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Spring-Modulith Events Externalizer for Spring Cloud Stream

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Spring-Modulith Events Externalizer that uses Spring Cloud Stream supporting both JSON and Avro serialization formats.

Getting Started


Add the following Maven dependency to your project:



Use @EnableSpringCloudStreamEventExternalization annotation to enable Spring Cloud Stream event externalization in your Spring configuration:

public class SpringCloudStreamEventsConfig {
    // Additional configurations (if needed)

This configuration ensures that, in addition to events annotated with @Externalized, all events of type org.springframework.messaging.Message with a header named SpringCloudStreamEventExternalizer.SPRING_CLOUD_STREAM_EVENT_HEADER will be externalized and routed to their specified destination using the value of this header as the routing target.

Event Serialization

Using the transactional event publication log requires serializing events to a format that can be stored in a database. Since the generic type of Message<?> payload is lost when using the default JacksonEventSerializer, this library adds an extra _class field to preserve payload type information, allowing for complete deserialization to its original type.

This library provides support for POJO (JSON) and Avro serialization formats for Message<?> payloads.

Avro Serialization

Avro serialization needs com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.avro.AvroMapper class present in the classpath. In order to use Avro serialization, you need to add the following dependency to your project:


Routing Events

Programmatic Routing for Message<?> events

You can define routing targets programmatically using a Message header:

public class CustomerEventsProducer implements ICustomerEventsProducer {

    private final ApplicationEventPublisher applicationEventPublisher;

    public void onCustomerCreated(CustomerCreated event) {
        Message<CustomerCreated> message = MessageBuilder.withPayload(event)
                        "customer-created") // <- target binding name

Annotation-Based Routing for POJO Events

Leverage the @Externalized annotation to define the target binding name and routing key:

class CustomerCreated {

    public String getLastname() {
        // Return the customer's last name

Configure Spring Cloud Stream destination

Configure Spring Cloud Stream destination for your bindings as usual in application.yml:

          destination: customer-created-topic

Routing Key

SpringCloudStreamEventExternalizer dynamically sets the appropriate Message header (e.g., kafka_messageKey or rabbit_routingKey) from your routing key based on the channel binder type, if the routing header is not already present.

  • KafkaMessageChannelBinder: kafka_messageKey
  • RabbitMessageChannelBinder: rabbit_routingKey
  • KinesisMessageChannelBinder: partitionKey
  • PubSubMessageChannelBinder: pubsub_orderingKey
  • EventHubsMessageChannelBinder: partitionKey
  • SolaceMessageChannelBinder: solace_messageKey
  • PulsarMessageChannelBinder: pulsar_key

Using Snapshot Versions

In order to test snapshot versions of this library, add the following repository to your Maven configuration:
