In this example, we show how to use mesti2s() to compute the transmission matrix of a strongly scattering disordered medium, analyze the transmission matrix to determine an incident wavefront that can penetrate the disorder with almost 100% transmission (called an "open channel"), and then use mesti2s() again to compute the field profile of the open channel while comparing to that of a typical plane-wave input. We do so for both TM and TE polarizations.
% dimensions of the system, in units of the wavelength lambda_0
dx = 1/20; % discretization grid size
W = 30; % width of the scattering region
L = 12; % thickness of the scattering region
L_tot = 40; % full length of the system for plotting
r_min = 0.2; % minimal radius of the cylindrical scatterers
r_max = 0.4; % maximal radius of the cylindrical scatterers
min_sep = 0.05; % minimal separation between cylinders
number_density = 1.3; % number density, in units of 1/lambda_0^2
rng_seed = 0; % random number generator seed
% relative permittivity, unitless
epsilon_scat = 2.0^2; % cylindrical scatterers
epsilon_bg = 1.0^2; % background in the scattering region
epsilon_L = 1.0^2; % frees space on the left
epsilon_R = 1.0^2; % frees space on the right
yBC = 'periodic'; % boundary condition in y
% generate a random collection of non-overlapping cylinders
% note: subpixel smoothing is not applied for simplicity
build_TM = true;
build_TE = true;
[epsilon, inv_epsilon, x0_list, y0_list, r0_list, x_Ez, y_Ez, x_Hz, y_Hz] = ...
build_epsilon_disorder(W, L, r_min, r_max, min_sep, number_density, ...
rng_seed, dx, epsilon_scat, epsilon_bg, build_TM, build_TE, yBC);
% do subpixel smoothing for inv_epsilon{1}(:,1) and inv_epsilon{1}(:,end) used
% for TE, which are at the boundary of the scattering region and the free space.
inv_epsilon{1}(:,1) = ((1/epsilon_L) + (1/epsilon_bg))/2;
inv_epsilon{1}(:,end) = ((1/epsilon_R) + (1/epsilon_bg))/2;
syst.polarization = 'TM';
syst.epsilon = epsilon;
syst.epsilon_L = epsilon_L;
syst.epsilon_R = epsilon_R;
syst.length_unit = 'lambda_0';
syst.wavelength = 1;
syst.dx = dx;
syst.yBC = yBC;
% transmission matrix: input from left, output to the right
[t, channels] = mesti2s(syst, {'left'}, {'right'});
System size: ny = 600, nx = 240 => 242; N_prop= {61, 61}
xBC = {outgoing, outgoing}; yBC = periodic; Ez polarization
Building G0 ... elapsed time: 0.050 secs
Building B,C... elapsed time: 0.001 secs
... elapsed time: 0.008 secs
Building A ... elapsed time: 0.069 secs
< Method: APF using MUMPS with AMD ordering (symmetric K) >
Building K ... elapsed time: 0.058 secs
Analyzing ... elapsed time: 0.107 secs
Factorizing ... elapsed time: 0.740 secs
Total elapsed time: 1.084 secs
% The most-open channels is the singular vector of the transmission matrix with
% the largest singular value.
[~, sigma_max, v_max] = svds(t, 1, 'largest');
N_prop_L = channels.L.N_prop; % number of propagating channels on the left
ind_normal = round((N_prop_L+1)/2); % index of the normal-incident plane-wave
% compare the transmission
T_avg = sum(abs(t).^2,'all')/N_prop_L; % average over all channels
T_PW = sum(abs(t(:,ind_normal)).^2); % normal-incident plane-wave
T_open = sigma_max^2; % open channel
fprintf('T_avg = %f\nT_PW = %f\nT_open = %f\n', T_avg, T_PW, T_open)
T_avg = 0.113158
T_PW = 0.177535
T_open = 0.989225
% specify two incident wavefronts:
% (1) normal-incident plane-wave
% (2) open channel
in.v_L = zeros(N_prop_L, 2);
in.v_L(ind_normal, 1) = 1;
in.v_L(:, 2) = v_max;
% We will also get the field profile in the free spaces on the two sides, for
% plotting purpose.
opts.nx_L = round((L_tot-L)/2/dx);
opts.nx_R = opts.nx_L;
% set out = [] for field-profile computations
Ez = mesti2s(syst, in, [], opts);
System size: ny = 600, nx = 240 => 242; N_prop= {61, 61}
xBC = {outgoing, outgoing}; yBC = periodic; Ez polarization
Building G0 ... elapsed time: 0.054 secs
Building B,C... elapsed time: 0.001 secs
... elapsed time: 0.000 secs
Building A ... elapsed time: 0.067 secs
< Method: factorize_and_solve using MUMPS with AMD ordering >
Analyzing ... elapsed time: 0.172 secs
Factorizing ... elapsed time: 0.816 secs
Solving ... elapsed time: 0.104 secs
... elapsed time: 0.064 secs
Total elapsed time: 1.324 secs
% normalize the field amplitude with respect to the plane-wave-input profile
Ez = Ez/max(abs(Ez(:,:,1)), [], 'all');
nperiod = 2; % number of periods to animate
nframes_per_period = 20; % number of frames per period
% extend the x coordinate to include free spaces on the two sides
x_Ez = [x_Ez(1) - (opts.nx_L:-1:1)*dx, x_Ez, x_Ez(end) + (1:opts.nx_R)*dx];
% animate the field profile with plane-wave input
animate_field_profile(Ez(:,:,1), x0_list, y0_list, r0_list, x_Ez, y_Ez, ...
nperiod, nframes_per_period);
% Animate the field profile of the open channel
animate_field_profile(Ez(:,:,2), x0_list, y0_list, r0_list, x_Ez, y_Ez, ...
nperiod, nframes_per_period);
syst.polarization = 'TE';
syst.inv_epsilon = inv_epsilon;
[t, channels] = mesti2s(syst, {'left'}, {'right'});
System size: ny = 600, nx = 241 => 241; N_prop= {61, 61}
xBC = {outgoing, outgoing}; yBC = periodic; Hz polarization
Building G0 ... elapsed time: 0.042 secs
Building B,C... elapsed time: 0.001 secs
... elapsed time: 0.004 secs
Building A ... elapsed time: 0.087 secs
< Method: APF using MUMPS with AMD ordering (symmetric K) >
Building K ... elapsed time: 0.053 secs
Analyzing ... elapsed time: 0.109 secs
Factorizing ... elapsed time: 0.766 secs
Total elapsed time: 1.085 secs
[~, sigma_max, v_max] = svds(t, 1, 'largest');
N_prop_L = channels.L.N_prop; % number of propagating channels on the left
ind_normal = round((N_prop_L+1)/2); % index of the normal-incident plane-wave
T_avg = sum(abs(t).^2,'all')/N_prop_L; % average over all channels
T_PW = sum(abs(t(:,ind_normal)).^2); % normal-incident plane-wave
T_open = sigma_max^2; % open channel
fprintf('T_avg = %f\nT_PW = %f\nT_open = %f\n', T_avg, T_PW, T_open)
T_avg = 0.171411
T_PW = 0.198797
T_open = 0.981566
in.v_L = zeros(N_prop_L, 2);
in.v_L(ind_normal, 1) = 1;
in.v_L(:, 2) = v_max;
Hz = mesti2s(syst, in, [], opts);
System size: ny = 600, nx = 241 => 241; N_prop= {61, 61}
xBC = {outgoing, outgoing}; yBC = periodic; Hz polarization
Building G0 ... elapsed time: 0.048 secs
Building B,C... elapsed time: 0.001 secs
... elapsed time: 0.000 secs
Building A ... elapsed time: 0.087 secs
< Method: factorize_and_solve using MUMPS with AMD ordering >
Analyzing ... elapsed time: 0.196 secs
Factorizing ... elapsed time: 0.805 secs
Solving ... elapsed time: 0.107 secs
... elapsed time: 0.068 secs
Total elapsed time: 1.325 secs
x_Hz = [x_Hz(1) - (opts.nx_L:-1:1)*dx, x_Hz, x_Hz(end) + (1:opts.nx_R)*dx];
% animate the field profile of the open channel
Hz = Hz/max(abs(Hz(:,:,1)), [], 'all'); % normalize with respect to the plane-wave-input profile
animate_field_profile(Hz(:,:,2), x0_list, y0_list, r0_list, x_Hz, y_Hz, ...
nperiod, nframes_per_period);