File tree
2,804 files changed
lines changed- .buildkite
- pipeline-resource-definitions
- pipelines
- fleet
- pull_request
- security_solution
- security_solution_quality_gate
- scripts
- pipelines/security_solution_quality_gate
- api_integration
- edr_workflows
- steps
- api_docs
- artifacts
- fips
- package_testing
- .github
- workflows
- api_docs
- config
- docs/user/security
- examples
- bfetch_explorer/public
- components/page
- containers/app/pages
- page_count_until
- page_double_integers
- embeddable_examples
- public
- app
- filter_debugger
- hello_world
- list_container
- migrations
- react_embeddables
- data_table
- eui_markdown
- field_list
- search
- server
- portable_dashboards_example
- public
- response_stream/public/components
- search_examples
- public
- common
- search
- state_containers_examples/public/common
- user_profile_examples/public
- packages
- cloud/deployment_details
- content-management
- content_editor/src
- table_list_view_table/src
- core
- apps/core-apps-server-internal/src
- chrome
- core-chrome-browser/src
- core-chrome-browser-internal/src
- ui
- header
- project
- core-chrome-browser-mocks/src
- http
- core-http-router-server-internal
- src
- versioned_router
- core-http-server
- src
- router
- versioning
- core-http-server-internal/src/static_assets
- core-http-server-mocks/src
- i18n
- core-i18n-browser-mocks/src
- core-i18n-server-internal
- src
- plugins/core-plugins-server-internal/src
- rendering
- core-rendering-browser-internal/src
- core-rendering-server-internal/src
- bootstrap
- root/core-root-server-internal/src
- saved-objects
- core-saved-objects-base-server-internal/src
- core-saved-objects-server-internal/src/routes
- legacy_import_export
- theme/core-theme-browser-internal/src
- usage-data
- core-usage-data-base-server-internal/src
- core-usage-data-server-internal/src
- user-settings
- core-user-settings-server
- core-user-settings-server-internal
- src
- core-user-settings-server-mocks
- src
- deeplinks
- search
- security
- home
- sample_data_card/src
- sample_data_tab/src
- kbn-alerts-as-data-utils/src
- field_maps
- schemas/generated
- kbn-apm-synthtrace
- src
- cli
- utils
- lib
- apm/client/apm_synthtrace_es_client
- assets
- aggregators
- utils
- scenarios
- kbn-apm-synthtrace-client
- src/lib
- apm
- assets
- infra
- kbn-cell-actions/src
- context
- kbn-check-mappings-update-cli
- kbn-config-schema/src/types
- kbn-data-service/src/search/tabify
- kbn-discover-utils
- src
- utils
- kbn-doc-links/src
- kbn-dom-drag-drop/src
- kbn-es-query/src
- es_query
- kuery
- ast
- functions
- utils
- grammar
- __mocks__
- node_types
- kbn-eslint-plugin-i18n
- helpers
- rules
- kbn-esql-ast/src
- kbn-esql-utils
- src/utils
- kbn-esql-validation-autocomplete/src
- autocomplete
- definitions
- validation
- kbn-generate-csv
- src
- __snapshots__
- kbn-i18n-react/src
- kbn-lens-embeddable-utils/attribute_builder/visualization_types
- kbn-management/settings
- application
- components
- field_input
- field_row
- form
- kbn-monaco/src/esql
- lib/hover
- worker
- kbn-profiling-utils/common
- kbn-reporting/public
- kbn-router-to-openapispec/src
- kbn-rule-data-utils/src
- kbn-search-api-panels/components
- kbn-search-connectors/components
- configuration
- scheduling
- sync_jobs
- kbn-search-response-warnings
- src
- kbn-test/src/es
- kbn-text-based-editor/src
- kbn-unified-data-table/src/components
- compare_documents
- kbn-unified-doc-viewer/src
- components/doc_viewer
- services
- kbn-unified-field-list/src/components/field_list
- kbn-user-profile-components/src
- presentation
- presentation_containers/interfaces
- presentation_publishing
- comparators
- interfaces/fetch
- react
- kibana_context
- render
- root
- kibana_mount
- serverless/project_switcher/src
- src
- core/server/integration_tests
- ci_checks/saved_objects
- http
- saved_objects
- migrations
- group3
- group5
- routes
- dev
- build/tasks
- plugins
- chart_expressions
- expression_gauge
- public/expression_renderers
- expression_heatmap
- public/expression_renderers
- expression_legacy_metric
- public/expression_renderers
- expression_metric
- public/expression_renderers
- expression_partition_vis
- common
- expression_functions
- __snapshots__
- types
- public
- __stories__
- components
- __snapshots__
- expression_renderers
- expression_tagcloud
- public/expression_renderers
- expression_xy
- common
- __mocks__
- expression_functions
- i18n
- types
- public
- components
- expression_renderers
- console/public/styles
- content_management/public/content_client
- controls
- public
- control_group/embeddable
- options_list/embeddable
- range_slider/embeddable
- services/core
- time_slider/embeddable
- custom_integrations/public
- services
- dashboard/public
- dashboard_container
- component/grid
- embeddable
- dashboard_listing
- data
- public/search
- server
- kql_telemetry
- query
- scripts
- search/routes
- data_view_editor/public
- components/flyout_panels
- data_view_field_editor
- __jest__/client_integration
- helpers
- public
- components
- flyout_panels
- preview
- field_list
- server/routes
- data_view_management
- public
- components
- edit_index_pattern
- index_header
- indexed_fields_table
- __snapshots__
- components/table
- tabs
- index_pattern_table
- management_app
- data_views/server/rest_api_routes
- internal
- public
- fields
- runtime_fields
- scripted_fields
- discover
- public
- application
- context
- hooks
- main/components
- layout
- no_results
- no_results_suggestions
- not_found
- view_alert
- components
- discover_grid_flyout
- doc_table
- customizations
- embeddable
- hooks
- server
- embeddable
- public
- add_panel_flyout
- lib
- containers
- test_samples/embeddables/contact_card
- react_embeddable_system
- event_annotation_listing/public/components/group_editor_flyout
- files_management/public
- image_embeddable/public
- actions
- components
- image_viewer
- image_embeddable
- inspector
- public
- interactive_setup/public
- kibana_react/public/context
- kibana_usage_collection/server/collectors
- ui_counters
- usage_counters
- kibana_utils/public/theme
- links
- public/editor
- presentation_util/public
- services/create
- saved_objects/public/save_modal
- saved_objects_management/public/management_section
- telemetry/server/routes
- ui_actions_enhanced/public/drilldowns/drilldown_manager
- components
- button_submit
- drilldown_form
- flyout_frame
- text_with_icon
- trigger_line_item
- containers
- context
- drilldown_manager_title
- unified_doc_viewer
- public
- components
- doc_viewer_logs_overview
- sub_components
- doc_viewer_table
- hooks
- unified_search
- public
- actions
- dataview_picker
- query_string_input
- usage_collection/public
- vis_default_editor
- public
- vis_types
- pie/public/convert_to_lens/configurations
- table
- public
- timelion
- public
- helpers
- timeseries
- public
- application
- vega
- public
- data_model
- vega_view
- vega_map_view
- vislib
- public
- vislib/partials
- xy/public
- convert_to_lens/configurations
- visualizations
- common
- convert_to_lens/types
- public
- embeddable
- utils
- saved_objects_utils
- visualize_app
- components
- utils
- use
- wizard
- test
- accessibility/apps
- api_integration/apis/saved_objects
- functional/apps
- discover
- embeddable
- group1
- visualize/group2
- package
- roles
- assert_fips_enabled/tasks
- install_kibana_fips/tasks
- templates/fips
- plugin_functional/test_suites/core_plugins
- x-pack
- examples
- triggers_actions_ui_example/public/components
- ui_actions_enhanced_examples/public/components
- page
- section
- packages
- kbn-elastic-assistant
- impl
- assistant
- api/capabilities
- chat_send
- conversations/conversation_settings
- prompt
- prompt_context
- prompt_textarea
- use_assistant_overlay
- use_conversation
- assistant_context
- connectorland
- connector_selector
- connector_selector_inline
- kbn-elastic-assistant-common/impl
- capabilities
- schemas
- attack_discovery
- capabilities
- conversations
- insights/alerts
- kbn-slo-schema/src/rest_specs/routes
- ml
- aiops_components/src
- log_rate_analysis_state_provider
- progress_controls
- aiops_log_rate_analysis/api
- date_picker/src
- components
- hooks
- url_state/src
- security-solution
- ecs_data_quality_dashboard/impl/data_quality
- data_quality_panel/data_quality_context
- use_mappings
- use_stats
- use_unallowed_values
- features/src
- assistant
- security
- upselling
- messages
- service
- plugins
- aiops
- public
- components
- change_point_detection
- log_categorization
- category_table
- log_rate_analysis
- log_rate_analysis_content
- log_rate_analysis_results_table
- search_panel
- hooks
- server/routes/log_rate_analysis
- analysis_handlers
- response_stream_utils
- alerting
- common
- alert_schema/field_maps
- constants
- routes/backfill
- apis
- delete
- schemas
- types
- find
- schemas
- types
- get
- schemas
- types
- schedule
- schemas
- types
- response
- schemas
- types
- public
- lib
- pages/maintenance_windows/components
- recurring_schedule_form
- server
- alerts_client
- lib
- application
- backfill
- methods
- delete
- find
- schemas
- types
- get
- schedule
- schemas
- types
- result
- schemas
- types
- transforms
- rule/methods
- aggregate
- bulk_delete
- bulk_disable
- bulk_edit
- bulk_untrack
- create
- get_schedule_frequency
- resolve
- tags
- update
- authorization
- backfill_client
- lib
- data/ad_hoc_run/types
- integration_tests/__snapshots__
- invalidate_pending_api_keys
- lib
- alerting_event_logger
- routes
- backfill
- apis
- delete
- find
- transforms
- transform_request
- transform_response
- get
- schedule
- transforms
- transform_request
- transform_response
- transforms
- transform_backfill_to_backfill_response
- rules_client
- common
- lib
- tests
- saved_objects
- schemas/raw_ad_hoc_run_params
- task_runner
- lib
- canvas
- canvas_plugin_src/renderers
- __stories__
- embeddable
- filters
- advanced_filter
- dropdown_filter
- time_filter
- markdown
- __stories__
- public
- components/home/my_workpads
- routes/workpad
- hooks
- cases/public
- client/ui
- common
- components
- all_cases
- selector_modal
- cases_context
- connectors
- create
- flyout
- timeline_context
- user_actions
- visualizations/actions
- __mocks__
- containers
- mocks
- cloud/public
- cloud_defend/public
- components/loading_state
- test
- cloud_integrations/cloud_chat
- .storybook
- public
- components/chat
- services
- cloud_security_posture
- common/types/benchmarks
- public
- components
- cloud_security_data_table
- pages/rules
- test
- cross_cluster_replication/public/app/components
- dashboard_enhanced
- public/services/drilldowns/actions
- flyout_create_drilldown
- flyout_edit_drilldown
- data_visualizer/public
- application
- common/components/stats_table/components/field_data_expanded_row
- file_data_visualizer
- index_data_visualizer/hooks
- lazy_load_bundle
- elastic_assistant
- common
- server
- ai_assistant_data_clients/conversations
- lib/langchain
- routes
- attack_discovery
- capabilities
- evaluate
- services
- enterprise_search/public/applications
- ai_search/components/ai_search_guide
- app_search/components
- analytics
- components
- api_logs/api_log
- document_creation/creation_response_components
- applications/components
- playground
- search_applications/components
- enterprise_search_content
- components
- connector_detail
- search_index
- connector
- native_connector_configuration
- sync_rules
- pipelines/ml_inference
- search_indices
- utils
- workplace_search/components/layout/personal_dashboard_layout
- event_log
- generated
- scripts
- fleet
- .storybook/context
- common
- constants
- openapi
- components/schemas
- paths
- services
- types/rest_spec
- cypress/e2e
- public
- applications
- fleet
- components/fleet_server_instructions
- hooks
- steps
- layouts
- sections
- agent_policy
- components
- create_package_policy_page
- multi_page_layout
- components
- page_steps
- install_agent
- single_page_layout/components
- cloud_security_posture
- details_page/components/settings
- agents
- agent_details_page/components/agent_details
- agent_list_page/components
- agent_requirements_page
- components/fleet_server_callouts
- error_pages/components
- hooks
- settings
- components/edit_output_flyout
- hooks
- integrations
- components/header
- hooks
- sections/epm
- components/package_list_grid
- screens/detail/overview
- components
- agent_enrollment_flyout
- steps
- cloud_security_posture
- enrollment_instructions/manual
- hooks
- use_request
- mock
- types
- server
- constants
- routes
- fleet_server_hosts
- settings
- services
- types/rest_spec
- global_search_bar/public/components
- graph
- public
- apps
- helpers
- saved_objects_utils
- services
- workspace
- state_management
- index_lifecycle_management/public/application/sections/edit_policy
- components/phases/phase
- form
- components
- index_management
- __jest__/client_integration/helpers
- public
- application
- components
- component_templates/component_template_list
- enrich_policies
- mappings_editor
- components/document_fields/fields/edit_field
- sections/home/data_stream_list/edit_data_retention_modal
- server
- ingest_pipelines/public/application/components/pipeline_editor/context
- lens
- common
- public
- app_plugin
- datasources/form_based
- dimension_panel
- editor_frame_service/editor_frame/config_panel/layer_actions
- embeddable
- mocks
- persistence/saved_objects_utils
- trigger_actions/open_lens_config
- in_app_embeddable_edit
- visualizations
- datatable
- partition
- xy
- __snapshots__
- annotations/actions
- xy_config_panel
- lists/public/lists/mocks
- maps/public
- classes/sources/esql_source
- metrics_data_access/public
- apps
- test_utils
- ml
- common/types
- public
- application
- components
- annotations/annotations_table
- collapsible_panel
- field_stats_flyout
- help_popover
- page_header
- rule_editor
- contexts/ml
- data_frame_analytics/pages/analytics_creation/components/details_step
- explorer
- alerts
- jobs/new_job/pages
- components
- charts/loading_wrapper
- common/model_memory_limit
- datafeed_step/components
- data_view
- frequency
- query
- query_delay
- scroll_size
- time_field
- job_details_step/components
- additional_section/components
- calendars
- custom_urls
- advanced_section/components
- annotations
- dedicated_index
- model_plot
- groups
- job_description
- job_id
- pick_fields_step/components
- advanced_detector_modal
- bucket_span
- categorization_field
- categorization_partition_field
- categorization_view
- detector_title
- geo_field
- influencers
- population_field
- rare_field
- sparse_data
- split_cards
- split_field
- summary_count_field
- summary_step/components
- new_job
- notifications/components
- routing
- routes/timeseriesexplorer
- timeseriesexplorer
- components/series_controls
- embeddables
- anomaly_swimlane
- single_metric_viewer
- ui_actions
- monitoring
- public
- application
- contexts
- pages
- components
- observability_solution
- apm/public
- components
- alerting/ui_components/chart_preview
- context/kibana_environment_context
- hooks
- dataset_quality
- common
- data_streams_stats
- types
- utils
- public
- components
- common
- dataset_quality
- filters
- summary_panel
- table
- flyout
- degraded_docs_trend
- flyout_summary
- quality_indicator
- hooks
- state_machines/dataset_quality_controller/src
- utils
- infra
- public
- alerting
- common/criterion_preview_chart
- inventory/components
- log_threshold/components
- alert_details_app_section/components
- expression_editor
- metric_threshold/components
- apps
- components
- logging
- log_analysis_job_status
- log_analysis_setup/setup_flyout
- log_entry_examples
- hooks
- pages
- logs
- log_entry_categories
- log_entry_rate
- stream
- metrics
- inventory_view
- components/waffle
- lib
- metric_detail
- hooks
- metrics_explorer/hooks
- test_utils
- utils
- server/lib/alerting/metric_threshold
- logs_explorer
- common
- public
- components
- data_source_selector
- flyout_detail
- sub_components
- virtual_columns
- customizations
- hooks
- observability
- public/components/custom_threshold/components
- alert_details_app_section
- helpers
- criterion_preview_chart
- server/lib/rules/custom_threshold
- observability_ai_assistant_app/public/hooks
- observability_logs_explorer
- common/url_schema/dataset_quality
- public
- components
- observability_onboarding/public
- application
- header
- onboarding_flow_form
- packages_list
- profiling/common
- slo
- public
- embeddable/slo/error_budget
- pages
- slo_details/components
- slo_edit/components/common
- ui_actions
- server
- domain/services
- lib/rules/slo_burn_rate
- services
- synthetics/public/apps
- locators
- synthetics
- components
- certificates
- common
- react_router_helpers
- wrappers
- monitor_add_edit/form
- monitor_details
- monitors_page/overview/overview/grid_by_group
- settings/private_locations
- step_details_page/step_waterfall_chart/waterfall/context
- contexts
- utils/testing
- uptime
- public
- legacy_uptime
- components
- common
- charts/chart_wrapper
- react_router_helpers
- monitor
- ml
- synthetics/waterfall/context
- synthetics
- contexts
- hooks
- lib/helper
- locators
- server/legacy_uptime
- ux/public/components/app/rum_dashboard/charts
- reporting/public/lib
- rule_registry
- common/assets/field_maps
- server/utils
- saved_objects_tagging/public/management
- search_connectors/common
- lib
- search_notebooks/public/components
- search_playground
- __mocks__
- common
- public
- components
- edit_context
- message_list
- sources_panel
- summarization_panel
- view_code
- view_query
- hooks
- providers
- server
- lib
- security
- public
- account_management
- user_profile
- authentication/components/authentication_state_page
- components
- management
- api_keys
- api_keys_grid
- users
- ui_api
- server
- authorization/privileges/feature_privilege_builder
- features
- user_profile
- security_solution
- common
- api/entity_analytics/risk_engine
- endpoint
- data_generators
- service/response_actions
- types
- entity_analytics/risk_score
- utils
- public
- actions
- ai_insights
- hooks/use_insights_telemetry
- insight/actions
- use_add_to_case
- use_add_to_existing_case
- pages
- empty_prompt
- loading_callout
- countdown
- page_title
- upgrade
- app
- assistant
- send_to_timeline
- attack_discovery
- attack
- attack_chain
- axis_tick
- tactic
- mini_attack_chain
- attack_discovery_markdown_formatter
- attack_discovery_markdown_parser
- field_markdown_renderer
- attack_discovery_panel
- actionable_summary
- actions
- actions_placeholder
- alerts_badge
- take_action
- use_add_to_case
- use_add_to_existing_case
- interval
- tabs
- alerts_tab
- attack_discovery_tab
- title
- view_in_ai_assistant
- get_attack_discovery_markdown
- hooks/use_attack_discovery_telemetry
- mock
- pages
- empty_prompt
- animated_counter
- header
- loading_callout
- countdown
- last_times_popover
- generation_timing
- info_popover_body
- loading_messages
- page_title
- session_storage
- summary
- summary_count
- upgrade
- use_attack_discovery
- cases/pages
- common
- __mocks__
- components
- control_columns/row_action
- current_license
- empty_prompt
- endpoint
- event_details
- cti_details
- overview
- table
- events_viewer
- health_truncate_text
- landing_page/onboarding
- __mocks__
- card_step
- context
- hooks
- step_links
- styles
- welcome_header
- links
- markdown_editor
- plugins
- insight
- osquery
- timeline
- ml/permissions
- security_route_page_wrapper
- sourcerer
- visualization_actions
- containers/sourcerer
- hooks
- lib/telemetry
- events
- attack_discovery
- mock
- endpoint
- utils
- dashboards/context
- detection_engine
- rule_creation_ui/components
- rule_preview
- step_define_rule
- rule_exceptions/components/add_exception_flyout
- rule_management
- components/rule_details
- json_diff
- logic
- rule_management_ui/components/rules_table/bulk_actions
- rule_monitoring/components
- execution_events_table
- execution_results_table
- detections
- components
- host_isolation
- rules
- rule_execution_status
- configurations/security_solution_detections
- pages/alerts
- entity_analytics
- components/risk_score_onboarding
- deprecated_risk_engine/api
- explore/network/components/embeddables
- flyout
- document_details
- isolate_host
- left
- components
- tabs
- preview
- components
- right
- components
- hooks
- tabs
- management
- components
- endpoint_response_actions_list
- components
- integration_tests
- cypress
- e2e
- artifacts
- automated_response_actions
- response_actions
- response_console
- serverless
- feature_access
- api
- components
- roles
- support
- plugin_handlers
- tasks
- pages
- event_filters/view/components
- policy/view
- ingest_manager_integration
- components
- policy_settings_form
- response_actions/view
- overview/pages
- timelines/components
- open_timeline/note_previews
- side_panel
- event_details
- hooks
- timeline
- body
- events
- renderers
- data_providers
- tabs
- eql
- header
- session
- unified_components
- scripts
- endpoint
- common
- fleet_server
- endpoint_agent_runner
- sentinelone_host
- run_cypress
- server
- assistant/tools
- attack_discovery
- endpoint
- lib/response_actions
- routes
- actions
- agent
- services
- actions
- clients
- crowdstrike
- sentinelone
- agent/clients
- sentinel_one
- integration_tests
- __mocks__
- lib
- lib
- detection_engine
- rule_actions_legacy/logic/notifications
- rule_preview/api/preview_rules
- rule_types
- eql
- factories
- indicator_match
- threat_mapping
- new_terms
- utils
- entity_analytics
- asset_criticality/routes
- risk_engine
- risk_score
- routes
- telemetry
- __mocks__
- tasks
- timeline/saved_object/timelines
- security_solution_ess/public/common
- security_solution_serverless
- common/pli
- public
- common/services
- __mocks__
- upselling
- server/cloud_security
- serverless_observability/public
- serverless_search
- public
- application/components
- index_management
- test
- spaces/public
- spaces_context
- ui_api
- stack_alerts
- public/rule_types
- components
- es_query
- expression
- test_query_row
- server/rule_types
- es_query
- index_threshold
- task_manager/server
- integration_tests/__snapshots__
- metrics
- threat_intelligence/public
- components
- containers
- mocks
- modules/indicators
- containers
- pages
- transform/public/app
- components
- hooks
- sections
- edit_transform/state_management
- transform_management/components/transform_list
- translations/translations
- triggers_actions_ui
- .storybook
- public/application
- components
- context
- sections
- upgrade_assistant/public/application/components/overview/fix_issues_step/components
- test
- alerting_api_integration
- common
- plugins
- aad/server
- alerts/server
- security_and_spaces
- group1/tests/alerting
- backfill
- group2/tests/alerting
- spaces_only/tests/alerting
- group2/transform_rule_types/transform_health
- group4/alerts_as_data
- api_integration/apis
- aiops
- asset_manager
- api_integration_basic/apis/aiops
- fleet_api_integration/apis/settings
- functional
- apps
- dataset_quality
- lens
- group6
- open_in_lens/agg_based
- ml/data_frame_analytics
- observability_logs_explorer
- es_archives/fleet/fleet_server
- fixtures/kbn_archiver/lens
- page_objects
- services/ml
- plugin_api_integration/test_suites/task_manager
- security_solution_api_integration
- config/ess
- test_suites
- detections_response
- detection_engine/rule_execution_logic/trial_license_complete_tier
- configs
- execution_logic
- utils/alerts
- entity_analytics
- risk_engine/trial_license_complete_tier
- utils
- genai/nlp_cleanup_task/basic_license_essentials_tier
- security_solution_cypress
- cypress
- e2e
- detection_response/detection_engine
- rule_creation
- rule_edit
- investigations
- alerts
- timelines/unified_components
- screens
- tasks
- common
- security_solution_endpoint/apps/endpoint
- ui_capabilities/security_and_spaces
- tests
- test_serverless
- api_integration/test_suites/common/alerting
- functional
- page_objects
- test_suites
- common
- discover/embeddable
- management/index_management
- spaces
- observability
- common_configs
- dataset_quality
- observability_logs_explorer
- search
- common_configs
- security/common_configs
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Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
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