- Fix: Better type-checking for bad schema objects;
- Fix: Polyfill `newVersion` for PhantomJS
- API change (breaking)/Feature: Add `clearUnusedIndexes` option (defaults to `true`);
- API change (breaking)/Feature: Destroy and rebuild stores or indexes if present with different options;
- API addition: Support a `schemas` object keyed to version with values
as `schema` objects. (Utilizes own `IdbImport` class, relying on own fork of `idb-schema` at least for now.);
idb-schema callbacks will be passed db.js `Server` as second argument
- API addition: Support a `schemaBuilder` callback which accepts an
[idb-schema](http://github.com/treojs/idb-schema) object for incremental,
versioned schema building and whose `addCallback` method will be
passed an enhanced `upgradeneeded` event object with a `Server` object
as a second argument for making db.js-style queries
(e.g., to modify store content), albeit with certain limitations.
Along with `schemas`, addresses issues aaronpowell#84/aaronpowell#109
- API addition: Support a `clearUnusedStores` property to conditionally avoid deleting old stores.
- API addition: Add `db.del` alias of `db.delete`
- API addition: Add `del()` alias on `Server` for parity with `idb-batch` (likely to use or adapt for multiple change transactions);
- Feature: Change schema (and allow for `schemas`) to differentiate between "mixed", "whole", "idb-schema", and "merge" types with `schemaType` option (defaulting to `mixed` for `schema` and `whole` for `schemas`, maintaining prior behavior in backward-compatible manner);
- Docs: Update `version` and `schema` to take `schemaBuilder` into account
(and document `schemaBuilder`).
- Docs: Expand on key behavior examples;
- Docs: Indicate that `key` is optional too
- Docs: Add mention of missing `limit` on `modify`
- Refactoring: Use `const` where possible;
- Refactoring: Change variable placement including reordering static variables according to type (built-in alias, IDB, immutables, cache)
- Refactoring: Avoid try-catch for brevity if will throw in sync body of Promise (but denote which lines may throw)
- Refactoring: simplify transaction building
- Refactoring: Add `lang` attribute for Atom linter-jade package;
- Code comment: `preventDefault` not only for Firefox.
- Code comment: Clarify how old connections may be closed
- Testing: Schema building tests
- Testing: Add tests for caching
- Testing: Add test:local and phantom on package.json scripts
- Testing: Fix server-handler test (expect specific error)
- Testing: Fix test-worker to deal with multiple babel-polyfill instances
- Testing: Remove redundant bad-args test
- Testing: Unregister service worker