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- Tools folder → [see more in the image ]
- For Refer as per your tools must be made in this order [tools name]
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- toolname.css (if required)
- toolname.js (if required)
Note - make sure your tool must work properly before submiting the pull request make sure you check twice and also stick to the materialize css only then only PR will be accepted as a hacktoberfest label otherwise it will consider as invalid.
tools template (index.html) [Main Home page of the website ]
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<span class="card-title activator grey-text text-darken-4" title="description">[Name of the tool]
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<h2>[Tool name]
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<i class="material-icons">help</i></a>
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<h5>💡 Tip</h5>
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<div class="modal-content">
<h4 id="info-modal-heading">How To Use</h4>
<h5 id="info-modal-content" class="center-on-small-only">So What is PWA</h5>
<p class="justify">A progressive web application (PWA), commonly known as a progressive web app, is a type of
application software delivered through the web, built using common web technologies including HTML, CSS,
JavaScript, and WebAssembly. It is intended to work on any platform that uses a standards-compliant browser,
including both desktop and mobile devices.</p>
<p>Since a progressive web app is a type of webpage or website known as a web application, they do not require
separate bundling or distribution. Developers can just publish the web application online, ensure that it
meets baseline "installability requirements", and users will be able to add the application to their home
screen.Publishing the app to digital distribution systems like Apple App Store or Google Play is optional</p>
<h5 id="info-modal-content" class="center-on-small-only">how to add this web app</h5>
<p><b>Here are the steps to add</b></p>
<li>First and formost you will see the download icon on the address bar of your browser if you use chrome </li>
<img src="../../assets/images/dwl-pwa.jpg" alt="h2u" class="responsive-img"> on dektop or on android mobile
<img src="../../assets/images/add2home.jpeg" alt="h2u" class="center-on-small-only responsive-img">
<li>Then just click add or download as per on which ever your device is</li>
<li>Give some time to download </li>
<li>after your dowload is finished you will get this notification like this</li>
<img src="../../assets/images/notify.jpeg" alt="h2u" class="center-on-small-only responsive-img">
<li>Now you will see the app icon on your home screen Hurray!</li>
<p>Now your Good to go</p>
<h5 id="info-modal-content" class="center-on-small-only">special features</h5>
<p class="deep-purple-text">
<i>It can work offline as it is a native web app after net permits it works like as usual</i>
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<a href="https://web.dev/progressive-web-apps/" target="_blank" class="white-text">To know More Info click me</a>
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contribution template (about us html)
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<span class="card-title activator grey-text text-darken-4" title="description">[Github Profile Name]
<i class="material-icons right">description</i>
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<span class="card-title grey-text text-darken-4">Short Bio<i
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<h4 class="deep-purple-text">[Your Name]</h4>
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<p>[short bio]</p>
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