OpenST is a framework for building token economies. OpenST supports interactions with openst-contracts. It requires openst-contracts for ABIs and BINs of contracts.
This library assumes that nodejs and geth are installed and running. To install OpenST.js in your project using npm:
$ npm install @openstfoundation/openst.js --save
The code works for Ethereum Byzantium and Petersburg.
// Creating OpenST.js object
const OpenST = require('@openstfoundation/openst.js');
Before deploying contracts, please set some constants to funded addresses that you control.
// Initialize web3 object using the geth endpoint
const Web3 = require('web3');
const web3Provider = new Web3('');
// deployer address
const deployerAddress = '0xaabb1122....................';
// Worker address
const worker = '0xaabb1122....................';
// Relayer address
const relayer = '0xaabb1122....................';
// It's needed for unlock account before doing transaction.
const passphrase = 'some passphrase.....';
// Other constants
const gasPrice = '0x12A05F200';
const gas = '7500000';
An Organization contract serves as an on-chain access control mechanism by assigning roles to a set of addresses.
const { Organization } = OpenST.ContractInteract;
const organizationOwner = '0xaabb1122....................';
const admin = '0xaabb1122....................';
const orgConfig = {
deployer: deployerAddress,
owner: organizationOwner,
admin: admin,
workers: [worker],
workerExpirationHeight: '200000000' // This is the block height for when the the worker is set to expire.
const txOptions = {
gasPrice: '0x3B9ACA00',
from : deployerAddress,
gas: '7500000', // This is an optional parameter, if not passed gas will be estimated.
let organizationContractInstance;
let organizationAddress;
Organization.setup(web3Provider, orgConfig, txOptions).then(function(instance){
organizationContractInstance = instance;
organizationAddress = organizationContractInstance.address;
To perform economy setup, you will need an EIP20Token. You can either use an existing EIP20Token contract or deploy a new one.
One TokenRules contract is deployed per Organization. Only the Organization whitelisted workers can register rule contracts in the TokenRules contract.
txOptions = {
from: deployerAddress,
gasPrice: gasPrice,
gas: gas
const tokenRulesSetupObject = new OpenST.Setup.TokenRules(web3Provider);
let tokenRulesAddress;
tokenRulesSetupObject.deploy(organization, eip20Token, txOptions).then(function(response){
tokenRulesAddress = response.receipt.contractAddress;
txOptions = {
from: deployerAddress,
gasPrice: gasPrice,
gas: gas
const userSetup = new OpenST.Setup.User(web3Provider);
let tokenHolderMasterCopyAddress;
tokenHolderMasterCopyAddress = response.receipt.contractAddress;
txOptions = {
from: deployerAddress,
gasPrice: gasPrice,
gas: gas
const userSetup = new OpenST.Setup.User(web3Provider);
let gnosisMasterCopyAddress;
gnosisMasterCopyAddress = response.receipt.contractAddress;
txOptions = {
from: deployerAddress,
gasPrice: gasPrice,
gas: gas
const userSetup = new OpenST.Setup.User(web3Provider);
let delayedRecoveryModuleMasterCopyAddress;
delayedRecoveryModuleMasterCopyAddress = response.receipt.contractAddress;
txOptions = {
from: deployerAddress,
gasPrice: gasPrice,
gas: gas
const userSetup = new OpenST.Setup.User(web3Provider);
let createAndAddModulesAddress;
createAndAddModulesAddress = response.receipt.contractAddress;
txOptions = {
from: deployerAddress,
gasPrice: gasPrice,
gas: gas
const userSetup = new OpenST.Setup.User(web3Provider);
let userWalletFactoryAddress;
userWalletFactoryAddress = response.receipt.contractAddress;
txOptions = {
from: deployerAddress,
gasPrice: gasPrice,
gas: gas
const userSetup = new OpenST.Setup.User(web3Provider);
let proxyFactoryAddress;
proxyFactoryAddress = response.receipt.contractAddress;
txOptions = {
from: deployerAddress,
gasPrice: gasPrice,
gas: gas
const rulesSetup = new OpenST.Setup.Rules(web3Provider);
const baseCurrencyCode = 'OST';
const conversionRate = 10;
const conversionRateDecimals = 5;
const requiredPriceOracleDecimals = 18;
let pricerRuleAddress;
rulesSetup.deployPricerRule(baseCurrencyCode, conversionRate, conversionRateDecimals, requiredPriceOracleDecimals, txOptions).then(function(response){
pricerRuleAddress = response.receipt.contractAddress;
txOptions = {
from: worker,
gasPrice: gasPrice,
gas: gas
const pricerRule = 'PricerRule';
const tokenRules = new OpenST.Helpers.TokenRules(tokenRulesAddress, web3Provider);
const pricerRuleAbi = abiBinProvider.getABI(pricerRule);
tokenRules.registerRule(pricerRule, pricerRuleAddress, pricerRuleAbi.toString(), txOptions).then(function(response){
console.log("Successfully registered PricerRule");
txOptions = {
from: deployerAddress,
gasPrice: gasPrice,
gas: gas
const User = new OpenST.Helpers.User(
const owner = '0xaabb1122....................';
const ephemeralKey = '0xaabb1122....................';
const sessionKeySpendingLimit = '1000000';
const sessionKeyExpirationHeight = '100000000000';
const threshold = 1;
const recoveryOwnerAddress = '0xaabb1122....................';
const recoveryControllerAddress = '0xaabb1122....................';
const recoveryBlockDelay = 10;
let gnosisSafeProxy;
let userTokenHolderProxy;
const returnValues =;
const userWalletEvent = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(returnValues));
gnosisSafeProxy = userWalletEvent._gnosisSafeProxy;
userTokenHolderProxy = userWalletEvent._tokenHolderProxy;
txOptions = {
from: deployerAddress,
gasPrice: gasPrice,
gas: gas
const User = new OpenST.Helpers.User(
null, // gnosis safe master copy address
null, // delayed recovery module master copy address
null, // create and add modules contract address
const owner = '0xaabb1122....................';
const ephemeralKey = '0xaabb1122....................';
const sessionKeySpendingLimit = '1000000';
const sessionKeyExpirationHeight = '100000000000';
let companyTokenHolderProxy;
const returnValues =;
const proxyEvent = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(returnValues));
companyTokenHolderProxy = proxyEvent._proxy;
const txOptions = {
from: relayer,
gasPrice: gasPrice,
gas: gas
const tokenRules = new OpenST.Helpers.TokenRules(tokenRulesAddress, web3Provider);
const receiver = '0xaabb1122....................';
const directTransferCallData = tokenRules.getDirectTransferExecutableData([receiver], [100]);
const nonce = 0; // Ephemeral key current nonce.
const tokenHolder = new OpenST.Helpers.TokenHolder(web3Provider, userTokenHolderProxy);
let transaction = {
from: userTokenHolderProxy,
to: tokenRulesAddress,
data: directTransferCallData,
nonce: nonce,
callPrefix: tokenHolder.getTokenHolderExecuteRuleCallPrefix(),
value: 0,
gasPrice: 0,
gas: 0
let ephemeralKeyAccountInstance; // Construct account instance of ephemeral key
const vrs = ephemeralKeyAccountInstance.signEIP1077Transaction(transaction);
tokenHolder.executeRule(tokenRulesAddress, directTransferCallData, nonce, vrs.r, vrs.s, vrs.v, txOptions).then(function(response){
console.log("Successful transfer done!");
Make sure PriceOracle contract is already deployed. Refer PriceOracle npm for setup of PriceOracle contract.
async function pay() {
let txOptions = {
from: worker,
gasPrice: gasPrice,
gas: gas
const pricerRule = new OpenST.Helpers.Rules.PricerRule(web3Provider, pricerRuleAddress);
let priceOracleAddress;
const acceptanceMargin = '10000000000000000000';
await pricerRule.addPriceOracle(priceOracleAddress, txOptions); // Set PriceOracle address in PricerRule.
await pricerRule.setAcceptanceMargin('USD', acceptanceMargin, txOptions); // Set appropriate acceptance margin.
txOptions = {
from: relayer,
gasPrice: gasPrice,
gas: gas
const tokenHolder = new OpenST.Helpers.TokenHolder(web3Provider, userTokenHolderProxy);
const receiver = '0xaabb1122....................';
const nonce = 0; // Ephemeral key current nonce.
let baseCurrencyIntendedPrice; // Current OST/USD price.
const pricerRulePayCallData = pricerRule.getPayExecutableData(userTokenHolderProxy, [receiver], ['1000'], 'USD', baseCurrencyIntendedPrice);
let transaction = {
from: userTokenHolderProxy,
to: pricerRuleAddress,
data: pricerRulePayCallData,
nonce: nonce,
callPrefix: tokenHolder.getTokenHolderExecuteRuleCallPrefix(),
value: 0,
gasPrice: 0,
gas: 0
let ephemeralKeyAccountInstance;
const signatureObj = ephemeralKeyAccountInstance.signEIP1077Transaction(transaction);
tokenHolder.executeRule(pricerRuleAddress, pricerRulePayCallData, nonce, signatureObj.r, signatureObj.s, signatureObj.v, txOptions).then( function() {
console.log("Successful transfer done!");
async function addWallet() {
const txOptions = {
from: relayer,
gasPrice: gasPrice,
gas: gas
const gnosisSafe = new Package.Helpers.GnosisSafe(gnosisSafeProxy, web3Provider);
const threshold = 1;
const ownerToAdd = '0xaabb1122....................';
const ownerToAddWithThresholdCallData = gnosisSafe.getAddOwnerWithThresholdExecutableData(ownerToAdd, threshold);
const nullAddress = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
const nonce = await gnosisSafe.getNonce();
const safeTxData = await gnosisSafe.getSafeTxData(gnosisSafeProxy, 0, ownerToAddWithThresholdCallData, 0, 0, 0, 0, nullAddress, nullAddress, nonce);
// 2. Generate EIP712 Signature.
const signatureObj = await owner.signEIP712TypedData(safeTxData);
await gnosisSafe.execTransaction(gnosisSafeProxy, 0, ownerToAddWithThresholdCallData, 0, 0, 0, 0, nullAddress, nullAddress, signatureObj.signature, txOptions);
Similar above steps apply for removeWallet and replaceWallet operations.
async function authorizeSession() {
const txOptions = {
from: relayer,
gasPrice: gasPrice,
gas: gas
const tokenHolder = new TokenHolder(web3Provider, userTokenHolderProxy);
const sessionKeyToAuthorize = '0xaabb1122....................';
const spendingLimit = '1000000000000';
const expirationHeight = '100000000000';
const nullAddress = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
const authorizeSessionCallData = tokenHolder.getAuthorizeSessionExecutableData(sessionKeyToAuthorize, spendingLimit, expirationHeight);
const gnosisSafe = new Package.Helpers.GnosisSafe(gnosisSafeProxy, web3Provider);
const nonce = await gnosisSafe.getNonce();
const safeTxData = gnosisSafe.getSafeTxData(userTokenHolderProxy, 0, authorizeSessionCallData, 0, 0, 0, 0, nullAddress, nullAddress, nonce);
const signatureObj = await owner.signEIP712TypedData(safeTxData);
await gnosisSafe.execTransaction(userTokenHolderProxy, 0, authorizeSessionCallData, 0, 0, 0, 0, nullAddress, nullAddress, signatureObj.signature, txOptions);
Similar above steps apply for revokeSession and logout operations.
openst.js comes with an abi-bin provider for managing abi(s) and bin(s).
The abiBinProvider provides abi(s) and bin(s) for the following contracts:
- TokenHolder (TokenHolder contract deployed on UtilityChain)
- TokenRules (TokenRules contract deployed on UtilityChain)
- PricerRule (PricerRule is a rule contract deployed on UtilityChain)
- GnosisSafe (MultiSignature wallet with support for confirmations using signed messages)
- DelayedRecoveryModule (Allows to replace an owner without Safe confirmations)
- CreateAndAddModules (Allows to create and add multiple module in one transaction)
- UserWalletFactory (Creates proxy for GnosisSafe, TokenHolder and DelayedRecoveryModule)
// Fetching ABI examples.
let abiBinProvider = new OpenST.AbiBinProvider();
const TokenHolderAbi = abiBinProvider.getABI('TokenHolder');
Tests require docker-compose. To run the tests, execute below command from root directory.
// For unit tests.
npm run test
// For integration tests.
npm run test:integration