The Matlab project uses 2 external programs/libraries.
- Matpower7.0: a free, open-source tool for electric power system simulation and optimization ( Run install_matpower.m before.
- Matlab_bgl: a Matlab wrapper for the Boost Graph Library (
Instructions: Download the "IterativeBranchExchange" .m files. Before starting, edit the file setPath.m adding the folder 'BranchExchange'. The following .m files run the Iterative Branch Exchange for each network described in item 1.
- run_16bus.m
- run_33bus.m
- run_69bus.m
- run_84bus.m
- run_119bus.m
- run_136bus.m
for the C# Visual Studio project, please go to the repository InterativeBranchExchange for the article Distribution Network Reconfiguration using Iterative Branch Exchange and Clustering Techniques.
2024_89_CemigReconfigurationCases Folder containing 89 feeders (or substations) in the OpenDSS format (.dss), including the 3 study cases presented in my thesis. Also, I uploaded 5 powerpoints presentations, describing these 89 reconfiguration cases implemented in the CEMIG-D distribution system. I suggest a quick look at these files folder "Reconf_pptx"
folder "2023_LineConstants" Folder with OpenDSS script for calculating distribution line parameters of my thesis.
folder "DSS_reconfiguration_networks" Folder with the 33, 70, 84, 119, and 136-bus networks in Matpower and OpenDSS format.
folder "MST_InitalPopulationGA" Folder with files (Matlab struct) containing initial population for 33, 69, 84, 119, and 136-bus networks. This population was generated by the Minimum Spanning Tree algorithm and uses binary codification.
Ezequiel C. Pereira