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Data Analysis Process


Data Analysis Process Overview

  • Step 1: Ask questions

    Ask questions based on data or before gather data to help to focus on relevant parts of data and direct analysis towards meaniful insights.

  • Step 2: Wrangle data

    • gather: retrieve and read data
    • assess: identify problems in data's quality or structure
    • clean : by modifying, replacing, or removing data
  • Step 3: Perform EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis) Explore and augment data to maximize the potential of analysis, visualizations, and models including

    • finding pattern
    • visulizing relationship
    • building intuition about the data
    • feature engineering (remove outliers and create better features)
  • Step 4: Draw conclusions (or even make predictions) Typically approached with machine learning or inferential statistics.

  • Step 5: Communicate your results

    • Justify and convey meaning in the insights found.
    • Or, if the end goal is to build a system, then need to share what been built, explain how we reached design decisions, and report how well it performs.

Data Wrangling:

1. Gather Data

Userful OS command

Raw File

  • glob from file handle Opening files with similar path sturcture

    import glob 
    for file in glob.glob('subfolder/*.txt'):
       with open(file, encoding ='utf-8' ) as file: 
            # if wantt read only 1 line 
            # read the context 
            review_text =
  • Request online

    import requests 
    import os 
    folder_name = "online_content"
    if not os.path.exists(folder_name):
    url = "http: xxx"
    response = requests.get(url)
    # can get the content inside response
  • read HTML

    • workbook with bs4 (link)

Prepared Files

  • unzip

    import zipfile  
    with ZipFile('', 'r') as myzip:    
  • Read label to change the column name header if 0 then the frist line of the data; None then nothing; 1 is the second line of the data index False to ingnore the index sep sepecify the delimiter

    labels = ['col1', 'col2', 'col3']  
    df = pd.read_csv('data.csv', names=labels, index = False)   

2. Access and Build Intuition


  • More

    • Completeness : All the records we shoud have?
    • Vality : are the records valid? e.g conform to defined schema or not (4 digit zip code?)
    • Accuracy : wrong data but valid data e.g. (10 pounds adult)
    • Consistency : valid and accurate! (for example showing NY and New york)
  • Goal Detect and Document issues need to be addressed. Possible documenting phrase:

    Erroneous datatype (zip_code, ); Multiple data format in column xxx; x is a float not string; Full state names sometimes, abbreviations other times

  • basic funtions
    shape() | dtypes | describe() | info() | unique() |value_counts() | sort_values()

3. Clean Data


  1. Define: convert assessment into defined cleaning tasks, start with action word. Like how-to guide of pseudo code:

    Remove xx before every animal name using string slicing; Replace ! with . in body weight and brain weight columns; Recalculate| Melt| Extract| Isolate

  2. Code: convert definition to code
  3. Test: test the dataset (like using assert statement)
    • assert check if every text in a asap_list is in df.startDate.values
    for phrase in asap_list:
       assert phrase not in df.startDate.values
  • rename columns

    # Work from df 
    df.rename(columns ={'A' :'A1'}, inplace = True)
    df.rename(INDEX ={0:'A1'})
    • replace space with underscores and lowercase label df.rename(columns=lambda x: x.strip().lower().replace(" ", "_"), inplace=True)
    • check two dataframe's columns if identical (df.columns == df2.columns).all()
  • incorrect data types df['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(df['timestamp']) df[col] = df[col].astype(str/int/float/category) string in col df[df.col.str.contains('?')]

  • Missing values

    • check number of rows have missing value df.isnull().any(axis = 1).sum() number of col have missing value df.isnull().any(axis = 0).sum()

      # example impute by mean
      mean = df.col.mean()   
      df.col = df.col.fillna(mean, inplace = True)
    • drop missing records df.drop(['col','col'], axis = 1, inplace = True)

      • drop rows with NA df.dropna(axis = 0, inplace = True)
        or drop row with idx df.drop((df.query('age == -1')).index[0])
      • drop cols with NA df.dropna(axis = 1, inplace = True)
    • Imputing

      • filling missing data values with other values.
      • Zip code pad to 5 digit df.zip_code.astype(str).str.pad(5,fillchar='0')
  • duplicates

    • df.duplicated() gives boolean result
    • sum(df.duplicates()) gives the number of duplicates records
    • df.drop_duplicates()
    • df[df.duplicated("col", keep= False)] to show all the duplicated information by col; if keep= True then only show de-duplicated df
  • query:

    • selected rows by indexing with a mask df.query('col == "Y"')
    • easy to subset low = df.query('alcohol < {}'.format(df['alcohol'].median()))
    • select condition df.query('col in ["val1", "vla2"]')
  • String extraction Review: Regex serious.str.extract(r'([ab])?(\d)')

  • Reshape

    • melt()
            id_vars =[]  #column(s) to use as identifier variables   
            value_vars =[] #column(s) to unpivot),
            var_name = ''   #name to use for variable's name,
            value_name = ''  # used for value column,


1. System Command

  1. Current working directory pwd

  2. List files in current dir os.listdir()

  3. List files in subdir

    listOfFiles = list()
    for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(subdir):
       listOfFiles += [os.path.join(dirpath, f) for f in filenames]  
  4. New a directory in current dir os.makedirs()

    • Make a directory if it doesn't already exist

      folder_name = 'ebert_reviews'
      if not os.path.exists(folder_name):
  5. Full Path

  6. Loop file in a folder

    • use os
    for file_ele in os.listdir(folder):
       with open(os.path.join(folder, file_ele)) as file:
           soup = BeautifulSoup(file, 'lxml') 
    • use glob
    import glob
    for file in glob.glob('subdoler/*.txt'):

2. SQL connection

  • SQL Alchemy from sqlalchemy import create_engine create engine engine = create_engine('sqlite:///bestofrt.db') store data to engine df.to_sql('master', engine, index=False) Read data df_gather = pd.read_sql('SELECT * FROM master', engine)

3. Regex


Expression Character Notes
Letters abc
Digit \d any digit from 0 to 9
Non-digit Character \D
Wildcard . match any signle charater (letter,digit,whitespace..)
only a,b, or c
[abc] only match a single a, b, or c letter and nothing else
not a,b, nor c
[^abc] match any single character except for
characters a to z [a-z]
numbers 0 to 0 [0-9]
any alphanumeric character \w
any non-alphanumeric character \W
m Repetitions {m} a{3} match a character exactly three times
[xyz]{5} five characters, each of which can be x,y, or z
zero or more repetitions * .*  zero or more of any character
1 or more repetitions + x+ one or more x
optional character ? ab?c matches "abc" or "ac"
any whitespace \s
any non-whitespace \S
starts and ends ^...$ ^success only matches the word success
[^..] in the bracket is for excluding characters
capture group (...) ^(file.+).pdf$ matches
file_record_transcript.pdf and file_099.pdf
capture subgroup (a(bc))
capture all (.*)
matches abc or def (abc|def) ([cb]ats*|[dh]ogs?) would match either cats or bats, or dogs or hogs
  • Match all numbers numberset = [3.145, -255.31, 128, 1.9e1, 123,340.0 ] Code = ^-?\d+(,\d+)*(\.\d+(e\d+)?)?$

  • Capture HTML tags Text = [ <a>This is a link</a>, <a href=''>Link</a>, <div class='test_style'>Test</div> ] Code = (\w+)

  • Phone numbers with format = xxx-xxx-xxxx, +1 (xxx)xxx-xxxx, xxx xxx xxxx ((?:\+\d{1,2}\s)?\(?\d{3}\)?[\s.-]?\d{3}[\s.-]?\d{4})

  • Email address ([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+[a-zA-Z])

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.