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A Bloody Mess: The Implementation of Cleaning in The WereCleaner (Presented by Unity)


作者:Levi Pinkert  (Lead Designer, The WereCleaner, The WereCleaner)、Cameron Gomez  (Lead Engineer, The WereCleaner, The WereCleaner)

From student project to indie success, The WereCleaner was brought to life in just one year. In this session, hear from the game's lead engineer and lead designer about using Unity to implement the game's distinctive core loop – a combination of violent stealth and laidback cleaning. They'll describe the system that generates messes by splattering the blood of innocent NPCs across the environment and the inner workings of the game's satisfying cleaning mechanics.

从学生项目到独立游戏的成功,《The WereCleaner》仅用一年时间就得以面世。在这次分享中,我们将听到游戏的主要工程师和主设计师讲述如何使用Unity来实现游戏独特的核心循环——暴力潜行与轻松清洁的结合。他们将描述一种系统,该系统通过将无辜NPC的血液溅洒在环境中来生成混乱,并详细介绍游戏中令人满意的清洁机制的内部运作。

Independent Games Summit: 'Bird': Developing a Game from Both Sides of a Prison Wall


作者:Spencer Bambrick  (Composer/Designer, A Sole Proprietorship)

This session will be a deep dive into the design, development, and social impact of Bird, an interactive documentary about mass incarceration in the U.S. Bird was developed in collaboration with artist and activist Darrell Fair, who has served thirty years of a fifty year sentence in StatevilleCorrectional. Bird features hand-drawn artwork and recorded interviews of Darrell and his family, presented as “artifacts” (or memories) that players interact with. These artifacts pull players into the story of his arrest, coerced confession, his treatment in prison and its impact on his loved ones. Attendees will walk away with an inspirational look at the unique and moving development of Bird, practical advice on developing an experimental game design practice, and an understanding of the power that interactive storytelling has to make a lasting impact on players.


Independent Games Summit: 'The Crush House': Fresh Gameplay Inspired By The Real World


作者:Nicole He  (Creative Director, Independent)

Stories in video games are often based on the real world. But what about mechanics in video games being based on The Real World? The Crush House is a game about being the producer of a reality TV show. It's not quite a management sim, or a visual novel, or a first-person shooter - in fact, it is a "thirst-person shooter," where you film things to satisfy audiences while uncovering a mystery. Rather than following the conventional path of taking a tried-and-true genre and mechanic and adding a twist on top, The Crush House's unusual gameplay comes from iterating on capturing a specific fantasy from real life - being behind the scenes of a reality show. Nicole He, the game's creative director, will talk about the challenges and rewards of making innovative gameplay by looking for inspiration from outside of familiar game design formulas.

视频游戏中经常采用现实世界的故事。但视频游戏中的机制能否基于真实世界呢?《The Crush House》是一款关于成为一档真人秀节目的制作人的游戏。它不仅仅是一款管理模拟游戏、视觉小说或第一人称射击游戏——实际上,它是一款“渴求人称射击”游戏,在这里你需要拍摄各种事物来满足观众的需求,同时揭开一个谜团。与遵循传统的做法不同,即在已有的成熟类型和机制上添加一些创新元素,《The Crush House》独特的游戏玩法来自于对捕捉现实生活中的特定幻想进行迭代——置身于真人秀节目幕后。该作的创意总监妮可·何(Nicole He)将讨论通过从熟悉的游戏设计公式之外寻找灵感来创造创新游戏体验所面临的挑战和收获。

Independent Games Summit: Comedy Through Patterns (How to Structure a Funny Video Game)


作者:Tanat Boozayaangool  (Independent Game Developer, Tan Ant Games)

Have you ever wondered what makes a video game funny? (Spoiler: it's not puns).In this talk, the developer behind Building Relationships dissects humor through an analytical lens to explain comedy fundamentals and demonstrate how they're applied throughout the game. The speaker argues that comedy doesn't just come from writing, but also from the structure it exists in. The talk examines the approach behind Building Relationships and presents case studies of other games to explore how comedy is supported by various disciplines (i.e. level design, music, narrative design, etc.).Building Relationships is a silly adventure game where players take the role of a house that's on a date with a building. Described as "A Short Hike, but stupid", this game is a barrage of absurdist comedy fueled by improv sensibilities. Hidden behind its comedic facade, the game conveys a heartfelt story about what it takes to stay alive.



Independent Games Summit: Content-Ready Game Development


作者:Matt Hackett  (Game Developer, Valadria)

Making great games isn’t enough anymore. For our games to be successful, we also need to spread the word about them. In 2025 that means creating content, especially for online stores and social media platforms.To do this, we need loads of screenshots and video!This talk discusses making changes directly to your game to ease this process. We’ll rapidly load up the exact content you need to capture, and make tools to generate screenshots from within your game. We’ll cover screenshot best practices (like when to show or hide UI elements) and videos too (like muting music but playing sound effects).This process should be streamlined, so that we stay in the flow of work, retaining concentration and productivity. By the end of this talk you’ll be empowered to quickly generate any content you need, in any format or resolution. Let’s make screenshots and video easy to capture!


Independent Games Summit: Creating a Handcrafted Game: 'Harold Halibut' Postmortem


作者:Onat Hekimoglu  (Co-Founder, Director, Composer, Slow Bros. GmbH)、Ole Tillmann  (Co-Founder, Art Director, Slow Bros. GmbH)

SLOW BROS., has worked on their debut title, Harold Halibut for more than a decade.The game consists entirely of physically made models that are 3D scanned and put together in the Unity engine.The result is a wholly unique stop motion-like visual quality that is deeply immersive through its carefully crafted interactivity.This presentation will explore the studio's bumpy yet fortunate journey, showcasing its unconventional asset creation and development pipeline, as well as the experimental and iterative processes that led to this approach.

SLOW BROS.公司为其首部作品《哈罗德·哈利伯特》投入了超过十年的时间。这款游戏完全采用了实体模型,这些模型经过3D扫描并在Unity引擎中组装。结果是一种完全独特的定格动画般的视觉效果,通过精心设计的互动性使其沉浸感极强。本次展示将探索该工作室坎坷但幸运的旅程,展示其非常规的资产创建和开发流程,以及引领至这种制作方法的实验性和迭代性过程。

Independent Games Summit: Developing at 5mb per Year: The Making of 'Animal Well'


作者:Billy Basso  (Game Developer, Shared Memory)

Billy Basso developed his game, Animal Well, completely from scratch over the course of 7 years. Weighing in at only 33mb, Animal Well has been lauded by critics and fans for both its elegant design and technical sophistication. Billy Basso will share some of the techniques he used to achieve the look and sound of the game, his approach to design, and how he managed to maintain the discipline to keep at the project for so long.

Billy Basso 花费7年时间完全从零开始开发了他的游戏《动物之井》。《动物之井》体积仅有33MB,凭借其优雅的设计和高超的技术水平,该游戏受到了评论家和玩家的一致好评。Billy Basso 将分享他用来实现游戏画面和声音效果的一些技术,他的设计理念,以及他是如何保持毅力,坚持如此长时间的开发工作的。

Independent Games Summit: Fostering a Culture of Clear Communication in Game Dev


作者:Akash Thakkar  (Sound Designer, Thakkar Audio LLC)、Ryan Ike  (Composer, Independent)、Charlie Harper  (Producer/Designer, Galvanic Games Inc / Co-op Kitchen / Lucky Tree Studios)、Jess Erion  (Writer & Game Designer, Lucky Tree Studio / Independent)、Ziyad Duron  (Advanced Game Designer / Lead Game Designer, Schell Games / Co-op Kitchen)

What separates a good studio from a great one? In this panel, industry veterans Akash Thakkar, Jess Erion, Ryan Ike, Ziyad Duron, and Charlie Harper explore the deceptively complex answer to this question: communication. They demonstrate techniques for clear cross-disciplinary dialogue, avoiding jargon, and leveraging audio/visual examples for enhanced understanding. The panelists highlight the pivotal role of producers and share compelling stories of communication successes and failures. Attendees learn to build a supportive and enthusiastic studio dynamic, where motivation is high and creative spirals are a thing of the past. Through practical insights and engaging anecdotes, this panel equips developers with tools to bridge communication gaps, ultimately enhancing team collaboration and productivity. This session is essential for anyone looking to improve their project's communication dynamics and overall efficiency.

什么使一家优秀的游戏工作室成为卓越的工作室?在这个小组讨论中,行业资深人士Akash Thakkar、Jess Erion、Ryan Ike、Ziyad Duron和Charlie Harper探讨了这个问题看似简单但复杂的答案:沟通。他们演示了清晰的跨学科对话技巧,避免使用行话,并利用音频/视觉示例来增强理解。小组成员强调制作人的重要作用,并分享了关于沟通成功与失败的引人入胜的故事。参会者学习如何建立一个支持性和热情高涨的工作室氛围,在这种氛围下,士气高昂且创意障碍成为过去。通过实用的见解和生动的轶事,该小组为开发者提供了工具,以弥合沟通差距,最终提升团队协作和生产力。对于希望提高项目沟通动态和整体效率的人来说,这次研讨会是必不可少的。

Independent Games Summit: Free During Development: The Unusual Marketing and Development Strategy of 'Cosmoteer'


作者:Walt Destler  (CEO, Walternate Realities)

In October 2022, "Cosmoteer: Starship Architect & Commander" launched on Steam Early Access and became an instant indie hit, selling nearly 200k units in its first month and over 450k units to date. But that success didn't come out of nowhere; it was the clear result of the unusual decision to let the world play Cosmoteer for free during most of its development. This talk will explain why that decision was made, the results of that decision, this strategy's general pros and cons, and why many game developers should consider doing the same.

2022年10月,“Cosmoteer: Starship Architect & Commander”在Steam抢先体验阶段发布,并迅速成为独立游戏的热门作品,在第一个月内售出了近20万份,至今已售出超过45万份。但这一成功并非偶然;它是早期决定在大部分开发期间让玩家免费游玩Cosmoteer这一不寻常决策的直接结果。本次演讲将解释为何做出这一决定、该决策的结果、这一策略的一般优缺点,以及为什么许多游戏开发者应该考虑采取类似的策略。

Independent Games Summit: Funding a Sustainable Cooperative Indie Studio in the Apocalypse


作者:Ty Underwood  (Department Chair, Lake Washington Institute of Technology)、D. Squinkifer  (Co-Founder, Soft Chaos)、Jess Rowan Marcotte  (Co-Founder, Designer, Writer; Community Organizer, Soft Chaos Cooperative; QGCon)

How can worker-owned game studios weather the unpredictable nature of the games industry while avoiding burnout and remaining viable- in all senses of the word? Soft Chaos Cooperative will start by presenting a case study of individual studio practices for cooperative studio sustainability. Comradery Cooperative will follow with a discussion of federated structures, navigating the secret world of "fintech" funding, and how cooperatives can come together to build structures that last. This talk will discuss practices at both the individual and collective levels that can help create resilient, equitable, and sustainable structures within the industry.

如何让工人所有的游戏工作室在游戏行业的不可预测性中生存下来,同时避免过度劳累并保持可行——从字面上讲?Soft Chaos Cooperative 将首先介绍一个关于个别工作室实践以实现合作工作室可持续性的案例研究。Comradery Cooperative 随后将讨论联邦结构,探索“金融科技”资金的秘密世界,以及合作社如何共同构建持久的结构。此次演讲将讨论在个人和集体层面上的实践,这些实践有助于在行业内创建具有韧性、公平和可持续性的结构。

Independent Games Summit: Fundraising Bootcamp: Legal and Business Considerations


作者:Jon Loiterman  (Of Counsel, Foundation Law Group LLP)、Steven Lee  (Partner, Foundation Law Group, LLP)

Raising funds for gaming companies can be daunting, especially when developers lack insight into the diverse expectations of different investors. This session demystifies the key funding models available, offering a legal and strategic roadmap for navigating options like publisher financing, venture capital, private equity, angel investment, crowdfunding, and more. Attendees will explore the risks, benefits, and investor dynamics that can make or break a project. With real-world examples and practical advice, this talk empowers developers to make informed financial decisions, align their funding approach with their goals, and avoid costly missteps that could jeopardize their company’s success.

为游戏公司筹集资金可能会令人望而生畏,尤其是当开发者缺乏对不同投资者多样期望的洞察时。本场会议将揭秘可用的关键融资模式,提供法律和战略路线图,以导航诸如发行商融资、风险投资、私募股权、天使投资、众筹等选项。与会者将探讨可能成就或毁掉一个项目的风险、收益以及投资者动态。通过现实世界中的案例和实用建议,本演讲赋予开发者做出明智财务决策的能力,使其融资策略与目标相匹配,并避免可能导致其公司成功受阻的 costly missteps(成本高昂的失误)。

Independent Games Summit: Gameplay System Design for Indies Microtalks: A Soapbox


作者:Monica Fan  (Game Designer, Pipeworks Studios)、Damien Crawford  (Head of Operations, Cannibal Interactive)、Jakub Kasztalski  (Founder & Creative Director , Unbound Creations)、Scott Fine  (Senior Systems Designer, Skydance Interactive)、Nat Loh  (Design Consultant, Independent)、Joe Quadara  (Indie Dev Consultant, Studio Director, Recurver Consulting, Lunar Lunchbox)

A well-designed gameplay system is essential to creating an engaging experience, and even minor adjustments can lead to significant improvements. However, for many first-time indie game developers, system design can seem daunting and complex. It is commonly seen as "the overwhelming part of design" and is often overlooked until it is too late.

In this talk, we bring together a diverse group of game designers with varying levels of experience to share their insights in a series of microtalks. Our aim is to demystify the role of system designers and showcase how the role exists within games with different scope from solo dev projects to III indie.

We will give a big-picture overview of what systemic design is, with specific examples such as combat mechanics, fire propagation, and more!




Independent Games Summit: Hitting the Bullseye: Crafting a Winning Strategy for Targeting Creators and Press


作者:Jenny Windom  (Communications Director, Ivy Road)、Dana Trebella  (Founder, Spoke & Wheel Strategy)

With renowned, long-term game media outlets like Waypoint and Game Informer shuttering over the past year, and the proliferation of influencers in the space, studios and publishers need to adjust their marketing strategies to fit the ever-changing media environment.

This rapidly changing landscape has led to misconceptions ("If this streamer plays my game, I'll get this many sales!") and challenges in determining the strongest ways to maximize the impact of outreach, assets, and announcements. In this talk, Dana and Jenny will combine their years of experience working in marketing, content creation, brand strategy, and PR to detail how studios and publishers can make sense of what's available to them. They'll first do this by sharing strategies for running a competitive analysis, then model how teams can use that information to determine the best timing, audience, and outreach for traditional media and influencers, creating impactful activations for their title's marketing lifecycle.

随着知名的游戏媒体机构如Waypoint和Game Informer在过去一年的关闭,以及影响力人物在这一领域的增多,工作室和发行商需要调整其营销策略以适应不断变化的媒体环境。


Independent Games Summit: How to Plan for Audio as a Developer


作者:Em Halberstadt  (Creative Director, A Shell in the Pit)

Never panic again about your game audio at the last minute! In this talk you will gain knowledge about the entire process of sound design for games from start to finish. The session will cover coming up with references, how different design techniques can affect your game, what to listen for, and how the implementation and mixing processes work. Em shares ideas on how sound can add a unique voice to your game, and how to communicate what feelings you'd like to evoke, as well as how to start thinking about it right from the beginning of your project.

再也不用担心游戏音频在最后一刻出现问题!在这次演讲中,你将了解游戏声音设计整个流程的知识,从开始到结束。本次会议将涵盖如何提出参考意见、不同的设计技术如何影响你的游戏、应该注意什么,以及实施和混音过程的工作方式。Em 分享了关于声音如何为你的游戏增添独特声音的想法,以及如何传达你希望唤起的情感,甚至是如何从项目一开始就考虑这些问题。

Independent Games Summit: Marketing Your Game Under the New Steam Rules


作者:Chris Zukowski  (Game Marketing Strategist, How To Market A Game)

2024 was the year Valve made major changes on how games and their demos gain visibility. In this talk, game marketing researcher Chris Zukowski will list the changes and show you how successful developers have adapted to them.

2024年是Valve对游戏及其演示版如何获得曝光方式进行重大改变的一年。在本次演讲中,游戏营销研究员克里斯·祖科夫斯基(Chris Zukowski)将列举这些变化,并展示成功的开发者们是如何适应这些变化的。

Independent Games Summit: Meetings Make Games! Fostering Empathy and Focus in Collaborative Discussion


作者:Michelle Olson  (Mission Designer, Lightspeed LA)

Creative meetings are wonderful yet delicate things - they can be exhilarating… but if not run with intention, can become exasperating. Sometimes a single voice dominates the room. Sometimes no one feels empowered to speak. Worst of all, a poorly run design meeting can make attendees feel like it was all a waste of time. With indie development, every minute is precious - What can we do to consistently boost the energy, productivity, and magic of these meetings? How can we get the most out of our designers and foster an environment of creativity, camaraderie, and focus? In this talk, game designer and former game director Michelle Olson will introduce and discuss the importance of psychological safety, and how meeting structure, communication style, and a whole lot of empathy can assist with making your meetings energizing, efficient, and empowering.


Independent Games Summit: Microtalks: Solving Production Problems


作者:Jen Costa  (Director of Production, Uken Games)、Shahrin Khan  (Lead Producer, Visai Games)、Kaitlin Smith  (Senior Producer, Capybara Games)

The role of a Producer in game development is fraught with challenges that demand a fine balance of strategic foresight, people management, and operational agility. Additionally, a solution that works for one company/team might not work for another.In this microtalk session about Solving Production Problems, we'll dig into a few different classic Production issues and offer an opportunity for experienced Producers to share how they resolved (or survived) some of the most challenging hurdles they face in their roles and on their projects as well as what worked or didn't work for their teams.


Independent Games Summit: Sex Sells! Or Does It? Making Top Quality Adult Games


作者:HotPink  (Game Design Director and Producer, HotPink Games)

Everyone knows sex sells! Even better if your game has actual sex in it, right? It’s like easy mode! But is it really that easy these days? The games market as a whole has become highly saturated, and the quality of NSFW games varies wildly. But, we have hope for a better future!In this session, discover how Critical Bliss, one of the top lewd game publishers, is raising the bar in adult games. Also, steal some tips from HotPink Games, who’s reached 6 million game downloads by intrinsically mixing their game design with sexual content. And, leave with actionable ideas on how you too can make your game more pleasurable– even if it’s fully SFW.This session contains mature themes and may not be suitable for all audiences. Be advised that graphic language and explicit images sexual in nature may be used.

大家都知道性是可以促进销售的!如果游戏中真的有性内容,那就更好了,对吧?这就像开启了简单模式一样!但如今真的那么简单吗?整个游戏市场已经变得高度饱和,而不适宜工作场所观看(NSFW)的游戏质量参差不齐。但我们对未来抱有希望!在这次分享中,我们将了解顶级色情游戏发行商之一Critical Bliss是如何提升成人游戏的标准的。此外,我们还将从HotPink Games那里偷学一些技巧,他们的游戏下载量已达到600万次,通过将游戏设计与性内容内在结合,实现了这一成就。并且,你将带着可行的想法离开,如何让你的游戏也变得更加吸引人——即使它完全是适宜工作场所观看(SFW)的内容。本次分享包含成熟主题,可能不适合所有观众。请注意,可能会使用具有图形语言和露骨的性内容图片。

Independent Games Summit: The Intricate Web of Relationships: Indigenous-Centered Design


作者:Mary (waabishkiimiigwan) Hermes  (Director, Grassroots Indigenous Multimedia)、Anangookwe Hermes-Roach  (Lead Designer and Backend Dev, Grassroots Indigenous Multimedia)、Renee Nejo  (Art Director, GIM)、Joshua Herron  (Character Art and Animation Director, Grassroots Indigenous Multimedia)、Steve Zimmerman  (VP, Eline Media)、Jennifer Estaris  (Game Director, ustwo games)

How have we as game makers dedicated to social justice and indigenous-centered design navigated this process? Producers, writers and creatives from three different games: Reclaim!, Never Alone, and Monument Valley 3, will discuss our different approaches to relationship building, oral traditions/storytelling and indigenous languages and sustainability. While aware of stereotypes and erasures in popular culture, we tell of our own missteps and innovations and why the journey is worth it.

作为致力于社会正义和以原住民为中心设计的游戏开发者,我们是如何应对这一过程的?来自三款不同游戏《Reclaim!》、《Never Alone》和《Monument Valley 3》的制作人、编剧和创作者们将讨论我们在关系构建、口述传统/故事讲述以及原住民语言和可持续性方面的不同方法。尽管我们意识到流行文化中的刻板印象和抹去,我们将分享我们自己的失误与创新,并解释为什么这段旅程是值得的。

Independent Games Summit: The Show Must Go On: Maximizing Your Game's Visibility with Online Festivals


作者:Dana Trebella  (Founder, Spoke & Wheel Strategy)、Derek Leiu  (Creative Director, Derek Lieu Creative)

This talk will cover the importance of festivals and showcases as a part of your marketing campaign, how to choose the right festival for you, and how to plan your marketing beats and assets to maximize your chances of getting in. We'll share some marketing timing tips to both help you get in to your desired festival(s) and optimize your visibility if you do. We'll also walk through the importance of considering festivals when planning out your marketing cadence and beats from the beginning, and how to do this effectively.

Talking with organizers of some of the game industry's key festivals, we'll provide insights and tips to make your application stand out. We'll also walk through what makes a compelling showcase trailer, how to prep for the showcase, and how to maximize the opportunity.



Independent Games Summit: What Even is 1.0?: Indefinite Early Access and Live Development


作者:Tanya X. Short  (Captain, Kitfox Games)、Tarn Adams  (Toady One, Bay 12 Games)、Jason Grinblat  (Creative Director, Freehold Games)、Alexandra Orlando  (Community Director, Kitfox Games)、Daniel Fedor  (Director, Blue Bottle Games)

Every game has a different struggle to face when it comes to live development, inviting players to participate in the evolution of a concept from a seedling to a full-fledged product. However, even if we limit the conversation by genre and platform (sandbox simulations on Steam), we can still see different teams use different methods and philosophies to pursue their goals and grow their game. Some tiptoe stealthily into Early Access, some launch into it with a bang, some bypass Early Access altogether. Some save up giant patches for years and others patch weekly. Four different teams will share their approach and the pros and cons they've observed in their results.


Unity Developer Summit: Building Fear: The Tech Behind Phasmophobia (Presented by Unity)


作者:Benjamin Lavender  (Technical Director, Kinetic Games, Kinetic Games)

Join Kinetic Games as they unveil the tech that powers Phasmophobia, the hit multiplatform ghost-hunting game. The team will delve into core mechanics, showcasing code snippets and screenshots to reveal secrets behind the game's atmosphere and immersion. Discover how algorithms create unpredictable ghost behaviour, how Kinetic uses the Unity Engine, and the tools and techniques used to bring the paranormal to life. This is a must-attend for developers and enthusiasts of all things spooky and technical.

加入Kinetic Games,他们将揭晓支撑《Phasmophobia》的技术,这是一款热门的多平台捉鬼游戏。团队将深入探讨核心机制,并展示代码片段和截图,以揭示游戏氛围和沉浸感背后的秘密。了解算法如何创造不可预测的鬼魂行为,Kinetic如何使用Unity引擎,以及用于将超自然现象生动呈现的各种工具和技术。这对所有喜欢恐怖和技术的开发者和爱好者来说是一场不容错过的活动。