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This repository has been archived by the owner on Feb 25, 2023. It is now read-only.

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134 lines (97 loc) · 4.87 KB

File metadata and controls

134 lines (97 loc) · 4.87 KB

Contributing guidelines


  • Please search internet first to find the answer.
  • If a similar issue exists, append comment to it.
  • If there are multiple issues, make issues separately.
  • If you find a security vulnerability, please send an email to the maintainers before it is exposed to bad crackers.
  • Please Check below before report a bug.
    • Browser type, version
    • Node.js version
    • Server configurations
  • Please include below information in bug report.
    • Environment
      • TIPS version, e.g. 1.0.0
      • Browser type, version, e.g. IE 11
      • Node.js version, e.g. 14.10.1
      • Server information, e.g. Amazon AWS t2.micro
    • Entire error message
      • Web page screenshots
      • Screenshots of console, network tab in browser developer tool
    • Website addess which shows the problem

Pull requests (PR)

  • Make a topic branch in your forked repository and do your jobs then send PR to develop branch of this original repository.
    • Topic branch naming rule: do/something form.
      • "do" part is an appropriate verb.
      • "something" part is a description which implies the detail of the PR.
      • If you can't find intutive "do" part verb, just simply use pr/something form.
    • Example: If you solve a bug related to icons, make fix/icon branch and do your jobs. If you improved network related features, make pr/network branch and do your jobs.

Coding style guide


Character set of all kinds of text files including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML are UTF-8 without BOM.

Line break type is Unix(LF).

Indent with 4 spaces.

Empty lines are not indented.

Whitespace / Line break

Use brace at the same line in case of function declarations and if, for, while.

while (flag1) {    // RIGHT
    if (flag2)
    {              // WRONG

Altough there is only one statement must use braces for further statement addition.

if (flag1) return false;    // WRONG
if (flag2) {                // RIGHT
    return true;

In JavaScript, almost every functions are closures then a semicolon can be inserted accidentally so use brace at the same line.

$("#foo").on("click", function() {    // OK
    if ($(this).val() === "bar") {    // OK

When invoke a function do not place spaces between function name, parentheses, arguments. Place a space after comma.

function foobar(baz, param)        // RIGHT
function foobar ( baz , param )    // WRONG

Place a space after the keywords if, for, while, etc. Place s space before and after the operators ==, !=, >, etc.

if (foo === bar) {    // RIGHT
if(foo==bar){       // WRONG

In JavaScript and JSON, when define an array spanning multiple lines must remove the last comma. If the last comma is left, an error may occur in some browsers.

var animals = [
    'dog'    // NO COMMA


In general, write a comment in English consting complete sentences with capitalization.

Leave comments above the related codes.

// If flag is true, do something.
if (flag) {
    // Note: this will do X, Y, and Z.


In general, write a commit message in English starting with an infinitive verb. Do not place a period at the end of the commit message.

Delete unnecessary condition     // RIGHT
Fix #1234                        // RIGHT
Deletes unnecessary condition.    // WRONG (unnecessary conjugation and period)
Fixed #1234                      // WRONG (unnecessary past form)

If you want to write a commit message in Korean, it is also accepted. 이 규칙에 맞추어 영문으로 커밋 메시지를 작성하기 어려운 경우, 한글로 작성해도 무방합니다. 한글 커밋 메시지는 어디서 무엇을 어떻게 했는지 간결하고 명확하고 격식 있게 표현하며, 가능하면 현재형 동사로 마치도록 합니다. 또한, 문장 끝에 마침표를 사용하지 않습니다.

크롬 최신 버전에서 스크립트 오류 해결   // RIGHT
Foo 클래스에 bar() 메소드 추가       // RIGHT
서버 통신 에러 나는 거 고쳤어요. 헣~^^ // WRONG (격식 없는 표현과 불필요한 마침표)
함수 개선                          // WRONG (두리뭉실한 표현)


The main goal is not producing any error in all of supported browsers with default settings using the Strict mode but do not produce warnings as far as possible.

When compare two strings, two integers use === rather than == so far as possible.

In case of the situations which is not included in here, follow Google JavaScript Style Guide.