The most important file of configuration is data/hoverboard.config.json
which looks like:
"url": "..",
"startDate": "..",
"endDate": "..",
"analytics": {..},
"organizer": {..},
"webapp": {..},
"firebase": {..},
"mailchimp": {..},
"hashtag": "..",
"disqusShortName": "..",
"tweetsSource": "..",
"partnershipProposition": "..",
"videosSessionsUrl": "..",
"enableSessionsRating": "..",
"navigation": [..],
"social": [..],
"location": {..}
"social": [..],
"gallery": {..}
The project doesn't use any generators, so there is a need to edit manually
meta data in index.html
<meta name="description"
content="The biggest Google tech conference in Ukraine carefully crafted for you by GDG community! All about Android, Web and Cloud from the world experts">
<meta name="keywords"
content="event, gdg, gde, devfest, google, programming, android, chrome, polymer, developers, web, cloud, androiddev">
<meta name="author" content="GDG Lviv">
<title>GDG DevFest Ukraine 2016</title>
Replace GA tracking code in index.html
trackingId: window.ENV === 'prod' ? 'UA-43643469-8' : 'UA-43643469-9'
It's possible to have analytics for development and production. Select your environment on line:
window.ENV = 'dev';
"pages": {
"home": {
"headerSettings": {
"backgroundColor": "#FF9800",
"backgroundImage": "/images/backgrounds/home.png",
"fontColor": "#fff",
"tabBarColor": "#fff",
// data only applicable for the home page
"video": {
"title": "GDG DevFest Ukraine 2016",
"youtubeId": "DfMnJAzOFng",
"text": "See how it was in 2015"
// hides logo from the toolbar
"hideLogo": true,
// Is more like hack :)
"minHeight": "360px"
"blog": {
"headerSettings": {
"backgroundColor": "#03a9f4",
"fontColor": "#fff",
"tabBarColor": "#fff"
If you don't need some pages, don't forget to remove them (or comment out)
in hoverboard-app.html
<neon-animated-pages attr-for-selected="name">
<home-page name="home"></home-page>
<blog-page name="blog"></blog-page>
And in navigation
"navigation": [
"route": "home",
"permalink": "/"
"route": "blog",
"permalink": "/blog/"
This configs reflects in toolbar-block.html
and drawer-block.html
"tweetsSource": "/data/tweets.json",
To make it more dynamic use Tweetledee which provides ready-bake PHP files that allow you to access Twitter user timelines, user favorites, lists, home timelines, and tweet search data in a JSON.
"tweetsSource": "https://<YOUR_APP>",
You can install Tweetledee on Heroku.
Download the latest version of Tweetledee; unzip and deploy on their server.
Note: don't forget to enable CORS, changing $TLD_JS = 0;
to $TLD_JS = 1;
Read full documentation on the official website.
Or you can upload the files to a server hosting any website in the public_html directory and use the link pointing to the files in your tweetSource.
"tweetsSource": "http://domain/tweetledee/favoritesjson.php?c=10&cache_interval=8000",
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
at the top of your tweetledee_keys.php file to enable CORS.
Now your Hoverboard is up configured, learn how to integrate firebase in your app, style app and deploy.