Step 1: Ask questions
Ask questions based on data or before gather data to help to focus on relevant parts of data and direct analysis towards meaniful insights.
Step 2: Wrangle data
- gather: retrieve and read data
- assess: identify problems in data's quality or structure
- clean : by modifying, replacing, or removing data
Step 3: Perform EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis) Explore and augment data to maximize the potential of analysis, visualizations, and models including
- finding pattern
- visulizing relationship
- building intuition about the data
- feature engineering (remove outliers and create better features)
Step 4: Draw conclusions (or even make predictions) Typically approached with machine learning or inferential statistics.
Step 5: Communicate your results
- Justify and convey meaning in the insights found.
- Or, if the end goal is to build a system, then need to share what been built, explain how we reached design decisions, and report how well it performs.
from file handle Opening files with similar path sturctureimport glob for file in glob.glob('subfolder/*.txt'): with open(file, encoding ='utf-8' ) as file: # if wantt read only 1 line file.readline() # read the context review_text = file.read()
Request online
import requests import os folder_name = "online_content" if not os.path.exists(folder_name): os.makedirs(folder_name) url = "http: xxx" response = requests.get(url) # can get the content inside response response.content
read HTML
- workbook with bs4 (link)
import zipfile with ZipFile('file.zip', 'r') as myzip: myzip.extractall()
to change the column nameheader
if 0 then the frist line of the data; None then nothing; 1 is the second line of the dataindex
False to ingnore the indexsep
sepecify the delimiterlabels = ['col1', 'col2', 'col3'] df = pd.read_csv('data.csv', names=labels, index = False)
: All the records we shoud have?Vality
: are the records valid? e.g conform to defined schema or not (4 digit zip code?)Accuracy
: wrong data but valid data e.g. (10 pounds adult)Consistency
: valid and accurate! (for example showing NY and New york)
Goal Detect and Document issues need to be addressed. Possible documenting phrase:
Erroneous datatype (zip_code, ); Multiple data format in column xxx; x is a float not string; Full state names sometimes, abbreviations other times
- basic funtions
- Define: convert assessment into defined cleaning tasks, start with action word. Like how-to guide of pseudo code:
Remove xx before every animal name using string slicing; Replace ! with . in body weight and brain weight columns; Recalculate| Melt| Extract| Isolate
- Code: convert definition to code
- Test: test the dataset (like using assert statement)
- assert
check if every text in a
is indf.startDate.values
for phrase in asap_list: assert phrase not in df.startDate.values
- assert
check if every text in a
rename columns
# Work from df df.rename(columns ={'A' :'A1'}, inplace = True) df.rename(INDEX ={0:'A1'})
- replace space with underscores and lowercase label
df.rename(columns=lambda x: x.strip().lower().replace(" ", "_"), inplace=True)
- check two dataframe's columns if identical
(df.columns == df2.columns).all()
- replace space with underscores and lowercase label
incorrect data types
df['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(df['timestamp'])
df[col] = df[col].astype(str/int/float/category)
string in coldf[df.col.str.contains('?')]
Missing values
check number of rows have missing value
df.isnull().any(axis = 1).sum()
number of col have missing valuedf.isnull().any(axis = 0).sum()
# example impute by mean mean = df.col.mean() df.col = df.col.fillna(mean, inplace = True)
drop missing records
df.drop(['col','col'], axis = 1, inplace = True)
- drop rows with NA
df.dropna(axis = 0, inplace = True)
or drop row with idxdf.drop((df.query('age == -1')).index[0])
- drop cols with NA
df.dropna(axis = 1, inplace = True)
- drop rows with NA
- filling missing data values with other values.
- Zip code pad to 5 digit
gives boolean resultsum(df.duplicates())
gives the number of duplicates recordsdf.drop_duplicates()
df[df.duplicated("col", keep= False)]
to show all the duplicated information by col; ifkeep= True
then only show de-duplicated df
:- selected rows by indexing with a mask
df.query('col == "Y"')
- easy to subset
low = df.query('alcohol < {}'.format(df['alcohol'].median()))
- select condition
df.query('col in ["val1", "vla2"]')
- selected rows by indexing with a mask
String extraction Review: Regex
- melt()
pd.melt(df, id_vars =[] #column(s) to use as identifier variables value_vars =[] #column(s) to unpivot), var_name = '' #name to use for variable's name, value_name = '' # used for value column,
Current working directory
List files in current dir
List files in subdir
listOfFiles = list() for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(subdir): listOfFiles += [os.path.join(dirpath, f) for f in filenames]
New a directory in current dir
Make a directory if it doesn't already exist
folder_name = 'ebert_reviews' if not os.path.exists(folder_name): os.makedirs(folder_name)
Full Path
Loop file in a folder
- use
for file_ele in os.listdir(folder): with open(os.path.join(folder, file_ele)) as file: soup = BeautifulSoup(file, 'lxml')
- use
import glob for file in glob.glob('subdoler/*.txt'):
- use
- SQL Alchemy
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
create engineengine = create_engine('sqlite:///bestofrt.db')
store data to enginedf.to_sql('master', engine, index=False)
Read datadf_gather = pd.read_sql('SELECT * FROM master', engine)
Expression | Character | Notes |
Letters | abc | |
Digit | \d | any digit from 0 to 9 |
Non-digit Character | \D | |
Wildcard | . | match any signle charater (letter,digit,whitespace..) |
only a,b, or c startwith |
[abc] | only match a single a, b, or c letter and nothing else |
not a,b, nor c notstartwith |
[^abc] | match any single character except for |
characters a to z | [a-z] | |
numbers 0 to 0 | [0-9] | |
any alphanumeric character | \w | |
any non-alphanumeric character | \W | |
m Repetitions | {m} | a{3} match a character exactly three times [xyz]{5} five characters, each of which can be x,y, or z |
zero or more repetitions | * | .* zero or more of any character |
1 or more repetitions | + | x+ one or more x |
optional character | ? | ab?c matches "abc" or "ac" |
any whitespace | \s | |
any non-whitespace | \S | |
starts and ends | ^...$ | ^success only matches the word success [^..] in the bracket is for excluding characters |
capture group | (...) | ^(file.+).pdf$ matches file_record_transcript.pdf and file_099.pdf |
capture subgroup | (a(bc)) | |
capture all | (.*) | |
matches abc or def | (abc|def) | ([cb]ats*|[dh]ogs?) would match either cats or bats, or dogs or hogs |
Match all numbers numberset =
[3.145, -255.31, 128, 1.9e1, 123,340.0 ]
Code =^-?\d+(,\d+)*(\.\d+(e\d+)?)?$
Capture HTML tags Text =
[ <a>This is a link</a>, <a href='https://regexone.com'>Link</a>, <div class='test_style'>Test</div> ]
Code =(\w+)
Phone numbers with format =
xxx-xxx-xxxx, +1 (xxx)xxx-xxxx, xxx xxx xxxx
Email address
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