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186 lines (134 loc) · 12.7 KB

Thanks for considering contribute to Forte, a project of the ASYML family.

This file outlines the guidelines for contributing to Forte and ASYML projects. While the guideline cannot cover all scenarios, we ask everyone to be reasonable and make your bets judgments, and feel free to propose changes to this document via a pull request.

Code of Conduct

This project and everyone participating in it is governed by the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to [email protected].

How to contribute

What can I contribute?

There are many ways you can contribute to ASYML projects. The goal of our projects is to modularize Machine Learning and NLP questions, and to make NLP/ML problems as standard engineering problems. Each project solves slightly different problems. Pick the problem you are most interested and get started!

  • Texar(Texar-Pytorch): Modularize a complex ML model into smaller components at different levels.
  • Forte: Decompose and abstract complex NLP problems into multiple modules, and standardize the interface between the sub-problems and ML interface.
  • Forte Wrappers: Decompose and abstract complex NLP problems into multiple modules, and standardize the interface between the sub-problems and ML interface.
  • Stave: Provide visualization and annotation for NLP tasks, by providing generic UI elements based on the abstraction.

Forte and Forte-Wrapper Package Convention

We currently adopt a non-standard namespace packaging strategy. While this may introduce some constraints in development, this allows us to provide a unified user experience. The strategy, simply put, installs all Forte packages under "forte" module, but currently stored in two different repositories, as different projects.

Core Packages in Forte Main

  • forte: The root package contains the pipeline implementations, and defines the pipeline_component.
  • contains main data relevant components, mainly implements the data pack system and the ontology system.
  • forte.dataset: contains readers to popular datasets.
  • forte.processors: Processors are core components that perform NLP tasks. This module currently contains some base processor implementations and simple processor examples. We have
  • forte.models: Contains our in-house development of some NLP models.
  • forte.common: configuration, exceptions and other sharable code.

The fortex namespace and Forte Wrappers

  • Forte Wrapper contains adapters of third party tools. Each tool is installed in its own namespace to avoid dependency conflicts. Each directory contains a standalone project and can be installed independently. The project will be installed as and under fortex/xxx folder in the site-packages. For example, fortex.nltk will be installed under site_packages/fortex/nltk folder via pip isntall forte.nltk and the tool can be imported via import fortex.nltk and uninstalled via pip uninstall forte.nltk.

Ontology namespaces

  • The ft.onto namespace contains the core/basic ontology types defined by Forte, data types in this namespace are mainly generic NLP concepts, such as "Sentence", "Token".
  • The ftx namespace supports namespace packaging:
    • We use ftx.onto namespace to show extra types for demo/example purposes.
    • We are also working one additional types in the namespace types for certain domains.

Report Bugs

Bugs are tracked as GitHub issues. Search the issues to make sure the problem is not reported before.

To report a bug, create an issue provide the following information by filling in the bug report template.

In the bug template, make sure you include enough information for reproducing the problem:

  • Use a descriptive title to identify the problem.
  • Describe the steps to reproduce the problem, ideally a minimum code/command that can reproduce the problem.
  • Describe the environment as detail as possible.
  • Describe the actual behavior, and the expected behavior.

Feature Request

Enhancements are also tracked as issues. Similarly, Search the issues to make sure the enhancement is not suggested before. To suggest the enhancement, create an issue by filling in the feature enhancement template.

Following the feature template, fill in the information in more details:

  • A clear and concise description of what the problem is.
  • Describe the solution you'd like, with a clear and concise description of what you want to happen.
  • Describe alternatives you've considered.
  • Include as much context as possible.

Pull Requests

When you have fixed a bug or implemented a new feature, you can create a pull request for review.

  • Use a PR Template to structure your PR, and here:

    • The first line should always start with This PR fixes [issue link] or This PR partially addresses [issue link] where [issue link] can be replaced with a #ISSUE_ID associated to a specific issue. This allows Github to automatically link your pull request to the corresponding issue. If this pull request will close the issue we use fixes otherwise we can say partially addresses.
    • Description of changes: You should include a description of the changes that you make. If the pull request is aimed to fix an issue, you can explain the approaches to address the problem.
    • Possible influences of this PR: List all the potential side-effects of your update. Examples include influences on compatibility, performance, API signature, etc.
    • Test Conducted: Describe the test cases to verify the changes in pull request. You should always create unit tests for your updates in the pull request and make sure they can cover all of the conditional branches, especially the ones related to corner cases where bugs usually stem from. We will use Covergage to gauge the effectiveness of tests and you can refer to Codecov report to see which lines are not visited by your test cases.
  • Start your PR as draft and try to pass the Github Action CI check.

  • Mark the PR to be ready-for-review once you are satisfied with it.

Using Labels

We use standard issue labels such as priority, bug, enhancement, etc. We have a few topic labels to identify the type of the issue. Currently the topics are data ( problems in our data system), docs (problems about documentation), examples ( problems about the examples), interface (the interfaces between different modules) , model (machine learning models), ontology (the ontology system). We may have more topic labels in the future.

Style Guide

Coding Style

The programming language for Forte is Python. We follow the Google Python Style guide. The project code is examined using pylint, flake8, mypy, black and sphinx-build which will be run automatically in CI. It's recommended that you should run these tests locally before submitting your pull request to save time. Refer to the github workflow here for detailed steps to carry out the tests. Basically what you need to do is to install the requirements (check out the Install dependencies sections) and run the commands (refer to the steps in Format check with Black, Lint with flake8, Lint with pylint, Lint main code with mypy when torch version is not 1.5.0, Build Docs, etc.).

We also recommend using tools pre-commit that automates the checking process before each commit since checking format is a repetitive process. We have the configuration file .pre-commit-config.yaml that lists several plugins including black to check format in the project root folder. Developers only need to install the package by pip install pre-commit. All the package versions in the .pre-commit-config.yaml must be consistent with package versions in workflow configuration. For example, black package version should be set to the same.


All public methods require docstring and type annotation. It is recommended to add docstring for all functions. The docstrings should follow the Comments and Docstrings section of Google Python Style guide. We will include a pylint plugin called docparams to validate the parameters of docstrings:

  • parameters and their types
    • types are only required in function signatures and sphinx will build parameter type hyperlinks based on that.
  • return value and its type
  • exceptions raised

You should take special care of the indentations in your documentation. Make sure the indents are consistent and follow the Google Style guide. All sections other than the heading should maintain a hanging indent of two or four spaces. Refer to the examples here for what is expected and what are the requirements for different sections like args, lists, returns, etc. Invalid indentations might trigger errors in sphinx-build and will cause confusing rendering of the documentation. You can run sphinx-build locally to see whether the generated docs look reasonable.

Another aspect that should be noted is the format of links or cross-references of python objects. Make sure to follow the sphinx cross-referencing syntax. The references will be checked by sphinx-build nit-picky mode which raises warnings for all the missing and unresolvable links.

Jupyter Notebook

Notebooks are written under docs/notebook_tutorial folder, and we keep notebooks there for several reasons. First, it's friendly for new users to learn forte with a runnable notebook. Second, it can be rendered directly by the sphinx documentation pacakge by including the relative path to notebook in docs/index_toc.rst. It is straightforward for users to make references on how to use forte with the context of application. Third, we write notebook testing under tests/forte/notebook to ensure the notebook is runnable as API changes.

Notebook Rendering

Jupyter notebook written under docs/notebook_tutorial will be rendered in the sphinx documentation using package nbsphinx. You need to make sure notebook can be rendered normally in sphinx documentation. After writing notebook under , run this command under docs folder. It might give you some sphinx warnings and you need to fix them.

Notebook Hyperlinks

As notebook is rendered in the sphinx documentation, we might want to include hyperlinks to other sphinx pages in the documentation. For example, if we want to mention another rst file, we can write the hyperlinks in the markdown way with the relative path to the rst file such as [reader](../toc/reader.rst).

Notebook Testing

As notebook includes code that might break over time when API changes. Plus, we want to test code efficiently. Therefore, we test notebook by using package testbook. User can refer to for how to test notebook.

Notebook Dependency

As notebook will be running in github CI, we need to consider its package dependencies and add required packages in matrix.notebook-details.dep. As current notebooks requires fortex packages, so we limit torch version == 1.5.0 while testing notebooks.

Notebook Output

Notebooks will not be running automatically after committing files to the repository. Developer needs to keep notebook cell outputs that are needed for the purpose of illustration.

Git Commit Style

  • Limit the first line to 72 characters or less
  • Reference issues and pull requests in the second line
  • For documentation only changes, use [skip ci] or [ci skip] in your commit messages to skip travis build.