Battleship game made using Elixir & Phoenix framework ❤️
You can:
- Play against computer
- Play against another player in real-time
- Create private rooms to play against a particular player
Deployed on 💪
Live at 😎
Checkout the setup guide for Phoenix:
- Start with a 10 x 10 matrix(all 0)
- 4 types of ships based on their length(all different)
- When user places a ship of certain length, we set the length in the given matrix at the desired position
- If a ship is hit, we set -1 at that position, if it is a miss, we assign -2 at that position
- Check the matrix for any natural number(> 0), if there is none, user has won the game
- Refactor game logic and main game server
- Add internal workings in readme