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- HEP Computing Challenges and the HSF, Snowmass Small Experiments Workshop, 16 November 2021, Elizabeth Sexton-Kennedy
- The HEP Software Foundations and its Activities, SwiftHep/ExcaliburHep workshop, 2 November 2021, Caterina Doglioni
- HEP Computing Challenges and the HSF, ILC Workshop on Potential Experiments (ILCX2021), 28 October 2021, Graeme A Stewart
- Software R&D an International Perspective, UK PPTAP Computing & Software Roadmap Workshop, 19 July 2021, Graeme A Stewart
- The HSF WLCG Virtual Workshop Experience, IRIS-HEP Virtual Meeting on Virtual Meetings, 5 May 2021, Graeme A Stewart
- The HSF landscape - recent activities & plans, SWIFT-HEP/Excalibur-HEP workshop, 14 January 2021, Eduardo Rodrigues
- HSF Community Overview, Nuclear Physics Software & Computing Round Table, 12 January 2021, Graeme A Stewart
- HSF - Python and PyHEP, Nuclear Physics Software & Computing Round Table, 12 January 2021, Eduardo Rodrigues
- HSF Training, Nuclear Physics Software & Computing Round Table, 12 January 2021, Sudhir Malik
- HSF PyHEP WG and the PyHEP 2020 workshop, Electron-Ion Collider Software Seminar, 26 August 2020, Eduardo Rodrigues
- The View (on end-user analysis) from HSF, Snowmass Computational Frontier Kickoff Workshop, 10 August 2020, Teng Jian Khoo
- Meeting Future Software Challenges in High-Energy Physics, Rutherford Appleton Lab Particle Physics Division Serminar, 22 July 2020, Graeme A Stewart
- International efforts on efficient computing - HEP Software Foundation, Efficient Computing in HEP Workshop, Edinburgh, 17 February 2020, Graeme A Stewart
- [HSF Update]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/MJ-WLCG_OB-2019-06-12.pdf), WLCG Overview Board, 12 June 2019, Michel Jouvin
- [Meeting Future Software Challenges in High-Energy Physics]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/HSF-UNIGE-Seminar.pdf), University of Geneva Seminar, 22 May 2019, Graeme A Stewart
- HSF Overview, Electron-Ion Collider Software Meeting, 20 May 2019, Graeme A Stewart
- [Computing & Software work - recognition & citations in publications]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/EduardoRodrigues-LHCb-2019-01-15.pdf), LHCb Weekly Meeting, 15 January 2019, Eduardo Rodrigues
- [HEP Software Foundation (R&D) activities]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/EduardoRodrigues-CMS-2018-10-23.pdf), ECOM2X WG7 Meeting, CERN, 23 October 2018, Eduardo Rodrigues
- [Python in HEP - first workshop, community activities]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/EduardoRodrigues-LHCb-2018-09-18.pdf), LHCb Weekly Meeting, CERN, 19 September 2018, Eduardo Rodrigues
- HEP Software Foundation, Spanish Computing Challenges Meeting (COMCHA), 12 September 2018, Graeme A Stewart
- Future opportunities and challenges for software in HEP, ECFA Plenary Meeting, 20 July 2018, Graeme A Stewart
- HSF Community White Paper: Lessons and Future Work, CHEP2018 Plenary Talk, 11 July 2018, Michel Jouvin
- HSF R&D and Activities after Naples, ATLAS S&C Week, 25 June 2018, Graeme A Stewart
- Update from HSF, EIC Software Consortium Meeting, 17 May 2018, Graeme A Stewart
- Analysis Facilities and Use Cases - Next steps after Naples, WLCG GDB Meeting, CERN, 11 April 2018, Oliver Gutsche, Eduardo Rodrigues
- Lessons from HEP Software Foundation Community White Paper, 4th Scientific Computing Forum, 23 Feb 2018, Michel Jouvin
- The HSF CWP, 11th Terascale Alliance Workshop, 28 Nov 2017, Benedikt Hegner
- The HSF CWP, 3rd Scientific Computing Forum, 29 Oct 2017, Graeme A Stewart
- HSF CWP Status, WLCG GDBn, CERN, 13 Sep 2017, Michel Jouvin
- Summary of the HSF CWP Workshop in Annecy presented to CERN EP/SFT, 17 Jul 2017, Benedikt Hegner
- Parallel Processing in HEP, ECFA Plenary meeting on Particle Physics and Society Extending our Vision and Reach, EPS-HEP Venice, 8 July 2017, Graeme A Stewart
- HSF and the Community White Paper, Workshop on Algorithms and Numerical Tools for QCD, Orsay/France, 15 May 2017, Michel Jouvin
- HSF and the Community White Paper - Report on the San Diego Workshop presented to CERN EP/SFT, 6 Feb 2017, Benedikt Hegner, Lorenzo Moneta
- HSF and San Diego Workshop Summary - IN2P3 (France), Meeting of IN2P3 Computing Division Heads, Lyon, 31 January 2017, Michel Jouvin
- Hep Software Foundation and Community White Paper, at the 10th Annual Meeting of the Helmholtz Alliance, Nov 22-23, 2016, Frank Gaede
- Challenges in the HEP SW Landscape at the 2016 KET-Meeting, 18 Nov 2016, Benedikt Hegner
- Community White Paper: A Roadmap for HEP Software and Computing - Status and Plans at CHEP 2016, 11 Oct 2016, Peter Elmer
- Community White Paper: A Roadmap for HEP Software and Computing - Status and Plans at WLCG Workshop 2016, 9 Oct 2016, Peter Elmer
- Developing the Roadmap for HL-LHC Software at the ECFA HL-LHC Experiments Workshop, 3-6 Oct 2016, Pere Mato
- Community White Paper on HEP software and computing at WLCG Management Board, 21 Jun 2016, Peter Elmer
- Community White Paper: a roadmap for the HSF? at WLCG Overview Board, 3 Jun 2016, Peter Elmer
- Preparing SW for the Future at the 2016 WLCG Workshop, Feb 3 2016, Benedikt Hegner
- HSF initiatives at Belle II General Meeting, Feb 3 2016, Pere Mato (non public agenda)
- HSF summary at ATLAS Software Technical Meeting, Nov 11 2015, Benedikt Hegner
- HSF initiatives at CMS Offline and Computing Week, Oct 15 2015, Pere Mato
- Software Evolution - HSF at 2015 WLCG Workshop, Apr 12 2015, Elizabeth Sexton-Kennedy
- [Workshop summary]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/Benedikt%20Hegner%20HSFSummary.pdf) presented to CERN PH-SFT, Feb 2015, Benedikt Hegner
- [Workshop summary]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/HSF-Summary-Vakho-Tsulaia-ATLAS.pdf) presented to ATLAS S&C Week, Feb 2015, Vakho Tsulaia
- [Workshop summary]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/HSF-SLAC-workshop-summary-GDB-Feb.pdf) presented to the WLCG GDB, Feb 2015, Michel Jouvin
- [HSF introduction]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/HSF-intro-intensity-20150108.pdf) presented to the intensity frontier community, Jan 8 2015, Torre Wenaus