title | author | layout |
Technical Notes |
Andrew McNab |
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The HEP Software Foundation technical note series was created to provide a curated, archival home for documents arising from or relevant to the activities of the HSF and related projects. All suggestions for including documents in the series are welcome. Please contact the current technical notes (TNs) series editor (Andrew McNab) for help in submitting notes or to discuss whether they are within the scope of the series.
Notes should be referenced in other publications as Author(s), "The Title", HSF-TN-YYYY-NN, Zenodo, DOI link rather than with a URL. Example citations can be found on either the GitHub or DOI links in the table of TNs below.
The Technical Notes policy is set out in the first technical note. Finalized notes and some of the later stages of the acceptance process are stored in the HSF GitHub repository. Final PDF files are copied to the main hepsoftwarefoundation.org website.
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TN Number | Title | Authors | Download |
HSF-TN-2018-01 | HSF Platform Naming Conventions | B. Hegner | [PDF]({{ site.baseurl }}/notes/HSF-TN-2018-01.pdf) GitHub |
HSF-TN-2016-04 | Vacuum Platform | A. McNab | [PDF]({{ site.baseurl }}/notes/HSF-TN-2016-04.pdf) GitHub DOI |
HSF-TN-2016-03 | HSF Packaging Working Group Report | B. Hegner, L. Sexton-Kennedy | [PDF]({{ site.baseurl }}/notes/HSF-TN-2016-03.pdf) GitHub |
HSF-TN-2016-02 | Machine/Job Features | M. Alef et al. | [PDF]({{ site.baseurl }}/notes/HSF-TN-2016-02.pdf) GitHub DOI |
HSF-TN-2016-01 | Software Licence Agreements HSF Policy Guidelines | J. Harvey et al. | [PDF]({{ site.baseurl }}/notes/HSF-TN-2016-01.pdf) GitHub DOI |
HSF-TN-2015-01 | HSF Technical Notes policy | A. McNab | [PDF]({{ site.baseurl }}/notes/HSF-TN-2015-01.pdf) GitHub DOI |
Once the TN is finalized and you are ready to submit all documents to the GitHub repository, please follow these instructions to obtain a DOI on Zenodo:
- Go to Upload then New Upload on the Zenodo website.
- Click on the Reserve DOI javascript button under DOI (and keep the form page loaded!).
- Copy and paste the reserved DOI into the .tex file from the Git repo.
- Rebuild PDF.
- Upload to Zenodo as normal on the same form page as the reserved DOI.
- Push to GitHub.
It is a good idea to also add a README file with information on how to cite the note, see the examples under links such as this one.
Before being assigned an HSF reference and being archived in their final form, final drafts are published on the hsf-forum mailing list by the TNs series editor. In most cases, this consultation stage is intended to cover the formatting and language quality of the notes, rather than the substantive content which has already been decided by the relevant HSF activity or external project.
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Draft TN Reference | Title | Authors | Ends | Download |
HSF-TN-2016-PROJ | HSF Project Best Practices | B. Hegner | 2018-07-31 | GitHub |
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Draft TN Reference | Title | Authors | Download |
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