关联到某个 Service 来进行请求的转发,其关联的 Service 类型进一步决定了请求转发形式。Aggregator 包括一个 GenericAPIServer
和维护自身状态的 Controller。其中 GenericAPIServer
主要处理 apiregistration.k8s.io
组下的 APIService 资源请求,controller包括:
:负责 APIServices 中资源的注册与删除;availableConditionController
:维护 APIServices 的可用状态,包括其引用 Service 是否可用等;autoRegistrationController
:用于保持 API 中存在的一组特定的 APIServices;crdRegistrationController
:负责将 CRD GroupVersions 自动注册到 APIServices 中;openAPIAggregationController
:将 APIServices 资源的变化同步至提供的 OpenAPI 文档;
Kubernetes 中的一些附加组件,比如 metrics-server 就是通过 Aggregator 的方式进行扩展的,实际环境中可以通过使用 apiserver-builder 工具轻松以 Aggregator 的扩展方式创建自定义资源
KubeAPIServer 主要是提供对 API Resource 的操作请求,为 Kubernetes 中众多 API 注册路由信息,暴露 RESTful API 并且对外提供 Kubernetes service,使集群中以及集群外的服务都可以通过 RESTful API 操作 kubernetes 中的资源
APIExtensionServer 作为 Delegation 链的最后一层,是处理所有用户通过 Custom Resource Definition 定义的资源服务器
其中包含的 controller 以及功能如下所示:
:将 crd 资源的变化同步至提供的 OpenAPI 文档,可通过访问/openapi/v2
:负责将 crd 信息注册到 apiVersions 和 apiResources 中,两者的信息可通过$ kubectl api-versions
和$ kubectl api-resources
:检查 crd obj 中是否有命名冲突,可在 crd.status.conditions
:检查 crd 是否处于正常状态,可在 crd.status.conditions
:检查 crd obj 结构是否正常,可在 crd.status.conditions
:检查 crd 是否遵循 Kubernetes API 声明策略,可在 crd.status.conditions
:类似于 finalizes 的功能,与 CRs 的删除有关;
// Run runs the specified APIServer. This should never exit.
func Run(completeOptions completedServerRunOptions, stopCh <-chan struct{}) error {
// To help debugging, immediately log version
klog.Infof("Version: %+v", version.Get())
server, err := CreateServerChain(completeOptions, stopCh)
if err != nil {
return err
prepared, err := server.PrepareRun()
if err != nil {
return err
return prepared.Run(stopCh)
- 1、调用
构建服务调用链并判断是否启动非安全的 http server,http server 链中包含 apiserver 要启动的三个 server,以及为每个 server 注册对应资源的路由; - 2、调用
路由的注册工作; - 3、调用
启动 https server;
server 的初始化使用委托模式,通过 DelegationTarget 接口,把基本的 API Server、CustomResource、Aggregator 这三种服务采用链式结构串联起来,对外提供服务:
// DelegationTarget is an interface which allows for composition of API servers with top level handling that works
// as expected.
type DelegationTarget interface {
// UnprotectedHandler returns a handler that is NOT protected by a normal chain
UnprotectedHandler() http.Handler
// PostStartHooks returns the post-start hooks that need to be combined
PostStartHooks() map[string]postStartHookEntry
// PreShutdownHooks returns the pre-stop hooks that need to be combined
PreShutdownHooks() map[string]preShutdownHookEntry
// HealthzChecks returns the healthz checks that need to be combined
HealthzChecks() []healthz.HealthChecker
// ListedPaths returns the paths for supporting an index
ListedPaths() []string
// NextDelegate returns the next delegationTarget in the chain of delegations
NextDelegate() DelegationTarget
// PrepareRun does post API installation setup steps. It calls recursively the same function of the delegates.
PrepareRun() preparedGenericAPIServer
是完成 server 初始化的方法,里面包含 APIExtensionsServer
初始化的所有流程,最终返回 aggregatorapiserver.APIAggregator
实例,初始化流程主要有:http filter chain 的配置、API Group 的注册、http path 与 handler 的关联以及 handler 后端存储 etcd 的配置。其主要逻辑为:
- 1、调用
创建 KubeAPIServer 所需要的配置,主要是创建master.Config
生成 genericConfig,genericConfig 中包含 apiserver 的核心配置; - 2、判断是否启用了扩展的 API server 并调用
为其创建配置; - 3、调用
创建 apiExtensionsServer 实例; - 4、调用
初始化 kubeAPIServer; - 5、调用
为 aggregatorServer 创建配置并调用createAggregatorServer
初始化 aggregatorServer; - 6、配置并判断是否启动非安全的 http server;
// CreateServerChain creates the apiservers connected via delegation.
func CreateServerChain(completedOptions completedServerRunOptions, stopCh <-chan struct{}) (*aggregatorapiserver.APIAggregator, error) {
nodeTunneler, proxyTransport, err := CreateNodeDialer(completedOptions)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
kubeAPIServerConfig, insecureServingInfo, serviceResolver, pluginInitializer, err := CreateKubeAPIServerConfig(completedOptions, nodeTunneler, proxyTransport)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If additional API servers are added, they should be gated.
apiExtensionsConfig, err := createAPIExtensionsConfig(*kubeAPIServerConfig.GenericConfig, kubeAPIServerConfig.ExtraConfig.VersionedInformers, pluginInitializer, completedOptions.ServerRunOptions, completedOptions.MasterCount,
serviceResolver, webhook.NewDefaultAuthenticationInfoResolverWrapper(proxyTransport, kubeAPIServerConfig.GenericConfig.EgressSelector, kubeAPIServerConfig.GenericConfig.LoopbackClientConfig))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
apiExtensionsServer, err := createAPIExtensionsServer(apiExtensionsConfig, genericapiserver.NewEmptyDelegate())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
kubeAPIServer, err := CreateKubeAPIServer(kubeAPIServerConfig, apiExtensionsServer.GenericAPIServer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// aggregator comes last in the chain
aggregatorConfig, err := createAggregatorConfig(*kubeAPIServerConfig.GenericConfig, completedOptions.ServerRunOptions, kubeAPIServerConfig.ExtraConfig.VersionedInformers, serviceResolver, proxyTransport, pluginInitializer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
aggregatorServer, err := createAggregatorServer(aggregatorConfig, kubeAPIServer.GenericAPIServer, apiExtensionsServer.Informers)
if err != nil {
// we don't need special handling for innerStopCh because the aggregator server doesn't create any go routines
return nil, err
if insecureServingInfo != nil {
insecureHandlerChain := kubeserver.BuildInsecureHandlerChain(aggregatorServer.GenericAPIServer.UnprotectedHandler(), kubeAPIServerConfig.GenericConfig)
if err := insecureServingInfo.Serve(insecureHandlerChain, kubeAPIServerConfig.GenericConfig.RequestTimeout, stopCh); err != nil {
return nil, err
return aggregatorServer, nil
先看CreateKubeAPIServerConfig,在 CreateKubeAPIServerConfig
中主要是调用 buildGenericConfig
创建 genericConfig 以及构建 master.Config 对象:
// CreateKubeAPIServerConfig creates all the resources for running the API server, but runs none of them
func CreateKubeAPIServerConfig(
s completedServerRunOptions,
nodeTunneler tunneler.Tunneler,
proxyTransport *http.Transport,
) (
) {
// 1、构建 genericConfig
genericConfig, versionedInformers, insecureServingInfo, serviceResolver, pluginInitializers, admissionPostStartHook, storageFactory, err := buildGenericConfig(s.ServerRunOptions, proxyTransport)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, err
// 2、初始化所支持的 capabilities
AllowPrivileged: s.AllowPrivileged,
// TODO(vmarmol): Implement support for HostNetworkSources.
PrivilegedSources: capabilities.PrivilegedSources{
HostNetworkSources: []string{},
HostPIDSources: []string{},
HostIPCSources: []string{},
PerConnectionBandwidthLimitBytesPerSec: s.MaxConnectionBytesPerSec,
if len(s.ShowHiddenMetricsForVersion) > 0 {
// 3、获取 service ip range 以及 api server service IP
serviceIPRange, apiServerServiceIP, err := master.ServiceIPRange(s.PrimaryServiceClusterIPRange)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, err
// 4、构建 master.Config 对象
config := &master.Config{
GenericConfig: genericConfig,
ExtraConfig: master.ExtraConfig{
APIResourceConfigSource: storageFactory.APIResourceConfigSource,
StorageFactory: storageFactory,
EventTTL: s.EventTTL,
KubeletClientConfig: s.KubeletConfig,
EnableLogsSupport: s.EnableLogsHandler,
ProxyTransport: proxyTransport,
Tunneler: nodeTunneler,
ServiceIPRange: serviceIPRange,
APIServerServiceIP: apiServerServiceIP,
SecondaryServiceIPRange: secondaryServiceIPRange,
APIServerServicePort: 443,
ServiceNodePortRange: s.ServiceNodePortRange,
KubernetesServiceNodePort: s.KubernetesServiceNodePort,
EndpointReconcilerType: reconcilers.Type(s.EndpointReconcilerType),
MasterCount: s.MasterCount,
ServiceAccountIssuer: s.ServiceAccountIssuer,
ServiceAccountMaxExpiration: s.ServiceAccountTokenMaxExpiration,
VersionedInformers: versionedInformers,
return config, insecureServingInfo, serviceResolver, pluginInitializers, nil
// BuildGenericConfig takes the master server options and produces the genericapiserver.Config associated with it
func buildGenericConfig(
s *options.ServerRunOptions,
proxyTransport *http.Transport,
) (
genericConfig *genericapiserver.Config,
versionedInformers clientgoinformers.SharedInformerFactory,
insecureServingInfo *genericapiserver.DeprecatedInsecureServingInfo,
serviceResolver aggregatorapiserver.ServiceResolver,
pluginInitializers []admission.PluginInitializer,
admissionPostStartHook genericapiserver.PostStartHookFunc,
storageFactory *serverstorage.DefaultStorageFactory,
lastErr error,
) {
// 1、为 genericConfig 设置默认值
genericConfig = genericapiserver.NewConfig(legacyscheme.Codecs)
genericConfig.MergedResourceConfig = master.DefaultAPIResourceConfigSource()
genericConfig.OpenAPIConfig = genericapiserver.DefaultOpenAPIConfig(generatedopenapi.GetOpenAPIDefinitions, openapinamer.NewDefinitionNamer(legacyscheme.Scheme, extensionsapiserver.Scheme, aggregatorscheme.Scheme))
genericConfig.OpenAPIConfig.Info.Title = "Kubernetes"
genericConfig.LongRunningFunc = filters.BasicLongRunningRequestCheck(
sets.NewString("watch", "proxy"),
sets.NewString("attach", "exec", "proxy", "log", "portforward"),
kubeVersion := version.Get()
genericConfig.Version = &kubeVersion
storageFactoryConfig := kubeapiserver.NewStorageFactoryConfig()
storageFactoryConfig.APIResourceConfig = genericConfig.MergedResourceConfig
completedStorageFactoryConfig, err := storageFactoryConfig.Complete(s.Etcd)
if err != nil {
lastErr = err
// 初始化 storageFactory
storageFactory, lastErr = completedStorageFactoryConfig.New()
if lastErr != nil {
if genericConfig.EgressSelector != nil {
storageFactory.StorageConfig.Transport.EgressLookup = genericConfig.EgressSelector.Lookup
// 2、初始化 RESTOptionsGetter,后期根据其获取操作 Etcd 的句柄,同时添加 etcd 的健康检查方法
if lastErr = s.Etcd.ApplyWithStorageFactoryTo(storageFactory, genericConfig); lastErr != nil {
// 3、设置使用 protobufs 用来内部交互,并且禁用压缩功能
// Use protobufs for self-communication.
// Since not every generic apiserver has to support protobufs, we
// cannot default to it in generic apiserver and need to explicitly
// set it in kube-apiserver.
genericConfig.LoopbackClientConfig.ContentConfig.ContentType = "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf"
// Disable compression for self-communication, since we are going to be
// on a fast local network
genericConfig.LoopbackClientConfig.DisableCompression = true
// 4、创建 clientset
kubeClientConfig := genericConfig.LoopbackClientConfig
clientgoExternalClient, err := clientgoclientset.NewForConfig(kubeClientConfig)
if err != nil {
lastErr = fmt.Errorf("failed to create real external clientset: %v", err)
versionedInformers = clientgoinformers.NewSharedInformerFactory(clientgoExternalClient, 10*time.Minute)
// 5、创建认证实例,支持多种认证方式:请求 Header 认证、Auth 文件认证、CA 证书认证、Bearer token 认证、
// ServiceAccount 认证、BootstrapToken 认证、WebhookToken 认证等
genericConfig.Authentication.Authenticator, genericConfig.OpenAPIConfig.SecurityDefinitions, err = BuildAuthenticator(s, genericConfig.EgressSelector, clientgoExternalClient, versionedInformers)
if err != nil {
lastErr = fmt.Errorf("invalid authentication config: %v", err)
// 6、创建鉴权实例,包含:Node、RBAC、Webhook、ABAC、AlwaysAllow、AlwaysDeny
genericConfig.Authorization.Authorizer, genericConfig.RuleResolver, err = BuildAuthorizer(s, genericConfig.EgressSelector, versionedInformers)
if err != nil {
lastErr = fmt.Errorf("invalid authorization config: %v", err)
if !sets.NewString(s.Authorization.Modes...).Has(modes.ModeRBAC) {
admissionConfig := &kubeapiserveradmission.Config{
ExternalInformers: versionedInformers,
LoopbackClientConfig: genericConfig.LoopbackClientConfig,
CloudConfigFile: s.CloudProvider.CloudConfigFile,
serviceResolver = buildServiceResolver(s.EnableAggregatorRouting, genericConfig.LoopbackClientConfig.Host, versionedInformers)
authInfoResolverWrapper := webhook.NewDefaultAuthenticationInfoResolverWrapper(proxyTransport, genericConfig.EgressSelector, genericConfig.LoopbackClientConfig)
// 7、审计插件的初始化
lastErr = s.Audit.ApplyTo(
serveroptions.NewProcessInfo("kube-apiserver", "kube-system"),
AuthInfoResolverWrapper: authInfoResolverWrapper,
ServiceResolver: serviceResolver,
if lastErr != nil {
// 8、准入插件的初始化
pluginInitializers, admissionPostStartHook, err = admissionConfig.New(proxyTransport, genericConfig.EgressSelector, serviceResolver)
if err != nil {
lastErr = fmt.Errorf("failed to create admission plugin initializer: %v", err)
err = s.Admission.ApplyTo(
if err != nil {
lastErr = fmt.Errorf("failed to initialize admission: %v", err)
func DefaultBuildHandlerChain(apiHandler http.Handler, c *Config) http.Handler {
handler := genericapifilters.WithAuthorization(apiHandler, c.Authorization.Authorizer, c.Serializer)
if c.FlowControl != nil {
handler = genericfilters.WithPriorityAndFairness(handler, c.LongRunningFunc, c.FlowControl)
} else {
handler = genericfilters.WithMaxInFlightLimit(handler, c.MaxRequestsInFlight, c.MaxMutatingRequestsInFlight, c.LongRunningFunc)
handler = genericapifilters.WithImpersonation(handler, c.Authorization.Authorizer, c.Serializer)
handler = genericapifilters.WithAudit(handler, c.AuditBackend, c.AuditPolicyChecker, c.LongRunningFunc)
failedHandler := genericapifilters.Unauthorized(c.Serializer, c.Authentication.SupportsBasicAuth)
failedHandler = genericapifilters.WithFailedAuthenticationAudit(failedHandler, c.AuditBackend, c.AuditPolicyChecker)
handler = genericapifilters.WithAuthentication(handler, c.Authentication.Authenticator, failedHandler, c.Authentication.APIAudiences)
handler = genericfilters.WithCORS(handler, c.CorsAllowedOriginList, nil, nil, nil, "true")
handler = genericfilters.WithTimeoutForNonLongRunningRequests(handler, c.LongRunningFunc, c.RequestTimeout)
handler = genericfilters.WithWaitGroup(handler, c.LongRunningFunc, c.HandlerChainWaitGroup)
handler = genericapifilters.WithRequestInfo(handler, c.RequestInfoResolver)
if c.SecureServing != nil && !c.SecureServing.DisableHTTP2 && c.GoawayChance > 0 {
handler = genericfilters.WithProbabilisticGoaway(handler, c.GoawayChance)
handler = genericapifilters.WithCacheControl(handler)
handler = genericfilters.WithPanicRecovery(handler)
return handler
- 1、调用
生成默认的 genericConfig,genericConfig 中主要配置了DefaultBuildHandlerChain
中包含了认证、鉴权等一系列 http filter chain; - 2、调用
加载需要启用的 API Resource,集群中所有的 API Resource 可以在代码的k8s.io/api
目录中看到,随着版本的迭代也会不断变化; - 3、为 genericConfig 中的部分字段设置默认值;
- 4、调用
创建 storageFactory,后面会使用 storageFactory 为每种API Resource 创建对应的 RESTStorage;
以上主要分析 KubeAPIServerConfig 的初始化,其他两个 server config 的初始化暂且不详细分析,下面接着继续分析 server 的初始化
APIExtensionsServer 是最先被初始化的,在 createAPIExtensionsServer
中调用 apiextensionsConfig.Complete().New
来完成 server 的初始化,其主要逻辑为:
- 1、首先调用
的模式初始化 Container,在c.GenericConfig.New
初始化 handler,APIServerHandler 包含了 API Server 使用的多种http.Handler 类型,包括go-restful
,以及在以上两者之间选择的 Director 对象,go-restful
用于处理已经注册的 handler,non-go-restful
用来处理不存在的 handler,API URI 处理的选择过程为:FullHandlerChain-> Director ->{GoRestfulContainer, NonGoRestfulMux}
等路由信息。三种 server 在初始化时首先都会调用c.GenericConfig.New
来初始化一个 genericServer,然后进行 API 的注册; - 2、调用
在路由中注册 API Resources,此方法的调用链非常深,主要是为了将需要暴露的 API Resource 注册到 server 中,以便能通过 http 接口进行 resource 的 REST 操作,其他几种 server 在初始化时也都会执行对应的InstallAPI
; - 3、初始化 server 中需要使用的 controller,主要有
r; - 4、将需要启动的 controller 以及 informer 添加到 PostStartHook 中;
func createAPIExtensionsServer(apiextensionsConfig *apiextensionsapiserver.Config, delegateAPIServer genericapiserver.DelegationTarget) (*apiextensionsapiserver.CustomResourceDefinitions, error) {
return apiextensionsConfig.Complete().New(delegateAPIServer)
// k8s.io/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/apiserver/apiserver.go:129
// New returns a new instance of CustomResourceDefinitions from the given config.
func (c completedConfig) New(delegationTarget genericapiserver.DelegationTarget) (*CustomResourceDefinitions, error) {
// 1、初始化 genericServer
genericServer, err := c.GenericConfig.New("apiextensions-apiserver", delegationTarget)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s := &CustomResourceDefinitions{
GenericAPIServer: genericServer,
// 2、初始化 APIGroup Info,APIGroup 指该 server 需要暴露的 API
apiResourceConfig := c.GenericConfig.MergedResourceConfig
apiGroupInfo := genericapiserver.NewDefaultAPIGroupInfo(apiextensions.GroupName, Scheme, metav1.ParameterCodec, Codecs)
if apiResourceConfig.VersionEnabled(v1beta1.SchemeGroupVersion) {
storage := map[string]rest.Storage{}
// customresourcedefinitions
customResourceDefintionStorage := customresourcedefinition.NewREST(Scheme, c.GenericConfig.RESTOptionsGetter)
storage["customresourcedefinitions"] = customResourceDefintionStorage
storage["customresourcedefinitions/status"] = customresourcedefinition.NewStatusREST(Scheme, customResourceDefintionStorage)
apiGroupInfo.VersionedResourcesStorageMap[v1beta1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version] = storage
if apiResourceConfig.VersionEnabled(v1.SchemeGroupVersion) {
storage := map[string]rest.Storage{}
// customresourcedefinitions
customResourceDefintionStorage := customresourcedefinition.NewREST(Scheme, c.GenericConfig.RESTOptionsGetter)
storage["customresourcedefinitions"] = customResourceDefintionStorage
storage["customresourcedefinitions/status"] = customresourcedefinition.NewStatusREST(Scheme, customResourceDefintionStorage)
apiGroupInfo.VersionedResourcesStorageMap[v1.SchemeGroupVersion.Version] = storage
// 3、注册 APIGroup
if err := s.GenericAPIServer.InstallAPIGroup(&apiGroupInfo); err != nil {
return nil, err
// 4、初始化需要使用的 controller
crdClient, err := clientset.NewForConfig(s.GenericAPIServer.LoopbackClientConfig)
if err != nil {
// it's really bad that this is leaking here, but until we can fix the test (which I'm pretty sure isn't even testing what it wants to test),
// we need to be able to move forward
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create clientset: %v", err)
s.Informers = externalinformers.NewSharedInformerFactory(crdClient, 5*time.Minute)
establishingController := establish.NewEstablishingController(s.Informers.Apiextensions().V1().CustomResourceDefinitions(), crdClient.ApiextensionsV1())
crdHandler, err := NewCustomResourceDefinitionHandler(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s.GenericAPIServer.Handler.NonGoRestfulMux.Handle("/apis", crdHandler)
s.GenericAPIServer.Handler.NonGoRestfulMux.HandlePrefix("/apis/", crdHandler)
crdController := NewDiscoveryController(s.Informers.Apiextensions().V1().CustomResourceDefinitions(), versionDiscoveryHandler, groupDiscoveryHandler)
namingController := status.NewNamingConditionController(s.Informers.Apiextensions().V1().CustomResourceDefinitions(), crdClient.ApiextensionsV1())
nonStructuralSchemaController := nonstructuralschema.NewConditionController(s.Informers.Apiextensions().V1().CustomResourceDefinitions(), crdClient.ApiextensionsV1())
apiApprovalController := apiapproval.NewKubernetesAPIApprovalPolicyConformantConditionController(s.Informers.Apiextensions().V1().CustomResourceDefinitions(), crdClient.ApiextensionsV1())
finalizingController := finalizer.NewCRDFinalizer(
openapiController := openapicontroller.NewController(s.Informers.Apiextensions().V1().CustomResourceDefinitions())
// 5、将 informer 以及 controller 添加到 PostStartHook 中
s.GenericAPIServer.AddPostStartHookOrDie("start-apiextensions-informers", func(context genericapiserver.PostStartHookContext) error {
return nil
s.GenericAPIServer.AddPostStartHookOrDie("start-apiextensions-controllers", func(context genericapiserver.PostStartHookContext) error {
// OpenAPIVersionedService and StaticOpenAPISpec are populated in generic apiserver PrepareRun().
// Together they serve the /openapi/v2 endpoint on a generic apiserver. A generic apiserver may
// choose to not enable OpenAPI by having null openAPIConfig, and thus OpenAPIVersionedService
// and StaticOpenAPISpec are both null. In that case we don't run the CRD OpenAPI controller.
if s.GenericAPIServer.OpenAPIVersionedService != nil && s.GenericAPIServer.StaticOpenAPISpec != nil {
go openapiController.Run(s.GenericAPIServer.StaticOpenAPISpec, s.GenericAPIServer.OpenAPIVersionedService, context.StopCh)
go crdController.Run(context.StopCh)
go namingController.Run(context.StopCh)
go establishingController.Run(context.StopCh)
go nonStructuralSchemaController.Run(5, context.StopCh)
go apiApprovalController.Run(5, context.StopCh)
go finalizingController.Run(5, context.StopCh)
return nil
// we don't want to report healthy until we can handle all CRDs that have already been registered. Waiting for the informer
// to sync makes sure that the lister will be valid before we begin. There may still be races for CRDs added after startup,
// but we won't go healthy until we can handle the ones already present.
s.GenericAPIServer.AddPostStartHookOrDie("crd-informer-synced", func(context genericapiserver.PostStartHookContext) error {
return wait.PollImmediateUntil(100*time.Millisecond, func() (bool, error) {
return s.Informers.Apiextensions().V1().CustomResourceDefinitions().Informer().HasSynced(), nil
}, context.StopCh)
return s, nil
// k8s.io/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/server/config.go:520
// New creates a new server which logically combines the handling chain with the passed server.
// name is used to differentiate for logging. The handler chain in particular can be difficult as it starts delgating.
// delegationTarget may not be nil.
func (c completedConfig) New(name string, delegationTarget DelegationTarget) (*GenericAPIServer, error) {
handlerChainBuilder := func(handler http.Handler) http.Handler {
return c.BuildHandlerChainFunc(handler, c.Config)
apiServerHandler := NewAPIServerHandler(name, c.Serializer, handlerChainBuilder, delegationTarget.UnprotectedHandler())
s := &GenericAPIServer{
discoveryAddresses: c.DiscoveryAddresses,
LoopbackClientConfig: c.LoopbackClientConfig,
legacyAPIGroupPrefixes: c.LegacyAPIGroupPrefixes,
admissionControl: c.AdmissionControl,
Serializer: c.Serializer,
AuditBackend: c.AuditBackend,
Authorizer: c.Authorization.Authorizer,
delegationTarget: delegationTarget,
EquivalentResourceRegistry: c.EquivalentResourceRegistry,
HandlerChainWaitGroup: c.HandlerChainWaitGroup,
minRequestTimeout: time.Duration(c.MinRequestTimeout) * time.Second,
ShutdownTimeout: c.RequestTimeout,
ShutdownDelayDuration: c.ShutdownDelayDuration,
SecureServingInfo: c.SecureServing,
ExternalAddress: c.ExternalAddress,
Handler: apiServerHandler,
listedPathProvider: apiServerHandler,
openAPIConfig: c.OpenAPIConfig,
postStartHooks: map[string]postStartHookEntry{},
preShutdownHooks: map[string]preShutdownHookEntry{},
disabledPostStartHooks: c.DisabledPostStartHooks,
healthzChecks: c.HealthzChecks,
livezChecks: c.LivezChecks,
readyzChecks: c.ReadyzChecks,
readinessStopCh: make(chan struct{}),
livezGracePeriod: c.LivezGracePeriod,
DiscoveryGroupManager: discovery.NewRootAPIsHandler(c.DiscoveryAddresses, c.Serializer),
maxRequestBodyBytes: c.MaxRequestBodyBytes,
livezClock: clock.RealClock{},
s.listedPathProvider = routes.ListedPathProviders{s.listedPathProvider, delegationTarget}
installAPI(s, c.Config)
return s, nil
// k8s.io/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/server/handler.go:73
func NewAPIServerHandler(name string, s runtime.NegotiatedSerializer, handlerChainBuilder HandlerChainBuilderFn, notFoundHandler http.Handler) *APIServerHandler {
nonGoRestfulMux := mux.NewPathRecorderMux(name)
if notFoundHandler != nil {
gorestfulContainer := restful.NewContainer()
gorestfulContainer.ServeMux = http.NewServeMux()
gorestfulContainer.Router(restful.CurlyRouter{}) // e.g. for proxy/{kind}/{name}/{*}
gorestfulContainer.RecoverHandler(func(panicReason interface{}, httpWriter http.ResponseWriter) {
logStackOnRecover(s, panicReason, httpWriter)
gorestfulContainer.ServiceErrorHandler(func(serviceErr restful.ServiceError, request *restful.Request, response *restful.Response) {
serviceErrorHandler(s, serviceErr, request, response)
director := director{
name: name,
goRestfulContainer: gorestfulContainer,
nonGoRestfulMux: nonGoRestfulMux,
return &APIServerHandler{
FullHandlerChain: handlerChainBuilder(director),
GoRestfulContainer: gorestfulContainer,
NonGoRestfulMux: nonGoRestfulMux,
Director: director,
// k8s.io/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/server/config.go:688
func installAPI(s *GenericAPIServer, c *Config) {
if c.EnableIndex {
routes.Index{}.Install(s.listedPathProvider, s.Handler.NonGoRestfulMux)
if c.EnableProfiling {
if c.EnableContentionProfiling {
// so far, only logging related endpoints are considered valid to add for these debug flags.
routes.DebugFlags{}.Install(s.Handler.NonGoRestfulMux, "v", routes.StringFlagPutHandler(logs.GlogSetter))
if c.EnableMetrics {
if c.EnableProfiling {
} else {
routes.Version{Version: c.Version}.Install(s.Handler.GoRestfulContainer)
if c.EnableDiscovery {
type CustomResourceDefinitions struct {
GenericAPIServer *genericapiserver.GenericAPIServer
// provided for easier embedding
Informers externalinformers.SharedInformerFactory
以上是 APIExtensionsServer 的初始化流程,其中最核心方法是 s.GenericAPIServer.InstallAPIGroup
,也就是 API 的注册过程,三种 server 中 API 的注册过程都是其核心,这个会在后续展开介绍
// k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kube-apiserver/app/server.go:168
// CreateServerChain creates the apiservers connected via delegation.
func CreateServerChain(completedOptions completedServerRunOptions, stopCh <-chan struct{}) (*aggregatorapiserver.APIAggregator, error) {
nodeTunneler, proxyTransport, err := CreateNodeDialer(completedOptions)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
kubeAPIServerConfig, insecureServingInfo, serviceResolver, pluginInitializer, err := CreateKubeAPIServerConfig(completedOptions, nodeTunneler, proxyTransport)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If additional API servers are added, they should be gated.
apiExtensionsConfig, err := createAPIExtensionsConfig(*kubeAPIServerConfig.GenericConfig, kubeAPIServerConfig.ExtraConfig.VersionedInformers, pluginInitializer, completedOptions.ServerRunOptions, completedOptions.MasterCount,
serviceResolver, webhook.NewDefaultAuthenticationInfoResolverWrapper(proxyTransport, kubeAPIServerConfig.GenericConfig.EgressSelector, kubeAPIServerConfig.GenericConfig.LoopbackClientConfig))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
apiExtensionsServer, err := createAPIExtensionsServer(apiExtensionsConfig, genericapiserver.NewEmptyDelegate())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
kubeAPIServer, err := CreateKubeAPIServer(kubeAPIServerConfig, apiExtensionsServer.GenericAPIServer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return aggregatorServer, nil
// CreateKubeAPIServer creates and wires a workable kube-apiserver
func CreateKubeAPIServer(kubeAPIServerConfig *master.Config, delegateAPIServer genericapiserver.DelegationTarget) (*master.Master, error) {
kubeAPIServer, err := kubeAPIServerConfig.Complete().New(delegateAPIServer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return kubeAPIServer, nil
中调用了 kubeAPIServerConfig.Complete().New
- 1、调用
初始化 GenericAPIServer,其主要实现在上文已经分析过; - 2、判断是否支持 logs 相关的路由,如果支持,则添加
路由; - 3、调用
将核心 API Resource 添加到路由中,对应到 apiserver 就是以/api
开头的 resource; - 4、调用
将扩展的 API Resource 添加到路由中,在 apiserver 中即是以/apis
开头的 resource;
// k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/master/master.go:332
// New returns a new instance of Master from the given config.
// Certain config fields will be set to a default value if unset.
// Certain config fields must be specified, including:
// KubeletClientConfig
func (c completedConfig) New(delegationTarget genericapiserver.DelegationTarget) (*Master, error) {
// 1、初始化 GenericAPIServer
s, err := c.GenericConfig.New("kube-apiserver", delegationTarget)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 2、注册 logs 相关的路由
if c.ExtraConfig.EnableLogsSupport {
m := &Master{
GenericAPIServer: s,
ClusterAuthenticationInfo: c.ExtraConfig.ClusterAuthenticationInfo,
// 3、安装 LegacyAPI
// install legacy rest storage
if c.ExtraConfig.APIResourceConfigSource.VersionEnabled(apiv1.SchemeGroupVersion) {
legacyRESTStorageProvider := corerest.LegacyRESTStorageProvider{
StorageFactory: c.ExtraConfig.StorageFactory,
ProxyTransport: c.ExtraConfig.ProxyTransport,
KubeletClientConfig: c.ExtraConfig.KubeletClientConfig,
EventTTL: c.ExtraConfig.EventTTL,
ServiceIPRange: c.ExtraConfig.ServiceIPRange,
SecondaryServiceIPRange: c.ExtraConfig.SecondaryServiceIPRange,
ServiceNodePortRange: c.ExtraConfig.ServiceNodePortRange,
LoopbackClientConfig: c.GenericConfig.LoopbackClientConfig,
ServiceAccountIssuer: c.ExtraConfig.ServiceAccountIssuer,
ServiceAccountMaxExpiration: c.ExtraConfig.ServiceAccountMaxExpiration,
APIAudiences: c.GenericConfig.Authentication.APIAudiences,
if err := m.InstallLegacyAPI(&c, c.GenericConfig.RESTOptionsGetter, legacyRESTStorageProvider); err != nil {
return nil, err
// The order here is preserved in discovery.
// If resources with identical names exist in more than one of these groups (e.g. "deployments.apps"" and "deployments.extensions"),
// the order of this list determines which group an unqualified resource name (e.g. "deployments") should prefer.
// This priority order is used for local discovery, but it ends up aggregated in `k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kube-apiserver/app/aggregator.go
// with specific priorities.
// TODO: describe the priority all the way down in the RESTStorageProviders and plumb it back through the various discovery
// handlers that we have.
restStorageProviders := []RESTStorageProvider{
authenticationrest.RESTStorageProvider{Authenticator: c.GenericConfig.Authentication.Authenticator, APIAudiences: c.GenericConfig.Authentication.APIAudiences},
authorizationrest.RESTStorageProvider{Authorizer: c.GenericConfig.Authorization.Authorizer, RuleResolver: c.GenericConfig.RuleResolver},
rbacrest.RESTStorageProvider{Authorizer: c.GenericConfig.Authorization.Authorizer},
// keep apps after extensions so legacy clients resolve the extensions versions of shared resource names.
// See https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/42392
eventsrest.RESTStorageProvider{TTL: c.ExtraConfig.EventTTL},
// 4、安装 APIs
if err := m.InstallAPIs(c.ExtraConfig.APIResourceConfigSource, c.GenericConfig.RESTOptionsGetter, restStorageProviders...); err != nil {
return nil, err
if c.ExtraConfig.Tunneler != nil {
m.installTunneler(c.ExtraConfig.Tunneler, corev1client.NewForConfigOrDie(c.GenericConfig.LoopbackClientConfig).Nodes())
m.GenericAPIServer.AddPostStartHookOrDie("start-cluster-authentication-info-controller", func(hookContext genericapiserver.PostStartHookContext) error {
kubeClient, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(hookContext.LoopbackClientConfig)
if err != nil {
return err
controller := clusterauthenticationtrust.NewClusterAuthenticationTrustController(m.ClusterAuthenticationInfo, kubeClient)
// prime values and start listeners
if m.ClusterAuthenticationInfo.ClientCA != nil {
if notifier, ok := m.ClusterAuthenticationInfo.ClientCA.(dynamiccertificates.Notifier); ok {
if controller, ok := m.ClusterAuthenticationInfo.ClientCA.(dynamiccertificates.ControllerRunner); ok {
// runonce to be sure that we have a value.
if err := controller.RunOnce(); err != nil {
go controller.Run(1, hookContext.StopCh)
if m.ClusterAuthenticationInfo.RequestHeaderCA != nil {
if notifier, ok := m.ClusterAuthenticationInfo.RequestHeaderCA.(dynamiccertificates.Notifier); ok {
if controller, ok := m.ClusterAuthenticationInfo.RequestHeaderCA.(dynamiccertificates.ControllerRunner); ok {
// runonce to be sure that we have a value.
if err := controller.RunOnce(); err != nil {
go controller.Run(1, hookContext.StopCh)
go controller.Run(1, hookContext.StopCh)
return nil
return m, nil
// k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/master/master.go:487
// InstallLegacyAPI will install the legacy APIs for the restStorageProviders if they are enabled.
func (m *Master) InstallLegacyAPI(c *completedConfig, restOptionsGetter generic.RESTOptionsGetter, legacyRESTStorageProvider corerest.LegacyRESTStorageProvider) error {
legacyRESTStorage, apiGroupInfo, err := legacyRESTStorageProvider.NewLegacyRESTStorage(restOptionsGetter)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error building core storage: %v", err)
controllerName := "bootstrap-controller"
coreClient := corev1client.NewForConfigOrDie(c.GenericConfig.LoopbackClientConfig)
bootstrapController := c.NewBootstrapController(legacyRESTStorage, coreClient, coreClient, coreClient, coreClient.RESTClient())
m.GenericAPIServer.AddPostStartHookOrDie(controllerName, bootstrapController.PostStartHook)
m.GenericAPIServer.AddPreShutdownHookOrDie(controllerName, bootstrapController.PreShutdownHook)
if err := m.GenericAPIServer.InstallLegacyAPIGroup(genericapiserver.DefaultLegacyAPIPrefix, &apiGroupInfo); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error in registering group versions: %v", err)
return nil
InstallLegacyAPI的主要功能是将 core API 注册到路由中,是 apiserver 初始化流程中最核心的方法之一,不过其调用链非常深,下面会进行深入分析。将 API 注册到路由其最终的目的就是对外提供 RESTful API 来操作对应 resource,注册 API 主要分为两步,第一步是为 API 中的每个 resource 初始化 RESTStorage 以此操作后端存储中数据的变更,第二步是为每个 resource 根据其 verbs 构建对应的路由。m.InstallLegacyAPI
- 1、调用
为 LegacyAPI 中各个资源创建 RESTStorage,RESTStorage 的目的是将每种资源的访问路径及其后端存储的操作对应起来; - 2、初始化
,并将其加入到 PostStartHook 中,bootstrap-controller
是 apiserver 中的一个 controller,主要功能是创建系统所需要的一些 namespace 以及创建 kubernetes service 并定期触发对应的 sync 操作,apiserver 在启动后会通过调用 PostStartHook 来启动bootstrap-controller
; - 3、在为资源创建完 RESTStorage 后,调用
为 APIGroup 注册路由信息,InstallLegacyAPIGroup
方法的调用链非常深,主要为InstallLegacyAPIGroup--> installAPIResources --> InstallREST --> Install --> registerResourceHandlers
方法内,该方法比较复杂,其主要功能是通过上一步骤构造的 REST Storage 判断该资源可以执行哪些操作(如 create、update等),将其对应的操作存入到 action 中,每一个 action 对应一个标准的 REST 操作,如 create 对应的 action 操作为 POST、update 对应的 action 操作为PUT。最终根据 actions 数组依次遍历,对每一个操作添加一个 handler 方法,注册到 route 中去,再将 route 注册到 webservice 中去,webservice 最终会注册到 container 中,遵循 go-restful 的设计模式;
关于 legacyRESTStorageProvider.NewLegacyRESTStorage
以及 m.GenericAPIServer.InstallLegacyAPIGroup
与 InstallLegacyAPI
主要用于自定义的聚合控制器的,使 CRD 能够自动注册到集群中
- 1、调用
创建 aggregatorServer; - 2、初始化
负责注册 CRD,autoRegistrationController
负责将 CRD 对应的 APIServices 自动注册到 apiserver 中,CRD 创建后可通过$ kubectl get apiservices
查看是否注册到 apiservices 中; - 3、将
加入到 PostStartHook 中;
// k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kube-apiserver/app/aggregator.go:129
func createAggregatorServer(aggregatorConfig *aggregatorapiserver.Config, delegateAPIServer genericapiserver.DelegationTarget, apiExtensionInformers apiextensionsinformers.SharedInformerFactory) (*aggregatorapiserver.APIAggregator, error) {
// 1、初始化 aggregatorServer
aggregatorServer, err := aggregatorConfig.Complete().NewWithDelegate(delegateAPIServer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 2、初始化 crd controller
// create controllers for auto-registration
apiRegistrationClient, err := apiregistrationclient.NewForConfig(aggregatorConfig.GenericConfig.LoopbackClientConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
autoRegistrationController := autoregister.NewAutoRegisterController(aggregatorServer.APIRegistrationInformers.Apiregistration().V1().APIServices(), apiRegistrationClient)
apiServices := apiServicesToRegister(delegateAPIServer, autoRegistrationController)
crdRegistrationController := crdregistration.NewCRDRegistrationController(
// 3、将crdRegistrationController以及autoRegistrationController添加到PostStartHook
err = aggregatorServer.GenericAPIServer.AddPostStartHook("kube-apiserver-autoregistration", func(context genericapiserver.PostStartHookContext) error {
go crdRegistrationController.Run(5, context.StopCh)
go func() {
// let the CRD controller process the initial set of CRDs before starting the autoregistration controller.
// this prevents the autoregistration controller's initial sync from deleting APIServices for CRDs that still exist.
// we only need to do this if CRDs are enabled on this server. We can't use discovery because we are the source for discovery.
if aggregatorConfig.GenericConfig.MergedResourceConfig.AnyVersionForGroupEnabled("apiextensions.k8s.io") {
autoRegistrationController.Run(5, context.StopCh)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = aggregatorServer.GenericAPIServer.AddBootSequenceHealthChecks(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return aggregatorServer, nil
是初始化 aggregatorServer 的方法,主要逻辑为:
- 1、调用
初始化 GenericAPIServer,其内部的主要功能在上文已经分析过; - 2、调用
为 APIServices 资源创建 RESTStorage,RESTStorage 的目的是将每种资源的访问路径及其后端存储的操作对应起来; - 3、调用
为 APIGroup 注册路由信息; - 4、初始化 apiserviceRegistrationController:负责 APIServices 中资源的注册与删除以及availableConditionController:维护 APIServices 的可用状态,包括其引用 Service 是否可用等
// k8s.io/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/kube-aggregator/pkg/apiserver/apiserver.go:159
// NewWithDelegate returns a new instance of APIAggregator from the given config.
func (c completedConfig) NewWithDelegate(delegationTarget genericapiserver.DelegationTarget) (*APIAggregator, error) {
// Prevent generic API server to install OpenAPI handler. Aggregator server
// has its own customized OpenAPI handler.
openAPIConfig := c.GenericConfig.OpenAPIConfig
c.GenericConfig.OpenAPIConfig = nil
// 1、初始化 genericServer
genericServer, err := c.GenericConfig.New("kube-aggregator", delegationTarget)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
apiregistrationClient, err := clientset.NewForConfig(c.GenericConfig.LoopbackClientConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
informerFactory := informers.NewSharedInformerFactory(
5*time.Minute, // this is effectively used as a refresh interval right now. Might want to do something nicer later on.
s := &APIAggregator{
GenericAPIServer: genericServer,
delegateHandler: delegationTarget.UnprotectedHandler(),
proxyClientCert: c.ExtraConfig.ProxyClientCert,
proxyClientKey: c.ExtraConfig.ProxyClientKey,
proxyTransport: c.ExtraConfig.ProxyTransport,
proxyHandlers: map[string]*proxyHandler{},
handledGroups: sets.String{},
lister: informerFactory.Apiregistration().V1().APIServices().Lister(),
APIRegistrationInformers: informerFactory,
serviceResolver: c.ExtraConfig.ServiceResolver,
openAPIConfig: openAPIConfig,
egressSelector: c.GenericConfig.EgressSelector,
// 2、为 API 注册路由
apiGroupInfo := apiservicerest.NewRESTStorage(c.GenericConfig.MergedResourceConfig, c.GenericConfig.RESTOptionsGetter)
if err := s.GenericAPIServer.InstallAPIGroup(&apiGroupInfo); err != nil {
return nil, err
apisHandler := &apisHandler{
codecs: aggregatorscheme.Codecs,
lister: s.lister,
discoveryGroup: discoveryGroup(enabledVersions),
s.GenericAPIServer.Handler.NonGoRestfulMux.Handle("/apis", apisHandler)
s.GenericAPIServer.Handler.NonGoRestfulMux.UnlistedHandle("/apis/", apisHandler)
// 3、初始化 apiserviceRegistrationController、availableController
apiserviceRegistrationController := NewAPIServiceRegistrationController(informerFactory.Apiregistration().V1().APIServices(), s)
availableController, err := statuscontrollers.NewAvailableConditionController(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 4、添加 PostStartHook
s.GenericAPIServer.AddPostStartHookOrDie("start-kube-aggregator-informers", func(context genericapiserver.PostStartHookContext) error {
return nil
s.GenericAPIServer.AddPostStartHookOrDie("apiservice-registration-controller", func(context genericapiserver.PostStartHookContext) error {
go apiserviceRegistrationController.Run(context.StopCh)
return nil
s.GenericAPIServer.AddPostStartHookOrDie("apiservice-status-available-controller", func(context genericapiserver.PostStartHookContext) error {
// if we end up blocking for long periods of time, we may need to increase threadiness.
go availableController.Run(5, context.StopCh)
return nil
return s, nil
以上是对 AggregatorServer 初始化流程的分析,可以看出,在创建 APIExtensionsServer、KubeAPIServer 以及 AggregatorServer 时,其模式都是类似的,首先调用 c.GenericConfig.New
的模式初始化 Container,然后为 server 中需要注册的资源创建 RESTStorage,最后将 resource 的 APIGroup 信息注册到路由中
至此,CreateServerChain 中流程已经分析完,其中的调用链如下所示:
|--> CreateNodeDialer
|--> CreateKubeAPIServerConfig
CreateServerChain --|--> createAPIExtensionsConfig
| |--> c.GenericConfig.New
|--> createAPIExtensionsServer --> apiextensionsConfig.Complete().New --|
| |--> s.GenericAPIServer.InstallAPIGroup
| |--> c.GenericConfig.New
| |
|--> CreateKubeAPIServer --> kubeAPIServerConfig.Complete().New --|--> m.InstallLegacyAPI --> legacyRESTStorageProvider.NewLegacyRESTStorage --> m.GenericAPIServer.InstallLegacyAPIGroup
| |
| |--> m.InstallAPIs --> restStorageBuilder.NewRESTStorage --> m.GenericAPIServer.InstallAPIGroups
|--> createAggregatorConfig
| |--> c.GenericConfig.New
| |
|--> createAggregatorServer --> aggregatorConfig.Complete().NewWithDelegate --|--> apiservicerest.NewRESTStorage
|--> s.GenericAPIServer.InstallAPIGroup
在 Run
方法中首先调用 CreateServerChain
完成各 server 的初始化,然后调用 server.PrepareRun
完成服务启动前的准备工作,最后调用 prepared.Run
方法来启动安全的 http server。server.PrepareRun
// Run runs the specified APIServer. This should never exit.
func Run(completeOptions completedServerRunOptions, stopCh <-chan struct{}) error {
// To help debugging, immediately log version
klog.Infof("Version: %+v", version.Get())
server, err := CreateServerChain(completeOptions, stopCh)
if err != nil {
return err
prepared, err := server.PrepareRun()
if err != nil {
return err
return prepared.Run(stopCh)
// PrepareRun prepares the aggregator to run, by setting up the OpenAPI spec and calling
// the generic PrepareRun.
func (s *APIAggregator) PrepareRun() (preparedAPIAggregator, error) {
// add post start hook before generic PrepareRun in order to be before /healthz installation
if s.openAPIConfig != nil {
s.GenericAPIServer.AddPostStartHookOrDie("apiservice-openapi-controller", func(context genericapiserver.PostStartHookContext) error {
go s.openAPIAggregationController.Run(context.StopCh)
return nil
prepared := s.GenericAPIServer.PrepareRun()
// delay OpenAPI setup until the delegate had a chance to setup their OpenAPI handlers
if s.openAPIConfig != nil {
specDownloader := openapiaggregator.NewDownloader()
openAPIAggregator, err := openapiaggregator.BuildAndRegisterAggregator(
if err != nil {
return preparedAPIAggregator{}, err
s.openAPIAggregationController = openapicontroller.NewAggregationController(&specDownloader, openAPIAggregator)
return preparedAPIAggregator{APIAggregator: s, runnable: prepared}, nil
// PrepareRun does post API installation setup steps. It calls recursively the same function of the delegates.
func (s *GenericAPIServer) PrepareRun() preparedGenericAPIServer {
if s.openAPIConfig != nil {
s.OpenAPIVersionedService, s.StaticOpenAPISpec = routes.OpenAPI{
Config: s.openAPIConfig,
}.Install(s.Handler.GoRestfulContainer, s.Handler.NonGoRestfulMux)
err := s.addReadyzShutdownCheck(s.readinessStopCh)
if err != nil {
klog.Errorf("Failed to install readyz shutdown check %s", err)
// Register audit backend preShutdownHook.
if s.AuditBackend != nil {
err := s.AddPreShutdownHook("audit-backend", func() error {
return nil
if err != nil {
klog.Errorf("Failed to add pre-shutdown hook for audit-backend %s", err)
return preparedGenericAPIServer{s}
下面继续分析 prepared.Run
的流程,在 prepared.Run
中主要调用 s.NonBlockingRun
func (s preparedAPIAggregator) Run(stopCh <-chan struct{}) error {
return s.runnable.Run(stopCh)
// k8s.io/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/server/genericapiserver.go:314
// Run spawns the secure http server. It only returns if stopCh is closed
// or the secure port cannot be listened on initially.
func (s preparedGenericAPIServer) Run(stopCh <-chan struct{}) error {
delayedStopCh := make(chan struct{})
// 调用 s.NonBlockingRun 完成启动流程
// close socket after delayed stopCh
err := s.NonBlockingRun(delayedStopCh)
if err != nil {
return err
// 当收到退出信号后完成一些收尾工作
// run shutdown hooks directly. This includes deregistering from the kubernetes endpoint in case of kube-apiserver.
err = s.RunPreShutdownHooks()
if err != nil {
return err
// wait for the delayed stopCh before closing the handler chain (it rejects everything after Wait has been called).
// Wait for all requests to finish, which are bounded by the RequestTimeout variable.
return nil
- 1、判断是否要启动审计日志服务;
- 2、调用
配置并启动 https server; - 3、执行 postStartHooks;
- 4、向 systemd 发送 ready 信号;
// k8s.io/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/server/genericapiserver.go:355
// NonBlockingRun spawns the secure http server. An error is
// returned if the secure port cannot be listened on.
func (s preparedGenericAPIServer) NonBlockingRun(stopCh <-chan struct{}) error {
// Use an stop channel to allow graceful shutdown without dropping audit events
// after http server shutdown.
auditStopCh := make(chan struct{})
// 1、判断是否要启动审计日志
// Start the audit backend before any request comes in. This means we must call Backend.Run
// before http server start serving. Otherwise the Backend.ProcessEvents call might block.
if s.AuditBackend != nil {
if err := s.AuditBackend.Run(auditStopCh); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to run the audit backend: %v", err)
// 2、启动 https server
// Use an internal stop channel to allow cleanup of the listeners on error.
internalStopCh := make(chan struct{})
var stoppedCh <-chan struct{}
if s.SecureServingInfo != nil && s.Handler != nil {
var err error
stoppedCh, err = s.SecureServingInfo.Serve(s.Handler, s.ShutdownTimeout, internalStopCh)
if err != nil {
return err
// 3、执行 postStartHooks
// 4、向 systemd 发送 ready 信号
if _, err := systemd.SdNotify(true, "READY=1\n"); err != nil {
klog.Errorf("Unable to send systemd daemon successful start message: %v\n", err)
return nil
以上就是 server 的初始化以及启动流程过程的分析,上文已经提到各 server 初始化过程中最重要的就是 API Resource RESTStorage 的初始化以及路由的注册,由于该过程比较复杂,下文会单独进行讲述
上文已经提到过,apiserver 最终实现的 handler 对应的后端数据是以 Store 的结构保存的,这里以 /api
方法创建各个资源的RESTStorage。RESTStorage 是一个结构体,具体的定义在k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/registry/generic/registry/store.go
内部,可以看到创建了多种资源的 RESTStorage
的调用链为 CreateKubeAPIServer --> kubeAPIServerConfig.Complete().New --> m.InstallLegacyAPI --> legacyRESTStorageProvider.NewLegacyRESTStorage
一个 API Group 下的资源都有其 REST 实现,k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/registry
下所有的 Group 都有一个rest目录,存储的就是对应资源的 RESTStorage。在NewLegacyRESTStorage
会生成各种资源对应的 Storage,此处以 pod 为例进行说明
// k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/registry/core/rest/storage_core.go:102
func (c LegacyRESTStorageProvider) NewLegacyRESTStorage(restOptionsGetter generic.RESTOptionsGetter) (LegacyRESTStorage, genericapiserver.APIGroupInfo, error) {
apiGroupInfo := genericapiserver.APIGroupInfo{
PrioritizedVersions: legacyscheme.Scheme.PrioritizedVersionsForGroup(""),
VersionedResourcesStorageMap: map[string]map[string]rest.Storage{},
Scheme: legacyscheme.Scheme,
ParameterCodec: legacyscheme.ParameterCodec,
NegotiatedSerializer: legacyscheme.Codecs,
// 1、LegacyAPI 下的 resource RESTStorage 的初始化
restStorage := LegacyRESTStorage{}
podTemplateStorage, err := podtemplatestore.NewREST(restOptionsGetter)
if err != nil {
return LegacyRESTStorage{}, genericapiserver.APIGroupInfo{}, err
eventStorage, err := eventstore.NewREST(restOptionsGetter, uint64(c.EventTTL.Seconds()))
if err != nil {
return LegacyRESTStorage{}, genericapiserver.APIGroupInfo{}, err
limitRangeStorage, err := limitrangestore.NewREST(restOptionsGetter)
if err != nil {
return LegacyRESTStorage{}, genericapiserver.APIGroupInfo{}, err
resourceQuotaStorage, resourceQuotaStatusStorage, err := resourcequotastore.NewREST(restOptionsGetter)
if err != nil {
return LegacyRESTStorage{}, genericapiserver.APIGroupInfo{}, err
secretStorage, err := secretstore.NewREST(restOptionsGetter)
if err != nil {
return LegacyRESTStorage{}, genericapiserver.APIGroupInfo{}, err
persistentVolumeStorage, persistentVolumeStatusStorage, err := pvstore.NewREST(restOptionsGetter)
if err != nil {
return LegacyRESTStorage{}, genericapiserver.APIGroupInfo{}, err
persistentVolumeClaimStorage, persistentVolumeClaimStatusStorage, err := pvcstore.NewREST(restOptionsGetter)
if err != nil {
return LegacyRESTStorage{}, genericapiserver.APIGroupInfo{}, err
configMapStorage, err := configmapstore.NewREST(restOptionsGetter)
if err != nil {
return LegacyRESTStorage{}, genericapiserver.APIGroupInfo{}, err
namespaceStorage, namespaceStatusStorage, namespaceFinalizeStorage, err := namespacestore.NewREST(restOptionsGetter)
if err != nil {
return LegacyRESTStorage{}, genericapiserver.APIGroupInfo{}, err
endpointsStorage, err := endpointsstore.NewREST(restOptionsGetter)
if err != nil {
return LegacyRESTStorage{}, genericapiserver.APIGroupInfo{}, err
nodeStorage, err := nodestore.NewStorage(restOptionsGetter, c.KubeletClientConfig, c.ProxyTransport)
if err != nil {
return LegacyRESTStorage{}, genericapiserver.APIGroupInfo{}, err
// 2、pod RESTStorage 的初始化
podStorage, err := podstore.NewStorage(
if err != nil {
return LegacyRESTStorage{}, genericapiserver.APIGroupInfo{}, err
var serviceAccountStorage *serviceaccountstore.REST
if c.ServiceAccountIssuer != nil && utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.TokenRequest) {
serviceAccountStorage, err = serviceaccountstore.NewREST(restOptionsGetter, c.ServiceAccountIssuer, c.APIAudiences, c.ServiceAccountMaxExpiration, podStorage.Pod.Store, secretStorage.Store)
} else {
serviceAccountStorage, err = serviceaccountstore.NewREST(restOptionsGetter, nil, nil, 0, nil, nil)
if err != nil {
return LegacyRESTStorage{}, genericapiserver.APIGroupInfo{}, err
serviceRESTStorage, serviceStatusStorage, err := servicestore.NewGenericREST(restOptionsGetter)
if err != nil {
return LegacyRESTStorage{}, genericapiserver.APIGroupInfo{}, err
var serviceClusterIPRegistry rangeallocation.RangeRegistry
serviceClusterIPRange := c.ServiceIPRange
if serviceClusterIPRange.IP == nil {
return LegacyRESTStorage{}, genericapiserver.APIGroupInfo{}, fmt.Errorf("service clusterIPRange is missing")
serviceStorageConfig, err := c.StorageFactory.NewConfig(api.Resource("services"))
if err != nil {
return LegacyRESTStorage{}, genericapiserver.APIGroupInfo{}, err
// 3、restStorageMap 保存 resource http path 与 RESTStorage 对应关系
restStorageMap := map[string]rest.Storage{
"pods": podStorage.Pod,
"pods/attach": podStorage.Attach,
"pods/status": podStorage.Status,
"pods/log": podStorage.Log,
"pods/exec": podStorage.Exec,
"pods/portforward": podStorage.PortForward,
"pods/proxy": podStorage.Proxy,
"pods/binding": podStorage.Binding,
"bindings": podStorage.LegacyBinding,
"podTemplates": podTemplateStorage,
"replicationControllers": controllerStorage.Controller,
"replicationControllers/status": controllerStorage.Status,
"services": serviceRest,
"services/proxy": serviceRestProxy,
"services/status": serviceStatusStorage,
"endpoints": endpointsStorage,
"nodes": nodeStorage.Node,
"nodes/status": nodeStorage.Status,
"nodes/proxy": nodeStorage.Proxy,
"events": eventStorage,
"limitRanges": limitRangeStorage,
"resourceQuotas": resourceQuotaStorage,
"resourceQuotas/status": resourceQuotaStatusStorage,
"namespaces": namespaceStorage,
"namespaces/status": namespaceStatusStorage,
"namespaces/finalize": namespaceFinalizeStorage,
"secrets": secretStorage,
"serviceAccounts": serviceAccountStorage,
"persistentVolumes": persistentVolumeStorage,
"persistentVolumes/status": persistentVolumeStatusStorage,
"persistentVolumeClaims": persistentVolumeClaimStorage,
"persistentVolumeClaims/status": persistentVolumeClaimStatusStorage,
"configMaps": configMapStorage,
"componentStatuses": componentstatus.NewStorage(componentStatusStorage{c.StorageFactory}.serversToValidate),
if legacyscheme.Scheme.IsVersionRegistered(schema.GroupVersion{Group: "autoscaling", Version: "v1"}) {
restStorageMap["replicationControllers/scale"] = controllerStorage.Scale
if legacyscheme.Scheme.IsVersionRegistered(schema.GroupVersion{Group: "policy", Version: "v1beta1"}) {
restStorageMap["pods/eviction"] = podStorage.Eviction
if serviceAccountStorage.Token != nil {
restStorageMap["serviceaccounts/token"] = serviceAccountStorage.Token
if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.EphemeralContainers) {
restStorageMap["pods/ephemeralcontainers"] = podStorage.EphemeralContainers
apiGroupInfo.VersionedResourcesStorageMap["v1"] = restStorageMap
return restStorage, apiGroupInfo, nil
是为 pod 生成 storage 的方法,该方法主要功能是为 pod 创建后端存储最终返回一个 RESTStorage 对象,其中调用 store.CompleteWithOptions
// k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/registry/core/pod/storage/storage.go:70
// NewStorage returns a RESTStorage object that will work against pods.
func NewStorage(optsGetter generic.RESTOptionsGetter, k client.ConnectionInfoGetter, proxyTransport http.RoundTripper, podDisruptionBudgetClient policyclient.PodDisruptionBudgetsGetter) (PodStorage, error) {
store := &genericregistry.Store{
NewFunc: func() runtime.Object { return &api.Pod{} },
NewListFunc: func() runtime.Object { return &api.PodList{} },
PredicateFunc: registrypod.MatchPod,
DefaultQualifiedResource: api.Resource("pods"),
CreateStrategy: registrypod.Strategy,
UpdateStrategy: registrypod.Strategy,
DeleteStrategy: registrypod.Strategy,
ReturnDeletedObject: true,
TableConvertor: printerstorage.TableConvertor{TableGenerator: printers.NewTableGenerator().With(printersinternal.AddHandlers)},
options := &generic.StoreOptions{
RESTOptions: optsGetter,
AttrFunc: registrypod.GetAttrs,
TriggerFunc: map[string]storage.IndexerFunc{"spec.nodeName": registrypod.NodeNameTriggerFunc},
Indexers: registrypod.Indexers(),
// 调用 store.CompleteWithOptions
if err := store.CompleteWithOptions(options); err != nil {
return PodStorage{}, err
statusStore := *store
statusStore.UpdateStrategy = registrypod.StatusStrategy
ephemeralContainersStore := *store
ephemeralContainersStore.UpdateStrategy = registrypod.EphemeralContainersStrategy
bindingREST := &BindingREST{store: store}
// PodStorage 对象
return PodStorage{
Pod: &REST{store, proxyTransport},
Binding: &BindingREST{store: store},
LegacyBinding: &LegacyBindingREST{bindingREST},
Eviction: newEvictionStorage(store, podDisruptionBudgetClient),
Status: &StatusREST{store: &statusStore},
EphemeralContainers: &EphemeralContainersREST{store: &ephemeralContainersStore},
Log: &podrest.LogREST{Store: store, KubeletConn: k},
Proxy: &podrest.ProxyREST{Store: store, ProxyTransport: proxyTransport},
Exec: &podrest.ExecREST{Store: store, KubeletConn: k},
Attach: &podrest.AttachREST{Store: store, KubeletConn: k},
PortForward: &podrest.PortForwardREST{Store: store, KubeletConn: k},
}, nil
可以看到最终返回的对象里对 pod 的不同操作都是一个 REST 对象,REST 中自动集成了 genericregistry.Store
对象,而 store.CompleteWithOptions
方法就是对 genericregistry.Store
// BindingREST implements the REST endpoint for binding pods to nodes when etcd is in use.
type BindingREST struct {
store *genericregistry.Store
// REST implements a RESTStorage for pods
type REST struct {
proxyTransport http.RoundTripper
主要功能是为 store 中的配置设置一些默认的值以及根据提供的 options 更新 store,其中最主要的就是初始化 store 的后端存储实例
方法内,调用了 options.RESTOptions.GetRESTOptions
对象中包含对 etcd 初始化的一些配置、数据序列化方法以及对 etcd 操作的 storage.Interface 对象。其会依次调用StorageWithCacher-->NewRawStorage-->Create
// k8s.io/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/registry/generic/registry/store.go:1204
// CompleteWithOptions updates the store with the provided options and
// defaults common fields.
func (e *Store) CompleteWithOptions(options *generic.StoreOptions) error {
// 1、调用 options.RESTOptions.GetRESTOptions
opts, err := options.RESTOptions.GetRESTOptions(e.DefaultQualifiedResource)
if err != nil {
return err
// 2、设置 ResourcePrefix
// ResourcePrefix must come from the underlying factory
prefix := opts.ResourcePrefix
if !strings.HasPrefix(prefix, "/") {
prefix = "/" + prefix
if prefix == "/" {
return fmt.Errorf("store for %s has an invalid prefix %q", e.DefaultQualifiedResource.String(), opts.ResourcePrefix)
// Set the default behavior for storage key generation
if e.KeyRootFunc == nil && e.KeyFunc == nil {
if isNamespaced {
e.KeyRootFunc = func(ctx context.Context) string {
return NamespaceKeyRootFunc(ctx, prefix)
e.KeyFunc = func(ctx context.Context, name string) (string, error) {
return NamespaceKeyFunc(ctx, prefix, name)
} else {
e.KeyRootFunc = func(ctx context.Context) string {
return prefix
e.KeyFunc = func(ctx context.Context, name string) (string, error) {
return NoNamespaceKeyFunc(ctx, prefix, name)
// We adapt the store's keyFunc so that we can use it with the StorageDecorator
// without making any assumptions about where objects are stored in etcd
keyFunc := func(obj runtime.Object) (string, error) {
accessor, err := meta.Accessor(obj)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if isNamespaced {
return e.KeyFunc(genericapirequest.WithNamespace(genericapirequest.NewContext(), accessor.GetNamespace()), accessor.GetName())
return e.KeyFunc(genericapirequest.NewContext(), accessor.GetName())
// 3、以下操作主要是将 opts 对象中的值赋值到 store 对象中
if e.DeleteCollectionWorkers == 0 {
e.DeleteCollectionWorkers = opts.DeleteCollectionWorkers
e.EnableGarbageCollection = opts.EnableGarbageCollection
if e.ObjectNameFunc == nil {
e.ObjectNameFunc = func(obj runtime.Object) (string, error) {
accessor, err := meta.Accessor(obj)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return accessor.GetName(), nil
if e.Storage.Storage == nil {
e.Storage.Codec = opts.StorageConfig.Codec
var err error
e.Storage.Storage, e.DestroyFunc, err = opts.Decorator(
if err != nil {
return err
e.StorageVersioner = opts.StorageConfig.EncodeVersioner
if opts.CountMetricPollPeriod > 0 {
stopFunc := e.startObservingCount(opts.CountMetricPollPeriod)
previousDestroy := e.DestroyFunc
e.DestroyFunc = func() {
if previousDestroy != nil {
return nil
是一个 interface,想要找到其 GetRESTOptions
方法的实现必须知道 options.RESTOptions
初始化时对应的实例,其初始化是在 CreateKubeAPIServerConfig --> buildGenericConfig --> s.Etcd.ApplyWithStorageFactoryTo
对应的实例为 StorageFactoryRestOptionsFactory
,所以 PodStorage 初始时构建的 store 对象中genericserver.Config.RESTOptionsGetter
实际的对象类型为 StorageFactoryRestOptionsFactory
,其 GetRESTOptions
// Implement RESTOptionsGetter so that RESTOptions can directly be used when available (i.e. tests)
func (opts RESTOptions) GetRESTOptions(schema.GroupResource) (RESTOptions, error) {
return opts, nil
type RESTOptionsGetter interface {
GetRESTOptions(resource schema.GroupResource) (RESTOptions, error)
// StoreOptions is set of configuration options used to complete generic registries.
type StoreOptions struct {
RESTOptions RESTOptionsGetter
TriggerFunc storage.IndexerFuncs
AttrFunc storage.AttrFunc
Indexers *cache.Indexers
// k8s.io/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/server/options/etcd.go:192
func (s *EtcdOptions) ApplyWithStorageFactoryTo(factory serverstorage.StorageFactory, c *server.Config) error {
if err := s.addEtcdHealthEndpoint(c); err != nil {
return err
c.RESTOptionsGetter = &StorageFactoryRestOptionsFactory{Options: *s, StorageFactory: factory}
return nil
type StorageFactoryRestOptionsFactory struct {
Options EtcdOptions
StorageFactory serverstorage.StorageFactory
// k8s.io/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/server/options/etcd.go:253
func (f *StorageFactoryRestOptionsFactory) GetRESTOptions(resource schema.GroupResource) (generic.RESTOptions, error) {
storageConfig, err := f.StorageFactory.NewConfig(resource)
if err != nil {
return generic.RESTOptions{}, fmt.Errorf("unable to find storage destination for %v, due to %v", resource, err.Error())
ret := generic.RESTOptions{
StorageConfig: storageConfig,
Decorator: generic.UndecoratedStorage,
DeleteCollectionWorkers: f.Options.DeleteCollectionWorkers,
EnableGarbageCollection: f.Options.EnableGarbageCollection,
ResourcePrefix: f.StorageFactory.ResourcePrefix(resource),
CountMetricPollPeriod: f.Options.StorageConfig.CountMetricPollPeriod,
if f.Options.EnableWatchCache {
sizes, err := ParseWatchCacheSizes(f.Options.WatchCacheSizes)
if err != nil {
return generic.RESTOptions{}, err
cacheSize, ok := sizes[resource]
if !ok {
cacheSize = f.Options.DefaultWatchCacheSize
// depending on cache size this might return an undecorated storage
ret.Decorator = genericregistry.StorageWithCacher(cacheSize)
return ret, nil
在 genericregistry.StorageWithCacher
中又调用了不同的方法最终会调用 factory.Create
来初始化存储实例,其调用链为:genericregistry.StorageWithCacher --> generic.NewRawStorage --> factory.Create
// k8s.io/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/registry/generic/registry/storage_factory.go:34
// Creates a cacher based given storageConfig.
func StorageWithCacher(capacity int) generic.StorageDecorator {
return func(
storageConfig *storagebackend.Config,
resourcePrefix string,
keyFunc func(obj runtime.Object) (string, error),
newFunc func() runtime.Object,
newListFunc func() runtime.Object,
getAttrsFunc storage.AttrFunc,
triggerFuncs storage.IndexerFuncs,
indexers *cache.Indexers) (storage.Interface, factory.DestroyFunc, error) {
s, d, err := generic.NewRawStorage(storageConfig)
if err != nil {
return s, d, err
if capacity <= 0 {
klog.V(5).Infof("Storage caching is disabled for %T", newFunc())
return s, d, nil
if klog.V(5) {
klog.Infof("Storage caching is enabled for %T with capacity %v", newFunc(), capacity)
// TODO: we would change this later to make storage always have cacher and hide low level KV layer inside.
// Currently it has two layers of same storage interface -- cacher and low level kv.
cacherConfig := cacherstorage.Config{
CacheCapacity: capacity,
Storage: s,
Versioner: etcd3.APIObjectVersioner{},
ResourcePrefix: resourcePrefix,
KeyFunc: keyFunc,
NewFunc: newFunc,
NewListFunc: newListFunc,
GetAttrsFunc: getAttrsFunc,
IndexerFuncs: triggerFuncs,
Indexers: indexers,
Codec: storageConfig.Codec,
cacher, err := cacherstorage.NewCacherFromConfig(cacherConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, func() {}, err
destroyFunc := func() {
// TODO : Remove RegisterStorageCleanup below when PR
// https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/50690
// merges as that shuts down storage properly
return cacher, destroyFunc, nil
// NewRawStorage creates the low level kv storage. This is a work-around for current
// two layer of same storage interface.
// TODO: Once cacher is enabled on all registries (event registry is special), we will remove this method.
func NewRawStorage(config *storagebackend.Config) (storage.Interface, factory.DestroyFunc, error) {
return factory.Create(*config)
// k8s.io/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/storage/storagebackend/factory/factory.go:29
// Create creates a storage backend based on given config.
func Create(c storagebackend.Config) (storage.Interface, DestroyFunc, error) {
switch c.Type {
case "etcd2":
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("%v is no longer a supported storage backend", c.Type)
// 目前 k8s 只支持使用 etcd v3
case storagebackend.StorageTypeUnset, storagebackend.StorageTypeETCD3:
return newETCD3Storage(c)
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown storage type: %s", c.Type)
在 newETCD3Storage
中,首先通过调用 newETCD3Client
创建 etcd 的 client,client 的创建最终是通过 etcd 官方提供的客户端工具 clientv3 进行创建的
// k8s.io/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/storage/storagebackend/factory/etcd3.go:209
func newETCD3Storage(c storagebackend.Config) (storage.Interface, DestroyFunc, error) {
stopCompactor, err := startCompactorOnce(c.Transport, c.CompactionInterval)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
client, err := newETCD3Client(c.Transport)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
var once sync.Once
destroyFunc := func() {
// we know that storage destroy funcs are called multiple times (due to reuse in subresources).
// Hence, we only destroy once.
// TODO: fix duplicated storage destroy calls higher level
once.Do(func() {
transformer := c.Transformer
if transformer == nil {
transformer = value.IdentityTransformer
return etcd3.New(client, c.Codec, c.Prefix, transformer, c.Paging), destroyFunc, nil
至此对于 pod resource 中 store 的构建基本分析完成,不同 resource 对应一个 REST 对象,其中又引用了 genericregistry.Store
对象,最终是对 genericregistry.Store
的初始化。在分析完 store 的初始化后还有一个重要的步骤就是路由的注册,路由注册主要的流程是为 resource 根据不同 verbs 构建 http path 以及将 path 与对应 handler 进行绑定
上文 RESTStorage 的构建对应的是 InstallLegacyAPI
中的 legacyRESTStorageProvider.NewLegacyRESTStorage
方法,下面继续分析 InstallLegacyAPI
中的 m.GenericAPIServer.InstallLegacyAPIGroup
// k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/master/master.go:487
// InstallLegacyAPI will install the legacy APIs for the restStorageProviders if they are enabled.
func (m *Master) InstallLegacyAPI(c *completedConfig, restOptionsGetter generic.RESTOptionsGetter, legacyRESTStorageProvider corerest.LegacyRESTStorageProvider) error {
legacyRESTStorage, apiGroupInfo, err := legacyRESTStorageProvider.NewLegacyRESTStorage(restOptionsGetter)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error building core storage: %v", err)
controllerName := "bootstrap-controller"
coreClient := corev1client.NewForConfigOrDie(c.GenericConfig.LoopbackClientConfig)
bootstrapController := c.NewBootstrapController(legacyRESTStorage, coreClient, coreClient, coreClient, coreClient.RESTClient())
m.GenericAPIServer.AddPostStartHookOrDie(controllerName, bootstrapController.PostStartHook)
m.GenericAPIServer.AddPreShutdownHookOrDie(controllerName, bootstrapController.PreShutdownHook)
if err := m.GenericAPIServer.InstallLegacyAPIGroup(genericapiserver.DefaultLegacyAPIPrefix, &apiGroupInfo); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error in registering group versions: %v", err)
return nil
的调用链非常深,最终是为 Group 下每一个 API resources 注册 handler 及路由信息,其调用链为:m.GenericAPIServer.InstallLegacyAPIGroup --> s.installAPIResources --> apiGroupVersion.InstallREST --> installer.Install --> a.registerResourceHandlers
:为每一个 API resource 调用apiGroupVersion.InstallREST
对象添加到 container 中;installer.Install
// k8s.io/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/server/genericapiserver.go:428
func (s *GenericAPIServer) InstallLegacyAPIGroup(apiPrefix string, apiGroupInfo *APIGroupInfo) error {
if !s.legacyAPIGroupPrefixes.Has(apiPrefix) {
return fmt.Errorf("%q is not in the allowed legacy API prefixes: %v", apiPrefix, s.legacyAPIGroupPrefixes.List())
openAPIModels, err := s.getOpenAPIModels(apiPrefix, apiGroupInfo)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to get openapi models: %v", err)
if err := s.installAPIResources(apiPrefix, apiGroupInfo, openAPIModels); err != nil {
return err
// Install the version handler.
// Add a handler at /<apiPrefix> to enumerate the supported api versions.
s.Handler.GoRestfulContainer.Add(discovery.NewLegacyRootAPIHandler(s.discoveryAddresses, s.Serializer, apiPrefix).WebService())
return nil
// installAPIResources is a private method for installing the REST storage backing each api groupversionresource
func (s *GenericAPIServer) installAPIResources(apiPrefix string, apiGroupInfo *APIGroupInfo, openAPIModels openapiproto.Models) error {
for _, groupVersion := range apiGroupInfo.PrioritizedVersions {
if len(apiGroupInfo.VersionedResourcesStorageMap[groupVersion.Version]) == 0 {
klog.Warningf("Skipping API %v because it has no resources.", groupVersion)
apiGroupVersion := s.getAPIGroupVersion(apiGroupInfo, groupVersion, apiPrefix)
if apiGroupInfo.OptionsExternalVersion != nil {
apiGroupVersion.OptionsExternalVersion = apiGroupInfo.OptionsExternalVersion
apiGroupVersion.OpenAPIModels = openAPIModels
apiGroupVersion.MaxRequestBodyBytes = s.maxRequestBodyBytes
if err := apiGroupVersion.InstallREST(s.Handler.GoRestfulContainer); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to setup API %v: %v", apiGroupInfo, err)
return nil
func (s *GenericAPIServer) getAPIGroupVersion(apiGroupInfo *APIGroupInfo, groupVersion schema.GroupVersion, apiPrefix string) *genericapi.APIGroupVersion {
storage := make(map[string]rest.Storage)
for k, v := range apiGroupInfo.VersionedResourcesStorageMap[groupVersion.Version] {
storage[strings.ToLower(k)] = v
version := s.newAPIGroupVersion(apiGroupInfo, groupVersion)
version.Root = apiPrefix
version.Storage = storage
return version
// k8s.io/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/endpoints/groupversion.go:94
// InstallREST registers the REST handlers (storage, watch, proxy and redirect) into a restful Container.
// It is expected that the provided path root prefix will serve all operations. Root MUST NOT end
// in a slash.
func (g *APIGroupVersion) InstallREST(container *restful.Container) error {
prefix := path.Join(g.Root, g.GroupVersion.Group, g.GroupVersion.Version)
installer := &APIInstaller{
group: g,
prefix: prefix,
minRequestTimeout: g.MinRequestTimeout,
apiResources, ws, registrationErrors := installer.Install()
versionDiscoveryHandler := discovery.NewAPIVersionHandler(g.Serializer, g.GroupVersion, staticLister{apiResources})
return utilerrors.NewAggregate(registrationErrors)
// k8s.io/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/endpoints/installer.go:92
// Install handlers for API resources.
func (a *APIInstaller) Install() ([]metav1.APIResource, *restful.WebService, []error) {
var apiResources []metav1.APIResource
var errors []error
ws := a.newWebService()
// Register the paths in a deterministic (sorted) order to get a deterministic swagger spec.
paths := make([]string, len(a.group.Storage))
var i int = 0
for path := range a.group.Storage {
paths[i] = path
for _, path := range paths {
apiResource, err := a.registerResourceHandlers(path, a.group.Storage[path], ws)
if err != nil {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Errorf("error in registering resource: %s, %v", path, err))
if apiResource != nil {
apiResources = append(apiResources, *apiResource)
return apiResources, ws, errors
registerResourceHandlers方法实现了 rest.Storage
到 restful.Route
的转换,其首先会判断 API Resource 所支持的 REST 接口,然后为 REST 接口添加对应的 handler,最后将其注册到路由中
// k8s.io/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/endpoints/installer.go:181
func (a *APIInstaller) registerResourceHandlers(path string, storage rest.Storage, ws *restful.WebService) (*metav1.APIResource, error) {
// 1、判断该 resource 实现了哪些 REST 操作接口,以此来判断其支持的 verbs 以便为其添加路由
// what verbs are supported by the storage, used to know what verbs we support per path
creater, isCreater := storage.(rest.Creater)
namedCreater, isNamedCreater := storage.(rest.NamedCreater)
lister, isLister := storage.(rest.Lister)
getter, isGetter := storage.(rest.Getter)
getterWithOptions, isGetterWithOptions := storage.(rest.GetterWithOptions)
gracefulDeleter, isGracefulDeleter := storage.(rest.GracefulDeleter)
collectionDeleter, isCollectionDeleter := storage.(rest.CollectionDeleter)
updater, isUpdater := storage.(rest.Updater)
patcher, isPatcher := storage.(rest.Patcher)
watcher, isWatcher := storage.(rest.Watcher)
connecter, isConnecter := storage.(rest.Connecter)
storageMeta, isMetadata := storage.(rest.StorageMetadata)
storageVersionProvider, isStorageVersionProvider := storage.(rest.StorageVersionProvider)
// 2、为 resource 添加对应的 actions(+根据是否支持 namespace)
// Get the list of actions for the given scope.
switch {
case !namespaceScoped:
// Handle non-namespace scoped resources like nodes.
resourcePath := resource
resourceParams := params
itemPath := resourcePath + "/{name}"
nameParams := append(params, nameParam)
proxyParams := append(nameParams, pathParam)
suffix := ""
if isSubresource {
suffix = "/" + subresource
itemPath = itemPath + suffix
resourcePath = itemPath
resourceParams = nameParams
apiResource.Name = path
apiResource.Namespaced = false
apiResource.Kind = resourceKind
namer := handlers.ContextBasedNaming{
SelfLinker: a.group.Linker,
ClusterScoped: true,
SelfLinkPathPrefix: gpath.Join(a.prefix, resource) + "/",
SelfLinkPathSuffix: suffix,
// Handler for standard REST verbs (GET, PUT, POST and DELETE).
// Add actions at the resource path: /api/apiVersion/resource
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"LIST", resourcePath, resourceParams, namer, false}, isLister)
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"POST", resourcePath, resourceParams, namer, false}, isCreater)
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"DELETECOLLECTION", resourcePath, resourceParams, namer, false}, isCollectionDeleter)
// DEPRECATED in 1.11
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"WATCHLIST", "watch/" + resourcePath, resourceParams, namer, false}, allowWatchList)
// Add actions at the item path: /api/apiVersion/resource/{name}
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"GET", itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isGetter)
if getSubpath {
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"GET", itemPath + "/{path:*}", proxyParams, namer, false}, isGetter)
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"PUT", itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isUpdater)
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"PATCH", itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isPatcher)
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"DELETE", itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isGracefulDeleter)
// DEPRECATED in 1.11
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"WATCH", "watch/" + itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isWatcher)
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"CONNECT", itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isConnecter)
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"CONNECT", itemPath + "/{path:*}", proxyParams, namer, false}, isConnecter && connectSubpath)
namespaceParamName := "namespaces"
// Handler for standard REST verbs (GET, PUT, POST and DELETE).
namespaceParam := ws.PathParameter("namespace", "object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects").DataType("string")
namespacedPath := namespaceParamName + "/{namespace}/" + resource
namespaceParams := []*restful.Parameter{namespaceParam}
resourcePath := namespacedPath
resourceParams := namespaceParams
itemPath := namespacedPath + "/{name}"
nameParams := append(namespaceParams, nameParam)
proxyParams := append(nameParams, pathParam)
itemPathSuffix := ""
if isSubresource {
itemPathSuffix = "/" + subresource
itemPath = itemPath + itemPathSuffix
resourcePath = itemPath
resourceParams = nameParams
apiResource.Name = path
apiResource.Namespaced = true
apiResource.Kind = resourceKind
namer := handlers.ContextBasedNaming{
SelfLinker: a.group.Linker,
ClusterScoped: false,
SelfLinkPathPrefix: gpath.Join(a.prefix, namespaceParamName) + "/",
SelfLinkPathSuffix: itemPathSuffix,
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"LIST", resourcePath, resourceParams, namer, false}, isLister)
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"POST", resourcePath, resourceParams, namer, false}, isCreater)
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"DELETECOLLECTION", resourcePath, resourceParams, namer, false}, isCollectionDeleter)
// DEPRECATED in 1.11
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"WATCHLIST", "watch/" + resourcePath, resourceParams, namer, false}, allowWatchList)
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"GET", itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isGetter)
if getSubpath {
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"GET", itemPath + "/{path:*}", proxyParams, namer, false}, isGetter)
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"PUT", itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isUpdater)
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"PATCH", itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isPatcher)
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"DELETE", itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isGracefulDeleter)
// DEPRECATED in 1.11
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"WATCH", "watch/" + itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isWatcher)
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"CONNECT", itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isConnecter)
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"CONNECT", itemPath + "/{path:*}", proxyParams, namer, false}, isConnecter && connectSubpath)
// list or post across namespace.
// For ex: LIST all pods in all namespaces by sending a LIST request at /api/apiVersion/pods.
// TODO: more strongly type whether a resource allows these actions on "all namespaces" (bulk delete)
if !isSubresource {
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"LIST", resource, params, namer, true}, isLister)
// DEPRECATED in 1.11
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"WATCHLIST", "watch/" + resource, params, namer, true}, allowWatchList)
// Create Routes for the actions.
// TODO: Add status documentation using Returns()
// Errors (see api/errors/errors.go as well as go-restful router):
// http.StatusNotFound, http.StatusMethodNotAllowed,
// http.StatusUnsupportedMediaType, http.StatusNotAcceptable,
// http.StatusBadRequest, http.StatusUnauthorized, http.StatusForbidden,
// http.StatusRequestTimeout, http.StatusConflict, http.StatusPreconditionFailed,
// http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, http.StatusInternalServerError,
// http.StatusServiceUnavailable
// and api error codes
// Note that if we specify a versioned Status object here, we may need to
// create one for the tests, also
// Success:
// http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent
// test/integration/auth_test.go is currently the most comprehensive status code test
for _, s := range a.group.Serializer.SupportedMediaTypes() {
if len(s.MediaTypeSubType) == 0 || len(s.MediaTypeType) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("all serializers in the group Serializer must have MediaTypeType and MediaTypeSubType set: %s", s.MediaType)
mediaTypes, streamMediaTypes := negotiation.MediaTypesForSerializer(a.group.Serializer)
allMediaTypes := append(mediaTypes, streamMediaTypes...)
// 3、根据 action 创建对应的 route
kubeVerbs := map[string]struct{}{}
reqScope := handlers.RequestScope{
Serializer: a.group.Serializer,
ParameterCodec: a.group.ParameterCodec,
Creater: a.group.Creater,
Convertor: a.group.Convertor,
Defaulter: a.group.Defaulter,
Typer: a.group.Typer,
UnsafeConvertor: a.group.UnsafeConvertor,
Authorizer: a.group.Authorizer,
EquivalentResourceMapper: a.group.EquivalentResourceRegistry,
// TODO: Check for the interface on storage
TableConvertor: tableProvider,
// TODO: This seems wrong for cross-group subresources. It makes an assumption that a subresource and its parent are in the same group version. Revisit this.
Resource: a.group.GroupVersion.WithResource(resource),
Subresource: subresource,
Kind: fqKindToRegister,
HubGroupVersion: schema.GroupVersion{Group: fqKindToRegister.Group, Version: runtime.APIVersionInternal},
MetaGroupVersion: metav1.SchemeGroupVersion,
MaxRequestBodyBytes: a.group.MaxRequestBodyBytes,
// 4、从 rest.Storage 到 restful.Route 映射
// 为每个操作添加对应的 handler
for _, action := range actions {
switch action.Verb {
case "GET": // Get a resource.
case "LIST": // List all resources of a kind.
case "PUT": // Update a resource.
case "PATCH": // Partially update a resource
case "POST": // Create a resource.
var handler restful.RouteFunction
// 5、初始化 handler
if isNamedCreater {
handler = restfulCreateNamedResource(namedCreater, reqScope, admit)
} else {
handler = restfulCreateResource(creater, reqScope, admit)
handler = metrics.InstrumentRouteFunc(action.Verb, group, version, resource, subresource, requestScope, metrics.APIServerComponent, handler)
article := GetArticleForNoun(kind, " ")
doc := "create" + article + kind
if isSubresource {
doc = "create " + subresource + " of" + article + kind
// 6、route 与 handler 进行绑定
route := ws.POST(action.Path).To(handler).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("pretty", "If 'true', then the output is pretty printed.")).
Produces(append(storageMeta.ProducesMIMETypes(action.Verb), mediaTypes...)...).
Returns(http.StatusOK, "OK", producedObject).
// TODO: in some cases, the API may return a v1.Status instead of the versioned object
// but currently go-restful can't handle multiple different objects being returned.
Returns(http.StatusCreated, "Created", producedObject).
Returns(http.StatusAccepted, "Accepted", producedObject).
if err := AddObjectParams(ws, route, versionedCreateOptions); err != nil {
return nil, err
addParams(route, action.Params)
// 7、添加到路由中
routes = append(routes, route)
case "DELETE": // Delete a resource.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized action verb: %s", action.Verb)
for _, route := range routes {
route.Metadata(ROUTE_META_GVK, metav1.GroupVersionKind{
Group: reqScope.Kind.Group,
Version: reqScope.Kind.Version,
Kind: reqScope.Kind.Kind,
route.Metadata(ROUTE_META_ACTION, strings.ToLower(action.Verb))
// Note: update GetAuthorizerAttributes() when adding a custom handler.
apiResource.Verbs = make([]string, 0, len(kubeVerbs))
for kubeVerb := range kubeVerbs {
apiResource.Verbs = append(apiResource.Verbs, kubeVerb)
if shortNamesProvider, ok := storage.(rest.ShortNamesProvider); ok {
apiResource.ShortNames = shortNamesProvider.ShortNames()
if categoriesProvider, ok := storage.(rest.CategoriesProvider); ok {
apiResource.Categories = categoriesProvider.Categories()
if gvkProvider, ok := storage.(rest.GroupVersionKindProvider); ok {
gvk := gvkProvider.GroupVersionKind(a.group.GroupVersion)
apiResource.Group = gvk.Group
apiResource.Version = gvk.Version
apiResource.Kind = gvk.Kind
// Record the existence of the GVR and the corresponding GVK
a.group.EquivalentResourceRegistry.RegisterKindFor(reqScope.Resource, reqScope.Subresource, fqKindToRegister)
return &apiResource, nil
是 POST 操作对应的 handler,最终会调用 createHandler
func restfulCreateNamedResource(r rest.NamedCreater, scope handlers.RequestScope, admit admission.Interface) restful.RouteFunction {
return func(req *restful.Request, res *restful.Response) {
handlers.CreateNamedResource(r, &scope, admit)(res.ResponseWriter, req.Request)
// CreateNamedResource returns a function that will handle a resource creation with name.
func CreateNamedResource(r rest.NamedCreater, scope *RequestScope, admission admission.Interface) http.HandlerFunc {
return createHandler(r, scope, admission, true)
是将数据写入到后端存储的方法,对于资源的操作都有相关的权限控制,在 createHandler
中首先会执行 decoder
和 admission
操作,然后调用 create
方法完成 resource 的创建,在 create
方法中会进行 validate
操作即执行 kube-apiserver 中的 admission-plugins,admission-plugins 在 CreateKubeAPIServerConfig
中被初始化为了 admissionChain,其初始化的调用链为 CreateKubeAPIServerConfig --> buildGenericConfig --> s.Admission.ApplyTo --> a.GenericAdmission.ApplyTo --> a.Plugins.NewFromPlugins
,最终在 a.Plugins.NewFromPlugins
中将所有已启用的 plugins 封装为 admissionChain,此处要执行的 admit 操作即执行 admission-plugins 中的 admit 操作
中调用的 create 方法是 genericregistry.Store
对象的方法,在每个 resource 初始化 RESTStorage 都会引入 genericregistry.Store
// k8s.io/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/endpoints/handlers/create.go:47
func createHandler(r rest.NamedCreater, scope *RequestScope, admit admission.Interface, includeName bool) http.HandlerFunc {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
gv := scope.Kind.GroupVersion()
// 1、得到合适的SerializerInfo
s, err := negotiation.NegotiateInputSerializer(req, false, scope.Serializer)
if err != nil {
scope.err(err, w, req)
// 2、找到合适的 decoder
decoder := scope.Serializer.DecoderToVersion(s.Serializer, scope.HubGroupVersion)
body, err := limitedReadBody(req, scope.MaxRequestBodyBytes)
if err != nil {
scope.err(err, w, req)
defaultGVK := scope.Kind
original := r.New()
trace.Step("About to convert to expected version")
// 3、decoder 解码
obj, gvk, err := decoder.Decode(body, &defaultGVK, original)
if err != nil {
err = transformDecodeError(scope.Typer, err, original, gvk, body)
scope.err(err, w, req)
if gvk.GroupVersion() != gv {
err = errors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("the API version in the data (%s) does not match the expected API version (%v)", gvk.GroupVersion().String(), gv.String()))
scope.err(err, w, req)
trace.Step("Conversion done")
ae := request.AuditEventFrom(ctx)
admit = admission.WithAudit(admit, ae)
audit.LogRequestObject(ae, obj, scope.Resource, scope.Subresource, scope.Serializer)
userInfo, _ := request.UserFrom(ctx)
// On create, get name from new object if unset
if len(name) == 0 {
_, name, _ = scope.Namer.ObjectName(obj)
// 4、执行 admit 操作,即执行 kube-apiserver 启动时加载的 admission-plugins
trace.Step("About to store object in database")
admissionAttributes := admission.NewAttributesRecord(obj, nil, scope.Kind, namespace, name, scope.Resource, scope.Subresource, admission.Create, options, dryrun.IsDryRun(options.DryRun), userInfo)
requestFunc := func() (runtime.Object, error) {
return r.Create(
rest.AdmissionToValidateObjectFunc(admit, admissionAttributes, scope),
// 5、执行 create 操作
result, err := finishRequest(timeout, func() (runtime.Object, error) {
if scope.FieldManager != nil {
liveObj, err := scope.Creater.New(scope.Kind)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create new object (Create for %v): %v", scope.Kind, err)
obj, err = scope.FieldManager.Update(liveObj, obj, managerOrUserAgent(options.FieldManager, req.UserAgent()))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to update object (Create for %v) managed fields: %v", scope.Kind, err)
if mutatingAdmission, ok := admit.(admission.MutationInterface); ok && mutatingAdmission.Handles(admission.Create) {
if err := mutatingAdmission.Admit(ctx, admissionAttributes, scope); err != nil {
return nil, err
result, err := requestFunc()
// If the object wasn't committed to storage because it's serialized size was too large,
// it is safe to remove managedFields (which can be large) and try again.
if isTooLargeError(err) {
if accessor, accessorErr := meta.Accessor(obj); accessorErr == nil {
result, err = requestFunc()
return result, err
if err != nil {
scope.err(err, w, req)
trace.Step("Object stored in database")
code := http.StatusCreated
status, ok := result.(*metav1.Status)
if ok && err == nil && status.Code == 0 {
status.Code = int32(code)
transformResponseObject(ctx, scope, trace, req, w, code, outputMediaType, result)
回过头来看InstallLegacyAPI整个调用链:InstallLegacyAPI => NewLegacyRESTStorage => InstallLegacyAPIGroup => installAPIResources => getAPIGroupVersion => InstallREST => installer.Install
可以看到NewLegacyRESTStorage返回了apiGroupInfo,apiGroupInfo.VersionedResourcesStorageMap["v1"] = restStorageMap,而restStorageMap为rest.Storage Map,如下:
nodeStorage, err := nodestore.NewStorage(restOptionsGetter, c.KubeletClientConfig, c.ProxyTransport)
if err != nil {
return LegacyRESTStorage{}, genericapiserver.APIGroupInfo{}, err
podStorage, err := podstore.NewStorage(
restStorageMap := map[string]rest.Storage{
"pods": podStorage.Pod,
"pods/attach": podStorage.Attach,
"pods/status": podStorage.Status,
"pods/log": podStorage.Log,
"pods/exec": podStorage.Exec,
"pods/portforward": podStorage.PortForward,
"pods/proxy": podStorage.Proxy,
"pods/binding": podStorage.Binding,
"bindings": podStorage.LegacyBinding,
"podTemplates": podTemplateStorage,
"replicationControllers": controllerStorage.Controller,
"replicationControllers/status": controllerStorage.Status,
"services": serviceRest,
"services/proxy": serviceRestProxy,
"services/status": serviceStatusStorage,
"endpoints": endpointsStorage,
"nodes": nodeStorage.Node,
"nodes/status": nodeStorage.Status,
"nodes/proxy": nodeStorage.Proxy,
"events": eventStorage,
"limitRanges": limitRangeStorage,
"resourceQuotas": resourceQuotaStorage,
"resourceQuotas/status": resourceQuotaStatusStorage,
"namespaces": namespaceStorage,
"namespaces/status": namespaceStatusStorage,
"namespaces/finalize": namespaceFinalizeStorage,
"secrets": secretStorage,
"serviceAccounts": serviceAccountStorage,
"persistentVolumes": persistentVolumeStorage,
"persistentVolumes/status": persistentVolumeStatusStorage,
"persistentVolumeClaims": persistentVolumeClaimStorage,
"persistentVolumeClaims/status": persistentVolumeClaimStatusStorage,
"configMaps": configMapStorage,
"componentStatuses": componentstatus.NewStorage(componentStatusStorage{c.StorageFactory}.serversToValidate),
// Install handlers for API resources.
func (a *APIInstaller) Install() ([]metav1.APIResource, *restful.WebService, []error) {
var apiResources []metav1.APIResource
var errors []error
ws := a.newWebService()
// Register the paths in a deterministic (sorted) order to get a deterministic swagger spec.
paths := make([]string, len(a.group.Storage))
var i int = 0
for path := range a.group.Storage {
paths[i] = path
for _, path := range paths {
apiResource, err := a.registerResourceHandlers(path, a.group.Storage[path], ws)
if err != nil {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Errorf("error in registering resource: %s, %v", path, err))
if apiResource != nil {
apiResources = append(apiResources, *apiResource)
return apiResources, ws, errors
在Install函数中,会构建paths slice,然后将a.group.Storage中的key添加到该slice中。而APIInstaller.group.Storage是APIGroupVersion.Storage,并在getAPIGroupVersion函数中构建:
func (s *GenericAPIServer) getAPIGroupVersion(apiGroupInfo *APIGroupInfo, groupVersion schema.GroupVersion, apiPrefix string) *genericapi.APIGroupVersion {
storage := make(map[string]rest.Storage)
for k, v := range apiGroupInfo.VersionedResourcesStorageMap[groupVersion.Version] {
storage[strings.ToLower(k)] = v
version := s.newAPIGroupVersion(apiGroupInfo, groupVersion)
version.Root = apiPrefix
version.Storage = storage
return version
restStorageMap := map[string]rest.Storage{
"pods": podStorage.Pod,
"pods/attach": podStorage.Attach,
"pods/status": podStorage.Status,
"pods/log": podStorage.Log,
"pods/exec": podStorage.Exec,
"pods/portforward": podStorage.PortForward,
"pods/proxy": podStorage.Proxy,
"pods/binding": podStorage.Binding,
"bindings": podStorage.LegacyBinding,
"podTemplates": podTemplateStorage,
"replicationControllers": controllerStorage.Controller,
"replicationControllers/status": controllerStorage.Status,
"services": serviceRest,
"services/proxy": serviceRestProxy,
"services/status": serviceStatusStorage,
"endpoints": endpointsStorage,
"nodes": nodeStorage.Node,
"nodes/status": nodeStorage.Status,
"nodes/proxy": nodeStorage.Proxy,
"events": eventStorage,
"limitRanges": limitRangeStorage,
"resourceQuotas": resourceQuotaStorage,
"resourceQuotas/status": resourceQuotaStatusStorage,
"namespaces": namespaceStorage,
"namespaces/status": namespaceStatusStorage,
"namespaces/finalize": namespaceFinalizeStorage,
"secrets": secretStorage,
"serviceAccounts": serviceAccountStorage,
"persistentVolumes": persistentVolumeStorage,
"persistentVolumes/status": persistentVolumeStatusStorage,
"persistentVolumeClaims": persistentVolumeClaimStorage,
"persistentVolumeClaims/status": persistentVolumeClaimStatusStorage,
"configMaps": configMapStorage,
"componentStatuses": componentstatus.NewStorage(componentStatusStorage{c.StorageFactory}.serversToValidate),
apiGroupInfo.VersionedResourcesStorageMap["v1"] = restStorageMap
paths[0] -> pods
paths[1] -> pods/attach
paths[x] -> componentStatuses
apiResource, err := a.registerResourceHandlers("pods", podStorage.Pod, ws)
而最终落地到APIInstaller.registerResourceHandlers,该函数会根据资源rest.Storage是否实现了相关接口来判断该资源对HTTP Methods到支持情况,比如对HTTP GET Method的判断如下:
getter, isGetter := storage.(rest.Getter)
显然,如果实现了该接口,则认为该资源支持HTTP GET操作,并会根据是否支持namespace来构造相应的action,而action包括Path(路径)以及Verb(行为):
// Struct capturing information about an action ("GET", "POST", "WATCH", "PROXY", etc).
type action struct {
Verb string // Verb identifying the action ("GET", "POST", "WATCH", "PROXY", etc).
Path string // The path of the action
Params []*restful.Parameter // List of parameters associated with the action.
Namer handlers.ScopeNamer
AllNamespaces bool // true iff the action is namespaced but works on aggregate result for all namespaces
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"GET", "/api/apiVersion/namespaces/{namespace}/pods/{name}", nameParams, namer, false}, isGetter)
在构建完actions列表后,会遍历该列表,对每一个action创建其对应的handler(处理函数),然后通过将HTTP Method和action.Path以及对应handler添加到route中形成路由:
case "GET": // Get a resource.
var handler restful.RouteFunction
if isGetterWithOptions {
handler = restfulGetResourceWithOptions(getterWithOptions, reqScope, isSubresource)
} else {
handler = restfulGetResource(getter, exporter, reqScope)
if needOverride {
// need change the reported verb
handler = metrics.InstrumentRouteFunc(verbOverrider.OverrideMetricsVerb(action.Verb), group, version, resource, subresource, requestScope, metrics.APIServerComponent, handler)
} else {
handler = metrics.InstrumentRouteFunc(action.Verb, group, version, resource, subresource, requestScope, metrics.APIServerComponent, handler)
doc := "read the specified " + kind
if isSubresource {
doc = "read " + subresource + " of the specified " + kind
route := ws.GET(action.Path).To(handler).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("pretty", "If 'true', then the output is pretty printed.")).
Produces(append(storageMeta.ProducesMIMETypes(action.Verb), mediaTypes...)...).
Returns(http.StatusOK, "OK", producedObject).
if isGetterWithOptions {
if err := AddObjectParams(ws, route, versionedGetOptions); err != nil {
return nil, err
if isExporter {
if err := AddObjectParams(ws, route, versionedExportOptions); err != nil {
return nil, err
addParams(route, action.Params)
routes = append(routes, route)
// GetResource returns a function that handles retrieving a single resource from a rest.Storage object.
func GetResource(r rest.Getter, e rest.Exporter, scope *RequestScope) http.HandlerFunc {
return getResourceHandler(scope,
func(ctx context.Context, name string, req *http.Request, trace *utiltrace.Trace) (runtime.Object, error) {
// check for export
options := metav1.GetOptions{}
if values := req.URL.Query(); len(values) > 0 {
exports := metav1.ExportOptions{}
if err := metainternalversionscheme.ParameterCodec.DecodeParameters(values, scope.MetaGroupVersion, &exports); err != nil {
err = errors.NewBadRequest(err.Error())
return nil, err
if exports.Export {
if e == nil {
return nil, errors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("export of %q is not supported", scope.Resource.Resource))
return e.Export(ctx, name, exports)
if err := metainternalversionscheme.ParameterCodec.DecodeParameters(values, scope.MetaGroupVersion, &options); err != nil {
err = errors.NewBadRequest(err.Error())
return nil, err
if trace != nil {
trace.Step("About to Get from storage")
return r.Get(ctx, name, &options)
这里最终会调用podStorage.Pod的Get函数,而podStorage.Pod也即REST{store, proxyTransport}:
// REST implements a RESTStorage for pods
type REST struct {
proxyTransport http.RoundTripper
// NewStorage returns a RESTStorage object that will work against pods.
func NewStorage(optsGetter generic.RESTOptionsGetter, k client.ConnectionInfoGetter, proxyTransport http.RoundTripper, podDisruptionBudgetClient policyclient.PodDisruptionBudgetsGetter) (PodStorage, error) {
store := &genericregistry.Store{
NewFunc: func() runtime.Object { return &api.Pod{} },
NewListFunc: func() runtime.Object { return &api.PodList{} },
PredicateFunc: registrypod.MatchPod,
DefaultQualifiedResource: api.Resource("pods"),
CreateStrategy: registrypod.Strategy,
UpdateStrategy: registrypod.Strategy,
DeleteStrategy: registrypod.Strategy,
ReturnDeletedObject: true,
TableConvertor: printerstorage.TableConvertor{TableGenerator: printers.NewTableGenerator().With(printersinternal.AddHandlers)},
options := &generic.StoreOptions{
RESTOptions: optsGetter,
AttrFunc: registrypod.GetAttrs,
TriggerFunc: map[string]storage.IndexerFunc{"spec.nodeName": registrypod.NodeNameTriggerFunc},
Indexers: registrypod.Indexers(),
if err := store.CompleteWithOptions(options); err != nil {
return PodStorage{}, err
statusStore := *store
statusStore.UpdateStrategy = registrypod.StatusStrategy
ephemeralContainersStore := *store
ephemeralContainersStore.UpdateStrategy = registrypod.EphemeralContainersStrategy
bindingREST := &BindingREST{store: store}
return PodStorage{
Pod: &REST{store, proxyTransport},
Binding: &BindingREST{store: store},
LegacyBinding: &LegacyBindingREST{bindingREST},
Eviction: newEvictionStorage(store, podDisruptionBudgetClient),
Status: &StatusREST{store: &statusStore},
EphemeralContainers: &EphemeralContainersREST{store: &ephemeralContainersStore},
Log: &podrest.LogREST{Store: store, KubeletConn: k},
Proxy: &podrest.ProxyREST{Store: store, ProxyTransport: proxyTransport},
Exec: &podrest.ExecREST{Store: store, KubeletConn: k},
Attach: &podrest.AttachREST{Store: store, KubeletConn: k},
PortForward: &podrest.PortForwardREST{Store: store, KubeletConn: k},
}, nil
// Get retrieves the item from storage.
func (e *Store) Get(ctx context.Context, name string, options *metav1.GetOptions) (runtime.Object, error) {
obj := e.NewFunc()
key, err := e.KeyFunc(ctx, name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := e.Storage.Get(ctx, key, options.ResourceVersion, obj, false); err != nil {
return nil, storeerr.InterpretGetError(err, e.qualifiedResourceFromContext(ctx), name)
if e.Decorator != nil {
if err := e.Decorator(obj); err != nil {
return nil, err
return obj, nil
- (NewRESTStorage)通过创建rest.Storage并实现k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/registry/rest/rest.go中的相关接口来实现与存储后端(etcd)的CRUD操作
- (InstallAPIGroup)通过判断rest.Storage实现的接口类型来构建路由信息,包括:HTTP Method,路径以及相应的处理函数
调用 genericapiserver.NewConfig
生成默认的 genericConfig,genericConfig 中主要配置了 DefaultBuildHandlerChain
中包含了认证、鉴权等一系列 http filter chain;
// CreateServerChain creates the apiservers connected via delegation.
func CreateServerChain(completedOptions completedServerRunOptions, stopCh <-chan struct{}) (*aggregatorapiserver.APIAggregator, error) {
kubeAPIServerConfig, insecureServingInfo, serviceResolver, pluginInitializer, err := CreateKubeAPIServerConfig(completedOptions, nodeTunneler, proxyTransport)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
kubeAPIServer, err := CreateKubeAPIServer(kubeAPIServerConfig, apiExtensionsServer.GenericAPIServer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return aggregatorServer, nil
// CreateKubeAPIServerConfig creates all the resources for running the API server, but runs none of them
func CreateKubeAPIServerConfig(
s completedServerRunOptions,
nodeTunneler tunneler.Tunneler,
proxyTransport *http.Transport,
) (
) {
genericConfig, versionedInformers, insecureServingInfo, serviceResolver, pluginInitializers, admissionPostStartHook, storageFactory, err := buildGenericConfig(s.ServerRunOptions, proxyTransport)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, nil, err
return config, insecureServingInfo, serviceResolver, pluginInitializers, nil
// BuildGenericConfig takes the master server options and produces the genericapiserver.Config associated with it
func buildGenericConfig(
s *options.ServerRunOptions,
proxyTransport *http.Transport,
) (
genericConfig *genericapiserver.Config,
versionedInformers clientgoinformers.SharedInformerFactory,
insecureServingInfo *genericapiserver.DeprecatedInsecureServingInfo,
serviceResolver aggregatorapiserver.ServiceResolver,
pluginInitializers []admission.PluginInitializer,
admissionPostStartHook genericapiserver.PostStartHookFunc,
storageFactory *serverstorage.DefaultStorageFactory,
lastErr error,
) {
// 1、为 genericConfig 设置默认值
genericConfig = genericapiserver.NewConfig(legacyscheme.Codecs)
genericConfig.MergedResourceConfig = master.DefaultAPIResourceConfigSource()
genericConfig.OpenAPIConfig = genericapiserver.DefaultOpenAPIConfig(generatedopenapi.GetOpenAPIDefinitions, openapinamer.NewDefinitionNamer(legacyscheme.Scheme, extensionsapiserver.Scheme, aggregatorscheme.Scheme))
genericConfig.OpenAPIConfig.Info.Title = "Kubernetes"
genericConfig.LongRunningFunc = filters.BasicLongRunningRequestCheck(
sets.NewString("watch", "proxy"),
sets.NewString("attach", "exec", "proxy", "log", "portforward"),
kubeVersion := version.Get()
genericConfig.Version = &kubeVersion
storageFactoryConfig := kubeapiserver.NewStorageFactoryConfig()
storageFactoryConfig.APIResourceConfig = genericConfig.MergedResourceConfig
completedStorageFactoryConfig, err := storageFactoryConfig.Complete(s.Etcd)
if err != nil {
lastErr = err
// 初始化 storageFactory
storageFactory, lastErr = completedStorageFactoryConfig.New()
if lastErr != nil {
if genericConfig.EgressSelector != nil {
storageFactory.StorageConfig.Transport.EgressLookup = genericConfig.EgressSelector.Lookup
// 2、初始化 RESTOptionsGetter,后期根据其获取操作 Etcd 的句柄,同时添加 etcd 的健康检查方法
if lastErr = s.Etcd.ApplyWithStorageFactoryTo(storageFactory, genericConfig); lastErr != nil {
// 3、设置使用 protobufs 用来内部交互,并且禁用压缩功能
// Use protobufs for self-communication.
// Since not every generic apiserver has to support protobufs, we
// cannot default to it in generic apiserver and need to explicitly
// set it in kube-apiserver.
genericConfig.LoopbackClientConfig.ContentConfig.ContentType = "application/vnd.kubernetes.protobuf"
// Disable compression for self-communication, since we are going to be
// on a fast local network
genericConfig.LoopbackClientConfig.DisableCompression = true
// 4、创建 clientset
kubeClientConfig := genericConfig.LoopbackClientConfig
clientgoExternalClient, err := clientgoclientset.NewForConfig(kubeClientConfig)
if err != nil {
lastErr = fmt.Errorf("failed to create real external clientset: %v", err)
versionedInformers = clientgoinformers.NewSharedInformerFactory(clientgoExternalClient, 10*time.Minute)
// 5、创建认证实例,支持多种认证方式:请求 Header 认证、Auth 文件认证、CA 证书认证、Bearer token 认证、
// ServiceAccount 认证、BootstrapToken 认证、WebhookToken 认证等
genericConfig.Authentication.Authenticator, genericConfig.OpenAPIConfig.SecurityDefinitions, err = BuildAuthenticator(s, genericConfig.EgressSelector, clientgoExternalClient, versionedInformers)
if err != nil {
lastErr = fmt.Errorf("invalid authentication config: %v", err)
// 6、创建鉴权实例,包含:Node、RBAC、Webhook、ABAC、AlwaysAllow、AlwaysDeny
genericConfig.Authorization.Authorizer, genericConfig.RuleResolver, err = BuildAuthorizer(s, genericConfig.EgressSelector, versionedInformers)
if err != nil {
lastErr = fmt.Errorf("invalid authorization config: %v", err)
if !sets.NewString(s.Authorization.Modes...).Has(modes.ModeRBAC) {
admissionConfig := &kubeapiserveradmission.Config{
ExternalInformers: versionedInformers,
LoopbackClientConfig: genericConfig.LoopbackClientConfig,
CloudConfigFile: s.CloudProvider.CloudConfigFile,
serviceResolver = buildServiceResolver(s.EnableAggregatorRouting, genericConfig.LoopbackClientConfig.Host, versionedInformers)
authInfoResolverWrapper := webhook.NewDefaultAuthenticationInfoResolverWrapper(proxyTransport, genericConfig.EgressSelector, genericConfig.LoopbackClientConfig)
// 7、审计插件的初始化
lastErr = s.Audit.ApplyTo(
serveroptions.NewProcessInfo("kube-apiserver", "kube-system"),
AuthInfoResolverWrapper: authInfoResolverWrapper,
ServiceResolver: serviceResolver,
if lastErr != nil {
// 8、准入插件的初始化
pluginInitializers, admissionPostStartHook, err = admissionConfig.New(proxyTransport, genericConfig.EgressSelector, serviceResolver)
if err != nil {
lastErr = fmt.Errorf("failed to create admission plugin initializer: %v", err)
err = s.Admission.ApplyTo(
if err != nil {
lastErr = fmt.Errorf("failed to initialize admission: %v", err)
// NewConfig returns a Config struct with the default values
func NewConfig(codecs serializer.CodecFactory) *Config {
defaultHealthChecks := []healthz.HealthChecker{healthz.PingHealthz, healthz.LogHealthz}
return &Config{
Serializer: codecs,
BuildHandlerChainFunc: DefaultBuildHandlerChain,
HandlerChainWaitGroup: new(utilwaitgroup.SafeWaitGroup),
LegacyAPIGroupPrefixes: sets.NewString(DefaultLegacyAPIPrefix),
DisabledPostStartHooks: sets.NewString(),
PostStartHooks: map[string]PostStartHookConfigEntry{},
HealthzChecks: append([]healthz.HealthChecker{}, defaultHealthChecks...),
ReadyzChecks: append([]healthz.HealthChecker{}, defaultHealthChecks...),
LivezChecks: append([]healthz.HealthChecker{}, defaultHealthChecks...),
EnableIndex: true,
EnableDiscovery: true,
EnableProfiling: true,
EnableMetrics: true,
MaxRequestsInFlight: 400,
MaxMutatingRequestsInFlight: 200,
RequestTimeout: time.Duration(60) * time.Second,
MinRequestTimeout: 1800,
LivezGracePeriod: time.Duration(0),
ShutdownDelayDuration: time.Duration(0),
// 1.5MB is the default client request size in bytes
// the etcd server should accept. See
// https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/blob/release-3.4/embed/config.go#L56.
// A request body might be encoded in json, and is converted to
// proto when persisted in etcd, so we allow 2x as the largest size
// increase the "copy" operations in a json patch may cause.
JSONPatchMaxCopyBytes: int64(3 * 1024 * 1024),
// 1.5MB is the recommended client request size in byte
// the etcd server should accept. See
// https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/blob/release-3.4/embed/config.go#L56.
// A request body might be encoded in json, and is converted to
// proto when persisted in etcd, so we allow 2x as the largest request
// body size to be accepted and decoded in a write request.
MaxRequestBodyBytes: int64(3 * 1024 * 1024),
// Default to treating watch as a long-running operation
// Generic API servers have no inherent long-running subresources
LongRunningFunc: genericfilters.BasicLongRunningRequestCheck(sets.NewString("watch"), sets.NewString()),
// k8s.io/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/server/config.go:664
func DefaultBuildHandlerChain(apiHandler http.Handler, c *Config) http.Handler {
handler := genericapifilters.WithAuthorization(apiHandler, c.Authorization.Authorizer, c.Serializer)
if c.FlowControl != nil {
handler = genericfilters.WithPriorityAndFairness(handler, c.LongRunningFunc, c.FlowControl)
} else {
handler = genericfilters.WithMaxInFlightLimit(handler, c.MaxRequestsInFlight, c.MaxMutatingRequestsInFlight, c.LongRunningFunc)
handler = genericapifilters.WithImpersonation(handler, c.Authorization.Authorizer, c.Serializer)
handler = genericapifilters.WithAudit(handler, c.AuditBackend, c.AuditPolicyChecker, c.LongRunningFunc)
failedHandler := genericapifilters.Unauthorized(c.Serializer, c.Authentication.SupportsBasicAuth)
failedHandler = genericapifilters.WithFailedAuthenticationAudit(failedHandler, c.AuditBackend, c.AuditPolicyChecker)
handler = genericapifilters.WithAuthentication(handler, c.Authentication.Authenticator, failedHandler, c.Authentication.APIAudiences)
handler = genericfilters.WithCORS(handler, c.CorsAllowedOriginList, nil, nil, nil, "true")
handler = genericfilters.WithTimeoutForNonLongRunningRequests(handler, c.LongRunningFunc, c.RequestTimeout)
handler = genericfilters.WithWaitGroup(handler, c.LongRunningFunc, c.HandlerChainWaitGroup)
handler = genericapifilters.WithRequestInfo(handler, c.RequestInfoResolver)
if c.SecureServing != nil && !c.SecureServing.DisableHTTP2 && c.GoawayChance > 0 {
handler = genericfilters.WithProbabilisticGoaway(handler, c.GoawayChance)
handler = genericapifilters.WithCacheControl(handler)
handler = genericfilters.WithPanicRecovery(handler)
return handler
// DefaultAPIResourceConfigSource returns default configuration for an APIResource.
func DefaultAPIResourceConfigSource() *serverstorage.ResourceConfig {
ret := serverstorage.NewResourceConfig()
// NOTE: GroupVersions listed here will be enabled by default. Don't put alpha versions in the list.
// enable non-deprecated beta resources in extensions/v1beta1 explicitly so we have a full list of what's possible to serve
// disable alpha versions explicitly so we have a full list of what's possible to serve
return ret
// BuildGenericConfig takes the master server options and produces the genericapiserver.Config associated with it
func buildGenericConfig(
s *options.ServerRunOptions,
proxyTransport *http.Transport,
) (
genericConfig *genericapiserver.Config,
versionedInformers clientgoinformers.SharedInformerFactory,
insecureServingInfo *genericapiserver.DeprecatedInsecureServingInfo,
serviceResolver aggregatorapiserver.ServiceResolver,
pluginInitializers []admission.PluginInitializer,
admissionPostStartHook genericapiserver.PostStartHookFunc,
storageFactory *serverstorage.DefaultStorageFactory,
lastErr error,
) {
genericConfig = genericapiserver.NewConfig(legacyscheme.Codecs)
genericConfig.MergedResourceConfig = master.DefaultAPIResourceConfigSource()
// NewConfig returns a Config struct with the default values
func NewConfig(codecs serializer.CodecFactory) *Config {
defaultHealthChecks := []healthz.HealthChecker{healthz.PingHealthz, healthz.LogHealthz}
return &Config{
Serializer: codecs,
BuildHandlerChainFunc: DefaultBuildHandlerChain,
CreateKubeAPIServer => kubeAPIServerConfig.Complete().New => c.GenericConfig.New:
// APIServerHandlers holds the different http.Handlers used by the API server.
// This includes the full handler chain, the director (which chooses between gorestful and nonGoRestful,
// the gorestful handler (used for the API) which falls through to the nonGoRestful handler on unregistered paths,
// and the nonGoRestful handler (which can contain a fallthrough of its own)
// FullHandlerChain -> Director -> {GoRestfulContainer,NonGoRestfulMux} based on inspection of registered web services
type APIServerHandler struct {
// FullHandlerChain is the one that is eventually served with. It should include the full filter
// chain and then call the Director.
FullHandlerChain http.Handler
// The registered APIs. InstallAPIs uses this. Other servers probably shouldn't access this directly.
GoRestfulContainer *restful.Container
// NonGoRestfulMux is the final HTTP handler in the chain.
// It comes after all filters and the API handling
// This is where other servers can attach handler to various parts of the chain.
NonGoRestfulMux *mux.PathRecorderMux
// Director is here so that we can properly handle fall through and proxy cases.
// This looks a bit bonkers, but here's what's happening. We need to have /apis handling registered in gorestful in order to have
// swagger generated for compatibility. Doing that with `/apis` as a webservice, means that it forcibly 404s (no defaulting allowed)
// all requests which are not /apis or /apis/. We need those calls to fall through behind goresful for proper delegation. Trying to
// register for a pattern which includes everything behind it doesn't work because gorestful negotiates for verbs and content encoding
// and all those things go crazy when gorestful really just needs to pass through. In addition, openapi enforces unique verb constraints
// which we don't fit into and it still muddies up swagger. Trying to switch the webservices into a route doesn't work because the
// containing webservice faces all the same problems listed above.
// This leads to the crazy thing done here. Our mux does what we need, so we'll place it in front of gorestful. It will introspect to
// decide if the route is likely to be handled by goresful and route there if needed. Otherwise, it goes to PostGoRestful mux in
// order to handle "normal" paths and delegation. Hopefully no API consumers will ever have to deal with this level of detail. I think
// we should consider completely removing gorestful.
// Other servers should only use this opaquely to delegate to an API server.
Director http.Handler
// New creates a new server which logically combines the handling chain with the passed server.
// name is used to differentiate for logging. The handler chain in particular can be difficult as it starts delgating.
// delegationTarget may not be nil.
func (c completedConfig) New(name string, delegationTarget DelegationTarget) (*GenericAPIServer, error) {
handlerChainBuilder := func(handler http.Handler) http.Handler {
return c.BuildHandlerChainFunc(handler, c.Config)
apiServerHandler := NewAPIServerHandler(name, c.Serializer, handlerChainBuilder, delegationTarget.UnprotectedHandler())
s := &GenericAPIServer{
discoveryAddresses: c.DiscoveryAddresses,
LoopbackClientConfig: c.LoopbackClientConfig,
legacyAPIGroupPrefixes: c.LegacyAPIGroupPrefixes,
admissionControl: c.AdmissionControl,
Serializer: c.Serializer,
AuditBackend: c.AuditBackend,
Authorizer: c.Authorization.Authorizer,
delegationTarget: delegationTarget,
EquivalentResourceRegistry: c.EquivalentResourceRegistry,
HandlerChainWaitGroup: c.HandlerChainWaitGroup,
minRequestTimeout: time.Duration(c.MinRequestTimeout) * time.Second,
ShutdownTimeout: c.RequestTimeout,
ShutdownDelayDuration: c.ShutdownDelayDuration,
SecureServingInfo: c.SecureServing,
ExternalAddress: c.ExternalAddress,
Handler: apiServerHandler,
listedPathProvider: apiServerHandler,
openAPIConfig: c.OpenAPIConfig,
postStartHooks: map[string]postStartHookEntry{},
preShutdownHooks: map[string]preShutdownHookEntry{},
disabledPostStartHooks: c.DisabledPostStartHooks,
healthzChecks: c.HealthzChecks,
livezChecks: c.LivezChecks,
readyzChecks: c.ReadyzChecks,
readinessStopCh: make(chan struct{}),
livezGracePeriod: c.LivezGracePeriod,
DiscoveryGroupManager: discovery.NewRootAPIsHandler(c.DiscoveryAddresses, c.Serializer),
maxRequestBodyBytes: c.MaxRequestBodyBytes,
livezClock: clock.RealClock{},
installAPI(s, c.Config)
return s, nil
// FullHandlerChain -> Director -> {GoRestfulContainer,NonGoRestfulMux} based on inspection of registered web services
func NewAPIServerHandler(name string, s runtime.NegotiatedSerializer, handlerChainBuilder HandlerChainBuilderFn, notFoundHandler http.Handler) *APIServerHandler {
nonGoRestfulMux := mux.NewPathRecorderMux(name)
if notFoundHandler != nil {
gorestfulContainer := restful.NewContainer()
gorestfulContainer.ServeMux = http.NewServeMux()
gorestfulContainer.Router(restful.CurlyRouter{}) // e.g. for proxy/{kind}/{name}/{*}
gorestfulContainer.RecoverHandler(func(panicReason interface{}, httpWriter http.ResponseWriter) {
logStackOnRecover(s, panicReason, httpWriter)
gorestfulContainer.ServiceErrorHandler(func(serviceErr restful.ServiceError, request *restful.Request, response *restful.Response) {
serviceErrorHandler(s, serviceErr, request, response)
director := director{
name: name,
goRestfulContainer: gorestfulContainer,
nonGoRestfulMux: nonGoRestfulMux,
return &APIServerHandler{
FullHandlerChain: handlerChainBuilder(director),
GoRestfulContainer: gorestfulContainer,
NonGoRestfulMux: nonGoRestfulMux,
Director: director,
func installAPI(s *GenericAPIServer, c *Config) {
if c.EnableIndex {
routes.Index{}.Install(s.listedPathProvider, s.Handler.NonGoRestfulMux)
if c.EnableProfiling {
if c.EnableContentionProfiling {
// so far, only logging related endpoints are considered valid to add for these debug flags.
routes.DebugFlags{}.Install(s.Handler.NonGoRestfulMux, "v", routes.StringFlagPutHandler(logs.GlogSetter))
if c.EnableMetrics {
if c.EnableProfiling {
} else {
routes.Version{Version: c.Version}.Install(s.Handler.GoRestfulContainer)
if c.EnableDiscovery {
首先调用 c.GenericConfig.New
的模式初始化 Container,在 c.GenericConfig.New
中会调用NewAPIServerHandler 初始化 handler,APIServerHandler 包含了 API Server 使用的多种http.Handler 类型,包括 go-restful 以及 non-go-restful,以及在以上两者之间选择的 Director 对象,go-restful 用于处理已经注册的 handler,non-go-restful 用来处理不存在的 handler,API URI 处理的选择过程为:FullHandlerChain-> Director ->{GoRestfulContainer, NonGoRestfulMux}。在 c.GenericConfig.New 中还会调用 installAPI来添加包括 /、/debug/*、/metrics、/version 等路由信息。三种 server 在初始化时首先都会调用 c.GenericConfig.New 来初始化一个 GenericAPIServer,然后进行 API 的注册;
而在后续InstallLegacyAPI => NewLegacyRESTStorage => InstallLegacyAPIGroup => installAPIResources => getAPIGroupVersion => InstallREST => installer.Install调用链中会进行更多API资源的注册,例如:pods,nodes, and configMaps etc.
// installAPIResources is a private method for installing the REST storage backing each api groupversionresource
func (s *GenericAPIServer) installAPIResources(apiPrefix string, apiGroupInfo *APIGroupInfo, openAPIModels openapiproto.Models) error {
for _, groupVersion := range apiGroupInfo.PrioritizedVersions {
if len(apiGroupInfo.VersionedResourcesStorageMap[groupVersion.Version]) == 0 {
klog.Warningf("Skipping API %v because it has no resources.", groupVersion)
apiGroupVersion := s.getAPIGroupVersion(apiGroupInfo, groupVersion, apiPrefix)
if apiGroupInfo.OptionsExternalVersion != nil {
apiGroupVersion.OptionsExternalVersion = apiGroupInfo.OptionsExternalVersion
apiGroupVersion.OpenAPIModels = openAPIModels
apiGroupVersion.MaxRequestBodyBytes = s.maxRequestBodyBytes
if err := apiGroupVersion.InstallREST(s.Handler.GoRestfulContainer); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to setup API %v: %v", apiGroupInfo, err)
return nil
func (s *GenericAPIServer) getAPIGroupVersion(apiGroupInfo *APIGroupInfo, groupVersion schema.GroupVersion, apiPrefix string) *genericapi.APIGroupVersion {
storage := make(map[string]rest.Storage)
for k, v := range apiGroupInfo.VersionedResourcesStorageMap[groupVersion.Version] {
storage[strings.ToLower(k)] = v
version := s.newAPIGroupVersion(apiGroupInfo, groupVersion)
version.Root = apiPrefix
version.Storage = storage
return version
// k8s.io/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/endpoints/groupversion.go:94
// InstallREST registers the REST handlers (storage, watch, proxy and redirect) into a restful Container.
// It is expected that the provided path root prefix will serve all operations. Root MUST NOT end
// in a slash.
func (g *APIGroupVersion) InstallREST(container *restful.Container) error {
prefix := path.Join(g.Root, g.GroupVersion.Group, g.GroupVersion.Version)
installer := &APIInstaller{
group: g,
prefix: prefix,
minRequestTimeout: g.MinRequestTimeout,
apiResources, ws, registrationErrors := installer.Install()
versionDiscoveryHandler := discovery.NewAPIVersionHandler(g.Serializer, g.GroupVersion, staticLister{apiResources})
return utilerrors.NewAggregate(registrationErrors)
// k8s.io/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/endpoints/installer.go:92
// Install handlers for API resources.
func (a *APIInstaller) Install() ([]metav1.APIResource, *restful.WebService, []error) {
var apiResources []metav1.APIResource
var errors []error
ws := a.newWebService()
// Register the paths in a deterministic (sorted) order to get a deterministic swagger spec.
paths := make([]string, len(a.group.Storage))
var i int = 0
for path := range a.group.Storage {
paths[i] = path
for _, path := range paths {
apiResource, err := a.registerResourceHandlers(path, a.group.Storage[path], ws)
if err != nil {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Errorf("error in registering resource: %s, %v", path, err))
if apiResource != nil {
apiResources = append(apiResources, *apiResource)
return apiResources, ws, errors
filters(DefaultBuildHandlerChain) => installAPI(/|/metrics|/debug|/version) | GenericAPIServer.installAPIResources(/api/v1) => APIGroupVersion.InstallREST(/api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/pods/{name})
- 创建apiserver config中,调用c.GenericConfig.New,通过DefaultBuildHandlerChain设置一些filter handler,通常包括:认证&鉴权以及admission等操作;然后通过installAPI设置暴露系统状态的API路由,例如:/metrics,/debug,/version等
- 创建apiserver中,调用InstallLegacyAPIGroup,通过installAPIResources设置一些核心API资源handler,包括core group资源以及named groups资源
- core group:主要在
下; - named groups:其 path 为
; - 暴露系统状态的一些 API:如
而API 的 URL 大致以 /apis/group/version/namespaces/{namespace}/resource/{name}
// k8s.io/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/endpoints/installer.go:181
func (a *APIInstaller) registerResourceHandlers(path string, storage rest.Storage, ws *restful.WebService) (*metav1.APIResource, error) {
// 1、判断该 resource 实现了哪些 REST 操作接口,以此来判断其支持的 verbs 以便为其添加路由
// what verbs are supported by the storage, used to know what verbs we support per path
creater, isCreater := storage.(rest.Creater)
namedCreater, isNamedCreater := storage.(rest.NamedCreater)
lister, isLister := storage.(rest.Lister)
getter, isGetter := storage.(rest.Getter)
getterWithOptions, isGetterWithOptions := storage.(rest.GetterWithOptions)
gracefulDeleter, isGracefulDeleter := storage.(rest.GracefulDeleter)
collectionDeleter, isCollectionDeleter := storage.(rest.CollectionDeleter)
updater, isUpdater := storage.(rest.Updater)
patcher, isPatcher := storage.(rest.Patcher)
watcher, isWatcher := storage.(rest.Watcher)
connecter, isConnecter := storage.(rest.Connecter)
storageMeta, isMetadata := storage.(rest.StorageMetadata)
storageVersionProvider, isStorageVersionProvider := storage.(rest.StorageVersionProvider)
// 2、为 resource 添加对应的 actions(+根据是否支持 namespace)
// Get the list of actions for the given scope.
switch {
case !namespaceScoped:
// Handle non-namespace scoped resources like nodes.
resourcePath := resource
resourceParams := params
itemPath := resourcePath + "/{name}"
nameParams := append(params, nameParam)
proxyParams := append(nameParams, pathParam)
suffix := ""
if isSubresource {
suffix = "/" + subresource
itemPath = itemPath + suffix
resourcePath = itemPath
resourceParams = nameParams
apiResource.Name = path
apiResource.Namespaced = false
apiResource.Kind = resourceKind
namer := handlers.ContextBasedNaming{
SelfLinker: a.group.Linker,
ClusterScoped: true,
SelfLinkPathPrefix: gpath.Join(a.prefix, resource) + "/",
SelfLinkPathSuffix: suffix,
// Handler for standard REST verbs (GET, PUT, POST and DELETE).
// Add actions at the resource path: /api/apiVersion/resource
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"LIST", resourcePath, resourceParams, namer, false}, isLister)
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"POST", resourcePath, resourceParams, namer, false}, isCreater)
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"DELETECOLLECTION", resourcePath, resourceParams, namer, false}, isCollectionDeleter)
// DEPRECATED in 1.11
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"WATCHLIST", "watch/" + resourcePath, resourceParams, namer, false}, allowWatchList)
// Add actions at the item path: /api/apiVersion/resource/{name}
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"GET", itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isGetter)
if getSubpath {
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"GET", itemPath + "/{path:*}", proxyParams, namer, false}, isGetter)
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"PUT", itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isUpdater)
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"PATCH", itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isPatcher)
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"DELETE", itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isGracefulDeleter)
// DEPRECATED in 1.11
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"WATCH", "watch/" + itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isWatcher)
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"CONNECT", itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isConnecter)
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"CONNECT", itemPath + "/{path:*}", proxyParams, namer, false}, isConnecter && connectSubpath)
namespaceParamName := "namespaces"
// Handler for standard REST verbs (GET, PUT, POST and DELETE).
namespaceParam := ws.PathParameter("namespace", "object name and auth scope, such as for teams and projects").DataType("string")
namespacedPath := namespaceParamName + "/{namespace}/" + resource
namespaceParams := []*restful.Parameter{namespaceParam}
resourcePath := namespacedPath
resourceParams := namespaceParams
itemPath := namespacedPath + "/{name}"
nameParams := append(namespaceParams, nameParam)
proxyParams := append(nameParams, pathParam)
itemPathSuffix := ""
if isSubresource {
itemPathSuffix = "/" + subresource
itemPath = itemPath + itemPathSuffix
resourcePath = itemPath
resourceParams = nameParams
apiResource.Name = path
apiResource.Namespaced = true
apiResource.Kind = resourceKind
namer := handlers.ContextBasedNaming{
SelfLinker: a.group.Linker,
ClusterScoped: false,
SelfLinkPathPrefix: gpath.Join(a.prefix, namespaceParamName) + "/",
SelfLinkPathSuffix: itemPathSuffix,
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"LIST", resourcePath, resourceParams, namer, false}, isLister)
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"POST", resourcePath, resourceParams, namer, false}, isCreater)
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"DELETECOLLECTION", resourcePath, resourceParams, namer, false}, isCollectionDeleter)
// DEPRECATED in 1.11
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"WATCHLIST", "watch/" + resourcePath, resourceParams, namer, false}, allowWatchList)
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"GET", itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isGetter)
if getSubpath {
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"GET", itemPath + "/{path:*}", proxyParams, namer, false}, isGetter)
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"PUT", itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isUpdater)
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"PATCH", itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isPatcher)
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"DELETE", itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isGracefulDeleter)
// DEPRECATED in 1.11
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"WATCH", "watch/" + itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isWatcher)
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"CONNECT", itemPath, nameParams, namer, false}, isConnecter)
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"CONNECT", itemPath + "/{path:*}", proxyParams, namer, false}, isConnecter && connectSubpath)
// list or post across namespace.
// For ex: LIST all pods in all namespaces by sending a LIST request at /api/apiVersion/pods.
// TODO: more strongly type whether a resource allows these actions on "all namespaces" (bulk delete)
if !isSubresource {
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"LIST", resource, params, namer, true}, isLister)
// DEPRECATED in 1.11
actions = appendIf(actions, action{"WATCHLIST", "watch/" + resource, params, namer, true}, allowWatchList)
// Create Routes for the actions.
// TODO: Add status documentation using Returns()
// Errors (see api/errors/errors.go as well as go-restful router):
// http.StatusNotFound, http.StatusMethodNotAllowed,
// http.StatusUnsupportedMediaType, http.StatusNotAcceptable,
// http.StatusBadRequest, http.StatusUnauthorized, http.StatusForbidden,
// http.StatusRequestTimeout, http.StatusConflict, http.StatusPreconditionFailed,
// http.StatusUnprocessableEntity, http.StatusInternalServerError,
// http.StatusServiceUnavailable
// and api error codes
// Note that if we specify a versioned Status object here, we may need to
// create one for the tests, also
// Success:
// http.StatusOK, http.StatusCreated, http.StatusAccepted, http.StatusNoContent
// test/integration/auth_test.go is currently the most comprehensive status code test
for _, s := range a.group.Serializer.SupportedMediaTypes() {
if len(s.MediaTypeSubType) == 0 || len(s.MediaTypeType) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("all serializers in the group Serializer must have MediaTypeType and MediaTypeSubType set: %s", s.MediaType)
mediaTypes, streamMediaTypes := negotiation.MediaTypesForSerializer(a.group.Serializer)
allMediaTypes := append(mediaTypes, streamMediaTypes...)
// 3、根据 action 创建对应的 route
kubeVerbs := map[string]struct{}{}
reqScope := handlers.RequestScope{
Serializer: a.group.Serializer,
ParameterCodec: a.group.ParameterCodec,
Creater: a.group.Creater,
Convertor: a.group.Convertor,
Defaulter: a.group.Defaulter,
Typer: a.group.Typer,
UnsafeConvertor: a.group.UnsafeConvertor,
Authorizer: a.group.Authorizer,
EquivalentResourceMapper: a.group.EquivalentResourceRegistry,
// TODO: Check for the interface on storage
TableConvertor: tableProvider,
// TODO: This seems wrong for cross-group subresources. It makes an assumption that a subresource and its parent are in the same group version. Revisit this.
Resource: a.group.GroupVersion.WithResource(resource),
Subresource: subresource,
Kind: fqKindToRegister,
HubGroupVersion: schema.GroupVersion{Group: fqKindToRegister.Group, Version: runtime.APIVersionInternal},
MetaGroupVersion: metav1.SchemeGroupVersion,
MaxRequestBodyBytes: a.group.MaxRequestBodyBytes,
// 4、从 rest.Storage 到 restful.Route 映射
// 为每个操作添加对应的 handler
for _, action := range actions {
switch action.Verb {
case "GET": // Get a resource.
case "LIST": // List all resources of a kind.
case "PUT": // Update a resource.
case "PATCH": // Partially update a resource
case "POST": // Create a resource.
var handler restful.RouteFunction
// 5、初始化 handler
if isNamedCreater {
handler = restfulCreateNamedResource(namedCreater, reqScope, admit)
} else {
handler = restfulCreateResource(creater, reqScope, admit)
handler = metrics.InstrumentRouteFunc(action.Verb, group, version, resource, subresource, requestScope, metrics.APIServerComponent, handler)
article := GetArticleForNoun(kind, " ")
doc := "create" + article + kind
if isSubresource {
doc = "create " + subresource + " of" + article + kind
// 6、route 与 handler 进行绑定
route := ws.POST(action.Path).To(handler).
Param(ws.QueryParameter("pretty", "If 'true', then the output is pretty printed.")).
Produces(append(storageMeta.ProducesMIMETypes(action.Verb), mediaTypes...)...).
Returns(http.StatusOK, "OK", producedObject).
// TODO: in some cases, the API may return a v1.Status instead of the versioned object
// but currently go-restful can't handle multiple different objects being returned.
Returns(http.StatusCreated, "Created", producedObject).
Returns(http.StatusAccepted, "Accepted", producedObject).
if err := AddObjectParams(ws, route, versionedCreateOptions); err != nil {
return nil, err
addParams(route, action.Params)
// 7、添加到路由中
routes = append(routes, route)
case "DELETE": // Delete a resource.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized action verb: %s", action.Verb)
for _, route := range routes {
route.Metadata(ROUTE_META_GVK, metav1.GroupVersionKind{
Group: reqScope.Kind.Group,
Version: reqScope.Kind.Version,
Kind: reqScope.Kind.Kind,
route.Metadata(ROUTE_META_ACTION, strings.ToLower(action.Verb))
// Note: update GetAuthorizerAttributes() when adding a custom handler.
apiResource.Verbs = make([]string, 0, len(kubeVerbs))
for kubeVerb := range kubeVerbs {
apiResource.Verbs = append(apiResource.Verbs, kubeVerb)
if shortNamesProvider, ok := storage.(rest.ShortNamesProvider); ok {
apiResource.ShortNames = shortNamesProvider.ShortNames()
if categoriesProvider, ok := storage.(rest.CategoriesProvider); ok {
apiResource.Categories = categoriesProvider.Categories()
if gvkProvider, ok := storage.(rest.GroupVersionKindProvider); ok {
gvk := gvkProvider.GroupVersionKind(a.group.GroupVersion)
apiResource.Group = gvk.Group
apiResource.Version = gvk.Version
apiResource.Kind = gvk.Kind
// Record the existence of the GVR and the corresponding GVK
a.group.EquivalentResourceRegistry.RegisterKindFor(reqScope.Resource, reqScope.Subresource, fqKindToRegister)
return &apiResource, nil
func restfulCreateResource(r rest.Creater, scope handlers.RequestScope, admit admission.Interface) restful.RouteFunction {
return func(req *restful.Request, res *restful.Response) {
handlers.CreateResource(r, &scope, admit)(res.ResponseWriter, req.Request)
// CreateResource returns a function that will handle a resource creation.
func CreateResource(r rest.Creater, scope *RequestScope, admission admission.Interface) http.HandlerFunc {
return createHandler(&namedCreaterAdapter{r}, scope, admission, false)
func createHandler(r rest.NamedCreater, scope *RequestScope, admit admission.Interface, includeName bool) http.HandlerFunc {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// For performance tracking purposes.
trace := utiltrace.New("Create", utiltrace.Field{Key: "url", Value: req.URL.Path}, utiltrace.Field{Key: "user-agent", Value: &lazyTruncatedUserAgent{req}}, utiltrace.Field{Key: "client", Value: &lazyClientIP{req}})
defer trace.LogIfLong(500 * time.Millisecond)
if isDryRun(req.URL) && !utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.DryRun) {
scope.err(errors.NewBadRequest("the dryRun feature is disabled"), w, req)
// TODO: we either want to remove timeout or document it (if we document, move timeout out of this function and declare it in api_installer)
timeout := parseTimeout(req.URL.Query().Get("timeout"))
namespace, name, err := scope.Namer.Name(req)
if err != nil {
if includeName {
// name was required, return
scope.err(err, w, req)
// otherwise attempt to look up the namespace
namespace, err = scope.Namer.Namespace(req)
if err != nil {
scope.err(err, w, req)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(req.Context(), timeout)
defer cancel()
ctx = request.WithNamespace(ctx, namespace)
outputMediaType, _, err := negotiation.NegotiateOutputMediaType(req, scope.Serializer, scope)
if err != nil {
scope.err(err, w, req)
gv := scope.Kind.GroupVersion()
s, err := negotiation.NegotiateInputSerializer(req, false, scope.Serializer)
if err != nil {
scope.err(err, w, req)
decoder := scope.Serializer.DecoderToVersion(s.Serializer, scope.HubGroupVersion)
body, err := limitedReadBody(req, scope.MaxRequestBodyBytes)
if err != nil {
scope.err(err, w, req)
options := &metav1.CreateOptions{}
values := req.URL.Query()
if err := metainternalversionscheme.ParameterCodec.DecodeParameters(values, scope.MetaGroupVersion, options); err != nil {
err = errors.NewBadRequest(err.Error())
scope.err(err, w, req)
if errs := validation.ValidateCreateOptions(options); len(errs) > 0 {
err := errors.NewInvalid(schema.GroupKind{Group: metav1.GroupName, Kind: "CreateOptions"}, "", errs)
scope.err(err, w, req)
defaultGVK := scope.Kind
original := r.New()
trace.Step("About to convert to expected version")
obj, gvk, err := decoder.Decode(body, &defaultGVK, original)
if err != nil {
err = transformDecodeError(scope.Typer, err, original, gvk, body)
scope.err(err, w, req)
if gvk.GroupVersion() != gv {
err = errors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("the API version in the data (%s) does not match the expected API version (%v)", gvk.GroupVersion().String(), gv.String()))
scope.err(err, w, req)
trace.Step("Conversion done")
ae := request.AuditEventFrom(ctx)
admit = admission.WithAudit(admit, ae)
audit.LogRequestObject(ae, obj, scope.Resource, scope.Subresource, scope.Serializer)
userInfo, _ := request.UserFrom(ctx)
// On create, get name from new object if unset
if len(name) == 0 {
_, name, _ = scope.Namer.ObjectName(obj)
trace.Step("About to store object in database")
admissionAttributes := admission.NewAttributesRecord(obj, nil, scope.Kind, namespace, name, scope.Resource, scope.Subresource, admission.Create, options, dryrun.IsDryRun(options.DryRun), userInfo)
requestFunc := func() (runtime.Object, error) {
return r.Create(
rest.AdmissionToValidateObjectFunc(admit, admissionAttributes, scope),
result, err := finishRequest(timeout, func() (runtime.Object, error) {
if scope.FieldManager != nil {
liveObj, err := scope.Creater.New(scope.Kind)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create new object (Create for %v): %v", scope.Kind, err)
obj, err = scope.FieldManager.Update(liveObj, obj, managerOrUserAgent(options.FieldManager, req.UserAgent()))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to update object (Create for %v) managed fields: %v", scope.Kind, err)
if mutatingAdmission, ok := admit.(admission.MutationInterface); ok && mutatingAdmission.Handles(admission.Create) {
if err := mutatingAdmission.Admit(ctx, admissionAttributes, scope); err != nil {
return nil, err
result, err := requestFunc()
// If the object wasn't committed to storage because it's serialized size was too large,
// it is safe to remove managedFields (which can be large) and try again.
if isTooLargeError(err) {
if accessor, accessorErr := meta.Accessor(obj); accessorErr == nil {
result, err = requestFunc()
return result, err
if err != nil {
scope.err(err, w, req)
trace.Step("Object stored in database")
code := http.StatusCreated
status, ok := result.(*metav1.Status)
if ok && err == nil && status.Code == 0 {
status.Code = int32(code)
transformResponseObject(ctx, scope, trace, req, w, code, outputMediaType, result)
type namedCreaterAdapter struct {
func (c *namedCreaterAdapter) Create(ctx context.Context, name string, obj runtime.Object, createValidatingAdmission rest.ValidateObjectFunc, options *metav1.CreateOptions) (runtime.Object, error) {
return c.Creater.Create(ctx, obj, createValidatingAdmission, options)
// Create inserts a new item according to the unique key from the object.
func (e *Store) Create(ctx context.Context, obj runtime.Object, createValidation rest.ValidateObjectFunc, options *metav1.CreateOptions) (runtime.Object, error) {
if err := rest.BeforeCreate(e.CreateStrategy, ctx, obj); err != nil {
return nil, err
// at this point we have a fully formed object. It is time to call the validators that the apiserver
// handling chain wants to enforce.
if createValidation != nil {
if err := createValidation(ctx, obj.DeepCopyObject()); err != nil {
return nil, err
name, err := e.ObjectNameFunc(obj)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
key, err := e.KeyFunc(ctx, name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
qualifiedResource := e.qualifiedResourceFromContext(ctx)
ttl, err := e.calculateTTL(obj, 0, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
out := e.NewFunc()
if err := e.Storage.Create(ctx, key, obj, out, ttl, dryrun.IsDryRun(options.DryRun)); err != nil {
err = storeerr.InterpretCreateError(err, qualifiedResource, name)
err = rest.CheckGeneratedNameError(e.CreateStrategy, err, obj)
if !apierrors.IsAlreadyExists(err) {
return nil, err
if errGet := e.Storage.Get(ctx, key, "", out, false); errGet != nil {
return nil, err
accessor, errGetAcc := meta.Accessor(out)
if errGetAcc != nil {
return nil, err
if accessor.GetDeletionTimestamp() != nil {
msg := &err.(*apierrors.StatusError).ErrStatus.Message
*msg = fmt.Sprintf("object is being deleted: %s", *msg)
return nil, err
if e.AfterCreate != nil {
if err := e.AfterCreate(out); err != nil {
return nil, err
if e.Decorator != nil {
if err := e.Decorator(out); err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
// AdmissionToValidateObjectFunc converts validating admission to a rest validate object func
func AdmissionToValidateObjectFunc(admit admission.Interface, staticAttributes admission.Attributes, o admission.ObjectInterfaces) ValidateObjectFunc {
validatingAdmission, ok := admit.(admission.ValidationInterface)
if !ok {
return func(ctx context.Context, obj runtime.Object) error { return nil }
return func(ctx context.Context, obj runtime.Object) error {
name := staticAttributes.GetName()
// in case the generated name is populated
if len(name) == 0 {
if metadata, err := meta.Accessor(obj); err == nil {
name = metadata.GetName()
finalAttributes := admission.NewAttributesRecord(
if !validatingAdmission.Handles(finalAttributes.GetOperation()) {
return nil
return validatingAdmission.Validate(ctx, finalAttributes, o)
- 读取请求内容:body, err := limitedReadBody(req, scope.MaxRequestBodyBytes)
- 对内容进行decode:obj, gvk, err := decoder.Decode(body, &defaultGVK, original)
- 对decode后的body obj进行admit操作
- 执行requestFunc,也即r.Create函数,也即Store.Create,该函数会对obj进行有效性检查
- 最后在Store.Create中调用e.Storage.Create函数执行e.Storage.Create操作
// NewStorage returns a RESTStorage object that will work against pods.
func NewStorage(optsGetter generic.RESTOptionsGetter, k client.ConnectionInfoGetter, proxyTransport http.RoundTripper, podDisruptionBudgetClient policyclient.PodDisruptionBudgetsGetter) (PodStorage, error) {
store := &genericregistry.Store{
NewFunc: func() runtime.Object { return &api.Pod{} },
NewListFunc: func() runtime.Object { return &api.PodList{} },
PredicateFunc: registrypod.MatchPod,
DefaultQualifiedResource: api.Resource("pods"),
CreateStrategy: registrypod.Strategy,
UpdateStrategy: registrypod.Strategy,
DeleteStrategy: registrypod.Strategy,
ReturnDeletedObject: true,
TableConvertor: printerstorage.TableConvertor{TableGenerator: printers.NewTableGenerator().With(printersinternal.AddHandlers)},
options := &generic.StoreOptions{
RESTOptions: optsGetter,
AttrFunc: registrypod.GetAttrs,
TriggerFunc: map[string]storage.IndexerFunc{"spec.nodeName": registrypod.NodeNameTriggerFunc},
Indexers: registrypod.Indexers(),
if err := store.CompleteWithOptions(options); err != nil {
return PodStorage{}, err
statusStore := *store
statusStore.UpdateStrategy = registrypod.StatusStrategy
ephemeralContainersStore := *store
ephemeralContainersStore.UpdateStrategy = registrypod.EphemeralContainersStrategy
bindingREST := &BindingREST{store: store}
return PodStorage{
Pod: &REST{store, proxyTransport},
Binding: &BindingREST{store: store},
LegacyBinding: &LegacyBindingREST{bindingREST},
Eviction: newEvictionStorage(store, podDisruptionBudgetClient),
Status: &StatusREST{store: &statusStore},
EphemeralContainers: &EphemeralContainersREST{store: &ephemeralContainersStore},
Log: &podrest.LogREST{Store: store, KubeletConn: k},
Proxy: &podrest.ProxyREST{Store: store, ProxyTransport: proxyTransport},
Exec: &podrest.ExecREST{Store: store, KubeletConn: k},
Attach: &podrest.AttachREST{Store: store, KubeletConn: k},
PortForward: &podrest.PortForwardREST{Store: store, KubeletConn: k},
}, nil
// k8s.io/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/storage/storagebackend/factory/etcd3.go:209
func newETCD3Storage(c storagebackend.Config) (storage.Interface, DestroyFunc, error) {
stopCompactor, err := startCompactorOnce(c.Transport, c.CompactionInterval)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
client, err := newETCD3Client(c.Transport)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
var once sync.Once
destroyFunc := func() {
// we know that storage destroy funcs are called multiple times (due to reuse in subresources).
// Hence, we only destroy once.
// TODO: fix duplicated storage destroy calls higher level
once.Do(func() {
transformer := c.Transformer
if transformer == nil {
transformer = value.IdentityTransformer
return etcd3.New(client, c.Codec, c.Prefix, transformer, c.Paging), destroyFunc, nil
// k8s.io/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/storage/etcd3/store.go:143
// Create implements storage.Interface.Create.
func (s *store) Create(ctx context.Context, key string, obj, out runtime.Object, ttl uint64) error {
if version, err := s.versioner.ObjectResourceVersion(obj); err == nil && version != 0 {
return errors.New("resourceVersion should not be set on objects to be created")
if err := s.versioner.PrepareObjectForStorage(obj); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("PrepareObjectForStorage failed: %v", err)
data, err := runtime.Encode(s.codec, obj)
if err != nil {
return err
key = path.Join(s.pathPrefix, key)
opts, err := s.ttlOpts(ctx, int64(ttl))
if err != nil {
return err
newData, err := s.transformer.TransformToStorage(data, authenticatedDataString(key))
if err != nil {
return storage.NewInternalError(err.Error())
startTime := time.Now()
txnResp, err := s.client.KV.Txn(ctx).If(
clientv3.OpPut(key, string(newData), opts...),
metrics.RecordEtcdRequestLatency("create", getTypeName(obj), startTime)
if err != nil {
return err
if !txnResp.Succeeded {
return storage.NewKeyExistsError(key, 0)
if out != nil {
putResp := txnResp.Responses[0].GetResponsePut()
return decode(s.codec, s.versioner, data, out, putResp.Header.Revision)
return nil
apiserver整体启动逻辑 k8s.io/kubernetes/cmd/kube-apiserver
apiserver bootstrap-controller创建&运行逻辑 k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/master
API Resource对应后端RESTStorage(based on genericregistry.Store)创建 k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/registry
aggregated-apiserver创建&处理逻辑 k8s.io/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/kube-aggregator
extensions-apiserver创建&处理逻辑 k8s.io/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver
apiserver创建&运行 k8s.io/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/server
注册API Resource资源处理handler(InstallREST&Install®isterResourceHandlers) k8s.io/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/endpoints
创建存储后端(etcdv3) k8s.io/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/storage
genericregistry.Store.CompleteWithOptions初始化 k8s.io/kubernetes/staging/src/k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/registry