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retry specifying remove after whatwg#95
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a-sully committed Jun 22, 2023
1 parent bee4f50 commit 957ffea
Showing 1 changed file with 92 additions and 0 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -332,6 +332,7 @@ interface FileSystemHandle {
readonly attribute USVString name;

Promise<boolean> isSameEntry(FileSystemHandle other);
Promise<undefined> remove(optional FileSystemRemoveOptions options = {});

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -416,6 +417,97 @@ The <dfn method for=FileSystemHandle>isSameEntry(|other|)</dfn> method steps are


### The {{FileSystemHandle/remove()}} method ### {#api-filesystemhandle-remove}

<div class="note domintro">
: await |handle| . {{FileSystemHandle/remove()|remove}}()
: await |handle| . {{FileSystemHandle/remove()|remove}}({ {{FileSystemRemoveOptions/recursive}}: false })
:: Deletes the [=file system entry=] [=locate an entry|locatable=] by
|handle|'s [=FileSystemHandle/locator=] from the underlying file system.

Attempting to delete a file or directory that does not exist is considered
success, while attempting to delete a non-empty directory will
result in a promise rejection.

: await |handle| . {{FileSystemHandle/remove()|remove}}({ {{FileSystemRemoveOptions/recursive}}: true })
:: Deletes the [=file system entry=] [=locate an entry|locatable=] by
|handle|'s [=FileSystemHandle/locator=] from the underlying file system.
If that [=file system entry=] is a [=directory entry=],
its contents will also be deleted recursively.

Attempting to delete a file or directory that does not exist is considered

<div algorithm>
The <dfn method for=FileSystemHandle>remove(|options|)</dfn> method steps are:

1. Let |result| be [=a new promise=].
1. Let |locator| be [=this=]'s [=FileSystemHandle/locator=].
1. Let |global| be [=this=]'s [=relevant global object=].
1. Let |isInABucketFileSystem| be true if
[=this=] [=FileSystemHandle/is in a bucket file system=];
otherwise false.
1. [=Enqueue the following steps=] to the [=file system queue=]:
1. Let |entry| be the result of [=locating an entry=] given |locator|.
1. Let |accessResult| be the result of running |entry|'s
[=file system entry/request access=] given "`readwrite`".
1. If |accessResult|'s [=file system access result/permission state=]
is not "{{PermissionState/granted}}", [=queue a storage task=] with
|global| to [=/reject=] |result| with a {{DOMException}} of
|accessResult|'s [=file system access result/error name=] and
abort these steps.

1. If |entry| is `null`, [=queue a storage task=] with |global| to [=/reject=]
|result| with a "{{NotFoundError}}" {{DOMException}} and abort these steps.

1. Let |lockResult| be the result of [=file entry/lock/take|taking a lock=]
with "`exclusive`" on |entry|.

Issue(137): Support locking directory entries.

1. [=Queue a storage task=] with |global| to run these steps:
1. If |lockResult| is "`failure`", [=/reject=] |result| with a
"{{NoModificationAllowedError}}" {{DOMException}} and abort these steps.

1. If |entry| is a [=directory entry=]:
1. If |entry|'s [=directory entry/children=] [=set/is empty=] and
|options|["{{FileSystemRemoveOptions/recursive}}"] is false,
[=/reject=] |result| with an
"{{InvalidModificationError}}" {{DOMException}} and abort these steps.

1. Let |isTheRootOfABucketFileSystem| be true if
|isInABucketFileSystem| is true and
|entry|'s [=file system entry/parent=] is `null`;
otherwise false.
1. If |isTheRootOfABucketFileSystem| is true:
1. [=set/For each=] |child| of |entry|'s [=directory entry/children=]:
1. Attempt to remove |child| from the underlying file system.
If that throws an exception, [=/reject=] |result| with
that exception and abort these steps.
1. Set |entry|'s [=directory entry/children=] to an empty [=/set=].
1. [=/Resolve=] |result| with `undefined` and abort these steps.

1. If |entry|'s [=file system entry/parent=] is not `null`,
[=set/remove=] |entry| from |entry|'s [=file system entry/parent=]'s
[=directory entry/children=].

1. Attempt to remove |entry| from the underlying file system.
If that throws an exception, [=/reject=] |result| with that exception
and abort these steps.

Note: If |options|["{{FileSystemRemoveOptions/recursive}}"] is true,
the removal can fail non-atomically. Some files or directories might
have been removed while other files or directories still exist.

Issue(11): Better specify what possible exceptions this could throw.

1. [=/Resolve=] |result| with `undefined`.

1. Return |result|.


## The {{FileSystemFileHandle}} interface ## {#api-filesystemfilehandle}

<xmp class=idl>
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