This code was used in the paper:
"Revisiting Joint Modeling of Cross-document Entity and Event Coreference Resolution"
Shany Barhom, Vered Shwartz, Alon Eirew, Michael Bugert, Nils Reimers and Ido Dagan. ACL 2019.
A neural model implemented in PyTorch for resolving cross-document entity and event coreference. The model was trained and evaluated on the ECB+ corpus.
ssh [email protected]
- Python 3.6
- PyTorch 0.4.0
- 原文使用CUDA 9.0和LINUX:
pip install
- 我使用cpuonly和win64:
pip install
- 原文使用CUDA 9.0和LINUX:
- spaCy 2.0.18
- 安装完spaCy后,再Install the spacy en model with
python -m spacy download en
- 安装完spaCy后,再Install the spacy en model with
- Matplotlib 3.0.2
- NumPy 1.16.1(应该是1.17.3)
- NLTK 3.4
- scikit-learn 0.20.2
- SciPy 1.2.1(应该是1.3.1)
- seaborn 0.9.0
- AllenNLP 0.5.1
- perl 这玩意不是python包,是一个命令行工具。点击进入官网下载安装包并安装。 你需要新建一个python虚拟环境,然后安装上述包。
把项目路径添加到python导包目录。 Add your project root path as PYTHONPATH. 方法很多。例如:
- One way is editting your env parameter
- another way is createding a .pth file in Python Interpreter Home 我的项目在E:\ProgramCode\Barhom2019 那么我在anaconda安装目录D:\ProgramFiles\Anaconda3下新建mypath.pth文件, 写入:E:\ProgramCode\Barhom2019。保存。 然后打开python,import Barhom2019,成功导入,不报错即可。
- 下载。Download pretrained event and entity models and pre-processed data for the ECB+ corpus at . 这玩意在谷歌网盘上,你要直接下能卡死。使用多网盘同步工具MultClude把谷歌网盘上的文件转到OneDrive上,在从OneDrive上下载。 参见
- 配置文件。Configure the model and test set paths in the configuration file test_config.json accordingly. 你看他的配置,就知道他本来怎么布置上一步下载的数据和模型的,按照他原来的结构布置你下载的数据和模型即可。我没改动,怕踩坑。
- 其他数据。the script's configuration file (test_config.json) also requires:
- An output file of a within-document entity coreference system on the ECB+ corpus (provided in this repo at data/external/stanford_neural_wd_entity_coref_out/ecb_wd_coref.json)
- An output file of the document clustering algorithm that has been used in the paper (provided in this repo at data/external/document_clustering/predicted_topics)
- 运行。Run the script
- run with the command:
python src/all_models/ --config_path test_config.json --out_dir <output_directory>
- 参数解释:
- a path to a JSON file holds the test configuration (test_config.json). An explanation about this configuration file is provided in
- the output directory.
- 例子:
python src/all_models/ --config_path test_config.json --out_dir output
- 参数解释:
- run in PyCharm
- 在File - Settings - Project - Project interpreter中添加你的虚拟环境。
- 在Run - Edit Configuration中点“+”,选python,则会新建一个运行配置,修改配置:
- Script path: <项目根目录>\src\all_models\
- Parameters: --config_path test_config.json --out_dir output
- Environment variables: PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1
- Python interpreter: 选你刚添加的虚拟环境
- Work directory: <项目根目录>
- Main output:
- Two response (aka system prediction) files:
- cross-document entity coreference results in CoNLL format.CD_test_event_mention_based.response_conll
- cross-document event coreference results in CoNLL format.
- A text file contains the CoNLL coreference scorer's output (F1 score).
- Two response (aka system prediction) files:
- run with the command:
在src/all_models/train_model_my的498行附件,有检测代码, 用于查看是否存在错误的簇,即簇内指称类型不同
- [奥巴马]是美国总统,[他]明天将发表演讲。[奥巴马]12日在白宫发表演讲,[他]针对环境问题提出改革意见。
- [张三丰]是美国总统,[他]明天将发表演讲。[张三丰]12日在白宫发表演讲,[他]针对环境问题提出改革意见。
# 使用语料扩增(不使用就注释了这一句)
pairs_2 = cluster_pairs_to_mention_pairs_2(cluster_pairs)
# 使用语料扩增(不使用就注释了这一句)
- /lib/human_name_tools: 这是用于随机生成一个名字的包
- /src/all_models/model_utils中的def cluster_pairs_to_mention_pairs_2(cluster_pairs)函数:这是用于替换原代码中的def cluster_pairs_to_mention_pairs(cluster_pairs)函数。
- 下载。The pre-processed data for ECB+ corpus shoud be put into
. This data is available in two way:- Download the pre-processed data for the ECB+ corpus at
- Alternatively, you can create the data from scratch by following the instructions below.
- 下载。Download GloVe embeddings from (we used glove.6B.300d).
- 配置文件。Configure paths in the configuration file train_config.json (see details at
- the script's configuration file (train_config.json) also requires:
- An output file of a within-document entity coreference system on the ECB+ corpus (provided in this repo at data/external/stanford_neural_wd_entity_coref_out)
- Run the script
- Run with the command:
python src/all_models/ --config_path train_config.json --out_dir <output_directory>
- Param:
- config_path - a path to a JSON file holds the training configuration (train_config.json). An explanation about this configuration file is provided in
- out_dir - an output directory.
- Example:
python src/all_models/ --config_path train_config.json --out_dir output
- Param:
- Run in PyCharm
- Output:
- Two trained models that are saved to the files:
- the event model that got the highest B-cubed F1 score on the dev set.cd_entity_best_model
- the entity model that got the highest B-cubed F1 score on the dev set.
- a summary of the training.
- Two trained models that are saved to the files:
- Run with the command:
This repository provides pre-processed data for the ECB+ corpus (download from In case you want to create the data from scratch, do the following steps:
- ECB+ corpors should be put into
- extract the gold mentions and documents from the ECB+ corpus:
- run with the command:
python src/data/ --ecb_path <ecb_path> --output_dir <output_directory> --data_setup 2 --selected_sentences_file data/raw/ECBplus_coreference_sentences.csv
- Param:
- a directory contains the ECB+ documents (can be downloaded from
- output directory.data_setup
- enter '2' to load the ECB+ data in the same evaluation setup as used in our experiments (see the setup description in the paper).selected_sentences_file
- path to a CSV file contains the selected sentences.
- Example:E:\ProgramCode\Barhom2019Main\event_entity_coref_ecb_plus >
python src/data/ --ecb_path data\raw\ECBplus --output_dir output --data_setup 2 --selected_sentences_file data/raw/ECBplus_coreference_sentences.csv
- Param:
- run in PyCharm
- Main Output:
The script saves for each data split (train/dev/test):
- A json file contains its mention objects.
- A text file contains its sentences. they are listed here:
- ECB_All_Entity_gold_mentions.json
- ECB_All_Event_gold_mentions.json
- ECB_Dev_corpus.txt
- ECB_Dev_Entity_gold_mentions.json
- ECB_Dev_Event_gold_mentions.json
- ECB_Test_corpus.txt
- ECB_Test_Entity_gold_mentions.json
- ECB_Test_Event_gold_mentions.json
- ECB_Train_corpus.txt
- ECB_Train_Entity_gold_mentions.json
- ECB_Train_Event_gold_mentions.json
- mention_stats.txt (statistic info)
- run with the command:
- After: All the output files( except statistic info) should be put into
to works as input data inFeature extraction
- Allennlp:
Allennlp do not officially support Windows. So there is a a little bug to be fixed in Windows. In
allennlp/commands/common/, comment out this command
import resource
. - Data from last step:
The output files (JSON and text files) of
Loading the ECB+ corpus
) should be put intodata\interim\cybulska_setup
. - Output files of SwiRL SRL system on the ECB+ corpus (already provided in this repo at
). - Download ELMo's files (options file and weights) from (we used Original 5.5B model files. It is at
Pre-trained ELMo Models
chapter in that website). Download and put it intodata\external\elmo
. - Feature extraction.
Run the feature extraction script, which extracts predicate-argument
structures, mention head and ELMo embeddings, for each mention in each split
- run with command:
python src/features/ --config_path build_features_config.json --output_path <output_path>
- Param:
- a path to a JSON file holds the feature extraction configuration (build_features_config.json). An explanation about this configuration file is provided in
- a path to the output directory.
- Example:
python src/features/ --config_path build_features_config.json --output_path output
- Param:
- run in PyCharm
- Output:
This script saves 3 pickle files, each contains a Corpus object representing each split:
- the training data, used as an input to the script
- the dev data, used as an input to the script
- the test data, used as an input to the script
- config info. It is a copy of the file which is given byconfig_path
parameter in the instruction.train_statistics.txt
- statistic infodev_statistics.txt
- statistic infotest_statistics.txt
- statistic info
- run with command:
- All the output files( except the config info and statistic info ) should be put into
to works as input data in thetraining
Contact Shany Barhom at [email protected] for questions about this repository.