A low-cost integrated hyperspectral imaging sensor with full temporal and spatial resolution at VIS-NIR wide range
Liheng Bian*, Zhen Wang*, Yuzhe Zhang*, Lianjie Li, Yinuo Zhang, Chen Yang, Wen Fang, Jiajun Zhao, Chunli Zhu, Qinghao Meng, Xuan Peng, and Jun Zhang. (*Equal contributions)
The project has been tested on Windows 10 or Ubuntu 20.04.1.
The project has been tested on CUDA 11.4, pytorch 1.11.0, torchvision 0.12.0, python 3.7.13, opencv-python
- The code for training and testing can be downloaded at public repository :https://github.com/bianlab/HyperspecI
- The mask, testing measurements and pre-trained weights can be downloaded from the Google Drive link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1x6nZpcTP9RIsENJL566pV9v83e1e4gpn?usp=sharing
- Due to the massive amount of training dataset, we have packaged it into multiple repositories for storage: https://github.com/bianlab/Hyperspectral-imaging-dataset
Download the mask to ./MASK/HyperspecI_V1.mat
and ./MASK/HyperspecI_V2.mat
Download the pre-trained weights to ./model_zoo/SRNet_V1.pth
and ./model_zoo/SRNet_V2.pth
Download the testing measurements to ./Measurements_Test/HyperspecI_V1/
and ./Measurements_Test/HyperspecI_V2/
Download the training dataset to './Dataset_Train/HSI_400_1000/HSI_all/'
and './Dataset_Train/HSI_400_1700/HSI_all/'
The model of hyperspectral images reconstruction:
Pre-trained weights of SRNet for HyperspecI-V1:
Pre-trained weights of SRNet for HyperspecI-V2:
Calibrated sensing matrix of HyperspecI-V1:
Calibrated sensing matrix of HyperspecI-V2:
Measurements collected by our HyperspecI-V1:
Measurements collected by our HyperspecI-V2:
The test and training program :
Run the train program on the collected measurements to reconstruct hyperspectral images in pytorch platform.
● First, download the training dataset of HyperspecI-V1 (400-1000 nm ) into ./Dataset_Train/HSI_400_1000/HSI_all/
, and the training dataset of HyperspecI-V2 (400-1700 nm ) into ./Dataset_Train/HSI_400_1700/HSI_all/
● Second, run SplitDataset.py
to partition the training data and validate, with 90% allocated for training and 10% for validation.
The details operations for HyperspecI-V1 dataset partition :
python SplitDataset.py --data_folder './Dataset_Train/HSI_400_1000/HSI_all/' --train_folder './Dataset_Train/HSI_400_1000/Train/' --test_folder './Dataset_Train/HSI_400_1000/Valid/'
The details operations for HyperspecI-V2 dataset partition :
python SplitDataset.py --data_folder './Dataset_Train/HSI_400_1700/HSI_all/' --train_folder './Dataset_Train/HSI_400_1700/Train/' --test_folder './Dataset_Train/HSI_400_1700/Valid/'
● Third, the training programs are executed to train the spectral reconstruction model.
For training HyperspecI-V1, execute the following command in the terminal, and the training results will be saved in the ./exp/HyperspecI_V1/
python train_HyperspecI_V1.py
For training HyperspecI-V2, execute the following command in the terminal, and the training results will be saved in the ./exp/HyperspecI_V2/
python train_HyperspecI_V2.py
Run the test program on the collected images to reconstruct hyperspectral images in pytorch platform.
(1) When the images were collected using our HyperspecI-V1 imaging sensors, the hypersepectral images can be reconstructed by run the following program in the terminal.
python test_HyperspecI_V1.py
The measurements collected using HyperspecI-V1 from the folder './Measurements_Test/HyperspecI_V1/'
. And output reconstructed hyperspectral images will be saved in './Measurements_Test/Output_HyperspecI_V1/'
(2) When the images were collected using our HyperspecI-V2 imaging sensors, the hypersepectral images can be reconstructed by run the following program in the terminal.
python test_HyperspecI_V2.py
The measurements collected using HyperspecI-V2 from the folder './Measurements_Test/HyperspecI_V2/'
. And output reconstructed hyperspectral images will be saved in './Measurements_Test/Output_HyperspecI_V2/'