- Store inside a database transaction
- Attaching photos to an office
- Allow choosing a photo to become the featured photo
- Deleting a photo
- Must have at least one photo if it's approved.
- Must be authenticated & email verified
- Token (if exists) must allow
- Can only update their own offices
- Validation
- Must be authenticated & email verified
- Token (if exists) must allow
- Can only delete their own offices
- Cannot delete an office that has a reservation
- Must be authenticated & email verified
- Token (if exists) must allow
- Can only list their own reservations or reservations on their offices
- Allow filtering by office_id
- Allow filtering by user_id
- Allow filtering by date range
- Allow filtering by status
- Paginate
- Must be authenticated & email verified
- Token (if exists) must allow
- Cannot make reservations on their own property
- Validate no other reservation conflicts with the same time
- Use locks to make the process atomic
- Email user & host when a reservation is made
- Email user & host on reservation start day
- Generate WIFI password for new reservations (store encrypted)
- Must be authenticated & email verified
- Token (if exists) must allow
- Can only cancel their own reservation
- Can only cancel an active reservation that has a start_date in the future