here, I will describe how to build slowmoVideo for OSX from scratch. you will need of course Xcode and command line tools, with cmake will need some dependencies :
- glew (glew-1.10.0)
- ffmpeg (ffmpeg-2.2)
- jpeg (jpeg-9a)
- libpng (libpng-1.6.10) *zlib (zlib-1.2.8)
- yasm (for ffmpeg) (yasm-1.2.0)
- opencv (opencv-2.4.8)
- qt4 (qt 4.8.5)
- x264 for ffmpeg
1- you need to specify where to find some libraries for cmake :
export FFMPEGDIR=/Users/val/Documents/Sources/ffmpeg
2- run cmake :
cmake ../slowmoVideo/src -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/Users/val/Applications/slowmoVideo -DQTDIR=/Users/val/Documents/Sources/qt4 -DQT_MAKE_EXECUTABLE=/Users/val/Documents/Sources/qt4/bin/qmake -DOpenCV_DIR=/Users/val/Documents/Sources/opencv/share/OpenCV -DGLEW_INCLUDE_DIR=/Users/val/Documents/Sources/slowlib/include -DGLEW_LIBRAIRIES=/Users/val/Documents/Sources/slowlib/lib/libGLEW.a -DJPEG_INCLUDE_DIR=/Users/val/Documents/Sources/slowlib/include -DJPEG_LIBRARY=/Users/val/Documents/Sources/slowlib/lib/libjpeg.a -DFFMPEG_LIBRARY_DIR=/Users/val/Documents/Sources/ffmpeg/lib -DFFMPEG_INCLUDE_PATHS="/Users/val/Documents/Sources/ffmpeg/include"
check if cmake find all the needed part. As in my case some library where not found, so I have to specify them in CMakeCache.txt directly … they where : glew libraries and libswcale !
- if all is ok you can run
make ; make install
you will have some warning during compilation… you should now have a working GUI application bundle for MacOS in your install target directory.