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ZieIony edited this page Apr 5, 2015 · 2 revisions


Methods: get/setBackground(Drawable)

Type: color

Used for specifying a touch ripple for a view. Can be any color with alpha value. For best results set alpha component to 0x42, as described in Material Design guidelines. Carbon theme has an attribute called carbon_rippleColor, which can be used to change ripple colors globally. Setting the ripple color to @null clears the ripple from the view.


Type: enum (over, borderless, background)

Ripple style can be set to one of three enum values. Background style ripple is set as a background and behaves like a simple animated background. Borderless style extends beyond view's bounds to create a circle. Over style is useful for creating ripples on views with rich content, like CardView, ImageView or layouts.


Type: boolean

Ripples with hotspot enabled start in the point of touch. Ripples with hotspot disabled start in the middle of a view.

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